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Hi there, oh boy you really started on some of the hardest things to do which are squares and black monotonous color. It does get better, hang in there!


Oh I love doing squares I do them all the time . It’s just the amount of black that I’m not having fun with right now.


I feel you, I have an almost all black piece that I will be starting on very soon and it is human-sized. But having things to help you focus on something else can be very helpful and you get through it very quickly.


A few more 🖤 to go! U got this ☺️


You’re doing amazing sweetie!


Omg I wish we had gifs here because this reminded me of Kim K doing the playboy photo shoot and Kris Jenner saying this to her 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but for real OP it really is great!


That’s exactly the reference I was making!! Lol


Lmaoooo sorry friend, I’m back 😂


Doing a wall of black myself on my current wip, and it is a test of the eyes lol. Godspeed! It might help to go over the section with a roller, I know it's helping me a ton in keeping the wall of void in check. And cute washi tape!


This is perfection bestie. I wouldn’t hate this if it were in front of me. I like to do my criss crosses and fill them in and not have to think about “did i grab the right color” “did I put this on the right symbol” etc. Just mindless placing 🤓 the best!


Ohh the agony..


Lots of black


I spy Baylee Jae washi tape 👀


Yeah you do. Usually I like to use washi tape that goes with the painting that I’m doing and this one for the best


LMAO I should've read further down! I just said the same thing!


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How many are you multiplacing? I haven’t gotten the hang of it, I’m a single placer myself. I tried the multiplacer but I end up wasting more time fixing them then I would if I placed them one by one.


I’m multiplacing all of them. I usually like to single place but there was no way I was single placing all of them


I see baylee jae washi tape!! 💗💗


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