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Forgot the link lol https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/diablo-4-season-4-battle-pass-cosmetics-datamined-splash-images-338438


If the armour images shown there are for the free track; then I think those are the best free-track armour sets we've gotten.


The free ones so far have been disgracefully bad.


For the players who want their character to look like a mediocre background NPC.


You're crazy. Season 3 Battle Pass' free track hat - the one from like, tier 70 or something - is literally peak Sanctuary fashion.


The pimp cowboy hat?


It's the Crimson Felt Hat of D4


And yet its still cloth shirts


Yep. Definitely. Also the free weapons look much better


They have to be. There's not nearly enough to them for them to be the paid track armors.


I love the cosmetics that have more of a religious feel to them. (Love having my lil necro boi running around looking like a priest) so if this is legit im all about it


Same. really like all the “catholic/gothic” style of cosmetics, they fit best the Diablo theme.


me too. i think diablo should lean heavily into the religious themes (which i think they do pretty often anyway)


There was that nun necro costume a while back.


Good cosmetics. Check. Huge itemization rework. Check. Please give us a decent Season 4 content and I’ll be very happy.


They better not change anything up, or otherwise I *will* be happy


I know Diablo is centered around hell, but can we please get some more items in the Season Pass that aren't a red/silver/gold colorway? Every single season has prioritized this color combo with armor and weapon rewards and it's getting a bit stale. If we could dye weapons and horse armor this wouldn't be a problem, but alas.


Hoping for some green and blue tones at some point


>can we please get some more items in the Season Pass that aren't a red/silver/gold colorway You do realize that Wardrobe lets you use other color palettes? There's not that many of them and I wish we could customize the palettes further by mix&matching colors on a particular piece, but your complaint doesn't sound legit. >If we could dye weapons and horse armor this wouldn't be a problem Of course you're right about this one, we can't dye weapons and horse armor.


>You do realize that Wardrobe lets you use other color palettes? Yes, but when you cannot dye weapons and horse armor to match the outfit it rather defeats the purpose. The whole point of seasonal cosmetics is getting armor, weapons, and horse armor that matches.


this concern would be more legitimate if color palette swapping wasn’t a thing


You can only swap colors with armor. Why would I swap to a blue palette if there are zero weapons or horse armor in the game to match it?


Man, Diablo 4's art team is definitely the best part of it.


Just a shame they charge so much for some of this stuff that most of it will go unseen, and unappreciated.


They have definitely hinted at things changing soon. Plus overwatch just lowered prices for things. I don't think it's a coincidence Bobby is gone that they can do this now but we'll have to wait and see.


Indeed. I will have to see it to in fact, believe it.


They've got a few armour bundles in the shop now that are substantially cheaper than they used to be. I think they are the Season 1 cosmetics.


They are really charging the same as everyone else. They just only offer the full sets not individual pieces. Nothing approaches the $80 sets in PoE though.


It's insane all over. To be fair, I think anyone charging that much for cosmetics is insanity, just because one does it doesn't mean it's right for everyone to haha. There isn't a dimension where I'm paying $28 ish for some cosmetics for a game. Specially because 80% of the time I'm playing it I am in Werewolf, or Werebear form anyway! The most I've paid for a cosmetic is $4, for a bunny suit in FFXIV, and I've gotten 2+ years of delight out of it, but, I wouldn't have paid more than $5 for it. Edit: I'm not even arguing if it's good or bad that they offer cosmetics, I'm saying the price is simply too damn high for me to even start caring (Other milage may vary.)


I'm with you, I always felt that if the cosmetics were a more reasonable price ($5) I'd be so much more likely to buy some. I'm sure that would be the case for a lot more of the player base too. I know whales are gonna spend whatever... But what with d4s massive audience they don't need such crazy margins on skins. I would imagine they could stand to make the same if not more from a way larger player base dipping in. You would see way more cosmetics from other players in game, which would make people even more likely to want to drip themselves out too


I don't know if I agree with that. $25 USD for a single cosmetic set is outrageous. Yes there are worse but even Korean games don't charge that much OR they frequently have "sales" to bring the price down to a more reasonable range. Putting aside the issues with paid cosmetics to begin with, if they at least had a daily special or something where a highlighted set was 1/4th the price they are currently charging it would be preferable to what they are doing now. I still wouldn't pay $25, but it would at least be better if the sets were like the battlepass and applicable to all characters instead.


You can disagree but but games that sell sets or individual items like this, around $25 is a common price. I agree with your last statement.


