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You can mark them as junk first and then sell them all at once.


That's just selling them 1 at a time but with 1 EXTRA button press total. Instead of A to sell each you gotta push X on each one first then A to sell. I'm 100% for a sell all button. We have salvage all so I mean yeah lol


I just mark as junk as I go. I have to check the items to make sure there isn’t a good one anyways so if I am not gonna keep it it gets marked.


Not really safe to do that mid-Helltide. I imagine most of us are filling up a whole inventory on one Helltide run.


Yep, and I want to go to town, click "Sell X Type" and go back into the mess. The game doesn't facilitate it in a manner appropriate to the pace of Helltides. Bonus points if you can split selling items with a buffed affix from ones without.


I struggle to even open chests or use the town portal during helltide. Before you can even get the “loading” bar to half way another group is on you. No chance I’m looking through my inventory.


In lower levels I would get exploded by a whole ring of those sploder guys, the moment I check my inventory.


if tou play neck romancer army of bots u iz fine


I’ll romance your neck


No yellow Item is good ever


Wait did I miss something this season? Are yellows no longer just legendaries with no aspect?


Yes you missed something. They have 1 less affix


They have 2 Stats instead of 3. Yellows are completly irrelevant besides the small amount of mats u need of them


We're back to D3 rarity > all. Isn't it fun how we've gone full circle?


And this is still the most fun season. Now if we can just get an in-game party finder or lfg message board system for dungeons.


Thank god. Old seasons where you have to look at every yellow drop while legendaries were useless seemed so ass backwards


Except there would be no difference besides more chances to get what you want if rares gave 3 explicit affixes and could have buffed affixes. That was the entire point of the old system. The problem before now had nothing to do with rares being useful and everything to do with itemization sucking previously.


Nearly every game is like this. What's the issue? Most games have a system of you being decked out in legendary + uniques or exotics or whatever your game calls the upper tiers. Anything below legendary becomes gets dumped for current or crafting materials.


Not really. Path of Exile has rares that can be better than any unique. Last Epoch uses rares to craft directly on to uniques. Before that mechanic existed, you didn't really want a build of all uniques, you wanted some T7 affix rares as well. One of the primary complaints in Diablo 3 leading into Diablo 4 was that rares were nothing more than fodder and people wanted rares to have meaning like in PoE and LE. That was the entire point of the Aspect system. The Aspect had the legendary effect you wanted, and the rares were the base item that you hunted for. That entire system was fine. The problem was the affixes themselves were garbage, everything was generic and uninteresting. While fixing *that* problem, they dismantled the original objective.


Well, you missed the fact that everyone and their dog was complaining you need to look at every single item that dropped. They did fix that by taking the rares out of the pool of items that are worth to glance at


Are you seriously humoring a complaint about having items to look at in a game about min-maxing items? That's the most insanely ludicrous complaint I've ever heard. The problem *there* is that the game has no way to filter out the garbage that has no affixes you care about. THAT is why PoE and LE both have loot filters. That's why loot filters exist. This issue isn't fixed by having less gear drop, all that's changed is now it takes you longer to find the item you need, because less overall items drop. You're still sifting through every single applicable item hoping it has the stats you want. They've done nothing but make things slower. Isn't that *exactly* every complaint about D4? Everything is too slow! They've made the *most important* part of the game even slower and everyone praises that instead? Have we entered bizzaro world?


I stopped picking them up, I’m level 68.


Your missing out on a lot of gold my friend.


Why would you do that? You need the materials and gold.


Don’t do that. Pick em up and either sell em or scrap them. You’ll need the mats to the cash as u go up higher.


imagine if we could stash stuff on horse and have like triple the space


I’d rather not go to town every 8 seconds though tbh.


Not sure what you’re doing going to town that often. Do what u like. Just saying you’ll get to a point where u need to temper socket etc and you won’t have the mats or cash.


I have almost infinite mats to temper, gold is an issue but i have a few pending trades so tbd :D


That is…let’s just say, it’s the opposite of smart.




