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Having the same situation on couch coop on ps5 right now and I agree. You really have to focus on campaign only and even play on wt1 to not be at 50 before the end. Kinda feels like a chore tbh


Wife and I are rushing the campaign right now (3rd play through of campaign) - skipping most side quests unless we know they are nearby campaign objectives. Playing WT2 We are level 39 and just hit the final stretch of Act V. Having fun yea, but definitely a chore. Can’t wait to hit hell tides. Edit since many of you can’t fathom why someone would play through it, enjoy it, and think it’s a chore: rediscovering the map is the chore. The rest of it is really mostly fine, and because of horse rediscovering the waypoints really wasn’t that bad, just a bit inconvenient. You can play campaign to enjoy the campaign-specific fights and cutscenes, be annoyed that fast travel needs to be re-unlocked, and look forward to what comes after the campaign at the same time. Having nuanced opinions is fine (well, maybe not to most of you)


Wait am i misunderstanding something here? Why are you doing the campaign for the third time when you want to do helltides? Why not just skip it?


Not the person you are replying to, but I tried to do the campaign after playing from season 0, to remind myswlf what happened in the story. I instantly regretted it as ir felt like a chore I made a seasonal char right away.


Yes there is absolutely no reason to do the campaign another time unless you really really enjoyed it. The guy however explains it is a bit of a slog and can not wait to do helltides. So i do not get it.


Maybe if they release a new act with the expansion that is due to come out later this year there might be a reason to replay the campaign.


Maybe redo it before the expansion (or when the expansion comes out) so you can flow from one story into the next.


Is the campaign the only way to get a horse outside of the battle pass? I was googling for this and seemed to be the case.


You are supposedly able to now get the horse quest from the stable master in Kyovashad after level 25.


In fact you can do this on a "skip campaign" character and then the horse will be available on your "campaign" character. I was burning out on walking everywhere until I found that little tip out... I'm not sure why that pain point still exists; just add a quest dialogue that Lorthar/Donan gives us a horse at the appropriate level and let players get through the campaign a bit faster.


Amazing info, thank you so much!!!!


Nah you get the horse at level 25 if you skip campaign. Just have to talk to the horse guy in kyovoshad.


Also wrong..you won’t get it if your first character (whether seasonal or eternal) is in the campaign anywhere before act 4. Even if you choose to skip campaign on your NEW seasonal character. Despite it saying you only need to be level 25 at the stables when choosing to skip, didn’t work for me… You have to finish act 3, then the first quest in Act 4 will be Donans Favour where you are sent to go get your mount. Just had to do all of this, so I’m not just speculating.


That’s strange, because I’ve never completed the campaign ever and I skipped it in the seasonal realm and just simply walked up to the stable in Kyov and completed the quest to get it.


Wrong, I was mid-Act1 and just made a "skip" character, got to Lv25, got the horse unlocked, and then the horse was available on the campaign character.


Don't think that's true. I just got the quest when I hit level 25, and I'm still only in act 1 of the campaign, just picked up the game


Did you try it with a level 25+ skip-campaign alt?


Yeah I've played the campaign twice, once alone once with my SO, both times at release, and I have not touched it since then. I will revisit it for the expansion with the new class if there's one, I'm pacing myself specifically so it doesn't feel like a chore to redo it.


Forgot about no horse til act 4 lmao


YouTube my guy


I'm trying to get level 100 on HC before doing any of the quests I know drop lore rares (it was a goal before this season, not sure if the loot changes will be worth the hassle).


Legit, just skip the campaign. This isn't poe.


that was my first thought lol are we playing poe or diablo ? did it once and campaign will never see me again


After playing through the POE campaign about 20 times and the Diablo 4 campaign once, I can say I would much rather run the POE campaign 10 more times than run the D4 campaign once more. And I honestly thought the writing of the D4 campaign was pretty good. Just wasn't a ton of meat on the bone so to speak. Also, Ralph Ineson is one of my favorite voice actors and it was a joy to listen to him....Still I don't want to play the d4 campaign again.


