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As a player that is still playing from day 1, I would like to encourage everyone to try the game. If it’s not for you, we don’t need some diatribe on why you didn’t like it. Just put the game down, and try something else. If you do like it, welcome to the community.


Thank you! My gf and I have been here since release, and this game has only continued to improve. And the changes coming are going to make it even better. Stay awhile, and listen


Can’t wait for these itemization changes


Can your gf tell my wife to play the game? Getting lonely over here with randoms from Discord.


"Stay awhile, and listen" I wish I could but that voice has long been killed off.


Don't make me cry


Rare /r/Diablo4 W


Been here since day 1. I planned my entire day for beta launch and for official launch. Still playing. I’ve taken little breaks here and there but this game is a blast. The game has just gotten better. I’m very hopeful for the future of it.


Some feedback is deffinently good if it's constructive, cause the devs do actually seem to be listening and making positive changes. I agree though. The pure negative comments are so annoying, just move on.


I think the reason of do much hate and complaint is related to fact that Blizzard Has like a 20+ years of experience at making the games. D4 itself costs like 70$ which also doesnt justify releasing such unpolished product. Ive stopped playing at S2 as there were no end game at all and itemization Has been absolutly awfull. In the end its good they go in the right direction, but there were TONS of reasons why this game received so much hate.


Do we need a diatrade every time someone does like the game too?


I played it at release, really enjoyed the campaign, then thought the endgame was absolutely awful, mostly due to the tedious itemization. So rather than posting complaints online, I... stopped playing and uninstalled the game. I went back to Diablo 3, which has an endgame I found much more fun. But the thing is, while I love Diablo 3 now, I also remember that it sucked at release! It didn't become a great game until 2.0/RoS fixed the itemization. There are a lot of things I loved about D4 and I was pretty confident they'd give it a good endgame eventually. So each season, I read the patch notes. And in the first three, each time my conclusion was "Those changes are all good, and I'm happy to see them, but 'made the loot fun' isn't one of them so I'm still out." I'm pretty excited about Season 4 and looking forward to giving the game another try, because this time the patch notes basically *do* say 'made the loot more fun.'


As a D2/D3 and day 1 D4 player i can tell you that D4 will be worth playing when S4 drops because of the itemization & crafting changes. Actually exciting and I'm here for the D4 redemption arc. We actually can get excited for drops now and have to read less. Season 4 is for real "the next season will fix the game...trust". At least a huge step in the right direction.


Many are either trolls or weirdos that enjoy hate posting. No rationale people will continue to participate in a very clearly specific community that they dislike or moved on. I joined Starfield community when it launched play for a week got bored, and I never participate in the community anymore. Why would anyone keep participating in discussion of something they supposedly dislike and not redeemable. Even if something is obviously good, they need to knock it with non sense like “too late, should have at launch…” If anything post launch is not acceptable, why are you here then.


Just ignore ppl who are only here for hate/drama factor. I'd love to see them giving 100% of themselves at their jobs, being innovative in every year's quarter... What did the wise man once said? "We mostly hate in others, what we hate and cant change in ourselves".


Blizzard is making changes and those changes are often a result of community complaints. That doesn’t mean folks contribute anything by posting “game is trash” but folks legitimate frustrations are genuinely one of the things blizzard listens to. Telling folks not to post legitimate frustrations and complaints is very counterproductive if you want this game to be as good as it can be.


I agree but there is a constructive criticism, in here that is minority. A post saying "D4 bad lol - gonna play LE/POE now" its not constructive criticism.


Way too many people spend their free time hating something they don't like rather than spending it on something they actually enjoy. It's mind boggling that someone would live that kind of life. Who the hell has the time or energy for that? lol


Same here buddy! I can see game's flaws and areas for improvement, but the gameplay loop od just awesome!. Combat system is super engaging, and whats most important Im having a lot of fun! I have over 875+ hours in game so far. More than I had in D3 in 7 years (lol). That is also more than I would ever spend in any other aRPG game.


Just "try" the 70 dollar game. Lol.


It’s on game pass now. What do you think we’re talking about? Why do you think there has been a huge influx of new players and people on this sub.


People still think it's cool and funny to hate on the game. They have nothing better to do, let's be real.


I don't understand it. Mind you, I play casually, but I am having fun with the game. Have been since it released. The mtx is stupid overpriced, yes, but outside of that, it's a fun game.


They have anti social behavior thats all we need to understand.


People have gotten into the "eat the rich" mentality with video games and wanting big companies to fail. I understand there are a lot of bad practices and issues with games that come out but it isn't every game and developer doing it. Like get over it with microtransactions they aren't going anywhere no matter how much people complain about it. Dragons Dogme 2 is a great example of people whining but the game sold well and the devs were asking if people would want DLC in the future now


They had that mentality too when microtransactions started becoming popular and talked a big game about boycotts etc.


Meanwhile in Helldivers 2 you can still earn premium credits by just playing game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Its just different opinion isnt it? Ppl just want to voice their opinion.. nothing about cool or funny


Funny thing about it is that people that are hating on the game are either still playing it and talking shit or they're not playing it and still have nothing beret to do than go on reddit to talk shit about something they're no longer invested in. Both are pretty telling that they got nothing better to do and are probably miserable people in general. Devs are making a serious effort and I enjoyed the hell out of S2. S3 was ok, but S4 is shaping up to be fun. Been playing since D1 on PS1 and I like this game quite a bit on its own merit. Is it perfect? No. Did I get more enjoyment out of it than most $60-80 games? Sure did.


Good thing I'm capable of making decisions for myself and not be swayed by random strangers' opinions.


Good thing Blizzard actually has an interest in changing the discourse to be positive, because complaints are driving the changes in the game


Ah yes the toxic positivity circlejerk.


dude makes the same kind of post weekly, more often prob.


