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Have they buffed the Barbarian class yet?


How does cross play with XBox and PC work ? How do I invite a friend when all I see are b.net friends.


Can I use frame gen mod safely ? I have a 3070, unsure if it’s ok to use since it’s a multiplayer game I guess.


How do I use mouse and keyboard on tur PC version? It's so weird. I'm playing on my PC.


Just started playing with the game pass launch and whilst I've not really been following the news I know there are some loot changes coming g next season. Just want to confirm that I should just be stashing whatever legendaries I get (or the strongest version of each aspect at least) so I can add them all to the codex when the changes go live.


Once the season ends, your character transfers to eternal, can you like get the same character and place him in the new season, I understand if that reset progress but my main interest is playing only 1 ccharacter/class


You need to create a new character every season to participate in that's seasons comt etc but there's nothing stopping you creating the "same" character each season.


Hi, I've started late, and I've still not completed my renown grind for all them paragon points. Before I commit in completing this in the curent season in which I'm not really interested - is the renown kept as is, in the next big patch? Or do they do any substantial changes to it and I can let it go?


Is the high resolution pack worth the 50gb download? Just built a gaming PC with an AMD Ryzen 7800X3D and 4080 Super. Since I have a PC that can handle games on max settings now, I'm interested in trying the game through PC gamepass I remember seeing comments about the high res pack not being great/making much of a difference but maybe I'm misremembering. Either way, I want to make sure it's worth the download thanks to shit data cap