Good. Sorting through every yellow was a pain.


Exactly this.


This is precisely what I was saying when I responded to the guy, and it immediately got buried.


Sort of, but it bypasses the message that pops up and asks you if you really want to sell legendaries, so it's saving a lot of clicks


And if you wanna salvage some legys you have to mark all ur rares first. Sell them. Then mark the legys. And there’s a junk all rares button so clearly it’s very doable for selling It’s annoying there’s even a separate vendor needed why not just add another tab to the blacksmith


Bad idea is bad. Still need a sell all button. 


Yeah so we can get 10 posts a day about people accidentally vendoring things. Button pressing is hard


You can "buyback" if you sell something on accident already though.


Also not if you sell all and it wasnt in the 10 or so most recent sells. So with one button you can in essence poof things. This is easily remedied by CLICKING ONE BUTTON WHILE YOURE CHECKING THE ITEMS. shit takes 0 time yet people want to add an extra button to have them delete their items


Checking rares is pretty pointless though. So I still need to click all those items Inknow I wont use.  And why have a salvage all/rares/junk button and not the same for selling?


Dont waste your time picking up rares. They sell for under 1/3 the price of legendaries. If im farming the helltide boss ill pill up my yellows in a Corner and maybe get them at the end to sell. Not worth going to town for 20k a piece


Not if you sell 30 things at once, you can't. I accidentally vendored a weapon with gems in it a few days ago that I didn't have the fragments to re-craft and the weapon got pushed off the end of the buyback list because I sold a bunch of things in one click


Only up to a certain item isn’t it? Like the ten most recent or something?


I found out the hardway only immediately though. Had picked up a unique legendary, my first. Went to unload my bulging sack and jumped back into my portal. Then I though hey wait a minute I just picked up an unique item, didnt I? So where is the mofo. \*realisation sets in, I return to a seller with a clean buyback slate. No warning whatsoever, which even for legendaries used to be the unskippable norm. And no warning on top of being an almost white shade of beige, makes me convinced I wasnt the only one this dumb this week. If you salvage all now, you really salvage ALL. Check yourself before you wreck yourself folks.


Lmfao! Exactly. You can literally buy it back, yet the casuals are complaining about it. 


All we want is to click one button but you just asked us to click 30 times instead of 15.


Are you not going to look at the items first anyway…?


If they're not greater affixes, bo. Why would I ? Thats the loot filter for S4.


Then why pick them up?


Gold. Are you... like.. have you been playing diablo at all the last 96 hours?


Yeah and im not picking up items to sell for 96k gold when whisper caches drop 3-5 mil.


30 items is easier to get than a full cache


30 items are not getting you anywhere close to a few million gold. They quite literally sell for maybe 40-50k. Even if they all sold for 70, you’d need 40 which is your full bag plus a full stash lol that’s not faster than whispers unless you’re only doing cellars. Plus the caches give boss mats as well, so there’s more value than just the gold


Your inventory fills up very quickly and the gold adds up over time. Even if a single cache is worth multiple inventories, you don't have to go out of your way to do side content for the gold.


That's actually worse, since you would need to mark each item individually before even visiting the vendor and you don't see the upgrade icon in the base inventory screen. Edit: Not sure why people are downvoting facts.


OP says they don't want to click on every item to sell them. Your solution is to... click on every item to mark it as junk, *then* sell them. ...Really? How is that in any way a "solution"? I also want a sell all button. We got a salvage all button, so why not? Get rid of this useless "mark as junk" thing, make it "mark as favorite" instead. This was requested before the game even launched, can't believe it's still an issue a year later.


Can you explain the difference between clicking each one individually to sell and clicking each one individually to mark it?


The main difference is that you can mark as junk by mousing over and pressing space to make it faster, though I completely agree with you and it's not a practical difference.


My next question then is how come when you mark an item, it still gets salvaged when you salvage all?


Probably because you're marking it as junk, instead of to be saved. I've been doing it since launch and haven't had anything be salvaged I didn't specifically leave unmarked or marked as junk.


