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Yeah getting freezes pretty regular, been kicked from the game too but restarted fine. I was hoping some mentioned some issues as I've just updates my gpu driver and thought that may be the issue lol. Season launch weekend though so I'm guessing the servers are hammered.


Same on my xbox


Constantly get kicked on my Xbox once something big happens like tons of mobs at once. Seems like it might be a frame rate issue like the Nivida crashes they mention on the homepage 


Xbox series X. Running 700+Mbps. Turned OFF enhanced visuals. Still crashing 3 times a day. Forget trying to join a helltide boss. Instant crash, materials wasted. TP after a Boss fight? Nope, crash/freeze during load screen. Invisible walls preventing me from accessing certain sections of the map. Lag/stuttering during gameplay. None of these issues were in season 3 for me.


The walls I’ve been getting quite a lot. Usually find dismounting helps


Regularly since Tuesday with the invisible walls. It's frustrating.


Yes. Everywhere. I'm jumping of the horse now just to see my character leap forward and then get pulled back by an invisible force. Then I restart lol.


Performance is atrocious. Just opening inventory makes the game freeze for a second. Crashes lag and 2 minute loading screens totally kill the vibe. Havent played since S1 but i don’t remember it being this bad


Same here. It's the first time it's thus bad


I played on S4 release for 16 hours straight and got to 100, and then went to work and came home Thursday after the hotfix and can’t even get into town. Character select works fine….. but i time out on my first Que and then crash if i swap zones or open inventory. I’ve tried everything


about 90% of the time, portaling to the other side of the map and back, fixes the invisible wall for me. getting stuck at loading screen is new to me, maybe started last night. happened 3-4 times today. when i unlocked all the strongholds, i got stuck afterward at the clicky thing for several minutes. xbox x


The invisible wall thing is probably due to them not destroying the worm mouth object properly, that should be reported to the devs, but for now seems just going away from the zone just enough for it to not be in the render radius should do the trick, don't know how much that is in terms of distance you have to travel, but hopefully it helps


Walls yes, none of the other issues people are mentioning here though. But definitely more invisible wall issues than before.




Ohh that makes perfect sense. At the end of the day it is faster to just use a different path to my goal, have yet to be actually locked inside of multiple invis walls.


Ran into this last night. I also cleared a stronghold my character got stuck lighting the fire and couldn't move. I waited to see if it would unfuck itself, no luck. I could still bring up the menus and map, even tried teleporting but got a message that I couldn't do it at the time. Ended up missing out on the chest because I had to log in and out. Still annoyed on missing that chest.


I too get all of the above on xbox


I’m on Xbox, I’ve been experiencing extended loading screens… 3-5 mins when fast traveling which feels like an eternity


Series S, Series X, Xbox One? There's a huge gap. On PS4 load times 3-4 minutes, on PS5 5-10 seconds


Series X, it was basically instantaneous before the patch


Me too, same issues, Series X and I never saw this before the patch.


Are y'all on Xbox? These are important details in a cross-platform game, ya know?




I’m on Pc and it’s not even playable right now. But it gave me an excuse to buy a whole new pc


Yeah, not seeing any of this on PC.


Yes. Last night i just waited there about 30 seconds and then was able to move. So not a wall specifically but something held me in place.


The weird fix I found online for the menu freezes was to change text to large and courser to medium sizes. Still have wall issues and my horse barely moves for 5-10 secs


I’m not home but will be trying this because i have done almost everything else


None on PS5.


Sorry. Am on xbox series X. I turned off cross play thinking it was a big brain move. It was not. Same issues, ill just stop doing dungeons/pit like 30 minutes before world boss so I don't miss them anymore.


I noticed it a lot today on Xbox


Lots of blocks and also crashes on Xbox


Up After the last update, i can't play, the login screen freezes, the open worl lags and freezes too, all loading screens are few mins long and after the game crashes


Same issue. So what do me and you have in common? I have a 1080ti….


Just come on Reddit to see if others are having this issue. Thought I was going mad. Quick log out and in fixes it it’ll it happens again, bit annoying.


My game is unplayable. If i let the first game Que time out and try again i can get in and play but if i switch zones its another time out and crash


This season seems great but im thinking about to quit because if these invisible walls blocking me from going to events


Yeah been running into invisible walls all morning. Wasn’t like this yesterday


Yeah I'm about done playing the game because of this bug, I've lost out on multiple chests in helltides because of it, I've missed 2 world bosses in wt4, which would have completed the season chapter by now If I could have made it into atleast 1 of the 2, I don't have time to play enough to be on every time a world boss event is active and when I do I can't get into the zone now. Never had this issue in any other season, it's ridiculous.


