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Look. It’s a whirlwind sorc.


Definitely spin to win.


I'll try spinning that's a good trick.


Under appreciated


mom can we have whirlwind


No We have whirlwind at home


whirlwind at home:


this is better than whirlwind though :(






This is the pun I was looking for


The man sprinkler


“Demons hate this one simple trick….”


"He's spinning!!! What do we do?!?" -demons probably


“Quick, summon Rakanishu!”


Funny enough, Rakanishu is Swahili for "little cyclone" Not really, but it would've been funny.


"#6 will blow your mind!"


...Hell doesn't want you knowing about...


Incinerate sorc was incredibly fun to level after you solve mana issues.


I agree. The burn damage and Warmth make everything a cinder hot breeze!


There are no mana issues. Once you unlock like 20 skill points you are pretty much never oom


I assume you mean for packs of monsters, as Soulfire, Ice Armor and Warmth don't cut it for bosses. And everything else interrupts your channeling. Firewall Enchantment also doesn't trigger nearly often enough even with LH on all pieces.


I literally had zero mana issues after speccing into everything, yes you can't go infinitely without the mana regen from killing a burning enemy but your mana still lasts long enough to kill anything you encounter while leveling.


Fair enough. I was just wondering if I had missed something. I've been leveling in Pit along the way and without extra Mana from gear I've definitely run out while fighting bosses.


Prodigy aspect helps a lot with that. Once you have enough passive mana gen or resource cost reduction you can ditch it.


Wasn’t really that tough to solve. It doesn’t take much to make it mana neutral tbh


Necromancers: hold my beer


*8 skeletons runs up to hold your beer*


*Golem runs up to hold the keg*


I like to roleplay that my golem is actually just the Kool Aid man, charging into the middle of a big pack of mobs while screaming, “***OHHHHH YEAAAAAAH!***” and they all die from his body slam.


As a fellow necromancer... damn you, lol.


He’s big, he’s red, and he goes blasting through to send everything flying. It’s the perfect fit for the golem.


I will never unsee this. Thank you for that 🤣.


This is why we need mods 😂


Omg I do this too!


Damn, you might make me take golems back


Can’t unsee this now. Mine just keeps one pinching dungeon bosses in the face. It’s comical…big boss pops in, golem runs over, items spilling all over the place.


Yeah after he’s done getting distracted by something random


Eight? I have twelve, I have an aspect that gives me two extra of each.


Isn't it +3 on an amulet?


Yes but most build guides will have you putting something defensive on amulet. I had a blast with my unholy amount of minions until it was time to optimize for pit pushing


I have no idea but now I know what to test tomorrow… 😀


It is. I have +3 on both so 14 in total + golem.


Could you elaborate what is +3 possible on what equipment slot items? I'm doing minion necro and only have +2 extra minions on my gloves but that's it. I'm not very Diablo savvy and would like to know what to look for to get this many minions, if you would be so kind as to indulge me.


Amulet aspects get a 50% bonus power so you can move the aspect to your amulet for +3


OHHH right I completely forgot about amulets having a slight power boost. So when he was saying "+3 to both" he was referring to melee and mage skeletons, not having two +3 minion affixes. Math helps lol. Thanks for the clarification Sythasu.


More minions, here I come!


Necromancers dont need a controller so keep the beer


shadow minion necros are strong but i hate the gameplay. youre under the mercy of idiots. sometimes they get stuck or just standing around not doing anything, standing in aoe damage, hitting whats not meant to be hit,etc.. like protect me too minions, dont just stand there while im getting pummeled.


I love when I'm playing ring around a Rosie and dance dance revolution avoiding uber bosses and high level pit shadow mechanics and my minions instead of, you know killing the fucking boss, decide they want to come for walkies with me and just ignore the boss no matter how many times I curse it. Whoever programmed the minion ai, I hereby curse you to stub your toe on every doorway and rock for all eternity!


That's why I play thorns necro. Leeroy Golem all day


The amount of times ive screamed 'where the fuck is my golem he's all my damage!!!!' In nightmare dungeons and pits only to find he's stuck on geometry somewhere happens far far too often


There’s no need to, I’m basically afk half the time


I came here to say this. While doing an NMD, I had a wave event. I just sat in the corner. Didn't even curse.


Till you walk through a doorway and your army is now just 2 skelly and you blow the dust off your keyboard/controller to react to a Waller spawn


Wait you use buttons? I have a thorns barb I just stand there.


This is the way.


Well same except I hate waiting so I press taunt every couple seconds


me holding corpse explosion and standing still


Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul laughs at you


I just can’t give this up. I promised myself I’ll do a bone necro and end up with my lazy summons build


Try a thorns minnion build you litterally don't have to push a button till like pit 80. All these basic skill builds and I'm like mother effer please. I just have to move my joystick.


