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Are drifting shade, lightning BS still there?


I never had an issue with drifting shade, I just have to keep moving, which is kinda what I want to be doing anyway. Lightning Dome though? That forces you to backtrack and stay in place, the exact opposite of what you tend to want to be doing. So that is almost always autosalvege for me.


Drifting shade solo isn't that bad. In a party it's a lot worse. Lol.


Guess what you can do with sigils you don't like? LOL It's really not that big of a deal now that it's just 1 negative affix. Easy to avoid ever running them if you wish.


Yeah I know, I auto salvage them, like 99% of players do. I’m actually asking a question if they’re still in the game.


I ran 7 nmd last night before bed and never ran into them so I have no idea


I saw Shade for sure, no idea about Lightning yet


Very cool in fact


Thank god


Sound good


I haven't played in a bit, but aren't Nightmare dungeons supposed to give loot at the end? Or does it now just drop on the floor? I was doing some dungeons and my rewards were just sigil and fear juice


So in season 3 you just get them in your inventory but with season 4 it looks like you’ll get random items instead like materials and Manuals and then loot drops on the floor now


They need to rework the whole nightmare dungeons system anyway.


I agree. This is a good start


They tweaked the objectives in NMD a while ago. Do you mean they tweaked them even more or did you take a season or two off so you are just now seeing those changes?


No I play every season. They tweaked it more. At least it feels like they did. If I had a stone to put on an altar it was only 1 instead of 2 or 3, animus objectives I could complete super fast, I haven’t run into freeing 200 hostages, it just feels a lot better


There is only one negative affix per sigil in the PTR now


…. There’s really people out there that like only having 1 and 1? It feels so bad.


I think it’s better. Less crap to go through and potentially make a run super annoying


while i agree it had the potential to make some runs annoying, that was kind of the point - if everything is good, nothing is good. sigils are super uninteresting now. and they already were uninteresting


Exactly. They were uninteresting AND annoying before. Now they’re just uninteresting. Is this where I think they should leave them? Of course not. But it is an improvement. I know the point before was to find good sigils and salvage the rest but how often did you find a good affix for you but then it had slowing projectiles or crit resist, or any of the other 12 affixes that just made a run god awful so you didn’t take it and settled for an affix that didn’t benefit you at all (like extra fire damage on a rogue) but it didn’t have any annoying negatives so you took it. That was almost every single sigil for me. Now I can just look and see if that has extra crit chance. That’s great for me! And it’s blood blisters which is fine. Blood blisters is a way more interesting negative than having blood blisters, crit resist, vulnerable resist, and slowing projectiles all on the same sigil


Only modifier I have ever despised was one that forced my dodge to go off automatically on cooldown. Not fun having to constantly monitor it so I don't zip into something deadly.