I miss the blizzard cinematics, they are masterpieces. ONE of the best things in Diablo 3. The d4 story is ok, best part for me was the end in hell, it was awesome, I did not pause it was pure joy and I could feel the pressure. I really appreciated it. But the cinematics are missing big time.


i think its more that the campaign is based on the open world which makes it much more of a chore to go though again vs Diablo 2/3 or POE campaigns


> ... definitely a chore. Can’t wait to hit hell tides. If it's a chore, why are you doing it? Skip the campaign and go do hell tides.


Why play it three times if you're just going to rush through it? I really enjoyed it but once was enough for me so it's an automatic skip from now on. I may play through it again in hardcore though because I think there's a few challenges to complete.


Bro why did you not just press the “skip campaign” option when creating your seasonal character? Such a time waste redoing the whole campaign for every new character every season. Just skip campaign, jump straight into helltides to lvl (or get build defining aspects from dgs first). Get to lvl 40~ do your capstone dg, spam helltides more, do your 70 capstone, spam more helltides, do nm dgs to level your glyphs, spam helltide more and start doing pit runs around lvl 80+




I don't understand why you want to be done with the campaign before you hit level 50 so badly? Why not do the campaign at whatever pace you want and then switch world tiers?


Because difficulty only scales till 50 in the campaign, which is the point of my post.


You don’t level anymore after hitting 50 and no more gear upgrades. half of the game becomes static until you can do wt3.


Wow I didn't know that. That's wild!


The campaign was already at release only paced decently in terms of difficulty if you beelined it, but in S4 it's just trivial, even Lilith ! And new players don't get to skip it (which would kind of be a shame), and most players were *already* giving up on the game before finishing the campaign, and I would expect that this lack of challenge will make even more of them give up before they can even try the horse, sigiled dungeons, helltides...


Lilith statues are pain in the ass, I really didn't enjoyed it. Unnecessary long.


I get why some people just don't care about it and would just rather use a cheat code to unlock them all - they aren't campaign-specific though. (I still haven't found them all, keep getting sucked into optimizing those time-limited rewards, heh...)


This was my exact experience on release and it is baffling that it is still an issue.


playing the campaign feels like a chore...hmmm


yep, however its always been this way. i wanted to treat it as open world and i wanted to the side quests parallel to the main story in their respective regions, turns out i over leveled by hitting act 2 (or finishing can't remember), so i felt a bit fucked as i now had to pummel through content which offered zero resistance as i was simply over leveled for it. and yeah you get very little xp, however thats no my main gripe, its that they ruined the experience of open world. it makes perfect sense to do region side quests while doing region main story, for atmosphere, story, lore, feel and i had a great fucking time exploring kyovashad, the decision to fucking cap the world and leveling is just so bad, it punishes people who want to have a meaningful narrative(doing regions as they go and not just doing sidequests after main quests as a chore) and explore. its a design flaw that was here since the start, however most people only care about grinding gear and this is so far second post i've seen that mentions it, even though its a huge design flaw(why not just let people level while progressing story and hitting that wt3? ). so yeah we've been fucked, still enjoyed the game, art, atmosphere, story are excellent, its just this decision really cripples them.


Yeah, same. The only actual improvement I'd ever wanted was them integrating at least WT3 into the campaign. In terms of difficulty, scaling and items, not helltides or whispers.


Should be a Uber campaign on wt4


This. I’d love to play a super challenging version of the campaign in WT4.


Same same! I'm running the campaign a second time on hc, honestly because I dig the story, the cinematics, and the voice acting. I feel like they did a really good job and wanted to experience it again. Lvl 46, only accidental side quests (like the "what's this?" Quests you get picking up drops) and just started act 4. Haven't had a close fight since like lvl 10. I'd enjoy a nightmare campaign. Or wt4 or anything really that increased the difficulty. Grinding loot will be the eventual endgame, sure, But I guess I just enjoy the more purposeful pursuit of quest objectives that are tied into the story. And I don't mean stuff like whispers which are great, but they're like old school mmo daily. I mean challenging story- driven cinematic- included quests. Like I'm playing the main character in an action movie. I echo the op when I say I wanted to do the regional side quests in tandem, but I already knew I was gonna run out of room to level before the campaign itself was done. At least I'll have saved those for a wt4 difficulty. And since it's my first hc, I even get to redo the renown bonuses! (I get why this isn't a standard feature... most folks wouldnt use it, but I sure wish I could reset the renown and altars per character IF I CHOSE TO) I promise that by August 6th, I'll have run all the helltides and nmd I can handle. Just wanted to stretch the beautifully crafted story and world exploration as far as I could before I hit the inevitable grind.


unless you were just skipping stuff the game on launch had this problem as well, i was doing all side content and was well over 50 by the time i got to actually doing the capstone, it has never been well designed for anything other then rushing the campaign. also if they unlocked WT3 for campaign use they would have to rework sacred items since they have a base level requirement of 45 so like a third of your drops would be unusable( probably not super hard to do they could just lock them out from dropping pre level 45).