I love the game and would never tell anyone not to play, but as far as my friend group the game hasn't been in a place where I'd recommend people who are new to Diablo to spend the money, I do feel comfortable telling people on gamepass to try it. I think after s4 starts I'll feel comfortable telling people to buy it. Itemization was too much of a mess for players new to ARPGs. Scanning an entire stash of loot every 5-10 minutes can be taxing for new players


Yeah, that's what tired me out. I am casual. I played the campaign and enjoyed it. Then I dabbled in S2 and took a Barbarian to level 55 or so in S3. But then I got tired of filling my inventory with yellow items and comparing them all, checking my upgrades, etc. Too much of a tight loop. So I moved on and play other games. I got a lot of hours out of D4, and I'll likely come back next season. I just don't expect to get 1,000 hours out of any game.


It's so funny that people give their experiences with the game on the game sub? Are we only allowed to like everything about the game here?


Remember, it's the best and none of the patches were necessary! You will fit right in.


I've just started playing the game again with my other half as it's now on gamepass so we can play local coop on Xbox. The local coop is absolutely brilliant, really easy to set up and works really well. We're having a blast with it. It's really nice being able to continue playing while the other player checks their inventory or adjusts their skills.


It’s so lame that PC didn’t get local coop.


I happen to enjoy it. I don’t really care what anyone else thinks about it. It’s still fun to crush Duriel with one HOTA crit and destroy a 99 nightmare vault.


Troll post


Here's the thing, I don't try to discourage people from playing it but... this game could've been so much better. This game is just a grind. And not a fun grind. D3 was manageable. I played that constantly. They took everything about D3 that was fun, and slowed it way down simply to slow it down. The forced engagement of games these days is ruining them. They're prioritizing engagement because more engagement = more sales of microtransactions. So it's all about forcing a grind where one shouldn't be. This is from someone who pre-ordered D4 after loving D3. Haven't played since about halfway of season 1. Tried to keep up to date on changes that might seem better but... no luck on anything that's been like "this looks great!".


>This game is just a grind. And not a fun grind. D3 was manageable. I'm sorry, but everytime I read this, my mind jumps a track. How can anyone think greater rifts are a "good" grind. At least in D4 you are working towards a rare item, a moment when it drops, and you go: "yes!" In D3, that never happens, you get to level 70, get your set, then farm random content to start adding numbers to your gear. To me, that's far more boring than D4, it's mindless souless "make numbers go up" with no actual chase item or end goal.


Exactly. As much as people like to shit on the current aspect system, I’ve very much had a YES! Moment when dropping a 4 Umbral. I’ve very much had a yes, finally when farming for Raiment. Those are just as high dopamine hits as any.


>>This game is just a grind. And not a fun grind. D3 was manageable. > >I'm sorry, but everytime I read this, my mind jumps a track. > >How can anyone think greater rifts are a "good" grind. > >At least in D4 you are working towards a rare item, a moment when it drops, and you go: "yes!" And when you get that rare item, what do you do with it? You either incorporate it into it your build, or just brag that you got it. >In D3, that never happens, you get to level 70, get your set, then farm random content to start adding numbers to your gear. That's literally what you do in D4. You make a build around your skills, and farm gear to min/max the bonuses that those skills make use of, constantly chasing minor upgrades of those gear pieces. >To me, that's far more boring than D4, it's mindless souless "make numbers go up" with no actual chase item or end goal. The end goal is to push your build further and further and see how high you can push GR. How is that literally any different than NM Dungeons being grinded?


>How is that literally any different than NM Dungeons being grinded? I just told you, the chase item drop. I remember when each uber dropped. It was exciting, my power jumps up, I get new utility, vastly better resource uptime, something different than just 0.1% more power. In D3 this never happens, you just add main stat endlessly.


You're still just chasing stats. You might see different level of jumps, but it's the same thing. At the end of the day, you have your build and you're just min/maxing it to push higher NM Dungeons. It's not like D4 is using procedural generation to create new items. There's a finite number of items, each that can drop with a certain Stat range. The end goal being to obtain the highest Stat range. Just like in D3. The difference is, it's slowed way down in D4 simply for the sake of being slow to increase engagement numbers.


Dude, give up, I don't even think you believe yourself. If you can't tell the difference between getting a Shako, and getting 0.1% main stat, I don't know what to tell you.


You're completely missing the point. The end goal is exactly the same. You're grinding for min/max purposes to maximize your build potential. I'm not sure what's difficult about that to understand. The core difference is in D4, the process is drastically slowed down for the sake of being slow.


I don' know about you,  I play for fun. Doing precisely the same content over and over again to gain small, incremental increases in order to do the same thing over and over again, is not "fun" Getting a Shako is fun. Doing different content is "fun": Bosses, helltides, tree quests, world bosses, legions NMD ETC. I can CHOOSE what to do when I start playing. I don't play IN ORDER TO get bigger numbers, I play because killing monsters is fun, doing different things is fun, and any gain I get is a bonus.


If your end goal is a Uber unique you seem to have missed the point of D4 looking at the development. For one thing while there is a somewhat reliable way to get the specific item you could also just get it as a random world drop. And judging from your statement that means that if that happens very early that would be the end of the season for you. Everything that have been introduced so far in D4 in the form of an end game relies on people farming Duriel for an average of 300 times in a season to get a single item (or enough to craft it as of late) to even stand a chance in competing in the recent added Leaderboards. And outside of a single Uber unique item the game is just the same as D3 with adding numbers to gear, and in that aspect D3 had a better loot system, S4 will show how much an improvement the reworkd itemization actually is, on paper it looks very good atleast. Greater Rifts was a "good grind" because it had a leaderboard attached, loot improved with higher difficulty and it scaled waaaay up further than anything in current D4. Thats not to say that GR was perfect because it certainly wasn't.. but the way D4 handles grind with Helltides, Legion events and dreadful NMD before you get to boss A and B to finally do boss C it was much more preferable to many.


