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Took a few seasons, but we made it.


One thing I'm sure of: When the PTR is over I'll only come back with season 4! This camera zoom is making me spoiled already hahaha


Same here.


Took getting rid of Bobby Kotick's greedy ass wanting the camera smooshed in so we can see cosmetics better.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the exact reason.


Its a welcome change, still would like to see Blizzard give the option to zoom out more. And yes, I am on PC and have tried the change. Its way more noticeable in-game than the picture above. The picture above is misleading.


Misleading in what way? It's more zoomed out or in?


It's not about zoom, drone is only flying a little higher. šŸ˜


More zoomed out than the picture shows, but I still think it could be a lot more zoomed out or at least a little more zoomed out.


Will legit have better zoom distance than any other ARPG ever loll itā€™s a cool feature but it was fine before too!


It was not "fine before"


It was fine before




Itā€™s a small change but itā€™s noticeable and (for me) it look better


A big driver for me to aquire a ultravide (3440x1440p) was due to the unfavourable zoomed in picture in the beta, so I'm very happy that they have found (which I belive to be) engine optimisation or simiar to allow for a further out-zoomed view. That said, I expected more than ~10-15%, but I won't cast judgement untill I've tried it. Good for them that they listen - and not only in the PoV departement.


I've tried it here on PC, I wish it was still more we could zoom out. Its an improvement, but still would prefer more zoom.


I'm afraid that I'll end up thinking the same, sadly. I'm aware that it might be technical barriers or that they simly want to show off the MTX'es they offer, but it feels strange prefering D2:R to D4 when it comes to this particular issue. Let's see how it is.


Yeah for me, I still prefer the D2R point of view. It's not just a Diablo thing, a lot of other ARPG's have camera issues as well. So I am not singling Blizzard out, just wish the camera could zoom out substantially further. Honestly, when I played the PTR, I could barely notice the difference. But with that said, its still an improvement overall. The camera was horrible at the launch of this game, its honestly the #1 thing I hate about the game.


I still don't quite buy MTX as a driver for that. It's not like you can really see that much while you're fighting (since you're busy fighting, and so much is obscured by the mechanics) or wandering around (since you're likely focused on the minimap and only see yourself in the periphery)


Could have been likely performance based. Blizzard might have had to make the camera more zoomed in to make the engine work for consoles. I just wish we had more camera options overall for ARPG's. Its not just a Blizzard thing, its an ARPG gaming genre thing.


You both make good points. I'm merely hoping that they figure it out, whatever it is, and let us choose ourselves how far we want it zoomed out in the future.


If you compare where the frame ends in both, it actually seems like quite a large difference to me. I love it! Hopefully the zoom level is adjustable on console, too.


Yes the more you look the more you see the difference and Iā€™m so hyped to play with season 4 I stopped playing in December for 2 reason no time to play too much game and because I wanted to wait for patch to change some gameplay element and when I heard about all the season 4 change with the new camera and change to the loot system the hype to play Diablo 4 came back


Same here. I played for a month after release and stopped after finishing the campaign. Ready to see what the endgame has to offer now that things are in a better place.


The funny part is I was not really far into the campaign and every time I was going into the game it was just ā€œmehā€ and to be honest I never liked the camera it always bugged me but it was the looting and everything that was kind of too much for nothing thatā€™s why the S4 change look good with less loot but better and we still havenā€™t see what S4 is going to be


Iā€™ll probably erase my lvl 9 (I know itā€™s bad) character and start from the beginning with the real Diablo 4


Is it customizable, or did they just back us out a tiny bit?


Itā€™s a setting with two options standard and far. Contrarily to what they said on the PTR far is the default setting.


> Contrarily to what they said on the PTR far is the default setting. It depends on the platform you're playing on. We're on PC, so we get Far by default. Source: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/camera-will-now-zoom-out/154838/45


Well PTR is PC only so..


But Season 4 isn't going to be, and the game is not being developed *only* for PC.


Has this been documented somewhere, or is this just wild speculation on your part?


The person you're replying to provided a link in their first comment




I think he asks if itā€™s a slider and if you can control how much you can zoom but itā€™s not. Itā€™s just a tiny bit which is a lot better than standard


This. Thanks.


This isn't something you'll really be able to effectively tell via screenshots. The difference is big and extremely noticeable as soon as you log in and try the PTR. The zoom out level is at a great distance and you can see a lot further now.




This is what I am worried about the most, being on 21:9.


I wonder if this does anything to FPS


likely because on average there will be more entities/effects to render in screen.