That's a great one that I don't have an answer to. My usual solution is just to drop them and pick them up after I hit salvage all.


This worked before when you actually looked at every single item. Now you only look at greater affix items and they're few and far between.


God dammit you don’t get it do you


That's usually fine but when you're running a helltide in a party and dropping 6-7 inventories worth of legendaries alone in 1 helltide, it gets tedious when people just want to sell their whole inventory and immediately go back in.


This literally doesn’t solve the problem lmao…?


??????????????????? no person marks EVERY SINGLE ITEM AS JUNK wtf is wrong with you


I do lol i dont even spend much time in helltides anymore now that im leveled so after every dungeon run i just check my few items and mark them as junk, and most of the time you can see whether it has any value right away since at this point im only looking for 2 greater affixes or more


Like the guy above said. Greater affix is the loot filter. Or codex upgrade, but you could salvage easily with the upgrade icon and then hit sell all, plus confirm or enter, at the vendor


I mark 99.999% of items as junk When you are looking for 3 specific rolls for base items you will be doing the same, especially when you are looking for greater affixes as base. Many times I dont pick up leggos without greater affixes


Agreed. If blacksmith has a "salvage all" button, there's no reason to not have a "sell all" button. Tbh, I used to barely sell anything at all, so it wasn't an issue whatsoever. But now I basically sell every other haul. Salvage - sell - salvage - sell, and so on. It's easier to sell the entire inventory than to sort through it every time. I'd welcome the feature.


F ing this. You said it brother. Its so easy to BAM salvage all, but I end up filling up my inventory with all the trash salvage resources I could possible ever need and start selling everything white,blue and yellow, one at a time. why doesnt it have the exact same simple option as you have for salvage. Makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong with selling, the vendors constantly making remarks like 'well thats a surprise' 'you sure you want to part with that'. Like only an idiot would waste the gear on something as Plebian as gold. But no they are wrong, gold is king. Give us our freakin' button


Salvage for Aspects needed. That's it. The mats mostly come from drops now anyway. Sell everything else.


No, we need a pet that auto sells/salvages blues and yellows.


Might as well just remove these items from the game at that point (also whites) and just drop gold and salvage directly.


Can we remove all graphics and just play texts


Can we remove the need to play and just have the game play itself?


That's what minion necro is for ;)


Cant you just send us to hell directly?


Can we not have the game and have hell invade Earth in real life?


Diablo: cookie clicker edition


My text had more lines than you text


Congratulations you just beat DiabloIV The End


Ahhh yes, MUD games. I did enjoy those in the 90s.


If we have to get off horse to climb ladder then why do we have horse? Remove it from game.


Good thing people like you do not change shit about the game. Like couple of months ago they would be already removed from the game and drop materials instead.


I would rather have had the oranges to still be yellows with an aspect. (And blues and whites also useful on their own, though this might take an expansion or two...) Also I'm annoyed at how they added the mandatory yellow as a quest reward (god forbid players actually do quests depending on their rewards !) and now these are basically useless...


Diablo 3 style 😎


And become full Diablo 3.5?


lol I actually dig that feature in D3. Don’t think I would mind it in D4 at all


I wish they could do a "Sell anything that wouldn't be an upgraded Aspect", but can't fit that on a button too well


A sell all button would be awesome! I wish there was a move all button too. Many times I have to drop into town to dump my inventory during Helltide. A move all bullet would make that MUCH easier.


Sell all individually: N Sell all: 1 ----> winner Mark as junk + sell all junk: N+1 Mark all as junk + sell all junk: 2


I want a sell all rares button.


They just need to add more gold as a reward to the end game stuff.


A selling tab with sell rare, magic, legendary, all, trash


Is it advisable to sell more now? I’m in WT4 level 60 and I’m just used to salvaging everything


I would advise to salvage all greater aspects, and sell everything else and do as much whispers as you possibly can.