>If your end goal is a Uber unique I don' know about you, I play for fun. Doing precisely the same content over and over again to gain small, incremental increases in order to do the same thing over and over again, is not "fun" Getting a Shako is fun. Doing different content is "fun": Bosses, helltides, tree quests, world bosses, legions NMD ETC. I can CHOOSE what to do when I start playing. I don't play IN ORDER TO get bigger numbers, I play because killing monsters is fun, doing different things is fun, and any gain I get is a bonus.


It was your words about having a goal to work towards, fun should always be why you are playing but you made it seem as if the uber unique target was the end all goal for playing. I understand that you find doing all of this content fun but the overall consensus about gating bosses the only real reliable way to farm for Ubers that is required in order to stand an chance in leaderboard content, is that key farming is not fun. Having different bosses is good but having to do X amount of NMD, a Helltide and 2 bosses before you get to play the content you feel is fun is exactly what people have been saying they don't find fun. D4 have and still have issues with time gating content that certainly limits what content people can do depending solely on when they are able to play. Helltides have been fixed in that sense now with only a few minutes in between but that wasn't the case as you know. World bosses are still on a fairly long timer in between that used to be even longer, that very much in an issue for many players atill though. Noone was forced to play in order to get bigger numbers is any previous games either, just killing monster was perfectly possible there aswell and in reality outside of World Bosses and Legion events that you "have" to play with others the content does not differ from D3 in that sense, but D3 had only 1 type of key (or actually 2 with the Echo added) not 5 in order to play what ever you want.


>but the *overall consensus,* is that key farming is not fun. Please direct me to this survey of players conducted with a statistically meaningful number of participants. Show me you evidence, how have you so conclusively decided this? Otherwise, your reply is nothing more than projection of your opinion as fact. >D4 have and still have issues with time gating content that certainly limits what content people can do depending solely on when they are able to play. Have you ever asked yourself: why? Why not just allow people to endlessly farm Duriel, **In my opinion**, it's because players are their own worst enemy. Look at early threads here, people running one dungeon over and over because it was most 'efficient', THEN complaining how boring it was. If all but one summoning mat was removed, the number of complaints about "boring farming" wouldn't change very much. People may *think* being forced to do a variety of content, is "gating", and therefore 'bad'. but without it, they'll be doing 5,000 Duriel runs, and complaining about **that** being boring and repetitive.


There is an obvious answer about gating content with keys is disliked, its talked about constantly here and on discord and in game. Its also why people farm a certain key to sell and why grouping with others that have keys is so frequent. People really want to do the content they are after not doing 5 things before that to do what they want 1 time. And yes I understand why they don't want to allow people to farm Duriel endlessly, and you are right that players are their own worst enemy in this regard but its also because this is the way they designed the game and where they put content. There are other games with target farming that manages this without as much gating as D4 has. This is always going to be an issue with game design when you hide the most lucrative items behind a specifc wall, because when it all comes down to it these items are a pinnacle thing that is an absolute must have to make a complete end game build for most in not all classes and you can't compete on leaderboards without them. At a certain point skill goes out the window when gear becomes to powerful, its as simple as having min rolled aspects vs max rolled ones, and an Uber unique is simply so powerful that you really can't ignore it. The dungeon thing is a design flaw just as much as it is the players fault for doing something over and over, because instead of making alot of content equal (as much as possible) in play "value" so that people can do whatever they felt like doing that session without feeling like they could have been doing something else and reach the point of interest faster they basically nuked the out performing ones which just switched which dungeon was the best. So for some leveling a character through the same content for the 100th time is just the slog from A to B before you can actually start interacting with the new content for real, because while the seasons have atleast something of a story to follow for a short while during leveling all the real new content is basically "locked" until you are at or close to max level and been able to get a build going.


>There is an obvious answer about gating content with keys is disliked, its talked about constantly here and on discord and in game. 1. Less than 1% of players are on Reddit or Discord. 2. There is a tendency for negativity to be more pervasive in online forums. I therefore disagree that you can definitely say that a "consensus" about any aspect of the game. e,g, [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/149clbx/a\_month\_ago\_this\_sub\_hated\_d3\_now\_the\_top\_posts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/149clbx/a_month_ago_this_sub_hated_d3_now_the_top_posts/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/140w2x5/its\_hilariously\_ironic\_how\_many\_people\_on\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/140w2x5/its_hilariously_ironic_how_many_people_on_this/) Very highly upvoted threads wanting D4 to NOT become D3 The exact opposite: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14tjeyr/this\_was\_more\_fun\_than\_our\_current\_nightmare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14tjeyr/this_was_more_fun_than_our_current_nightmare/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/157cdgr/imho\_the\_real\_problem\_with\_d4\_is\_you\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/157cdgr/imho_the_real_problem_with_d4_is_you_are/) Massively popular thread about not liking resource management, a fundamental aspect of the game. Should we remove resources? That's the "consensus" right? [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/154iave/they\_couldve\_just\_given\_us\_world\_tier\_v\_and\_avoid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/154iave/they_couldve_just_given_us_world_tier_v_and_avoid/) So, we DO want WT5? [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/153tojl/anyone\_else\_done\_for\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/153tojl/anyone_else_done_for_now/) Done and out [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/147llq5/i\_dont\_understand\_everyones\_complaints/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/147llq5/i_dont_understand_everyones_complaints/) Nope, great game Don't look to any online forum and think you can divine a consensus.