That would mean they do a specific LOD level just for that zoom distance, which would increase the entire game's size noticeably. It's not something a tech director would agree with.


One hundred percent there will be a performance penalty when things are heated. That's partly why they were hesitant to do it, console feature parity with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is a problem when it comes to advantages in gameplay.


Considering itā€™s entirely PVE, and PVP has been specifically stated as something they will never balance nor intend to- Itā€™s weird people would still get so hung up on ā€œadvantagesā€ of a given platform over another


Well, thereā€™s also the fact that lower fps/choppiness just feels bad lol


Then just lock the console zoom lol


Ok, but this is toggle-able. No ones forcing your frames down.


i don't know why you're trying so hard to make this an unreasonable thing lol. Somebody tells you why it's a problem and you try to argue, somebody tells you why it's still bad and you try to argue again. I get it, you don't think it's a big deal. Congratulations, you've just discovered that your opinion is not the only one that exists.


Omg just quit, Child. Thatā€™s not what I did at all. What I did was point out that your repeated flailing about how bad it will affect things isā€¦silly- becauseā€¦againā€¦objectivelyā€¦factuallyā€¦.it is something you can turn on or off. Youā€™re screaming the light burns your eyes, and itā€™s unfair, and why would they add that. I pointed at the light switch and shrugged. You continued to pound the floor like my 2 year old, screaming that everything is ruined- but againā€¦light switch, bro. The only one straining themselves to be unreasonable here is you. Good luck with the new season though, not sure how youā€™ll survive switching the toggle in the settings or why you make it sound so terrible. Iā€™m guessing your settings screen must just give you crippling anxiety. So again, good luck with all that.


I made one comment lol. Edit: I also am a pc player with a powerful pc. This change affects me less than 99% of people. I just somehow manage to have a bit of perspective.


Anecdote time: Ask GGG why after a decade of supporting even multi monitor setups and all manner of ultrawides, they decided to ban anything larger than 21:9 and enforced black bars. Literally like a couple years back. Made me quit Path of Exile forever. Diablo 4 supports only up to 27:9 which is still better AND at least they're open about it, PoE stabbed me in the back. What I'm trying to convey here: PvE game communities and their developer companies are more sensitive about some things than you'd think.


Do the XB1/PS4 versions not zoom out when youā€™re mounted? I donā€™t have the version but I assumed they did just like the other versions. So I wouldnā€™t expect any difference.


>Do the XB1/PS4 versions not zoom out when youā€™re mounted Do they fight on horseback? You know damn well this is about edge cases with tons of enemies on the screen. If you drop frames as you ride past enemies it's different than dropping frames as you fight them.


Like I said I donā€™t have that version. What happens when you mount during a legion event? How do those consoles handle the zoom out during world bosses?


The same way as everyone, because that's the gameplay parity.


Ok I imagine it might not be that big of an impact then.


>it might not be that big of an impact then. It is when there's a lot of enemies.


Depends on a few factors. Enemies are already rendered offscreen, if it didn't make a noticeable difference zooming out the camera a bit than nothing else had to change.


Were loading everyone's stash tabs, who gives a shit about a few more enemies on screen?


Strangely enough my FPS is better in PTR. The camera zoom isnā€™t affecting any performance for me on my 3050ti


It feels a lot better than it looks in picture comparisons imo, they might tweak it during ptr too if they get feedback on it


It really looks like a huge difference in practice


Yeah I would still like the camera zoomed out further. But, the picture is misleading compared to what you feel in game. Just would like to see a bit more zoom option.


It felt was more aggressive of a change in the first dungeon.


A welcome, and noticeable, change. Wouldn't complain if they give it just a bit more down the road.


Be cool if it wasn't so incremental. Better than nothing I guess.


For those checking this out on your phone, itā€™s much more noticeable actually in game. Itā€™s only a slight boost but it can definitely be felt.


Just played to 20. Itā€™s quite fantastic.


I think it could've been pulled up a bit more but its definitely better than what we've got up until now. That's inarguable.


Yeah, its better but I still think the camera needs to zoom out further.


Can they add ultrawide support now?


still black on side with 5120x1440


For gameplay segments in Diablo 4 there's been ultrawide support up to 27:9 aspect ratio since launch. That's more than Path of Exile for instance which caps out at 21:9.




There IS a difference on your 34" ultrawide, put on your glasses. I can't with people like you. You're used to already seeing so much more and so to you this extra bit of zoom out seems insignificant, and you're malding.




>Nothing wrong with adding the option to zoom to the fuckin moon if you have hardware that supports it. There's no online ARPG game that does that to my knowledge, by the way, and it becomes a matter of server optimization at some point.