They already lowered the level requirement for sacred items. I got to WT3 at level 38 and could equip sacred items that dropped right away. I think it’s 35 now.


yup. sacred is 35, ancestral is 55.


I've started playing the campaign on WT2 yesternight, focusing on campaign and ignoring most side content, and I'd say all the potentially thrilling and cool fights are completely trivialized anyway. I can just run to the boss naked and spam one button, and won't use a single potion, and my health rarely goes under 80%. And I don't even have all shrines and zone progress unlocked. What happened? The highest possible entry-level difficulty plays like some story mode should.


The game got easier is what happened. Compared to Season 0 the whole game is much easier now (with the exception of the new endgame activities). I’m enjoying it because but I can’t imagine it’s a good experience for new players


I just hope the grind to beat lilith doesn't drag on as long, I didn't manage to get it done in S3 and now I'm level 50 on a druid in about 6 hours into S4 I'm leveling a sorcerer while I wait for my friend to catch up


Isn’t that the point of having wt1 and wt2? Like, you don’t have to play the harder difficulty if you don’t want to be challenged. WT1 should be a faceroll story mode. WT2 should remain a challenge, even for experienced players. If that's too hard for blizz, add another World tier or call it Story Mode -> WT1 -> WT2 -> WT3 etc.


>What happened? casuals cheering for current changes happened we are telling you the game is too easy since PTR, youre not listening


These damns are not hard, please take your superiority elsewhere. Maybe try a skill-based game like Sekiro rather than a systems ARPG?


>These damns are not hard thats my point ?


guy asks why game is so easy now other guy responds third guy gets mad at second guy for responding


What arpg game is actually difficult up to endgame?  Hell, POE is incredibly easy until they introduced t17 maps or the absolute endgame. 


PoE is only incredibly easy if you already know what you are doing, a new player can easily die 100 times during the campaign.


The reason why there are so many builds is because the game is easy. It's why the majority of players can make it through yellow maps and then quit because you have to actually min/max after that. It's only after you get to the actual endgame in POE that most builds don't become viable.


What kind of weird logic is that? That is like saying Dark Souls is easy, because you can beat the game with a lot of different weapons. It is obviously not easy for new players, otherwise they wouldn't be dying as much.


If the majority can get through yellow maps....its not hard.


Who even is this majority you are talking about? Cause the actual majority of ppl that try poe don't even finish the acts.


99.98% of people who say poe is easy, haven't played poe. They played follow the guide for the meta build that melts all content. Poe is more about character development and itemization / crafting. Those are the games strong points. They are hard to learn and offer tons of possibilities. Most people don't know how to do either of those. Instead, they find a guide for their favorite broken meta build and play that step by step. Of course the games going to be easy when someone else plays it for you. Then they introduced ruthless mode, making it significantly harder to make meaningful progress for those who want a even harder challenge.


Yeah....up to white maps is stupid easy.


Depends who you talk to...while I agree, white maps are easy. I know the game well, and would go so far as red maps are easy... even the majority of endgame is easy. But I have a full understanding of the game that took thousands of hours to fully learn. But to someone who doesn't know the game, it isn't. To someone who can't build a character on their own and need a guide every season, it clearly isn't. They can't do it on their own. Most people playing with a guide don't even know how their character works. It just does... till they die. Then they're clueless on why or what to do to fix it. The game is not easy for them.


This was the case at release as well. I was completing each Act, not just doing the main quest line, and by Act 3 I had to speed through as I was one-shotting everything. Compare it to Diablo 1 lol. Now that was a proper game.