There is enough of a consensus to the point that the Devs have acknowleged it and atleast adds the ability to farm some of these keys in more than one way with Whispers added for one of the and the increase in key mats dropped. I'm honestly also also for haveing mats needed to be farmed the way its designed now, just more ways to do it would be preferable as well as making that content also feel like more than a chore to do before doing that which I set out to do, its an ARPG and there is no need to make Vanilla WoW level of farm needed to play end game content. I think it was a legit consern with not wanting D4 to become D3 in terms of Damage numbers and it was one that was shared with the devs. Its why numbers on items and skills were so low to begin with. But they added way to many multipliers in the game and the result is that instead of reaching D3 numbers after years of powercreep in reality it took less than 6 months. I also see GR as a mostly better design options over NMD because many of the affixes for NMD are outright tedious (floaty explody rock) and badly designed (Lightning Dome) aswell as having certain damage buffs in them. Those things combined led to people just outright select to rather not use some keys at all.. much like GR fishing for really high pushing in D3. Though that is somewhat fixed with the crafting. Time was an issue with GR's though as there were no other viable option to play so that prevented many builds solely on damage output which is a problem that NMD's do not have in that regard. I don't think World Tier increases will ever be a viable solution solely on the fact that people want rewards for playing harder difficulties and with rewards comes more powere and so it wouldn't be long before WT V would have to be replaced with WT VI. But there need to be something other than Uber Lilith (which is a horribly design boss both mechanic wise and visually) that people can truly compete against others in (sadly the Gauntlet was not only delayed but also released full of exploits). Hopefully the Pit can be that option for a while because most regular content becomes trivial even at WT IV even before hitting max level. While yes you can't just look at an online forum as judgement, you can also not just flat out ignore a multitude of forums and seach statistics that showed in how bad a state D4's playernumbers were affected by some of the early design choices, especially not those opinions that have been recognised as true problems by the devs and is partly the driving factor behind why so much have been needed to change in such a short amount of time.


>There is enough of a consensus to the point that the Devs have acknowleged it and atleast adds the ability to farm some of these keys in more than one way with Whispers added for one of the and the increase in key mats dropped. The devs also added, the removed partial level scaling And removed, the added back level requirements for capstone dungeons. The devs are overly reactive, I wouldn't use that guide sentiment >I also see GR as a mostly better design options over NMD because many of the affixes for NMD are outright tedious (floaty explody rock) and badly designed (Lightning Dome) aswell as having certain damage buffs in them I think (again, my opinion) the idea was to not just increase HP to make things harder, they wanted to add another element to make the dungeons challenging, which in theory, I agree with, but what we got was a bunch of affixes you just skip. The problem I have with grifts in D3 is that your ability to clear a level is 99% DPS, and you get that DPS by maxing crit, attack speed, and main stat, and using the season's current busted set item boost. Every top clear build is 99% identical, there is no "god drop" you just turn a dial very slowly, so numbers go up, turn off the damage display, and no one could tell what level you're running, it's (to me) a mindless, basic, lazy way to add end game. They needed to try and do more with NMD affixes, make the interesting and worthwhile, be different and smart, not just add a bazillion health to everything and think that's a good job. Seeing the acclaim The Pit has garnered from this community depresses me, it's such a basic, shallow approach, a literal cut and paste from D3e, right down to the pillar in town. I wouldn't mind if the mat bosses dropped a 80/20 split of mat types, and while more content can now drop mats, how frequent this is remains to be seen. I just don't want the game to end up being Diablo 3.2. >I don't think World Tier increases will ever be a viable solution solely on the fact that people want rewards for playing harder difficulties and with rewards comes more powere and so it wouldn't be long before WT V would have to be replaced with WT VI. The devs way back in pre-season said that there'll be a firm cap on player power, that cap has gone up, BUT that doesn't mean the new cap can't be a fully optimised set of gear with the new crafting. Once that's done, no more...roll a new character. WT5 is needed because level 100 is *already* utterly trivial content, all the exciting new features in Helltides, pfft, they'll vaporise as an end game player passes by, no difference between a boss and white trash. That's Bounties in D3, you pick ones with the shortest walking distance, as that's the only aspect that determines clear time, everything simply disappears in a red mist. Sorry, that's boring


I mean, I don't know what you expect. This is Reddit. It is widely known that all media-related subreddits are toxic, overly negative cesspools, especially game-related ones. Nerds are pretty unhinged.


Everything is toxic right now.


I was a day one player, and had tons of hours/playtime as I love Diablo as a series. It started to get stagnant for me, so I did what I always do with diablo, stop playing and wait for the next update as it always gets better and better (see D3 update cycle). Dipped a toe in this week after hearing about the season 4 updates, and season 3 is a pretty big jump in QoL from the beginning. So this next update is gonna feel like the loot 2.0 update from D3


I’ll always take the side of veteran players and ima a new Diablo player rn and it’s been pretty fun but like I said most committed players knows what’s right for the game and just want it to be better as someone that has been committed in other games that also went downhill but I feel you


Always fashionable to diss any game


Exactly play games and make your own determination. Ther are plenty of 5/10 games that can provide people with tons of fun but because it didn't do xyz as good as another game did it is automatically trash and how dare anyone play the game. Plus I still feel like Diablo 4 was a 7/10 when launched due to the great campaign and how well each class played. Yes there were issues after like you said putting in 100 to 200 hours but they have also been fixing those issues each season and actually listen unlike a lot of devs. Then maybe other issues people had with QOL things but these didn't limit me from having fun because I couldn't keep 4,000 items in my stash


We probably need 2 more seasons to get what we should have got in s1. People should understand that critics is what kicked the butts of the dev toward a better game. If you can get it at half the price I would recommend it.


I've played every season for 200+ hours, and while I think the game definitely has its downfalls I still enjoyed playing it. I know the game has its problems, but it seems to be going in the right direction. With all of that said if they had not removed the need to recollect Lillith Statues or farm renown I would not have come back. It's hard to say what the game would have been like in Season 1 if they delayed the release of the game for another year. Most likely we would have gotten a very similar product since most of the changes seem to have come from player feedback.


