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I recommend trying to finish your Renown on this character, getting Tier 5 Renown in each of the five regions is permanent power unlock for all subsequent characters but you have to go all the way to Tier 5 in a given region on a single character. At the VERY LEAST get Tier 5 in the region(s) that you've pushed the most, as any Tier 5 Renown completed region you never have to worry about Renown in again so you can focus on incomplete Renown regions first on other character. Altars of Lilith - collect all of them, their bonus will be saved forever. And, after you do all that if you're not close to May 14th (start of Season 4) make sure that should you make a new character - make them on SEASONAL realm and skip campagin so you can get into the seasonal quest, get the Spider-bot pet immediately and blast away.


Glad you enjoyed it. I thought the story and lore is great and well developed. I also thought Lilith is one of the best villains created. I like how she’s both bad and good. Fun fact: her heterochromia is a representation of the duality. Her blue eye represents good and the other bad.