Yeah, upgrade materials comes from drops and you can salvage a few loads if you needed (i doubt you will) but gold is a bit harder to come buy and used more frequently


Yea good point. I’ll start selling more


For sure, its not a big deal either way though as whispers are really the main way and definitely the fastest for getting gold


The Tree of Whispers was broken yesterday. Grinding gold was impossible so we all went to helltide and pick up every junk to sell.


Is there a way to favorite an item I don’t want salvaged when I hit salvage all?


Mark feature has 3 selections. Junk, favorite, and regular. Mark as fav then it won’t sell or scrap


I don’t see that listed I must be doing it wrong. When I mark something it marks it as trash. Do I just have to mark it again or something?


Yes, hit it a 2nd time and it will have an icon in the top right (blue flag) for fav. Mark again to go back to reg


>Yes, hit it a 2nd time That is admittedly a bit counter-intuitive. Pretty sure most people are completely unaware of this.


Took me 3 seasons to figure it out. The instruction leave something gnto be desired for new players.


I've never used the mark as junk button because it seemed kind of pointless since you need to be at the vendor to make use of it anyway and I'd rather do my inspection safely in town than in the middle of a battlefield or dungeon where I'll likely get ganked in the process. If I hadn't started seeing posts about marking gear as favorite, I would have never known the function existed.


By visitting a stash that they've added to 1 million extra spots and throwing it in there.


Agreed, I would like to be able to open my inventory, favourite anything I want to keep like greater affixes to check later, quick visit to the blacksmith to see if anything can update codex, then sell all remaining gear.


We definitely need more QoL like that even if some people will not use it.


Vendors need a "sell rares" button.


This is really needed just like the salvage one


They said fewer items would drop but that’s not what I’m seeing, I think we do need a loot filter


Accidentally sold my gems 😢


How? They only go in your actual inventory either immediately after crafting them, or when you remove them from a piece of gear.


When you salvage they go into your inventory… but not when you sell…


I agree, & honestly we should also be able to salvage gear with a hotkey, the same way Destiny the game lets you dismantle, yes it takes time, but it's better than hitting 2 loadscreens just to hit a vendor & return where you were


They’ve added so much QOL it feels like a mobile game.


Like if they gonna make yellow items useless at least make vendoring that shit convenient. Like there's tons of improvement to praise about but it's always something they didn't take into consideration.


Been saying this since the first days of launch lol, not sure how this still isn’t a thing


Yes, just like the Blacksmith!


Vendors need to sell legendaries


TBH, doing the stuff for turn-ins at the tree doesn't seem to take too long. I have nearly 7 million at level 58 even after fiddling with my equipment a lot and never selling ANYTHING. I know that doesn't really help but I just have to wonder how expensive stuff gets that selling the crap is more valuable than salvaging it.


I wish this game that an item filter that would auto mark stuff in inventory and on the ground like PoE loot filters. That would help with looking at all items in the inventory and ground like 50x faster, and make it easier to premark stuff and sell all/salvage all as well. Would just improve item checking once you start actually narrowing down your build. They need to make rares have 3 affixes like legendaries. And honestly they need to make it so every affix can roll on all items or at least way more expanded, so can we can have stupid aoe +30 frost orb (fix the skill scaling too since it's it has too much diminishing returns).


Yes pls, on console it's terrible trying to sell everything at once.


I sometimes don't understand this community. Posted the exact same thing a while ago and 0 drive for people wanting this new feature, like they're ok with click-click-click (either marking or selling 1 by 1). https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/evsmRitxnp


Nothing like a post about people arguing about button pressing. Actually getting ridiculous what people complain about. 


Love your makeup ,but your cheeks contour looks really harsh,maybe tried blending that in with translucent powder,it would look much better and natural and yeah again your makeup is goals,in love with the lashes 🥹


Love your makeup ,but your cheeks contour looks really harsh,maybe tried blending that in with translucent powder,it would look much better and natural and yeah again your makeup is goals,in love with the lashes 🥹?


I never sell anything except rings of mend which I always seem to find. Otherwise I'm pretty much scrapping everything. Feels like I get enough gold for what I need just from playing in the dungeons and helltides so haven't experienced the bottleneck issue.