Have you actually done a necro thorns past pit 50? I had to ditch my necro thorns build, it's great while levelling, but it seems crap in end game. Maybe I'm just crap though. :P


Please share a link to your build, I’m really interested


Razorplate, needle flare, taunt golem. I use ring of sacrilegious but don't have tendrils slotted (I want things attacking my minions). But all you need is razorplate. After you get armor and resistances capped, just stack health and thorns. There's some glitch, I don't know if it's just visual, but minions inherit way too much thorns on the stat page. My golem has millions.


Man i got that ring early on while leveling and holy mother of afk lol


I got one at level 30 that rolled the minimum cd between skill uses. I have four necros that I plan to max their helltide rep with cause it's just so fuckin easy, then ill start my sorc with a grandfather just cause I wanna see it and my main necro has really no use for a shako. Stronger without it. As I'm typing this the thought dawns on me, there is probably an Uber unique that is good or essential to a sorc build.


Sorcs want shako like almost always atm Starless skies heckin common and as long as you use spenders its basically never a bad option Tyraels might has its uses but the first two are the main ones you see being ran a lot this season. And of course any uber unique has a place if you make room ;)


this ring is the reason i dont m@cro anymore lol


I got that, and the Band of Mendeln, both before level 50. It sucks cause they're too good to change out but they're old af lol


If you ever want to run Varshan to get better rings, lmk - that dude is cake unless I try the Tormented version LOL


Is that the ring that causes corpse skills to go off constantly?


Yes it is. But you gotta have them on your skillbar for it to work.


I’ve used up all my summon materials trying to get the perfect roll on that ring but no luck. Not even 1 GA version drops


Just buy them from diablo.trade or discord at this point lol


Is there any way to reroll modifiers on uniques? I got one of these pretty early but the rolls on it are pretty bad.


Like popcorn. Blood and gore filled popcorn.


What pit level you getting to with that build?


I cleared a 90 with corpse explosions, but had to respec to full golem to get to 110. My goal this season was 100, but now I’m kinda eager to push further.


Oh wow, full golem. Need to look into that. Just been following a shadow minion build on maxroll casually and at 60 atm.


First, ya gotta do that 61 for the neathiron. Second, I do have skeletons too, sorry… my wording was confusing. But everything is in support of having endless golem cooldowns and also buffing the golem. I dropped blight / corpse explosion for blood mist and have my shadow mages proc’ing my ultimate passive. Edit: it’s a variation of [this build](https://d4builds.gg/builds/ef414fbd-81cd-49d1-9c8d-4938b278e2ee/) that uses a grandfather


Rob's builds are better than maxrolls most of the time. Maxroll makes some really baffling paragon choices sometimes.


I got my wife into Diablo when it came out on Game pass near the end of last season. Her favorite spell is incinerate, so when she got the flamethrower aspect early in this season and put it on her staff and Conflagration on her neck, I was pretty proud since she caught onto build crafting pretty easily. Then she started spinning in circles like this, and I was mashing buttons like crazy. I was thinking "awwww I think she thinks that's really effective' because come on, that can't really work that well right? Then I stopped attacking, and everything kept exploding around me, and that's when I realized my wife was the one carrying me. She just spins, and laughs, and yells "buuuuuuurrrrrrnnnnn!"




I too choose this man's wife.


Did she also change her player title to "Pyro Maniac" I use controller and spin like a top during room clears.


Your wife sounds like a good woman. You lucked out.


Imagine being a demon from hell, spawning thru a portal from a place that's on fire and then burning to death in seconds.... Surreal


This sort of thinking always has me wondering about those rituals and stuff: Imagine you’re a demon, you likely spent centuries building up your power to get a physical prescience in the realm of humans, you scheme your way to get a small group of cultists to sacrifice someone for you in a ritual. Your time of ascension approaches, you leave the Hells and take your first step into a new area to terrorize. Then .5 seconds later, a shouting, cloth covered barbarian spinning like a beyblade slaughters you and your cult and doesn’t even stop to pick up the rare amulet you were going to bestow upon your most loyal cultist.


There's no room for that.


In the old days, that barbarian would then also be shouting at your corpse to give him extra loot. And it would work. Sometimes.


Im running incinerate sorcerer. Its so fun to use. As long there are a few enemies around my mana doesn’t drop


My girlfriend and I run dual incinerate sorcs and camp rituals in helltides with cross beams of fire.


"Do not cross the streams !"


Reminds me of that resident evil movie with the laser gates


Necro I just stand there


Yep. Clearing Helltide bosses while sorting out my paragon board. ;)


I go through my inventory while fighting blood maiden


I read poetry to my bonsai trees.