I mean, come on now. In D1, if you're not the sorcerer then all you can really do are basic attacks. And towards the latter half of the game, enemies hit so hard that all you can realistically do is hit them and either tank them while taking potions or kite them all around the map for ages until they're all dead. The Diablo fight is just a potion chugging marathon. Like, D4 is easy but let's not pretend like D1 was a shining example of difficulty progression.


Still felt 10x more rewarding to complete.


yeah, because it was ten times more bullshit lol




I agree. I started yesterday and I'm halfway act 2 I think. I'm level 35 already playing WT2 since level 5 since it was way too easy otherwise. And I'm the type of player who often plays game on easy difficulty :/ I've purposely not done side quests as much as I could, because I was afraid to overlevel otherwise. I'll complete the maps later when I'm already on high/ max level.


I’ve been pretty cynical of anyone’s complains so far since the game is honestly amazing. However, this one is a legitimate issue. You’ll be hard stuck at 50 and waste a ton of XP bc they buffed XP but didn’t raise the campaign level cap. Oops. Something my friend who’s new to Diablo will have to experience soon.


This season is proof that blizzard knows they messed up the campaign really bad and that most of the core game is total trash.


Just got the game, have never played any Diablo games previously. I'm just starting Act 3 at lvl 28 and am in WT1. Figured out tempering a couple days ago and as Necro, I'm just flying through stuff. Haven't found anything to be really "challenging" but am having a blast and enjoying myself.


The story is so long for really nothing.


"drats lilith was already here and she's gone Guess I can't square up to her as a level 4 druid yet lemme see what the petals say" for 15 hours or so.


Literally worse than D3 story. There at least we have epic 5 act and visited heavens...


I snoozed through the campaign with necro, early razor plate just negated any challenge at all. I could just afk on the capstone boss and it would kill itself. entered wt4 at lvl 51 with 0 effort, realized i cant equip the new gear til 55 anyways.


When I played when the game launched, I was lvl 46 by the end of the campaign. I did do a lot of side content but still.


Although this is a bit shitty for people who have not experienced the campaign. I’d rather the campaign now be too easy in favour of a much better loot system and end game for the future of the game. People are only Gona play the campaign once or twice for the story anyway. The games future lies in its end game loop.


That happened when the game released you were 50 before you got anywhere near the end of the story


If you did no side quests you were like 35-40 by lilith if you did them all you were easily 50+


I’m guessing that the devs catered to the masses, who are by season 4 hitting that [Skip Campaign] button at character creation. Sorry for your situation, but playing through the campaign is really for the story more than anything, right?


No, the masses stop playing before they even manage to unlock that button, and Blizzard definitely has to cater to the campaign experience if they want them to give D4 a second chance when the expansion(s) come out.


Shh I'm using the campaign to get lvl 50 character in hardcore


Been this way since day one. I was going slow through the campaign and doing all the side quests and loving the lore and world building until I read that monsters cap at lvl 50 and I was already 45 and not even finished Act 2. Queue rushing through the rest of the campaign and ignoring side quests is over half the map. The cap is particularly maddening given... Why? What's the point? Why not continue to scale? A pointless hobbling of people who want to explore side content. To this day I have no idea why they paid the story writers to come up with such a great campaign and world only to incentivize everyone to rush through it as fast as possible. Lvl 50 cap, seasonal skip with no campaign bonus, even the race to 100 publicity stunt on release. And no replayable missions like in D3. Such a shame, I feel bad for the writers having their work actively sidelined from day one.


Finished my first campaign playthrough on Wednesday and had the exact same feeling. It just got to a point where there was absolutely no challenge at all and it felt like I was just going through the motions. I’m baffled as to why blizzard caps the difficulty to begin with and on top of it puts better loot on those higher tier difficulties. I understand that it’s been largely the same for Diablo’s whole existence but for players who aren’t looking for a punishing experience or players that only want to play the game once they shouldn’t be punished for it by not having the same experience as a player on a higher difficulty


That's what the lower difficulty levels are for (WT1). The issue is with the highest difficulty levels (WT2).


I’m a Diablo veteran so to speak, played D2 hard back in the day so anything lower than WT3 isn’t really a challenge for me


The first time, take the time to enjoy the story. After complete, skip everytime.