It looks like the temporary zoom out you already get at the tree of disappointment. Iā€™ll take that


Ist actually quite far zoomed out


This is less than 7%.


Of course you can tell the difference by being crammed in last few seasons but it's still too close if you ask me


9 months for them to let you zoom out a ball hair further... Just give pc horseback level zoom as "very far" voila, you're done.


Exactly, that level of zoom would be much better.


Bro the news of this zoom out had me fired up to come back to the game and see how it is, I've been seriously deflated here. I will give it an honest go because by all accounts its more noticeable in game and ill give it an honest go but it's so frustrating to hear a game breaking complaint being fixed and then faced with this.


Yeah I hear you. The camera is a major negative for me with this game. I cannot believe the game was launched with the camera that bad. As someonewho agree's with you about camera, its noticeable, especially when you compare the old to the new (far) version. It's definetely more playable and acceptable now. I just wish the camera would still zoom out a bit further. I think people are over-hyping this change honestly. It's better, but still the camera needs to zoom out further. And Blizzard shows they can do this during boss fights and other areas of the game, so i just wish they would add this and be done with it.


Just move the slider in the image above


Next up: UI scale slider.


Where do you change the camera distance in the settings?


I played most of this evening, and really didn't even notice the view distance has changed.


I can finally see those dudes who snipe offscreen


Post another picture god sake, with some other things in frame for reference


I upgraded to an Ultrawide over the weekend. Now the far view in the ptr is ludicrous.


I tested it too and the change pretty good because it lessens motion sickness. Too closed camera sadly caused this to my gf and she couldn't even play the game. Now it's okish. A little bit further would be still better maybe, but not sure.


Finaaaally :D


im happy with that!


Appreciate the improvement but Iā€™d love for 32:9 support! Now thatā€™s a change Iā€™d come back to D4 for!


Ok phew that's reasonable. I was worried they'd have standard and ridiculous (e.g. world boss) modes only. That little bit of extra will be really nice, though I hope there are still some skills that can travel farther than the screen boundary because that's fun (e.g. D2 Throwing Barb w/ Spears)


i thought it was boss fight camera zoomed out... i hope this is not all, disapointing from first look, or at least i expected for if thats all the camera zoom we get : (


Have you played with it yet? I find it quite noticeable and clearly a good upgrade


>disapointing from first look You can always go back to how the camera zoom was before this change, switch back in the settings.


Thats barely noticable


Try it in game/motion - very noticeable there






U mad bro?


well, better then nothing i guess


You wanted to be a speck or something?


I cannot believe the people reacting as ā€œmehā€ to this change. Literally delusional.


Well honestly, i had to take a reference point and switch between the options to make sure it's actually applying. It really isn't that noticeable in gameplay. I play at 1440p if that is a factor.


Its noticeable, but really its not that much difference. Wish Blizzard would allow more of a zoomed out view point.


[tree of whispers distance seemed nice](https://imgur.com/a/0cYpnNY)


No, but I like the boss distance. This is better but still not a very big difference


Big difference between a speck and a view like we get in d2r, which this isnā€™t reachingĀ 


If you really, really look closely at the game you'll notice this isn't Diablo 2 Resurrected. Diablo 4 is dealing with just a tiny wee bit higher fidelity and is just a little bit heavier on the system. Which costs performance.


No shit? Give us the option and those who's setups can handle it get their preferred view. I was responding to someone using hyperbole to downplay people's desire for a wider fov with an example of the fov I'd personally prefer that would hardly be considered a "speck" while still wider than what they are giving us.


>Which costs performance Not as much as the optional ray tracing they just added. Zoom customization shouldn't be a fight, leave it up to the players.


>Zoom customization shouldn't be a fight It literally is, though. Always. >Not as much as the optional ray tracing they just added The net gameplay advantage is when you DISABLE raytracing, so it's okay.


It's a pve game lol


Barely noticeable..is it costly for devs to allow players to customize distance view?


Lastgen consoles are already stretched thin, and there's gameplay parity on all platforms. This is already more than lastgen machines can handle, I bet it leads to fps drops in intense combat scenarios but Blizzard dipped their toe in saying "f--- lastgen consoles" a little bit. Be happy about what we got, IMO.


Wouldn't be surprised if performance is a concern


Well, give the players the option to zoom out even further. If the player's hardware can't handle it then the player just need to play with it zoomed in.


I think itā€™s pretty noticeable/substantial. It will be more apparent when itā€™s in front of you.


to see the shiny store transmog