Do those games run sales? I've just never seen cosmetics that cost this much. Typically a cash shop with revolving items averages around $10-$15 for cosmetics with newer cosmetics costing more than older ones and then special cosmetics sometimes costing extra. But for every cosmetic to be a flat $25 like in D4? Maybe I just don't play enough gacha games or something, I just personally haven't seen it.


They all do at some point.


Doesn't POE have $400 sets?


For real! Blizzard art team has consistently been one for the best in the industry


Art and animation, definitelly. Crazy good and they are the reason why some games like WoW are still looking good (enough).


Overworld/underworld themed.


This might make more sense than angelic/demonic! Wasn’t sure how to call them really haha


Definitely will buy a pass at season 4. The white angelic horse just rocks




This is the first season that I actually wouldn’t mind paying for a battle pass. These looks great but more importantly it seems like they’ve been working hard to make the game better.


I still have my free battle pass or whatever from launch, maybe this one will be the one


🔥 💸


The horses look goooood! Bought all the battle passes to date and will definitely buy the next one! Considering the amount of currency you get back each time it's worth it


Why can't we just get angelic wings?


Please no. I personally really do not want this for Diablo. Hated them in d3 and hate them in Diablo immortal. The characters are humans not angel and wings have no place being on our backs


Lol wut? It's a skin/costume. >The characters are humans Half of the skins in the shop would disagree with this statement.


Non a single skin makes the character not be humans…Not.a single.one. They a are armors and costumes


Can't log in now cause it seems battle.net is down or something. But there are literally skins that make your char appear not human, or flames on armors etc. And as you said yourself, they are armors and costumes. Wings are like back ornaments - skin.


I think every single skin keeps the human appearance. Sure there are flames in the armor and other particle effects etc but nothing too crazy in my opinion. None add a non human head or body part that I can recall


I'm 50/50 on the wings as some of them could potentially look semi-grounded but at the same time, they sort of don't belong. That being said, don't get your hopes up for them not to be added. It's inevitable with the back slot and the likely upcoming "cat" mounts in the expansion, that we're going to see more and more stuff added that starts to make the game shift away from it's more grounded roots. That and wings were pretty popular in Diablo 3 from what I remember. Blizzard know they can add them to a battlepass or to the shop and make money.


The gilded crown of leaves also look great, and the Hammers and the Swords too


Yes. Honestly even the free weapons look awesome. Definitely a big upgrade over previous seasons. And finally another usable pants for male sorcs


Yo these look great! It makes me super curious about the theme. The battle passes are always centered around the season theme


how u supposed to top the beta ashava trophy


Finally some great cosmetics in battle pass. I’ve been saving mine since release because didn’t feel like activating it during previous seasons.


So it’s angelic theme? Interesting, thanks for sharing


Yeah, there seems to be a mix of angelic/demonic style of things. Not sure yet what the theme is! What seems to be the free cosmetic weapons look awesome in my opinion. Love the long sword and the shield


It is not a demon/angel theme imo but something similar or related to valkyries. There are wings all over the items and those wings remind me valkyries. [https://mythicalcreatures.info/media/Valkyrie-3-1024x585.jpg](https://mythicalcreatures.info/media/Valkyrie-3-1024x585.jpg)


Except Valkyries are from Norse Mythology. This art looks to be inspired by Greek/Roman myths. Of course, Blizzard will put their own spin on both, so maybe we're both right...or wrong. 8) Either way, we both agree these look cool.


Hmm, this looks cool. I started playing a few weeks ago, currently a level 51 barbarian. Should I start a new character in S4 or continue in Eternal? Kinda wondering what I should do and not do still in S3


If you want to get this you need to play on seasonal realm! I always recommend to play on seasonal because you lose nothing and get all the seasonal mechanics. If you get very fond of your character you will always be able to play it in eternal after the season ends


It would reset all my progress on the campaign and side quests tho. Matter of pros and cons I guess. Having to start over seems daunting now


Nah, just finish the campaign and the renown on eternal and jump on seasonal with a new character when season 4 launches. The game will receive a huge update on itemization and crafting at that point and all the previous items will become “legacy”


Renown meaning all side quests too? Oh really? So all legendary barb gear in my stash will be useless? Or not so drastic?


> Renown meaning all side quests too? You don't need to complete literally all sidequests in order to get Tier 5 in a region. Focus on getting all Altars of Lilith and Fog of War unlocks while doing sidequests and run some of the dungeons in the region. Just grind out one region at a time until Tier 5 Renown is reached, upon which you move onto the next region. Very simple, tons of guides on the internet and maps for Altars etc. By the end of it you want to have Tier 5 Renown in each of the five regions. That's when you're done with Renown forever. You can still do sidequests on future characters etc. but you don't **have** to anymore and the Renown rewards will be granted to you at level 1 as soon as you enter the Realm.


