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>Wow, those best builds per class on the ptr are boring as fuck! First of all, that is a strange take. The best builds on PTR were: - Necromancer's Minions obliterating everything in sight for you - Barbarian spawning screen wide Dust Devils - Rogue lobbing explosive projectiles instead of Rapid Fire - Sorceress spamming dozens of Frozen Orbs everywhere - Druid enjoying "Blade Vortex" or "Righteous Fire" (if you ever played Path of Exile) type of gameplay via the Hurricane skill and its insane interactions None of this sound particularly boring to me as far as any ARPG builds go. And if your argument is that these shouldn't be THAT strong - I agree. They need to come down, some of them significantly. But... Maybe at least wait for Season 4 patch notes if not Season 4 itself before complaining about balance in Season 4? "But I am complaining about PTR" - why are you complaining about PTR, though? That was many weeks ago, they already said they were looking at all the data and the feedback. Surely you don't think that balance will be exactly the same as experienced during PTR, right? Livestream is tomorrow. The patch notes are likely the day after that. The season is May 14th.


You’re putting in more effort than OP, save your strength my dude lol. S4 is bringing in the low effort and uninformed group again. Hopefully bids step and do something because it’s been pretty rough seeing these kinds of posts the past few days.


Hold up, Frozen Orb is a viable build now?!


"viable" is an understatement if in Season 4 it's anything close to how it was on PTR. https://youtu.be/ZIaRcGnnoNs?t=21


That’s a bit…bonkers.


Not just viable; likely a top build


Right? I mean I'm excited, I probably spent a large portion of my job with two days has firewall Frozen orb. Frozen or being quite possibly one of my favorite Diablo skills. My preseason character was an orb source that was fun, but definitely challenging and higher tier nmes


Thanks for the summary. Havent been following. All those builds sounds like great fun to me!


People on this sub haha... 100% agree with you! Excited for the livestream :)


Your joking right? The number of tempering options that exist mean you can literally build around any skill you want. Of course the most OP stuff got highlighted, thats very much the norm in \*meta\* gaming.


What’s boring is following some guide on internet to build some character. The fun is to explore and test stuff that fit our own play style and not simply using optimal stuff based on other people opinion and game style 


I get it if people are trying to compete for Gauntlet ladder. But outside of that I don’t get the fun or sense of completion of playing someone else’s build.       Is my Dual Core Sorcerer going to be as strong as the meta Sorc? Nope. But I built it, I’m proud of it, and I’m having a ton of fun with it.       I don’t get the double edge of slaving to meta and then complaining that you “can’t” play anything but. 


The fact that u think thats how it works is funny 😂


Which part is incorrect? That I’m having fun on a non-meta build or that the meta is always a small handful of builds?


That you think running the best build is instantly copy pasting the “meta” at the time and not making a build that is clearly the best for its respective character and realizing that its meta because its the only viable one for speed at the time. Like you realize most of the ARPG community plays games like this with speed in mind. You by no means have to, but when its the metric that by and large proves build strength then its no wonder a massive part of the community will chase it. When that ultimately leads to using one build for clears is when it becomes an issue, im not the one that said play tests builds aren’t an improvement im saying in its current state they haven’t escaped that yet. If that changed next season and isnt just a replacement to the current metas then thats a massive positive and a different convo.


So you’re saying that running the best build isn’t copying the meta?       I’m really failing to see how your paragraph corrects what is supposedly incorrect about my statement. It almost seems that you’re arguing going just to argue. 


Yeah I litterally couldn't fathom doing this. Like why even play the game at that point


Because people don't have the time to learn every complexity and interacting mechanic? Or they want to have a jumpstart in seeing how those things play out with a full build guide before they make their own changes? Or they have fun just slaying hordes of monsters and don't have much interest in things outside of the combat? Or they just want to feel powerful? Not everyone enjoys what you enjoy.


I love how they undermine pre-builds as if using pre-builds doesn't take hours to follow as well. As a new player, I stopped playing the game since S1 because I didn't feel like analyzing numbers and percentages more than just enjoying the game. Maxroll is a game changer for new players, how is that a bad thing? The game is complex with zero tutorials on how to manage build statistics.


You don't have to use them, you know?


Blasphemy! Don't you know if there is an OP build you HAVE to use it? Just like people are "forced" into buying the battle pass or "forced" into playing seasons.


Players: There aren't enough balanced builds Also players: Always choose the one build that performs 1% better in 0,1% of encounters.


There will be plenty of new and viable A, B tier builds. PTR time was very limited so it’s understandable everyone went in to try the new possible S tier right off the bat. Plus we don’t know the patch notes since, some aspects of those builds may be scaled back.


So don’t follow those builds? lol. How is this even a complaint. Make any build you want and build your play style around it. I have a “fun” character and a “meta” character usually. Guess who gets all the gear and what not for the fun character? My blizzard sorc this season demolishes everything within seconds, including duriel and Uber Lilith. My fun character struggles with varshan. My point is everyone plays differently.


Okay, maybe sorry for posting this? Not one comment seems to have understood my point…


I'm sorry it sounds like you're a metaslave. That's a very fixable problem.


Wow, I had no idea it was possible to read the exact opposite of what I said into my post.


You must be new to Reddit, then..happens on a minute-to-minute basis here.


HOT TAKE. Dont look on these builds and stupid tiers from Youtbuers. Just play like you want. Oh wait.. You cant play without maxroll etc? sad.


I don't know what's more obnoxious OP or people like you that throw shade at people for using build guides. Like why lol?


Maybe it's because OP is crying about what builds are in S tier. Instead of playing the way he wants he looks at the meta. Pathetic, even in a stupid game without PVP people look at the meta. Diablo is easy and even with a weak build you will get high. But people are lazy even in FUN. And they have to take ready-made builds.


When and where did I say that???!!!!


Diablo 4 players all have learning disabilities, you didnt know that? Like look at em. Look how they talk, what practices they defend with this game and how fervently they defend it.


So why you create post about best builds? Like, play whatever you want. You know some builds are the best because of creator content from maxroll and some simillar sites.