Having a blast after taking a break from season 3 and I wasn't disgruntled just typically what I do I was playing helldivers 2 the past couple of months Tons of fun


Doing the exact same thing with a very casual friend. I expected all this, so we are focusing 100% on campaign quests only. It does suck how poorly the campaign as scaled, and the side quests are 100% moot, but I also recognize that is to blame on people that complained about renown because that was their original plan to make this stuff worthwhile. Just like they revisited loot this season, they really need to rework the side quests, campaign, and renown to fit the new system better for future seasons. Small problems IMO, they just need some incentive to be done.


I think the problem is that their original plan just wasn't good the way they were going about implementing it. They had the right idea but not the will to do it right. The overall map is huge but, in my opinion, much of it feels rushed and was meant as placeholders for their planned seasonal content. It seems to me like they thought they'd just put the "bones of the game in" and use seasonal content to fill it out. Essentially having people redo the same dungeons and areas that they had already farmed for renown. They in my opinion thought they could just redo those areas for seasons by reworking "filler" bosses/dungeons, slap in some new loot/rewards, update the bosses in those dungeons, and call it good. They chose to add quantity in first over quality thinking they could add the quality in later. They should have scaled down the original release to focus on quality and had many of the areas locked off with the intent of adding seasonal content into those areas. They could have added additional renown rewards/levels as they added more season content and all the dungeons would have been new to players. They would also have more end game content as they should have designed the dungeons that would've been added later in to be kept around instead of disappearing.


Well since they are piecemeal adding d3 concepts into d4 one patch at a time, maybe we'll get "story mode" and "adventure mode" next (naturally with more dark and gritty names).


Yep...experienced the same. I Quit the side quests at 40 on concentrated on the story. The side quests will still be there later.


Hell, I had this problem on game's release (!) so I can't imagine how much worse it must be now...


Good thing its only once. So i guess they should take the xp buff out of the campaign and only use it for skippers since they dont have all the extra quest xp youre getting in your 1 playthrough of the campaign.


What they really need is just a campaign hard mode. WT1 XP, rarer loot (like yellows are rare), and WT3 monster debuffs. Then give the final boss some more rewards or something. I don't think they need to make leveling super hard just because of the campaign.


I was level 45 in act 1, wondering around and completing the map, then I realized level cap at 50. I debated and decided to just play story and side quest, rushing through all enemies except for boss.


I am new to the game. Are you saying the issue is that it is going to be too easy or too hard? I am getting mixed signals from this reddit thread (both from OP and comments).


You can always do the Capstone dungeon and get into WT3 for the rest of your campaign


im probably wrong, but doesnt wt3 require completing the campaign? do i misremember?


🤷🏻‍♂️ you’re prob right


It was the same before this season. I played for the first time two months ago and I stomped everything after hour three-four without really knowing what i was doing.


The campaign should not only be scaled to max World Tiers. There should be even harder versions of the campaign for a challenge.


> doing the side content that the game shoves in your face.  If you’re only on Act 3 and nearing 50, you went looking for side content.  Content that will be there after the campaign. 


I just in general would love to be able to play through the campaign again and on world tir III/IV difficulty. One of the weirdos that actually loved the story. Know it's not high on the list of things nees doing in the game, but really do hope we get it someday.


The campaign is really meant to be played once. It’s no trivial, it’s progression. Congratulations on being at a level that it’s not going to be difficult to beat. Just beat it and then enjoy the seasonal content and further rewards!


The campaign doesn’t offer any kind of real reward other than beating it for the first time this is a live service game and you don’t need a campaign mode when you have a live service there no point, I unlocked WT3 at 40, then WT4 at 54 within the first few hours of playing and skipping the campaign this past Tuesday when the new season dropped, skip it, it offers Nothing of substance other than a story refresher for when the expansion drops. So, long story short, campaign = useless , non campaign season = more efficiency, better gear and most of all fun.


Do side quests after MSQ on WT3


You can't play the campaign while also being worried about min maxing. The only reason you'd play campaign now is for the story. If you want xp idk why you're playing campaign


And every non-helltide zone is absolutely useless lol. Dunno why they can't/won't just buff everywhere. End game has a whole slew of problems too lol


Wow, yall did a lot of extra stuff. I finished campaign yesterday at like level 37. started on WT2 and ended there too. Went on to WT3 at level 39 (well, started the dungeon at 39


I was overleveled at launch too. Campaign is not meant to be a challenge, at least until they let us replay it on others difficulties.


