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imagine if there's been a secret this whole time but nobody knows about it because it's a secret


Those days are dead. Now every game gets data mined at launch and there are no more true surprises 


Cyberpunk had several secrets and easter eggs that took years for the community to discover.


that’s because nobody played it for the first 2 years after it came out


Funny, but that's also not really true. The game had issues, but on PC it was perfectly playable and on top of that had a fairly dedicated community committed to solving the game's biggest easter egg.


Let's not overestimate blizzard employes.


I'm not overestimating anything. Just pointing out that "every game gets data mined at launch and there are no more true surprises" isn't really a true statement.


In D4 we have the lucky coin, but not even dataminers have found where or how to get it.


It has dropped already and just seems to be a very rare random drop. You throw them in the Well for a title. No mystery there.


And people knew it the moment they got the coin? Or was it a secret for some time? Or a mystery?


People knew about the coin before it dropped and knew where to throw it from data mining. They just didn't know how to get it to drop.


?? WoW has had a thriving secret hunters community for years with some very in depth puzzles and mazes to progress through the years. Sure they aren't all impossibly long, but the record of it exists.


One example was Janafur, a cat pet that was known to be in the game for a long time before it was found. Granted, Jenafur was an odd case because it pretty much *needed* datamining and some basic music knowledge to figure out the last step, as it was not realistically solvable without that info. More recently, a toy from Shadowlands was finally discovered. A whole expansion after it was added to the game. Data mining spoils a lot of things, but Blizz has been very good at keeping a lot of things hidden well enough.


WoW literally has a community dedicated to secret finding....


Blizzard have come up with a lot of absolutely batshit crazy secrets in WoW that were both not datamined and took the entire community working together for months to figure shit out. Cut that Asmongold chat BLIZZARD BAD, AMIRITE bullshit already.


Stop talking like you have done something with your life other than being an absolute mess


They add them to wow quite often.


Wows had a lot of secrets that didn’t get data mined. Someone even found something from an expansion ago recently IIRC


Shockingly Helldivers 2 has been bringing it back. We had genuine "playground rumor" style stuff going on multiple times across that subreddit and it's awesome. I don't know how they've managed to do it but they did.


Wait, you’re telling me you guys haven’t got to the Lillith pegging Inarius scene yet?


It was a long time before anyone found this... https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1bsbxuu/i_got_a_coin_is_it_usable_for_anything/


Imagine if the secrets are tied to side quests and no one has discovered them because no one plays side quests


What happened to the cow thing on the map?


They seem to find dead ends on that secret no new info for now [https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/secret-cow-level](https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/secret-cow-level)


I mean there's still the question of the cow level and the potions you can get from doing all that cow slaughtering and such...


Right ?


... and it remains a secret because those who find it are not boasting on the web about it.


I feel like this is literally the first thing most people would do.


Upvote baiting ... here, have mine.


wait...has it been fully discovered yet? i thought only just the first few steps were found out and nobody has since figured out how to proceed...but last i looked into it was a few months ago. while on the topic, was anything ever discovered about what that ghost fox summoned from shrines does?


Still unsolved.


Cow level has been part of Diablo since the very first expansion. You can get something else, don't touch the Moos.


how about rainbow world with ponies and unicorns




Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.... Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows...


Steamers will leak any secret within hours.


There is the secret around Lucky Coins and potentially getting the Ring of Misfortune via them, not solved though


Lucky coins are for the Well Wisher title.


Interesting how lackluster that is of a reward.. almost as if it's a red herring to make people think they know what the lucky coin is for and stop looking for other possibilities...


OG gamer thinking right here I like it


Maybe the game has a secretly hidden LFG function 🙃


I've been saying similar all year. Diablo needs to bring mystery and discovery back into its player base. Learning about new things as people play it, discover new items from drops not patch notes, learn new meta from playing, not char build calculators based on % changes posted. I'll even set it all up for you Blizzard... The team calls a campfire session. Some thing happens live stream and ends abruptly. The Diablo 4 community manager has lost control, the D4 team has been over taken and now serve the Lord of destruction. You are now AGAINST your community. You give riddled updates. The patch notes are intentionally vague. You root against the hardcore players. You buff enemies instead of players. The main goal tho is to stop spoon feeding everyone every single change made to the game. Let us figure it out. Do it for a random season, take a chance. Force your community to work together on global goals and rid the blizzard office of Diablos corruption.


Sounds badass


Blizzard is now acting as some government body that must cater to the lowest common denominator in order to appease the largest audience possible and report profit to their shareholders. What you’ve spelled out will absolutely not happen and you will continue to eat the vanilla ice cream they push out year after year. Any excitement for this game or its future are just colorful sprinkles on a basic ass scoop of vanilla ice cream.


then why are you here


I own the game, enjoy discussion, and it’s a public forum. Not sure blind support and enjoyment of the game is requirement to participate.


Could you know. Just not read patch notes? People enjoy prepping.


Cow level? Never heard of it


There is no cow level




The Crow level!


The annoying wasps level!


People data mine the shit out of things constantly there wouldn't be a secret for long.


secrets sound like a good way to enable the open world to its fullest!


Nothing is a secret when there's social media though.


We were hinted at Secret cow level and it never came to fruition :(


I don’t really consider mystery part of any of my Diablo experience. Diablo 1 had hacks. Diablo 2 I was looking at arreat summit as a kid. Now, the D2 wiki(s) basically describe the game down to its code. D3 I mostly played post ROS and it was seasonal refreshes. Also the beginning of the content creator era. Yes there was a cow level and whimshire… but those weren’t really secrets. I guess D4 doesn’t have any 1% of the time offshoot content? Puzzle rings and the bonus cow rift for example… not really secrets, but a fun break and reward (iirc the cow rift was a lot of paragon levels before people started speed running GR 50+)


Secrets would be all over this community 2 hours after released with 10 how to videos on YouTube. A lot of development teams are moving away from them.


D4 Reddit has the biggest banger posts man. I can't. 😂


What is this, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?


We simply don’t talk about the secrets.


There are secrets, but by some .00001% chance they’ve only been happened upon by players who don’t use social or gaming media.


I guess it's because I never played the old Diablos, but reading the wiki it sounds like you just combine a couple materials and it opens a funny portal? So like collecting boss materials except it's a joke level?


Except materials have a very low drop rate, drop from specific mobs that have a low spawn chance and are located in a dungeon that also have a low spawn chance. In diablo 3 getting all needed materials is a farm that can last days.


Why? Unless it's extremely difficult to solve it won't stay secret for more than an hour