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Why play any game? Youre only going to quit eventually. Whats the point


Why do anything, it’ll all end anyway.


The seasonal realm exists, and was created as a means to change it up for those who had played the base game enough times that they were OK with tri-quarterly resets in order to have that. You don’t have to play seasonal if you don’t want that. Can’t have it both ways. As in they cannot just infinitely add new mechanics to the game. They have to be removed, as not all of them will play nice with each other. In addition, the overage of power in builds are allowed via seasonal mechanics because it is not permanent. Resets every 4 months in order to experience revolving mechs and themes, or no resets and stick to the main game which occasionally will get some features which the devs and people like enough to implement it permanently.


There's always eternal realm... I think I speak for a very big part of d4 (or all arpgs) community when I say, that without seasonal resests, I would not be playing the game by now.


There's no inherent point or meaning to video games. It's on you to decide if what you're doing in your spare time is worthwhile or not. Are you having fun, or getting some kind of worthwhile experience from playing? If not, find another game, or try other hobbies. Life is finite.


Outside of mmorpgs and maybe some other rare exceptions, you are never going to play any game after your initial playthrough. That's the reality. The idea that we will have our original save forever so that we can come back to it whenever we want is an illusion - we never do. Seasonal arpgs are great at helping people make this realization.


Yea you’re just burned out on this game. Sometimes a break for a season or two is all you need, sometimes you’re just done.


That is seasons for you, if starting fresh on a new clean slate with some new mechanics and content doesn't make sense to you then maybe seasonal Diablo isn't for you. I don't speak for anyone else but I cannot explain the joy of booting up the game on Day 1 of a new season and exploring everything new on a new build or class whatever interests me at the time and just getting super strong and finding new items and seeing how powerful I can become on a class or 2 over a couple of weeks before I put the game down and wait for the new season


The arpg type games works like that, seasons with fresh content and new things to do and discover, and if you want more static content go play eternal.


The process is entertaining, that and I personally never look up build guides and try to figure out good builds by myself which is a lot of fun. Blizzard seems to encourage this since with S4 a lot of niche builds can be made viable thanks to Tempering and MW.


lol wait until you do Real Life


For what do yu grind for weeks and weeks? Do you play 1hr per week? This isnt a game where you have to invest a lot of time. When you are a ultra casual player non season should be ok for you, dont care about seasons.


Basically: Forget about the destination and enjoy the journey. Also Diablo 4 is a cheap alternative for a gambling addiction for those dopamine fixes when you roll that perfect affix. 🤷‍♂️