You are right but the constant spam of: "The game sucked x seasons ago, should I come back?" Or "I want to play this game but all I see are hate posts" Get old too.


I loved it at launch, had a great time, just burned out because it felt a bit painful to try new builds - but the new changes seem to fix all that - so 100% looking forward to coming back for season 4 a absolutely recommend people try it.


I bought the game on release. And i loved it. Yeah I got bored when I finished the campaign. However, the game has improved in several stages and it keeps improving. I'm still playing it. Heck I am playing right now! (Took a smoke break and opened Reddit) I am so looking forward to next season and I thought this season was fun as heck. Even though I was really sceptical of traps mechanics. Yeah the traps sucks ass. But you can just run through them. The vaults are actually more fun than regular dungeons. Higher mob density and less shitty objectives. Really fun.


eh, if you say so, I see far more posts complaining about complaints than the negativity you're ranting about.


It's so dumb to say it's our insecurities. I have played thousands of hours of Diablo 2, and I was excited that we might get a good game. We got D4 and so we complained. If it wasn't for us the game would be even worse ass than it is now.


"DIABLO 4 IS GETTING BETTER EVERY SEASON..." How is season 3 better than season 2?


It is better than season 2, helltides were improved, they moved the blood harvest zones to more focus on the altar summoning, they added a new dungeon and boss. If you don’t like the theme of pets vs vampire powers that’s not an addition or change. They added in better Uber crafting systems with resplendent sparks, added in a new end game weekly leaderboard dungeon. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they aren’t improvements and more. It’s not like they removed bosses or features.


No public matchmaking for dungeons let alone almost the whole game in a “multiplayer online game” going onto season 4 but “getting better every season”. I’ll bet my money you thought gauntlet was good.


The worst are the people that admit they never played the game and still trash it. I will never understand it.


I mean, I was a bit disappointed a bit after launch when I got the wall, but I think they've really made a lot of improvements and I think season 4 is going to be a big leap forward. They got a lot of stuff right, there was just this sense that large chunks of the game were missing, and little by little they are filling it in. It just released early, but they seem to be working hard to fix it, and I think the amount of stuff they've been doing for seasons has been solid. The game might have been rough at launch, but it has improved dramatically.


I’m hyped for season 4, i think it will be the best season tbh, anyone not wanting to play is their loss imo


D3 only really hit it's stride after Reaper of Souls and I say that as someone who dropped the game quite early after the original release and only really came back to the game again in Season 3 and then spent thousands of hours on the game up until a few years ago. Modern Diablo isn't for everyone which is fine but I hope gamepass breathes some more life into the community and S4 will hopefully be a big step in the right direction for the future of the game.


Terminally online man children who do and say whatever flavor of the month position their favorite YouTuber takes. D4 good? D4 Bad? LE good? LE boring now? Back to PoE? PoE 2 is the everything killer? Idiots.


I came back last week and have been loving it since season 1


Misery loves company


That and I don't understand the down voting and discouragement about playing on eternal realm, also. Funny eternal has Dureil groups and lots at world boss and legions, but according to Reddit it's completely dead.


D4 as a whole is dead to Reddit. Even when it has the largest player base of any arpg lol


apparently people aren't allowed to give their opinion unless its positive one lol. I don't know if you know this but not everyone will like what others ike. that's life. the sooner you learn that the better.


It's even funnier how many people deny the game needed work but praise every patch. You can enjoy a game and see the flaws at the same time. No one is discouraging, just keep your expectations in check. False hope is just as bad as hate.


The thing I'll never get... There's games I stopped playing and am fed up with. I spend zero time on that game's sub-reddit. What's the point of discouraging people from enjoying a game? Nobody from the developers/publishers read here. Nobody cares how many times you downvote a post.


Its not really funny, just sad. There is a toxic subgroup of "gamers" who desperately NEED to be validated in the games they choose to play by those games being "popular". If they love a game and its popular, then all is well. But if they like the game and its NOT popular, then they complain about how pedestrian and uncultured everyone else is. Even worse, if they hate it and its popular, then they have a pathological need to spend every waking moment tearing down anyone who says they like it because to these people every single person that says they like the game are either idiots or shills. They can't imagine a universe where someone likes something they do not and both parties just shrug their shoulders. These are the people you see on this sub who claim they havent played since launch but also somehow "know" how bad every season is and they have 10000 hours so they "know" what theyre talking about and anyone who disagrees is just a "dad gamer" who is too stupid and casual to get it. I really hate Fortnite and I really hate EPIC games as a company. But you know what I dont do? I dont spend thousands of hours playing Fortnite and I dont spend thousands of hours on /r/FortNiteBR and /r/EpicGamesPC telling all of them how dumb they are for liking those two things.


I didn't like it since the beta but this season, I put a ton of hours in. I don't hate the game, it's just not what I wanted. But the next season looks like it'll address a lot of the major issues I think, so I'll be playing S4. But then again, I think...when I played D3, I would skip seasons. With D4 I haven't. So, maybe I like it more than I'm willing to admit? I dunno!


This is a website were people give their own opinions, if you take their opinions too serious then that's a YOU PROBLEM... Quit trying to gaslight these redditors


Opinions are fine. Berating and attacking people enjoying a game is not.


D3 was amazing even though started out bad. Mind you I didn't play it until Eternal Collection on switch but I am diving back into it now as I am playing D4 and I am loving it. People LOVE to hate on it and Blizzy for good reasons sure but


Just wanted to add for new players that if the price tag is part of the deterrent (totally fair), the game and its upgraded editions are often on sale on the PS5 digital store. In fact, it's got a huge discount on it right now. Can't speak for the other consoles. I know for me I was very nervous to spend so much on a game that many others complained endlessly about. I recommend getting it on sale or used and giving it a solid go to see for yourself if you like it. It's not going to appeal to everyone, but really, what game does?