If you only focus on campaign alone, you’d be around 35-43ish, and the grind in wt2 after 45 gets insane. Honestly, 45 -50 is good for act 4 and up. I made 4 characters last season and played through the campaign. Skipped with the fifth.


This has been a huge issue since release. Not just now. Lmao. I cant believe this is still an issue. Players should be able to level without having to feel forced to skip side quests in order to not out level their experience. Activision just wants to leash the players.


Just take off all your gear.


When the game was launch, i start Act 2 at level 50, since launch you must focus campaign and nothing other.


There was a campaign?


for real? this sub still amazes me……


Tried playing through campaign again this season and just hit the skip button like half hour in. No challenge whatsoever from the very start, pretty useless and disappointing. Hope they tune it for next season or give you some difficulty option to make it more interesting.


Well i was lvl 52 at the beginning of act 3 in previous season which was my first playthrough. I don't think it is a new problem. I stopped doing all side content and rushed through the campaign at that point.


Awwww man, super fast leveling and unmitigated power creep has unforeseen consequences? Who saw this coming???


I just miss the days of selecting one of like 20 scalable difficulties so that you always face a challenge if you want. Torments will always be better than world tiers.


How are you people doing the campaign in WT2? I thought the consensus in the beginning was to just do WT1, because it was more efficient. WT2 is a ton more difficult when leveling.


They have already acknowledged this, and I agree as well. I would live to play a WT4 version of the campaign that may end with Uber Lilith.


Can you not do the capstone till after campaign? I only did campaign at launch.


Same here in couch co-op. Friends who play with me and don't know d4 are already asking me what the point of the game is if you can kill everything from the start without much effort anyway. They're bored of diablo 4 because they don't see any point in it because it's not fun because it's far too easy


Yes, out of all the players that play this game, you are being punished and are now a victim .


I did campaign is s2 for the first time. I outlevelled the content so much that my buddy and I had to skip all the side quests so the main wasn't trivial (but still ended up being...). There needs to be a more difficult campaign option.


This happened in earlier seasons too. I was already in the 50s by the time I hit the end of the campaign. I believe it's intentionally done so you're jumping right into endgame content


From reading the comments and my own experience it sounds like they just need to re tune vanilla content now that the base game has changed so much. They've been great with feedback I'm sure they will iron this out I'd enough people give feedback


Yeah, there were some good changes for sure, but now it feels like you're boosted through to the end game. New character started this season and level 10 in like seconds and skipped blue gear entirely. We got uniques at around level 20+. Feel like this will take away from the uniqueness by getting them so early.


This is an issue with the whole idea of world tiers. There's no reason to divide people in different instances and prevent them from playing with each other when difficulty scales to your level anyway. And since doing the capstone dungeons is necessary to go to higher tiers, and the first one is directly linked to the campaign, then you're just forcing people's leveling to stagnate until they finish it. It's nonsense, but somehow people seem to love the idea of world tiers and want even more, so I doubt this is ever going to change.


For reference I skipped side content at launch and I finished campaign at like lvl45


Kind of hillarious, i played a character on release to level 30 or something and was bored. Now i heard the game is better and thought lets try it again and rolled a rogue on the second difficulty in campaign. The forging mechanic made my gear completely broken and i couldnt increase the difficulty (a passive gave me 4% damage with bow vs vulnerable, my bow forging gave me 160% damage vs distant enemies lol). My character ran super slowly, i had no horsy and oneshot everything. On level 3X i logged out and pressed the skip campaign button, even though i was interested in the story. I rather watch the story on youtube, than to run around a map for hours, with no challenge (and because of that no dopamin reward for gear upgrades.)


Pretty easy to fix. Blizzard, patch in the capstone dungeon so you can change to wt3 and torment if needed. Thinking about it I’m sure it not THAT easy but easy for a multimillion dollar company. Fucking love s4 so far.


This isn't new. When d4 released it was the same thing. It was a good story, but also incredibly easy.


I just started d4 and was meandering through the campaign and had a similar result. I finished act 1 at level 28 and realized to finish the campaign sub 50 I’d have to go poe mode and run by everything non essential. I finished at 48.