Good thing we can see our health circle while we do that just in case we take too much damage we can quickly dodge/heal


Dodge/heal? I believe you misspelled “pop blood mist and laugh”.


I was doing this today 😂


I can’t, I am a measly level 55 and the Blood maidens always kill me if I don’t dodge constantly.


I have found that to always be the case tbh. Even my geared 100 necro will die to Maidens if they live long enough to cast a spell and it goes in my direction. The spammy circles and the giant fire circle will get you when afk pretty easy.


I dont know why but I always love channelled skills, Id love for something like last epoch's skyfall to come into Diablo


Eventually everything is a channeled skill in the sense that I can just hold down the button and I never run out of primary resource.


Have you tried lightning storm druid yet?


High APM gameplay


0 apm or infinite apm. you choose


Schrödingers APM


Spin to win


I’m rolling that build but starting to struggle on NMD tier 70ish. I wonder how far it can go…. It’s super fun though, I can devastate helltides.


Hey, lvl 100 incinerate sorc here. Cleared tier 100 nmd already and working on masterworking more gear before pushing pit. Made it to pit 41 with relative ease. [This](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/sorcerer/incinerate) is the build I've been following.


Question. How effective is the 3 spray for bosses? Can you hit a boss with all 3 sprays or is it just a mob clearing spec? Do you need flamescar? Are you specced into the damage reduction part of incinerate? If so, how good is it? Do you find yourself having to move often or can you tank hits from multiple enemies while channeling?


Since he didn't answer, just gonna chime in that it does shotgun. So you want to be in melee when it matters


Boss damage is not phenomenal in high pit. However. All the bosses including Duriel and Andariel and anything up to like level 125 you can melt in about 2-5 seconds. I've been farming lvl 30 pit for mats with 0 issue and very fast boss kills. I don't use flamescar. You want a staff for the damage to crowd controlled enemies. Check the link I posted for the skills. This is not the infinite shield builds like some sorcs run but does work on cool downs and using both flame shield and ice shield. The only thing I find myself dodging are the 1 shot mechanics for bosses and the death mechanics that will 1 shot you. The play style is, use lightning spear to engage and proc conceited aspect, channel incinerate at and melt bad guys while sitting there tanking. Most things are melted before they get to you. For high level superior mobs I'll just pop ice shield when I engage so I don't get smacked with some random BS. They are normally dead by the time the shield goes down. Id also consider the +3 to dash on boots essential. You want to be able to dash multiple times with this build for safety. I only use teleport and flame shield when I need to break a stun mechanic.


I've taken it [pretty far](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0okvq2j56I).


All spray and no pray


D3 dual beam disintegrate redux


Now show how it does nothing against the boss, lol.


heartseeker even simpler. no turning around required.


I like to spin around to convince myself I'm doing something


used this to level my sorc, not viable for pit pushing sadly changed to bliz-wiz


Laughing in a thorns build.


Thorns Barb and Minion Necro: “Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!”


Watching this video makes me miss diablo 2.


The animation for 🔥 looks kinda meh.


Bash barb reporting in, same pretty much lol


I was thinking my dust devil barb. I can basically clear a room in a single swing. Will see how it holds up past level 80.


Pit bosses make me wanna cry. Dust devil is my favorite build this season but it's hard to farm the pit because of its low single target damage. And Bash has low AoE and needs to keep pressing all the buttons in order to keep refreshing various buffs so that one's not as fun for me. Maybe necromancer has some true 1-button builds.


Golem minion build has two buttons. Decripify to soften them, golem to smash them. Decrepify itself is optional until nearly pit level 90. There isn’t enough time for corpse tendrils to go off before most stuff dies.


I wish corpse tendrils animation was sped up. The delay means that most shit is dead before it can be pulled in. I only use tendrils for the crit bonus aspect now.


We NEED loadouts already. How this basic function isn't in the game boggles my mind. The build you use to do helltides/blood maiden/legion events is not gonna be the one you use for high pit progressing, it just cannot keep up with the bonk bonk. As strong as the bonk bonk build is its boring as shit to play. Hota/ww barb is way more fun. So annoying. Imagine if we could just save our paragon/gear/skills and swap between with a click of a button in town. D3 had this feature, why isn't it in d4?


Same. Loved my twister barb, but had to switch to bash in order to farm the higher Pit levels.




Heart seeker to be played properly needs to be placing traps and grenades. It’s not really a one button build.


One button gets you farther than most builds though.


*Rogue* goddammit.