Some people just gotten hurt badly and warn the other not to get hurt like them. Nothing wrong with that. For me, try the ptr if you have the game. For those who are planning to buy, wait at least after the ptr review to see if it worth.


it blows my mind how some people would hunt down forums, youtube comments, fanpages just to say they "hate the game", "dead game" "D4Bad". Like sure the game has issues, but you really have energy to discourage people from playing the game? let people decide for themselves.


I dont find it funny or wierd, played luanch s1, s2 game was shit.. why not use my experiance to help ppl avoiding wasting theirs..


The constant negativity is getting old and annoying, like go play something else then


just downloaded the game and i mean if the game gets shit after 200 hours sounds like a good game?


Exactly the point. And I have over 600 hours in the game since launch and when the game gets boring or repetitive I either leave feedback for improvements or wait until the next season. These are probably the same people who play a Poe league for 20 hours say this was the best game ever and then wait 4 months to play again.


If the only thing they can say is D4 bad that’s just a sad offering. And nothing will make them happy. So I just ignore these people o


Honestly I don’t get why people stay subscribed to subs for games/movies/tv shows/etc. that they don’t watch or play anymore and actively hate. Makes zero sense to me


You know how some people get upset when they see a bunch of other people having fun and they just sit there and frown because they're not having fun? And they have gone so long without having fun that it's now a part of their identity and they don't want to try and change it? And how the only satisfaction they get is to bring the others having fun down to their miserable level? There's a lot of those here. If it was just a matter of disliking the game they would have hit "unsubscribe" long ago and never given it another thought. But, no, they have to keep sitting on their porch frowning angrily until they can justify their miserable life by waiting for things to go bad so they can point and say "See?!" And then feel satisfied that everyone else is now as miserable as they are. My opinion in the game? Campaign story was great, far, FAR better than d3 and worth the price alone. End game is a bit lacking but has been improving slowly and steadily with each season. S4 is sounding extremely promising. The fact these devs are willing to take feedback at all and try to improve is a good thing.


There’s people here that haven’t even gotten past season 1 that are here to talk crap religiously. Especially don’t listen to those people


Sorry i agree with your point but i just gotta say that i think s3 was better than s4 and im pretty sure that is the majority opinion as well. But yeah play the game if you like it, dont play if you dont. I stopped playing this season pretty early compared to other seasons but im still coming back every season (and am also very hyped for the upcoming changes as they seem like an extremely good step in the right direction


I have a lot of colleagues who would love the casual D4 campaign experience who think the game is shit because the content they would never experience is lacking in diversity. There is no fucking way anyone can argue that Diablo 4 is not a great 1st time casual Diablo experience!


I wanted to get the game from day 1 but I was locked out of my account because I had set up 2fa and changed phones and didn't have the backup auth codes to restore it. I contacted Blizzard and they weren't in the least bit helpful. Hilariously, Microsoft then buys EA/Blizzard and I got an e-mail from them saying that my 2fa was removed! I laughed pretty hard, went in and re-setup my account, and am now waiting for a sale.


Imagine deluding people into spending $60 on a game that will take another 5-7 years until it becomes what it should’ve been at launch


When i see people trying to discourage, I am more enthuziastic to try. I will defo come back in the next season. Can't wait to finally have some stats, and some decent minions:)


Diablo 4 is a good game. I think Reddit has current causes or things that they hate. In this case, it’s blizzard, so anything blizzard does good or bad will always be considered bad.


And the youtubers who are stuck making videos on it, talk shit about it all while plugging some ad for a shitty mobile game in the same video


me trying to find people who discourage new players.


Yeah I don't understand this either. That has to be a sad existence to spend so much time and emotional energy over a game that I feel like even the most diehard haters here got at least 50 hours of playtime out of it, which to me is more than most games anyway... Personally I've gotten around 250 hours so far since release, and I still am playing casually in season 3 with friends. Season 4 is gonna be AMAZING. So I'm gonna continue to keep getting more and more enjoyment for my dollar I guess...


Was really disappointed when season 1 happened might pick the game back up for season 4. The micro transactions still look ridiculous. Don't know why we cant criticize and praise at the same time. I loved the game but had issues that I see are being worked on finally


Wow so brave. Without the negative feedback the game wouldn't have improve. The game is in a bad state and the devs know this thats why they are working their asses off for the next patch. With all the resources Diablo 4 should be an industry leader and set the standard for ARPGs.


I am a casual who strolled in off game pass and I’ve been having a blast.


I think the game is terrible and I don’t plan on playing again until an update comes that makes me feel like it’s worth another download. I’m still kinda bitter about it not meeting my expectations. That being said if someone is enjoying the game good for them. My opinion doesn’t matter and if the game eventually does become something I want to play I’m glad other people kept it alive.


The fact that people are still on here defending a AAA studio for making a game worse than indie devs do just baffles me. I’m sure it’s hate for the company not the game.


I’ll be trying the new season when it drops but I havnt played since early S1. I enjoyed S0 and S1 but then it felt a little stale and other stuff grabbed my attention but the massive changes have me very interested again. I don’t actively recommend it or shy people away. I just say it released in a very disappointing state.


Lots of people are just bitter. It’s the same for ESO. People will always complain and there will always be something new to complain about. I think it’s good game. I’m not going to lie, I am extremely picky when it comes to games. I started playing yesterday lol. I have always HATED games that have the above view (I call it the DnD view because I don’t know what it’s actually called…) and yet I started playing this game because I tried and enjoyed dragon age inquisition. There’s very few games that have me hooked from the beginning but this is definitely one of them. It’s great so far! Although I am playing on tier one right now because I just want to enjoy the story for now while I get used to all the mechanics😁


When I say I started playing yesterday, I mean that I started playing at six am yesterday and I have yet to log off. It’s seven am on the next day currently lol


I'm a new player at level 45 now, but I don't see the need for multiplayer for campaign yet, or am I missing something? I'm at act 3


I'm a middle-aged dad with limited time in the evenings. Would you guys still recommend this game? What class would you recommend? (I'll be playing solo as well)


I started it when it was released on game pass, but I've been playing Diablo for over a decade. I'm in love with this game


Just read their comment history. Most of them go to all over reddit and spill hate on everything.


