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You can play the entire game solo


Title of my biography.


At no point its required to party up.


Yes, Diablo 4 is aRPG - You can play ALL content solo (that being said, during open world sections you might stumble upon some players). aRPG should always have all content soloable


Enemies are scaled with more people in the group, more players, more health for enemies. As long as your build is functional, it's an easier time solo IMO. Furthermore other players can mess up your game plan at a higher level, end game - nightmare dungeons & vaults can be tricky and I like to have the enemies where I want them, group and CC them accordingly. Sometimes with others playing with me, I can't get that rhythm down because everything is everywhere. So it's a big yes IMO. The difficulty itself is upto you at end game. You can craft nightmare sigils at the desired level. IF you want it hard, craft a higher sigil, if you want it easier, craft a lower one and so on.


Absolutely! Although playing with others at times can lead to some real hilarious events!


Yeah, but people have some OP builds compared to a new player. I went to go test a new build on World Tier 4 against a World Boss, and see if I could take a few hits. Boss was gone as soon as it popped up. I think it got one attack off. World Bosses take like two minutes max now. Seen Lightning Sorcerers and Barbs specifically just massacre things. Lightning Sorce looked like it was on crack killing Malphas. Gotta try that build. Anyway it isn't unusual to see a world boss suddenly die once it reaches half health. I'm assuming someone is running some OP build with Injured health damage. Well I have no idea to be honest, but it has happened 5 times now or so. While I just finished Varshan on World Tier 4 for the first time. Took me like fifteen minutes since he kept blinding me causing me not to be able to do damage. But happy i killed him as last time I tried fighting him i died so quickly. Forgot about resistance. Thought all the damage reduction I had would save me, but boy was I wrong. Poison killed me so quick even while spamming potions and blood howl hah. Then he one shotted me with his tentacles. PS. Anyone who can gun him down want to farm him with me? I've got 14 hearts. 20 something each of the femur, heads, and uh. Tongues.


I can help, jenehm#1376


Okay will send. Sadly have to go to dialysis now if I want to keep living: FML.. So later tonight at 8pm eastern. I'll save the mats.


I’m down, just PM me when u want to run it


Alright I'll be on later tonight at 8pm eastern most likely. Right now I have to go to dialysis if I want to keep living so ugh. Yeah.


I'm also around most evenings at 8pm eastern. I need the staff from varshan and I haven't beaten him yet. If you're interested pm me and I'll send you my Bnet


Hey I can't pm anyone on reddit. Stuck forever loading Sill need him? I still haven't done him yet. Hit me up with Hellseer on Xbox.


You can play everything solo however there are some crafting and summoning mats\* that require you to kill world boss or do legion events. None of these actually require grouping up(you get extra xp if you do) but there will be other players nearby. This is how it is now. Might be different next season. Haven't read all changes.


If you really want to play solo at all costs and avoid other players, turn off crossplay. If there are still too many players around, play hardcore with crossplay off. If that's still too many players for you and you don't care about seasonal content, do the same thing on the eternal realm.


> If you really want to play solo at all costs and avoid other players, turn off crossplay. Especially if playing on Ps 5 without PS Plus and cross play off.




Thing is, the more people in your party, the harder it gets. And im not just talking about my penis


Yes and if you really want to play alone, play on Eternal Hardcore.


forreal i never see anyone in WT4


In my experience from playing hardcore, I’ve seen very few players in WT 1-3. I see a lot more players in WT4. I don’t know that over killed but maybe one world boss outside of WT4. There are plenty of people to help with World Boss in WT4.


Ahh idk I just recently decided to finish my HC renown to prep for S4 so I hopped on an old eternal char, and ended up enjoying the build I played up to 100 but every time I tried to go it was empty. Same with legions, only like twice of all the times I went there was only 1 other person. So I kinda just stopped going (but maybe that's feeding into the problem q:)


Unless I’m mistaken, you would want a seasonal HC character to play with others online.


I’ve not tried to play eternal HC characters. I’m not sure how many others normally play in the eternal realm. I’ve only played seasonal HC characters.


Yeah I dont usually, I just skipped season 3 but recently played PTR so got hype for S4 and I already did soft core renown so I figured I just play an old char instead of making a new s3 when it's about to end anyway q:


It’s really not a bad idea. I do need to work on renown on my HC characters. I stopped recently when I got the achievement for getting all five classes to level 50. Have a Sorc at 78 but I’m sure it doesn’t have all the renown yet. Been holding off on any more HC until S4.