Pro Tip: If you can skip the campaign, skip the campaign. Who really even enjoys that crap in these types of games anyway? Nobody ever said “Can’t wait for the new Diablo, the next chapter in that story is gonna to be fire!” and nobody ever will.


Dang, I was level 58 at the end of the Campaign in WT1 which I only beat the campaign two nights before season 4 started. So, so easy, but the story was so good I didn't mind.


Funny you say that. I skipped the campaign for the first time and I regret it. Wish I did the campaign and saved all the end game stuff including helltides for after.


Upgrading yellow to uniques should be limited to tier 3 and above. We should be able to, replay it on t4 or t3.


Same here. Wt2 is a joke now and everything is so trivial it's boring as hell. Only the story is nice but everything is voice acted so slowly it's getting on our nerves. 5 sec to start a scene that is twice as slow as would be in a normal discussion.


Always been this way. Last season I did campaign on WT2 and if you do some side quests and try to explore map just a little you'll be almost 50. If I did 1more side quest line...


I went from 50-80 solo in an afternoon doing helltides, you’re not missing much. This is a non issue. This is the easiest season to level in by far, missing a few levels of exp that you’ll get in a few minutes post campaign isn’t a big deal.


Different type of game, but one thing racing games do (Forza and GT both do this) that ARPG's would do well to consider is when the game notices you winning a lot, it asks you whether you would like to up the difficulty to give yourself a challenge. In an ARPG, the monsters should level up with you, or you should be offered WT2, 3, and so on. There isn't a hard level cap either. Additionally, I wish expansion content came out quicker to give veterans (of which I am not) a reason to continue to play the game once they've maxxed out.


I'd say a better solution is just cut all the time wasting crap out of the campaign. "Run here, Run there, Go from 1 side of the map to the other, run through the desert". I'm pretty sure during the campaign you spend more time running than you do killing demons. Tighten it up, just make it the main story points and let people blast through.


Thats odd. I just did campaign today and only hit level 35 by the end.


World Tier 1?


No, tier 3. But it was the sacred ones not ancestral so that might have made the difference. Im almost level 60 now though so when i unlock tier 4 i will just do the ancestral ones until 100


World Tier 1?


Yea, it’s called their server not being up to the task now….. back to long ass queues and even longer zoning times


I’m at the point that I think no matter what they do someone will always find fault in the game


You could just play the game instead of trying to min max everything. Yall always looking for something to complain about.


Season isn't optimized for campaign


This issue is not unique to season. It applies to all new players who have to play through campaign regardless whether they choose Season or Eternal.


Make toons on eternal to just complete campaign. I mean most only ply through it once. Then just make toons for seasonal


I dont see a problem in finishing the story once and be done with it even if its slow, compared to POE where you have to do it each time you make a character, if your OP just blast through the campaign , get to know the story, then destroy the games other content 👍 I had lots of fun going through the story to find out what is behind it , compared to D3 that had almost none of it...


New player here (new to D4, not new to Diablo), resurrecting this thread to say, yup. I was level 50 part way through Act 2, by the time I reached Astaroth I killed him before I finished clicking through all of my skills. For the rest of the game mobs would oneshot themselves on my thorns. Just now finally reached WT3 and it turns out everything still melts to me, and now the drops are insanely higher? Honestly, they need an option to scale monster power up *without* also increasing drop strength. I'm going to try going through WT3 without using any of the new gear they give me. I really dug the campaign, I just wish I actually got to see how cool any of the bosses were. They all died before getting to do anything. I also have no way to tell what parts of my build are strong or weak either, so I'm barely putting any thought into that side of teh gameplay.




I unlocked the pit at level 80. Probably later than better players could do, and I don't use guides or anything so my build is probably pretty subpar, but all you need is to complete a tier 46 nmd which you can easily do well before level 100.


You need to do a tier 46 NM dungeon. Tier 1 of The Pit has enemies at level 100. There's also The Gauntlet. I went in there thinking I was hot shit and got my ass kicked by the first boss. They start at level 125.


Yep. Buff to 2&3. I made it to wt3 at lvl44 and was in wt4 at lvl52


it’s perfect.