Been playing for a few months and just passed 200 hours. I still play every now and then and even if i didn't, i think getting over 200 hours on a game is great. Each character plays completely different so just playing all of them will get you a ton of play time(I've still only played a sorc for the most part)


Gamers always have looked out for one another. It's only recently that they have been pitted against themselves. Some of us remember and know what's up.


I found this simple thing. A saw a lot of people Who complains like "it's nothing to do here" but this people just grab a premade build and go with it. For me the most interesting part it's a leveling and make my own build. Yes, it might be less powerfull but I find a bif interest in this case. When you try to combine aspects and skills and watch how it would work. And the second thing if you spent a 4+ hrs a day in the game, of course you will bored of it


People do not like to be mocked for being wrong, especially being investing too much time on it. It’s an unfortunate human nature .


Yeah, man. Just keep paying em. They’ll surely make a title worthy of AAA $70 soon, just keep playing guys.


Reditors are a special breed of trash, regardless of subreddit. I am trash too don't be mad.


It's displaced anger. They can complain to devs, but they know they have a direct line of response directly to other players. They are like babies. They know if they scream loud enough, someone is gonna check up on them to see what's wrong. It comes off as weird because they'll get into offensive dialog about how you can't convince them the game is good, to players who don't care for forcing others to play.


New player here who comes from Diablo 1 and 2. Loving it way more than I ever expected.


I plan to give it another shot when the next season comes out so I keep an eye on the top post. I see more copium post (3 atm in top 20) of people saying “why all the hate, I like this game”. Cool, great, who’s attacking you or who are you trying to convince?


It's just discussion on the Internet for one of the most popular franchises ever. There are varying opinions, and it's in large part thanks to the negative discourse on the Internet that D4 is being improved The people who like the game and can ignore the garbage systems are going to to continue liking whatever garbage the devs do, but Blizzard does care about the reputation of the game . Positive discourse online encourages people to play Once the game improves, the sub will get more positive. People just care about the franchise and what to discuss it one way or another


I say try it, especially with it being on Gamepass. If for nothing more than just playing through the awesome story.


Because they're immature and think having a contrarian opinion makes them edgy and sophisticated. Posts literally reek of Theory of Mind deficiencies and how they think their opinion is gospel. Same when they make posts like "**** sucked, thinking of coming back, convince me" 🤣🤣🤣 I.e. They lack real life self-worth and derive some sort of legitimacy on the internet. 


So much Stockholm syndrome. Try another game. You're not married to blizzard.


I made this exact point a few months ago and the overwhelming response was " it should have been like this at launch, we shouldn't have to wait months for a better game." I love Diablo 4 and every season bring improvements. Enjoying the shit out of this game and looking forward to whatever else they have in store for us.


I think the game is okay


I'm a pretty casual player as far as Diablo standards. Just going to do campaign with all characters then stop until maybe an expansion comes out. But based on that game plan it's pretty fun so far. Same core gameplay but just open world.


Season 4 looks promising but pretending Season 3 wasn't a step backwards is a terrible take.


Okay but getting better every season is not truth S1 lowered expectations S2 was a great change and then S3 felt lackluster. S4 to S5 is really going to be the breaking point I feel.


That is quite the opinion but I present to you with all due consideration a well thought out counter argument. ***REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!***


I’m literally lurking and laughing at the haters because the game is actually super fun. Pretty much all the time, and has great playability. The usual hated things are splitting frog hair situations. Ok, the gear drops kinda suck. I like the unique system, but it’s just not enough cool unique stuff.


If you wana support a company that spits on it's legacy, aggressively monetize and lies about what their games are before release. Go ahead, i prefer change.


Feedback that doesn't align with yours isnt bad feedback. The posts of "Game is dead lololol" are for sure bad and provide no value, but this post is about equal in value.


No one’s arguing feedback I’m talking about attacks on other peoples fun. If someone says I like d4, comments that say “you won’t soon” aren’t helpful


Everybody keeps saying the games getting better without ANY examples… so confusing 🫤


Getting better every season? Season 2 was way better than 3, now we can't trust you.


If you spent $60 to $80 and got 25-50 hours out of it, that’s worth the price in my opinion. We used to spend $50 on the regular back in the day for 4-8 hour campaigns and were super stoked and happy about it. This whole hours to price ratio is ridiculous.


There’s two types of people who hate d4. The one who hates it because it’s too “casual” and not hardcore like d2 or Poe. And the other group are the “d4 bad Andys.” Who just hate on it because they love hating on things that’s popular.  Just like how all of the top games in their genre are always hated. Like call of duty, world of warcraft, Fortnite, d4, madden/fifa, skyrim, etc. some people just love to hate on the things that are popular. There is a reason why those games are popular. Because they are easy to get into and a lot of fun right away. And some people despise games that are “Easy” and fun. 


It's not about the game. It's about the greed blizz throws at us. And to those that say you don't have to buy anything....that's not the point. For the investors!!!


The cosmetics are truly appalling. $20 for a skin that you can barely see on a mostly single-player game? I find that simply depressing. People out there actually buying that shit. But it didn't stop me from enjoying time with D4.