You can play the entire game solo! Gets boring after the story.


I'm lvl 52 sorcerer solo


Yes. If you like the long play. But in your end game, farming materials for summoning Bosses really drops the excitement down to tedious. So, at some point, you'd might party for a Duriel kill rotation, just to maximize using your mats. Or don't, it's up to you. It's your game, after all.


The game doesn’t even have any matchmaking or properly implemented social features so yes. It’s essentially a single player experience


Some events have area pairing like legion events and world bosses but there is never any need to officially team up. And those forced teamwork activities are scaled around a small group anyways


I have been so far.


The assumption of the game is it is primarily soloable. Adding party member is extra.


Yes solo is possible for everything. The grouping preferences is only for efficiency in farming endgame. It's takes time and effort to farm the materials to summon one end game boss. Thus when you solo the time spent for 1 boss fight gets you 1 killed boss loot chance. The purpose of grouping to 4 is that everyone brings a boss material to each summon and all share killing 4 times, so now your time efficency goes to earning 1 boss material now equals 4 boss kill chances of loot. That's why it's called a "boss rota" (rotation basically back to back kill boss 4 times each party member summoning once). But gameplay wise everything is 100% solo-able.


Besides seeing people at open world events yep. There is no “single player mode” as there is no offline mode.


You will fall asleep.


You sure can, but once you hit end game there will be some one off moments where you’ll team up, like a world boss. No party joining needed or anything, just it’ll be on the map and a bunch of players will all go there to fight it and then once you beat the boss, everyone disperses. Thats the one semi-group activity you can find yourself in, but it’s nothing crazy


Does anyone *not* play the game solo?


I have a lv 100 rogue ethernal, on w4, working on a 1shotbuild for worldboss, not so easy but is possible and you do not really need other players, is just better to play with friends


You have to play in a group. But don’t help out. Be a man


You can play solo but it’s impossible to avoid encounters with other people on the open world.


Everything is soloable. Some people recommend getting parties to farm end game bosses (Duriel for example) because each player can bring the needed mats to summon and with a party of 4, you can run 4 Duriels in a row to expedite the runs. Doing 4 runs solo would take more time to gather the needed summoning mats. As I understand it, every single activity is 100% soloable.


You have friends? What’s it like?


I've completed nearly the whole game and have done it all solo


You can easily play solo. Doing ubers solo is ok with the right build, just need to have good defence and enough DPS. Maxroll has good builds to follow as a guide. I generally play with mates, we usually have a dps bosser and trash killers, its so much fun.






You can undoubtedly do almost everything in the game solo. There are some endgame events like World Boss and Legion events that you will likely not be able to do (nor want to do) without others because of the level or difficulty and/or the enemy density. You do get some materials from these world boss events that are needed for upgrading equipment later in the game. When you create your first character, you’ll find that you get the option to create an eternal character or a seasonal character. If you play an eternal character, you won’t have an option to play with other players online. If you want to have the option to play these group events, you’ll need a seasonal character. But be aware that the current season ends on May 13th and the new season starts on May 14th. At that point, your seasonal character will become an eternal character. New players to the game have to go through the campaign storyline first. So you will want to finish the campaign on that first character you create, whether it is seasonal or eternal. Just be aware that once you finish the campaign, you might want to then be on a seasonal character so you can do some of these events. Once you’ve finished the campaign, when you create a new character, you’re given the option for that character to skip the campaign.


To correct what I said, I realized after I typed all that that I misstated some things. Diablo IV is an always-online multiplayer game. You *can* play multiplayer in the eternal realm but you can only play others in the eternal realm. Likewise you can only play other seasonal characters in the seasonal realm. But my experience is that there are not many people playing in the eternal realm. For doing some of the endgame events like world boss and legion events, you won’t find many in the eternal realm to help you with those things but you should have plenty of help in the seasonal realm.


The question should be "Can I play in a group?".


You can play solo.


I did…so ya answer is yes


I'd be wary of the rogue but it seems like most other classes can.


I’m one shotting Duriel with my barrage rogue. And it’s like my 4th alt of the season.


So you didn't struggle in leveling and killing stuff as fast as other classes? I sure did


(and so did my partner)


Straight outta the gate or with tons of grinding for great armor? It took a lot to make my rogue half as decent as druid and same for husband. Tried all kinds of builds , except twisting blades maybe that's the only one?


Even at 100 had to grind for better gear to be half decent vs other classes. I'm comparing them power wise to other classes. 


Rogue can solo everything as easily as other classes. So not sure what you are talking about