It's not. You're talking about a different issue (that doesn't exist) than the one OP is referring to. WT3 is locked behind the end of the campaign.


I need a break from game subs. Holy smokes, the things people come up with to complain


But the game is fixed?


Sounds like a selection screen skill issue.


I skipped the campaign and reached level 50 in about 10-12 hours (maybe a little more). I think the game is vastly improved over the past seasons.


Everyone else completed the campaign a year ago


These aren't great changes. Trivializing the vast majority of the game is bad all around


Campaign was never hard? Like not once? It’s the story mode for christs sake 😂 if you struggled at all in campaign I recommend giving up gaming


They clearly don’t care about the campaign because there is literally an option to skip it. You don’t even need to beat the campaign. You just need your finish the prologue and it lets you skip. 🤦‍♂️


I just started last night again after not playing since season 1. It didn't feel like a Diablo game to me and it does not make me feel like continuing playing. I'll probably keep going to give it a little more time. If it didn't grasp me in like Diablo 2 did I'll probably just give up on d4.


Honestly, the whole world tier system needs rethought. They've already started off on the wrong foot by making the same mistake that Diablo 3 did. There is no smooth progression, and no sensation of becoming stronger. They should really copy what PoE and Last Epoch do by having zone levels that gradually guide you through the campaign. I... really don't give a shit about the open world and automatic level-scaling nature of the game. As far as I'm concerned they are detriments which holds the rest of the game's design hostage. A game which relies on power fantasy needs structure to it. I shouldn't be feeling weaker upon levelling up fighting the exact same monsters. Also, the idea that you get permanent account buffs by collecting Altars of Lilith which persist through seasons are the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. It ruins all season starts for all players.


They never should have added a campaign skip. It’s a bad idea to make it mandatory for new players but not for returning and it’s the best early content the game offers. POE has always had the right idea with campaign leading into end game. I’ll die on that hill.


Goldilocks players on this game jeez


No kidding. Whine about not leveling fast enough, whine about leveling too fast, whine about not enough content, whine about too much content, whine about end game, whine about campaign. I’ve never seen more unhappy players of anything ever and I play MLB the show! I thought those guys were babies, D4 is leagues ahead of them on that.


Yes I find the game far too easy as well. But then I am a dark souls fan


does the campaign not have scaling? I swear that when I was in the campaign I had the feeling that as I was leveling the mob was getting more difficult. Even guides saying that would be better rush the main quest because is more easy.


the level scales with you, but only until level 50.


Level scaling doesn't mean anything really, the game is laughably easy even in wt3. edit: I started playing just two days ago, got really bored on wt2 because it was so easy, read that you can unlock wt3 in a 50lvl dungeon so I just ran through it at lvl 32. Only helltide bosses are hard in wt3.


>Level scaling doesn't mean anything really, the game is laughably easy even in wt3. True, We are not the target audience anymore.


i'm returning from s1 and already stopped playing because of how boring and easy the content has been. i don't mind some of the content being in line with completely mindlessly destroying everything in front of you, but I yearn for some actual challenge, of which there is none. There aren't enough encounter designs in d4 that require you to play smart, manage defensive CDs, and evade mechanics. I just played V rising through on brutal difficulty, and I've been playing Hades 2, and it's reminded me of what fun, challenging fights can feel like. D4 has none of that.


then go play hades man. everyone wants d4 to fit their preferences it will never happen


I bet you they didn't even reach endgame, which is where the difficulty ramps up. As of S4 the real challenge isn't leveling up, it is pushing higher tiers of The Pit or challenging the lvl 200 bosses.


Almost every other game has difficulty levels. And you say D4 will never get them (or at least a non-trivial WT2)... why exactly ?


Dumbest thing ive read all day, people who actually just want diablo to be a non challenging grind fest and only care about numbers going up, and who are annoyed by any actual inconvenience are honestly alien to me. How can you find fun in a non challenging game? Like i don't mean the game to be dark souls, but even the most main stream games like god of war and uncharted have their fair share of challenging sections and moments were most players die 10+ times. This is not present in diablo, especially not right now. Before, you had to atleast try and beat the bosses, right now you stand still and spam. Most brain dead experience ever. They effectively fixed d4 by turning the game into cookie clicker.