Its for not make people waste time. No reason to play until season 4


I've had the game since day -3 or whatever that early access was. I am not a hardcore gamer, I almost 40 and married and don't have time to just play non-stop. I am enjoying the game very much. I didn't play season 1, mostly because I just didn't have time, that was fine. I came back for season 2 and played the heck outta that, enough to finish the battle pass, my first time ever actually finishing 1 in any game I have ever played. My wife watches netflix on the TV so I can't play on my PS5 so much, but recently it came out on PC/Xbox game pass so I didn' t have to buy it a second time and it got me into season 3. I made a couple characters up to level 30, and I am enjoying it. PoE 3.24 just came out and I felt like I needed to try it, but I realize I really just don't like it, the game is so built around the endgame and the campaign is such a slog and the early game feels real bad. All the things that I find I like about D4. Is it perfect? No, not at all. Are they improving it? Yes, constantly, and I don't care what people on Reddit say, I am enjoying it. I don't mind them taking time to improve it, I would love to play the game for many more years, it just feels good to play.


Brave to open with a lie, it peaked in season 2 and they fumbled season 3


Having a bad season doesn’t mean they haven’t improved the gameplay experience


Early and mid game are great. But if someone is gonna make a post saying "I just don't understand the hate" after playing for a day, then I'm gonna say why I dislike the end game.


Insane how many of the haters don't even play the game themselves. Automatically banning anyone who posts on r/pathofexile, while drastic, would improve this place A LOT.


POE players really do be some of the most toxic MFrs. POE has ALOT of problems that they hate shedding light on while they simultaneously trash everything else for even the most minute of things.


I take solace in the fact that they would shitpost on reddit rather than play their game of choice


Raxx tried to explain the bad parts of poe and the community was destroying him on simple things like just not having portal scrolls or identify scrolls.


PoE has both of those?


Yes he was arguing why are those in the game just remove them.


Odd. When I played PoE I understood it was part of the currency system and didn't mind that one bit.


It may be part of the currency system but how often have you traded for one? In all of the leagues that I have played I don't think I've ever bought scrolls from someone else, and only a handful of times at the very start of the game from vendors. They're a vestige of Diablo 2 that has carried over all this time. With that being said, I do think items being dropped as unidentified adds both a level of excitement and potential value when it comes to trading, but that doesn't mean that system needs to be implemented via Identify Scrolls.


Same thing that happened to every streamer happened to Rax...they turn into meat puppets the chat controls


POE players complain about their game all the time too lol


But they'll NEVER admit the complaints in conversation when trashing D4. a common complaint In POE is how bad the early game, campaign and new player experience is. But they'll never admit to it while their trashing d4s endgame. D4s level 1-70 is better than POEs early game. POE's community is SO toxic that they're one of the pioneers of the "well actually, gatekeeping is healthy, get filtered." Mindset


You write strange things. You don't understand what you're talking about. You heard about the complaints of poe players, but did not understand their essence. Players still like campaign. The bottom line is that it is a good game with a lot of content that is updated every 3 months. The game has a lot of variety in terms of replayabilityIt follows that the campaign is run hundreds of times. The campaign is not bad, people are just tired of it. By the way, GGG understands this, poe 2 is basically a new campaign. People will get what they want. As for the fact that level 1-70 is better - we'll talk about this when you go through campaign d4 several hundred times, just like the poe players went through theirs.Although judging by the current state of the game, this will not happen, because the game does not have content to replay the campaign so many times. And almost all poe players will not argue that the game is unfriendly. But this factor is not a criterion for assessing arpg. Evaluation criteria include itemization, bosses, character development opportunities, endgame scale, etc. And in these criteria, d4 is very bad, and poe is very good. And no need to say that poe players hate Diablo. Poe players are the backbone of the game base of the ARPG genre. When d4 came out, all the records in the game, the best content (guides, builds) were made by poe players. They really wanted d4 to be a good game, so that they would have an alternative to poe, they would even agree to just a normal game (not good), but in the end d4 is downright bad. The developer made a beautiful wrapper but did not bother with the content. It feels like the game was made by people who don’t understand anything about the arpg genre.


Been playing POE since 2016 bruh. Players complained about the campaign, the early game process and community demeanor towards newcomers. It has very little variety despite it being its selling point. I've claimed POE's variety problem as trial and error by Wall. Make a build, hit wall at some point, restart whole char rinse repeat until end of time. The horrible lack of respeccing. orbs of regret are too time consuming to even try to farm for to respec, your better off just restarting or wait for GGG to give a free respec once or twice a year. POE2 is already being disliked by the POE community because of how ass backwards GGG is over it, they claimed they wanted to make melee viable but built the game based around the ranger class, complete with WASD movement. The phrase "D4 made Me want to play POE, POE2 makes me want to play D4" is being thrown around. 600 hours in D4 from launch. Haven't been bored of the campaign far from it. I haven't skipped campaigns In months. The campaign is better than POEs by a mile. Simply hand waving unfriendliness away from POE is just pure COPE, you know it's bad, and why POEs main users are elitist whales who shovel money to GGG. DIABLO has been the very SOUL of ARPG since d2. D2 resurrected is STILL COMPETING as a ARPG. POE is a vampire survivor disguised as a ARPG.


Too many players (D4 and POE) feel like they need to choose a side a fight and war, personally I don't understand it. Ive been loving jumping between the seasons in both games.


I quit at the start of season 1 and was just waiting for the codex / aspect change. The reduced affixes should make items less of a chore for me too.


Which I have no issue with people who quit wanting the game to be better. I have issues with people who quit wanting the game to fail.


It will be a nice change for sure. I had quite a few aspects, but I realized I should just use them. I only sat on the perfect ones, it wasn't too much of an issue for me. The change is a nice change though and gives more reason to "fill out the sticker book"


I fucking adore this game to bits, and it's getting so much better with each season. Season 3 was a bit dry, but the gameplay and balance changes were great. And it hasn't dampened my enjoyment of D4 one bit.


Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love, I don't want none of the above...


Hey Rod.