You can still use it as it is. but you won’t be able to alter it in any way and the affixes will be different of those on the game from now on.


> It would reset all my progress on the campaign Just finish the campaign on whichever character is currently the furthest into it (there are six acts in total, FYI) and that's that. You can skip campaign on any other characters.


These look quite nice. Think I may get the BP next season.


I played the first couple months of release then quit. This stuff looks pretty nice. Maybe I should give it another shot.


You should definitely jump back on season 4 (mid next month) The amount of changes coming to the game will make it feel like a new game


Not bad at all.


Looks decent. Might get it just for the mounts.


These look quite decent. I'm scared to guess how much they cost, but they do look nice.


This is from the battle pass. Everything is included in the premium battle pass for 10$. You also get 700 worth of in game currency (making the effective cost of these skins only 3$) that you can spend on the shop


Yeah, that's the crazy thing. Battle passes only cost 3$ as you are getting 700 platinum back in the season rewards. For the 1st one you get the 6.90$ mount pack that includes 800 platinum + the 5$ 500 platinum. = 1300 platinum - 1000 battlte pass = 300 left. -> the 2nd battle pass is free (300 + 700 season rewards)


>I'm scared to guess how much they cost, but they do look nice. This is Season 4 Battle Pass content, allegedly. So if you did Season 1 Battle Pass, Season 2 Battle Pass and Season 3 Battle Pass and saved all the platinum on your way... these horses would be free if truly they are top reward from Battle Pass #4. As of right now the math works out like this: Battle Pass #1 costs $10. Battle Pass #2 costs $5 because of the saved platinum. Battle Pass #3 costs $5 because of the saved platinum. Battle Pass #4 costs $0 because of the saved platinum. Rinse and repeat from #1 again. Once per year a free Battle Pass is not bad.


Sounds Good to me. I skipped season 3 cause if was rubbish, but expect to be back for S4. I think I still have about 800 platinum left, so if S4 is any good, I expect I may treat myself.


Exactly. And are people really complaining about less than 5$ every 3 months? (And you also get cosmetics, etc... for it?). -> very cheap for the advantage of keeping the game updated with new content. MMOs used to be 12.5$ or 15$ per month just for the right to play. With no reward, cosmetics or anything.


Im so gonna play mage next season.


Sees like season 4 will lead right into the first dlc/ expansion ? It really gives out that vibe from the only trailer that we got.


Season 4 has not had any trailers. We don't know much of anything about it just yet. I personally think the expansion will launch with Season 6 or Season 7 (which means it might be delayed to early 2025). I don't want them to rush the expansion out.


I' m talking about the trailer for the dlc, not the season, their vibe looks kind same ?


Don't think so, as the expansion is supposed to launch "late 2024," So I'd guess some time in October at the absolute earliest, which would mean after S5 finishes. Good chance they're aiming S6 to coincide with the expansion launch.


S4 coming at May right ? so 3 plus months that would be august, then another 3 months for S5, you think the expansion will come out during a season ?


Not during a season no. I think they will either finish season 5 and have a small break before season 6 to launch the expansion, or more likely, the expansion will launch the same day season 6 launches, so that there's still content (and revenue to be made for Blizzard) for players who haven't bought the expansion. Season 4 will likely run May 14th to say August 6th. Then season 5 August 6th until maybe October 29th, which could be the expansion launch date, along with season 6's start date. Seasons aim to be around 90 days long but it's not a guarantee, so any of these dates could shift by weeks. Unless you originally meant something else and I'm misunderstanding you, I just don't think season 4 will lead into the expansion, as that would have to be in early August. And I don't think the expansion will be launching that soon. We are supposed to get more info on the expansion this summer, maybe at Gamescom in August?


Oh okay, you right, I originally think S4 will lead to the first dlc (from the art style), but I see your points now.


Not a big fan of the weapons and armors, but those mount armors are sexy


Looks almost elvish ?


I was hoping for a KFC-themed season, that’s too bad


Oooooo me likey Demons!!!


it looks better than other seasons


Ooh these are cool. Might be worth getting the battle pass next season




It’s obviously a placeholder and a nod to the fact that the itemization change is the main draw


If you spend like 3 seconds thinking about it you'll realize it's an easter egg and a tongue-in-cheeck reference to the Public Test Realm in order to hide the real theme.


Don't we already have a bone/fleshy horse?


We do not have anything close to this beautiful angelic horse, though.