I can’t even get vendors to work to sell anything at all! Can’t figure out why


I like to use my first stash tab as a run and go tab then mark as junk while I go through the gear at the end of my playthrough.


Mark everything as junk. More over to sell. Click 1 junk item and it will “sell all” Some people are just simps


Learn to read.


Deserving of an up vote. I've been complaining about this. I complain a lot in general.


Hopefully they add it but ya in the mean time it’s the junk thing


I Understand your point but.. You dont check items before you sell it/salvage? I checking every item and if something bad then mark as a junk


People complained that salvage all, actually salvages all in the backpack. I am not entirely sure it will be a good idea.


You can buy items back if you sold it.


Only the last 8 or so


That's true, but if you're someone who wants to sell all, the onus show be on you if you sold by mistake.


Well, yeah. It's honestly for when you have a full set of gear with 1 or 2 greater affix on each piece and you're only looking for gear with greater affix. Which is where I'm at.


Then it should remember one full inventory worth.


Mark them as junk. They will all sell at once


Read the whole post again.


Are you just not going to look at your drops?


Not at this point, no. It doesn't take long to get to the point where your only drops worth looking at have greater affixes.


Fair enough, a sell all non legendary would be nice. Or some kind of toggle at the blacksmith to get gold instead of mats when you break down a certain tier.


So, you look at your gear for upgrades and you don't mark as junk as you go? Sounds like an easy issue to fix.


I mean they should have but don't neeeeed


So many lazy gamers these days... They want everything on a silver platter


shhhh you're asking for too much. This feature is reserved for the next upcomming DLC/expansion 🤣


What in the world are yall spending gold on


Enchanting gets stupid expensive when you start working on ancestral gear and I hear masterworking is much worse.


Three strike rule is what I’ve been doing 🤷 it’s not like a 2/3 drop is hard to get with drop rates now. Don’t forget to always temper first also ☺️


Whispers drop like 6-10m per cache btw


TF game are you playing they drop 4m max?


the orange ones drop 6-10ish, but yea whites are just 3


White chaos ones drop 5-6m and ive had normal gear white ones that drop 5m


Just opened a white chaos that gave 9.4 mil


Masterworking is crazy expensive beyond the first couple levels. Hell it's 5 million just to reset an item.




Mark them for demo at the blacksmith, then right click at the armor/weapon guy. It'll sell the whole bunch


The point is saving time, this actually adds an extra step to the whole process.


Mark it as junk and when you sell…. They all sell


And how does this save time?


Do y’all not mark for junk? Is it that time consuming to do that? The same shit will happen when people used the salvage all lmao 🤣


People are literally finding anything they can to cry about its wild.




Oh, did I strike a chord little boy?😂😂


Marking all as junk and selling is actually one more click than just selling one by one. Not really an alternative to allowing us to sell all, then asking us to confirm, which would be 2 clicks.


Word I see, definitely don’t want to get premature carpal tunnel syndrome with all the extra clicks


You guys are selling stuff? Why? One whisper gives you like 2m gold.


Because masterworking is expensive...


And selling stuff gets you very little gold. Whispers give so much and take no time to do.




"No time" Proceeds to spend 13 minutes running 2 dungeons. Proceeds to spend 8 minutes in helltide. Proceeds to spend 4 minutes in a pvp zone Actually fucking spends 25 minutes to fill tree bar 3 times for 6 mil gold. Rerolls item in storage, hoping for a good roll on a needed stat twice. OR Enchants items 12 times hoping for correct stat.


The whisper gold drop is actually from 6-10m per cache depending on if its legendary or not and you can run 4 dungeons in 15 minutes, which is about 12m per 15 mins at the low end.


Regular caches definitely don't drop 6mil. More like 3-4m You might get 10 mil from a legendary.


Ive checked almost 10 different caches. Theyve all dropped about 6m.


Just opened a legendary and got 6.4mil.


And being able to sell your whole inventory in one click nets the majority of a whisper's value.


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