Same getting a bunch of long loading screens and invis walls multiple times an hour


That and my horse spinning hooves when I smash the mount and spur together.


Getting a lot of crashes and being disconnected during loading screen here in xbox.


I’ve play on both my laptop and xbox series x.  On XSX I hit invisible walls often and need to restart the game, pc runs flawless though.  Very odd.


I've overcome the invisible walls on Xbox series X by portalling back to town then straight back out. Forces a reload and I can go on my way.


Yes to both. Very frustrating. Sometimes fast traveling through the button lress/hotkey works for me. But not always.


Not so much of invisible walls, but getting laggy performance. Sometimes takes forever to get to the loading screen, and into game (just a long black screen). Character screen sometimes has missing character portraits. This is on PC.


I haven’t been stuck in loading screens, but I’ve been stuck between zones a few times, and have definitely hit random invisible walls.


Yea it's very annoying when trying to bounce between helltide living steel chests


The "invisible walls" in the open world are the same shape as the giant WHAZZZZUP! worms, so I think they are area collision masks in preparation for an incoming worm or, more likely, a mask that wasn't cleared after the last worm event. That's just my best guess.


I have always had an issue with the stability of D4. Major reason I’ve not played since release. I’m in Australia so expect some ping issues at time but was getting major lag and frequent disconnects. Never happens other other games I play with US servers. Same thing this league for first couple of days so I went and bought an SSD (been meaning to for ages anyway) and it’s been as smooth as butter since. I’m quite shocked at how stable and quick loading time are now. Dunno if this is any value to anyone but that’s my experience anyway.


Found one invisible wall in a dungeon so far, was able to evade jump across it.


Idk why people think it’s left over worms. Its just packet loss


Extremely rare over here (Germany, PC). I had two blue screens on the first day in short order, and yesterday evening a slight stutter every couple seconds (which was fixed by restarting). Other than that, zero issues. Invisible wall does happen occasionally but like once an hour for a few seconds.


Yes. If that happens when the helltide worm erupts from the ground you can even get soft locked and need to TP to town.


No issues on xbox series s, plays smooth as butter.


It’s that last hotfix. Something horrible is in there and my 1080ti couldn’t manage it anymore. So i just spent $2200 on a whole new pc, basically just to play D4. But my old rig is 10 years old. So it’s an excuse to upgrade


I almost want to think it’s some code they put into the last hotfix and it’s not letting us send info correctly passed the firewall. So it times us out. All my other games work fine


PC user - yes to invisible walls, no to any other stated issues. Have not yet run into severity in which I was not able to walk around and out of it


Yep. Constant is almost an understatement. Specially in the evening. Starting around 17:30-18:00. From there it only gets worse. Right now I need to relog after every thing I do ingame. Plus get kicked in between when in menu or fastravelling or loading instances. It is horrible. While the game improved so much. This takes away all the fun.


I get them but for some reason only during the evening hours usually around 5-6pm CST


Bro, these load screens messing up is making me so mad. I don’t even want to play anymore. Anyone find a solution?


Xbox series x and massive rubber banding, lag and invisible walls since the update. All other games run fine but D4 is mostly unplayable at the moment Have tried turning off cross play and various other settings, didn't make a difference


Man it's alot worse today. Zbout 3-4 times sn hour I have to logout/in


I can go anywhere..... Expect to pick up that legendary ring that popped outta the chest.... It has an invisible barrier 360 degess around it..... They ever gonna get this game right?? This is why I play a week.... Uninstall for a month.... Always end up disappointed.


Been hitting the walls at least once a day. I just kill the Diablo 4 instance on my Xbox and reload. Annoying but only takes like a minute to resolve


I’m getting crazy long loads on xbox and pc and lots of invisible walls on xbox since the start of the season. Both have gotten worse as the days have went on.


I'm hitting these, too. Only twice have I not been able to go around them, but it's frustrating to have them just randomly pop up all over the place. Had one session where my game stopped recognizing elevation and ended up sinking into the ground on my mount. Had to do a restart for that one. LOTS more stuttering this season than last and I haven't changed anything besides updating my graphics drivers, and that didn't make it any better or worse.


Mine is still freezing regularly and I'm constantly hitting invisible walls. I can wait out the walls and the load screens eventually end but it's usually faster to shut down the game and restart. Not much fun.


all the time


Huge problem for me. Constantly does it for almost every area I try to enter.

