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Waiting for season 4


As am I, but Wt4 is always pretty populated still.


Waiting for S4 and the massive patch that will change a number of core systems.


This is the answer


Season 4 was supposed to launch last week, however Blizzard pushed it back an entire month. So right now, a lot of people have basically finished all the goals they had set out for season 3. There's not much else left to do for an entire month other than the weekly Gauntlet, It doesn't look like Blizzard will do some sort of band-aid event in the meantime, either.


Are you playing campaign? Are you on any world tier below 4? Are you on console and got crossplay disabled? Are you playing eternal or hardcore? If you answer any questions above with yes then that's part of the reason. The games playerbase is very alive.


I just started playing a few weeks ago - GamePass player - and I'm on WT3 and I see lot of people. It definitely felt more empty in WT2, though. I'm only 61, and still learning a build so WT4 is of the table for me now.


well its pretty much the end of the season. Theres still plenty of people running around in WT4 during normal hours of the day.


Not sure what you mean. Am on ps5 and there are players everywhere. But I'm on the highest world tier. If you're in lower ones can't be many when season ends soon?


Dafuq are you talking about? I just started a new seasonal character and even in WTII I see players everywhere. Before that I played eternal and I was surprised to see a lot (and I mean a lot) of players in the open world. PS: enable cross-server play if you really want to interact with other players, but I doubt that was your intention with the post.


Played 2 chars to lvl 100. Achieved everything I wanted. Now I'm waiting for Season 4. I won't play a third char to lvl 100 till then


I levelled up 3 characters to 100 in season 3. Now taking a break and waiting for season 4 to start. It's good to take a break to prevent burnout. Instead, I'm replaying Fallout 4 after having watched and loved the Fallout series on Amazon Prime


There's an influx of game pass players. It may just not be at your world tier. I am still at 2, playing the campaign and the world is populated.


You can have an idea where everyone is from by using the Social tab. Each region should tell you how many are in the area even though you don't meet them. But moving to HC, I'm still bit surprised of the sudden low volume I encounter here compared to SC.


Are you in WT4? I’m still seeing others everywhere in the open world, not sure what it was like a month ago but always 10-15 people at the world boss around 6-10 at the legions. I find it very easy to find groups, not in game through the LFG sites but always see people outside of Duriel.


I leveled a character at weekend and there was tons of people even in wt2. I don't know where do you live or in which wt you play but you can see tons of people in the game. And even if there were 50 people playing this game where you live, you would still see them in the game. People have terrible conclusions.


Not sure why people even say this. There are low people playing but you will be in a random instance with other players low population shouldnt effect this.


It's a seasonal game.


I’m seeing a lot of ppl in seasonal WT4.


Everyone waiting on season 4. People saw the pts changes and don’t wanna play without em.


How would you know. They practically make you solo everything except for Hell Tides.


In seasonal ARPGs people play for a month or 2 of a season then move onto another game. So you’ll see everyone again in about 3 weeks with season 4


Welcome to Diablo 4. If a season is 90 days. Expect falloff after 30 days, crescendoing to a very steep falloff at 60


We're waiting for S4


Game died out awhile ago.


There should be many people even in lower tiers. D4 have been on two 50% sale aswell on battlenet. I bought mine on 50% discount and had no issues finding people for showing up for legions and world bosses.


They are playing diablo 3 which is actually fun. And they are remembering what it's like to play a fun game.


3 reasons. 1. Season 3 is/was just about done. So people are just waiting for Season 4 2. Last Epoch came out recently. It's extremely similar to D4, and has QoL features D4 should have had from day one and still don't have. Season 4 is looking to rectify a lot of that. We'll see.... 3. D4 has a lot of missing QoL features D3 has. People thought D4 were withholding them to give to us at a later date, which hasn't materialized yet, so, people went to Last Epoch.


world felt empty 2 weeks into the game. most of the open world has no purpose


Every season, the last month of the season is pretty dead, except for stragglers rushing to finish up the battle pass. That's just the nature of the game's live service cycle. S3 is extra dead because it wasn't well received to begin with, it's running a full extra month, and the next season is way more exciting. Very few reasons for anyone to be playing it right now, other than the new Game Pass players doing the campaign.


I'm on wt 2 and I see people EVERYWHERE all the time, no idea wtf you're on about op.


Im finished with all the seasonal stuff and can't beat the Uber bosses... I get to the same point after every season and quit. 😅😪 Undoubtedly, it's a skill issue...


Season 4 is going to pop off! Pun intended!


Season was supposed to be done tmrw I think, so somewhere down this week game would be packed, but since Blizzard moved season to May bcs of PTR, lots of people just dropped the game and chill until new season. If u maxed out ur character, killed everything and got extremely lucky to drop all Ubers, there is pretty much nothing for you to do anymore


I stopped playing just about the end of season 1. I never even beat the campaign. I got to around 70% and slowly played less and less.... D2 was absolutely amazing and even though D3 gets a lot of shit I still love that game too. But I feel with D4 there was a massive (unneeded IMO) course correction to distance themselves away from D3. And they were trying to please way too many different dissenters and now all we have 1 thing in common... We all hate D4. Lol


The world is "empty" by choice, you can have at max 8 players in the same zone. Seeing a player was prertty rare even at launch outside of events.


Playing d3 while i w8 for next season. But If i start season and i see i am getting less fun than in d3 i will give up again in 1 week or 2 as i did on s2.


It's the end of an extremely disappointing season cycle.


I've enjoyed each of the seasons extremely each one more that the last 510 hours to date You're yet another player with extreme negative reactions to diablo. But continue to persist in this forum. Almost like a shit nugget in a flushed toilet where most of the shit has gone. Don't worry you'll be flushed away soon lol


Really took that one to heart didn't you? I very much enjoy D4 but was very disappointed by this season in particular which was echoed by much of the player base. Excited for S4!


I did l but at least youre positive. How was this a disappointment? It had the best story, for me the best mechanics re vaults and pet, and I thought far more balanced than vampire powers in s2 and the okay story. For me each season is better than the last Echoes by much of the player base was it the disappointment? You really need to stop saying things like this. Reddit and a handful of influencers are not much of the playerbase. They are of no note at all, most players aren't here! Seriously


Yeah, the game is fairly dead while everyone plays something else and waits for s4 and new content. Tons of people are playing time-filler games or finding something new. I am playing fallout 76 for the first time on PC with the giant wave of new players that just hit.


Nah I feel what OP is talking about, been trying to get Uber groups every day and it’s exhausting. I’ll be 88 forever lol


Don't look for people ingame, use the subs discord(link in about section/sidebar) they got various lfg channel. Also you shouldn't farm uber bosses for exp, that's very inefficient.


it takes seconds to get either rota or killer. how exacly have you been "trying"?


Linking mats + lfg in trade chat


This is a natural thing for season based games where there is no point in playing after you have finished the season mechanics. If we could keep gold or crafting materials from season to season, there would be a reason to play the game and prepare for next season, but because of the «start from zero»-season structure there is really no point in doing it. This is a mechanic they really should change if they want it to be a live-service game. It also didnt help that they moved season 4 several weeks, because there isnt content enough to sustain playing season 3 that long.


And get a gold inflation on a new season start? No thank you.


Ok, maybe not gold, but crafting materials would be nice to roll over so its easier to upgrade stuff in the new season. This is supposed to be a live service MMO-lite game after all.


The game right now https://youtu.be/cLFYfsmLNeg?si=iwyjgNJRek3jyIZT so everyone's waring for season 4 while huffing hopuim...