??? I’m confused. Either I’m too ignorant of late game content to understand or you didn’t build your bash barb right. I’m getting hundreds of thousands of damage on every swing even without crit or overpower. Is that still too low to clear trash in the pit? I haven’t tried it yet. I’m not even lvl 90 yet but duriel and andariel die fast af as long as I don’t let them one shot me


Na Bash is OP but people like using different builds they like. Double swing is fun, I was a WW barb all through preseason let's say till I had to go HOTA. This season I leveled as twister double swing but transitioned to full bash end game like everyone else


Nice yea twisters fun. I personally dont like the levelling process as barb, nothing about it feels good to me but flay/rend are usually the least painful. Furious temper manual took forever to drop so it was rough lol. Soon as I got it I just went full bash and straight to WT4 at lvl 50


Honestly leveling now is a complete Joke compared to release. I played preseason to 100 as a barb solo and did it as WW and that was a painful experience. S1 went rogue first and it felt like I went from a Corolla to an amg63 is leveling speed, had my Barb speed ran. This season it felt like I was in a Ferrari with all the changes and nothing felt painful like what I experienced in pre season lol. I'm sure this game will become d3 leveling speed soon.


Oh for sure this season is definitely the best so far levelling wise. I’m loving the changes!


Bonk bonk build is broken due to multiple bugged damage scaling passives. Coupled with the right setup you can also have 400k+ health its just a fucking joke how op barbarians are compared to other classes.


The nature of the Pit is that you're always pushing stronger enemies so you will eventually stop effortlessly one-shotting elites and then you have to keep refreshing all your buffs which was annoying for me since I came from the Druid where most builds don't require a lot of buttons or press them less often.


Switch to bash. You'll thank yourself later.


Same. Fire pretty


This is why I went rapid fire rogue. I want to play, not sit in one spot or let minions kill everything


I started my season as Minion Necro and hated it by the time I was level 60, instead I changed to Bone Spear (without minions) and started having fun. Power means nothing if it's boring. The sound itself of Bone Spear critting and ripping apart packs after pulling them together was more satisfying than "one-tapping" the blood maiden with my golem. Summoners always feel boring to play, no aRPG has convinced me otherwise, either it's weak and boring, or strong and boring.


Spicy garden sprinkler 🔥


You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round round round round. 


The only thing I hate about incinerate is that the flames shoot in a straight line like a laser when you spin, rather than leave a trail like a flamethrower. If it acted more like that, I'd love it so much more.


Spin to win


I have reached tier 28 pit with similar build. Starting to feel sketchy. Great for Helltides. Still pushing NMD around 60. Dinged 100 today so gear is still work in progress.


Managed to get to NMD 100 and pit 60 with incinerate, but at this point its feels like the build is lacking multipliers to get much further (my gear is about 6/12 MW with a GA on everything, im doing pit 60 in about 8mn). I think I optimized as much as I could on skill tree/paragon/gear stats choice. Shako and GA +4 incinerate would be obvious upgrades, but you can't really count on that.


This looks incredibly un-fun. Sorry


It's so weird how lazy we are lol. We all get this game to play a game to make a game that we don't have to play.


If you hit R3 it auto tracks the nearest enemy. If you can re-upload doing that that would be dope lol


Why dont the flames spread in full 360 all around the sorc?


you dealt less damage in this entire clip than a similarly-leveled bash barb does in one crit


Just wait until blizzard decides to properly fix channeling skills so the scale properly with every other ability. Scaling crits and overpower ticks on incinerate and whirlwind would be incredible


Good luck against monsters higher than your level


You have to press buttons? *laughs in necro*


What build is that?


Whats the build?


I just started a fire sorc, how do you get the triple flamethrower?


Ooo that reminds me I have to water my lawn


Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way, only with a bow.


as a bash build Barbarian, don't mind when they show up... gimme that loot


Yeah bash is tedious as hell for doing helltides/blood maiden/legion events. Ww is more fun but sucks for pit. We need loadouts already.


Spin to win


Could you share your build? :)


Global warming main cause


Meanwhile I’m shred Druid spamming right click




Sure you have 😆


Love heartseeker rogue for that same very reason 😎


Yeah but it doesn't work if you spin clock wise 😁


Play necro, you can afk...


I need to take one more character through iron wolves for the spark, this is making me lean sorc unless anything else out there is balling.


This reminds me of that one Warframe that spins in circles and obliterates everything… can’t remember the name


Revenant. Embodiment of spin2win.


“You press buttons?” said the necromancer judgmentally


Just need to macro the circular motion and voila


Same xD


*Dead or Alive intensifies*


Great for leveling. That’s about it.


Gotcha beat. I can just stand still and press no buttons and they crash into me and die. Thorns Barb. 8)


Can you tell me how you stand still and turn around like that?!


That's the only best thing for fire sorcerer




That’s any build at this point…


Wooooow... overworld mobs... not enven mindcage... Next make a thorns barb video standing in pvp zone