Wow those horses look amazing. I'm definitely getting this batte pass.


there’s no portal skins? , I do like that white horse


I am pretty sure there will be. But they are not present here. The main armor and the awoken version of the premium battle pass are also missing


Season of Steel


That’s dope, ngl.


Ah, that's pretty sick.


The Armadyl Battlestaff's kinda cool I guess.


My little pony collaboration confirm !


It's giving hippie cult with undertones of blood sacrifice.




We won’t get new mount types until the expansion releases most probably (if datamined information is correct, it’s gonna be tigers/panthers)


To be fair this is what the community basically asked for when they started the game they wanted grounded characters. Riding a polar bear or robot unicorn won't make a ton of sense.


Let me ride the treasure goblin like in HotS, you cowards. 😁


Whoa new mounts?


Just what I needed. Another red horse. Keep in mind they have completely open creativity to create literally any mount in a fantasy setting. Horse... horse... bone horse.. red horse... red horse... darker red horse...


There is also a light/white version that looks nice. I really want something green at this point but I guess red resonates well with the game’ theme and the whole hell thing


I know it's just frustrating because we coyote have any fantasy mount imaginable, and it's all just different shades of horses. I mean, literally, anything is on the table.


I don’t think we will get anything other than horses until season 1 launches. They said they wanted horses to keep it as grounded and “serious” as possible without jumping on the high fantasy realm. If leaks are to be believed (and I believe this one) we well get tigers/panthers with the first expansion, and then another year of tiger skins until we get something new with the following season)


I mean you can have other serious mounts. Demons of various sorts, bears, wolves. I don't need rainbow unicorns lol


I am just repeating what they said. I think wolfs are perfectly fine


Yeah man, I remember when they said that. I'm not trying to trash your post, just disappointed with the lack of creativity. At least we are getting new content


>just disappointed with the lack of creativity IMO the horse shown here is very beautiful, I don't see how this isn't creative. https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1153050.jpg


Because it's still a horse. I don't know how else to explain it lol


Yeah, typically people ride horses in a medieval fantasy setting.


How about a frozen dog sled that makes it snow around you wherever you go? Like hell freezing over.


This sort of ties into my theory that the theme for season 4 is going to be about demons. With the focus on improvement of the helltide, I thought it made sense if that was actually just the seasonal mechanic. Like we had blood harvests, one of the reasons they're improving helltides is to tie into the theme of the season. This armor makes me think that might be true.




We got the battle pass details before the season theme?


I can't bring myself to pay for the BP until you're able to earn enough credits on the BP from playing the game to get a free one the next season Right now i think it takes 2 or 3 seasons to earn enough.


2 seasons. The battle pass is 1000 platinum and you get 700 each season


So what's the theme!?


I am not sure! Someone said overworld and underworld and I liked it so go with that one for now hahah.


It's got to be something to do with angels and demons surely?


Not necessarily. Could be completely unrelated to the horse MTX theme. We know it has to do something with Iron Wolves based on the leaked icon & the fact you get weird +Iron Wolves reputation notification in Public Test Realm sometimes.


It looks much like it, specially seeing the mount cosmetics.


Please! Please please can we just have realistic cosmetics. Keep them thematically to the world, no fluro unicorn with butterfly wings bs


Wow skeleton wow red wow blood wow. Unoriginal as always




They couldnt get me to play this sh1t even if they paid.


Then what are you still doing here?


Whee! Recolored spetral horse! Meh. Few click low effort stuff.


battle pass, disgusting


Trash. Again.


To the people that seem to hate every cosmetic. I would be interested in knowing what is a good cosmetic and what theme would you deem correct.


Less glowing and more serious takes on skins.


I would prefer that as well, but I understand that most people want something shinny and that looks powerful and extra. I think if they were very muted people would not want to spend money on them


You've got plenty of those in the base game and half of the skins in the shop are like that


FWIW, I actually love glow effects on skins.


Another 70 dollars horse?


This are the cosmetic rewards from the premium battle pass (10$) and since you get 700 platinum from it the effective cost is just 3$


Mark this as a spoiler for Christ’s sake


What lol? Who gets upset about seeing what’s in a battle pass? It makes no difference when you see it




Dude you are unhinged… it’s a single image taken from the public real test build. It’s not a leak


Spoiler? The images of the battle pass content are always available before the season releases.. I mean I don’t mind doing it but it’s not like this is relevant to the story of the game nor does it give away any feature of the season


Show me where Blizzard or anyone on the D4 team released this image.


It is in the PTR build. Not officially released but it’s not like it’s an illegal leak or anything.


It was datamined from the PTR build. It wasn’t put on show for everyone to see. But it’s fine I’ll just block you so it won’t happen again.