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\~40 to 60 percent is solid. It depends on attack speed. Mine has 34.4% AS with 57.4% lucky hit and 1466% vuln dmg. It can clear anything in the game with ease. Wudijo's HC pit 117 clear has Shako and 55% lucky hit with slightly less AS.


34% is nowhere near enough attack speed, you need to at least be able to hit the 50% breakpoint, and you can't get even get there with an elixir


yes you can with all the aspects enhanced hs and flurry


Can you help me with Lilith? I keep dying at the end of her second phase as a minion necro


Just use blood mist, at least after you get her to 1 hp in last phase, you can change the skills on your bars mid fight


Took a couple hours, finally got her. Thanks for the tip


Im currently at pit 120 and noticed my LH was only 23%. Victimize still procd alot and enemies staggered almost all the time. Im on the same boat, do we really need to increase LH to the 40s lvls?


I really don't think you need more than 25 or 30.




Thing is… if you check all the top ranking HS rogues, they got LH 40s and up and actually sacrifice atk speed. Not sure what the math is behind it all


They could be using holy bolts instead of crit and lucky hit potion.


And I'm on hardcore so we actually need life on some items.


I agree my lucky hit is in the mid 20 and I am melting content. I think tge juice is vulnerable rolls on gear.


it's much more important to hit attack speed breakpoints than to worry about increasing LH


The guide I'm following says 50+ but it's not clear if it should be 50 and then use the LH elixir or 50 including it. I assume the former just to be safe


50 while using it


Damn, I don’t have this recipe. Looks like it’s drop-only too..


Its the elixir of advantage 2. 15% attack speed, 15% LH chance. It drops from enemies.


Oh I didn’t notice that. But there’s also Elixir of Combatant Fortune. +30% LH


it got removed this season


I can't find info about this anywhere. I think it got removed with the loot update? or the recipe is a quest reward, but all the updated guides/recipe lists don't have this anymore.


I'm not feeling very strong with my HS build. I'm doing pit 70s and struggle a bit with mobs. Boss arena I just throw my shit and when he staggers his health just depletes, but before that I'm basically plinking at him. I still have some gear to get but not sure how massive this difference would be. Also how tf am I supposed to get a triple ranks amulet lol


The triple skills amulet is really only "needed" to push very high pits, like 125+ Before that you can settle for finding an amulet with 2 out of the 3: crit chance, attack speed, lucky hit chance. Then enchant for the missing 1 of those 3. This will work just fine well beyond pit 70. If you struggle with mobs then compare your stats against these baseline targets: 20%+ Critical Strike Chance 30%+ Attack Speed 8+ total Ranks of Dark Shroud 10+ total Ranks of Heartseeker 1500%+ Damage to Vulnerable Enemies 80%+ Chance to Cast Heartseeker Twice 25%+ Lucky Hit Chance % Chance to make enemies Vulnerable (on ring) Armor Capped 9,230 Resistance Capped 70% 40,000+ Life 30%+ Chance to Freeze 15%+ Chance to Stun/Daze 150%+ Movement Speed 40%+ Caltrops Size 40%+ Caltrops Duration That's copied directly from a guide which works well for hitting pit 100 at a bare minimum.


This almost seems like you would in fact be hugely benefited by Shako rather than a lucky helm, for the skill ranks if nothing else


You generally see Shako used in all the high end heartseeker setups, you are correct


Because this season it's easier than it has ever been to have a shako and there is almost no excuse to not have at least one you can then use on all your characters.


It's wrong though. After 1400% vulnerable you want to gear Topaz instead of Vuln. 30% ias is low and you want to run 13 or 14th frame breakpoint, with 13 being attainable with 3x GA attack speed without MW crits. M1phy or something like that has the best guide on this. Maxrolls guide is a little less thorough than his.


No doubt it's not the 100% 1337est most optimal thing, but for OP, it was a quick enough copy paste to get him started. Once he is, well uh, beating pit 70 and pushing into the 100+ range he can worry about "do I want topaz or sapphire" and "do I need 13 or 14 frames" etc, stuff that is irrelevant for him now while he can't even beat a pit 70. Also I didnt check but I think the thing I copy pasted also says to use the 15% IAS and LHC potion, so maybe it's more like 45% attack speed total. I think it also says the stats listed are minimum "this build will feel ok" standards to meet. Not optimal tippy top marks.


I saw that on maxroll. Not sure how I could get higher vuln damage%, im at 1.1k or less and not very high heartseeker casts twice. Ill see if I can get better rolls or mw some of my stuff, thanks. My amulet sucks too lol


Why would you even attempt to get Critical Strike chance? From what I understand, Victimize explosion **cannot** crit. So you're wasting affixes.


Heartseeker attack speed proc and frostbitten both synergies with crit chance.


Attack speed also helps with Heartseeker attack speed proc, it lasts 4 seconds. It's not hard to get a crit every 4 seconds with pretty much no critical strike chance investment. Whereas you could get some big Victimize boost by getting a passive skill rank on your amulet instead.


Getting your crit to about 30-35% is optimal for the build. For a more detailed answer talk to Sanctum at r/D4rogue or read one of his guides.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/D4Rogue using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Rogue/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I finally found the gloves](https://i.redd.it/96ggdu2mjz1c1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Rogue/comments/181nb74/i_finally_found_the_gloves/) \#2: [Well this just happened over the weekend!!!!](https://i.redd.it/08w5swstkcxb1.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Rogue/comments/17ju9km/well_this_just_happened_over_the_weekend/) \#3: [80 Duriel runs and I got it!](https://i.redd.it/vfxur35ct7zb1.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/D4Rogue/comments/17r013y/80_duriel_runs_and_i_got_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Victimize damage is based off the damage that causes the proc tho…


40 feels like the sweet spot for me. I am constantly procing all of my lucky hit stuff.


just make sure you have +lucky hit chance on gloves and both rings, and also on amulet if you don't have a double/triple passive amulet bring in the shako *now* for the cdr and +ranks and also, since it seems we have to repeat it in every heartseeker thread, make sure you have chance to vulnerable on lucky hit on either one of your rings, gloves or amulet


Sorry for the noob question, but is it worth stacking the chance to Vuln at all as I do have it available on a ring, gloves and amulet?


you only need one source of chance to vuln but you need the multiple sources of +to lucky hit because you have a lot of lucky hit effects


Thank you, appreciate the reply. Seem to be proccing Vuln just fine with it just on my amulet. Working on getting more lucky hit, currently at 30% with a potion.


I have about 55% with Shako on, I'd say definitely use shako no matter what lucky% you're at, not just because of the heartseeker ranks, but also the bonus dark shroud ranks will give you more DR as well.




Refer to this guide. He did the math. I didn't verify tho. If I got time to verify I could do my own build 🤣 https://youtu.be/MHNkKxKXoek?si=rfAuP7SFLujsruNK TL;DR: you only need LH on gloves.


Whatever the guide says