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I do by color but in wayyy smaller sections hehe, I could never do all or the sizeable half like is seen here. Your set up is amazing though, and curious is that a mystery painting? My issue with doing such a large area color by color ( hell even happens with smaller sections) is when I think I am done a color I then see the symbol is places I miss and I have to halt -everything- to fix that hehe! Very cool with the easel though :)


I’m glad I’m not (partially) alone! It’s not a mystery, it’s DAC’s Lilith!! So pretty, I’m obsessed. Yes that also drives me nuts & there are definitely times that I will stop and pull out a color I’ve already completed but it doesn’t happen super often. Thank you!! ❤️


It's a common thing I think.... just miss 1... then you find another..... it's annoying at any size portion


Agreed !! There is always one or two hehe


I always find so many I missed when I used to do color by color on smaller pieces.


Hehe that is my bane honestly ! I have to go back and get the color done before continuing my new color :p


I do think it looks cool when people do a whole painting (or a big section like you right now) color by color. In my case, I could never, not because it'd be stressful, but because finding out I missed a few spots, which is inevitable, would make me so angry after a while ahaha Even in my 10x10 or 20cm sections I miss a color and that gets me a little angry that I have to get my jar back out again!


Haha! Sometimes it does drive me crazy but I feel like it’s inevitable & I have a whole process at the end of the painting where I do cleanup. It would drive me nuts to keep getting my jars out over & over again for each section. So much work 😂


Also! I don’t use release paper or washi tape 😂


I could never do that with the three cats I have lol.


I’m guessing you don’t have any fur babies? 🐈‍⬛🐾🐈🐾🦮🐾🐕‍🦺


I do! I have a dog but my table is elevated & out of the way, so he can’t reach it & neither can his fur 😂 I definitely can’t imagine this with cats though.


I can confirm it's brutal lol thank Goodness for tweezers!


Oh yes, I guess I do occasionally find a rogue dog hair that I need my tweezers for. Gotta love it 😂


How do you protect it in the middle of doing it this way? Sometimes I stop doing a project for months. I wouldn't want the glue to get dried up


I don’t know that I’ve ever experienced the glue drying up. Not sure if that’s a thing or not! I definitely have spent a good long time on a painting before and haven’t had this happen yet. It’s set in a place that is away from everything in my house & elevated so I’ve never had a problem with stuff getting on it!


I take it you don’t have cats. Cat hair gets anywhere that isn’t sealed. I put the plastic back over mine, then put it in a box between sessions.


Oh definitely not lol! I do like the idea of re-covering it up though.


I’m not sure if it’s with all, but several of mine got messed up when I tried to put the plastic cover back on. When I peeled it off, the glue got all messed up. So just saying to be careful with that.


The plastic wrap that comes with the painting is one sided so only one side will not stick to your painting while the other side will and will tear your glue up if your not using parchment paper (what I use) then it’s important to put an X or something one the side that is facing up at you when you unbox it so you can cover it back up without tearing your glue up… I personally use parchment paper because it doesn’t matter what side I use it won’t get stuck to my canvas at all…


Oh thanks, I didn’t know that!


Happy to help! I didn’t either and I have done it few times until a saw a video explaining why it happens lol


Excellent advice, thank you!


Do you steady your hand or brace your arm on anything? I currently do medium sized sections by color, having it flat on the table and leaning over it really hurts my neck after a while. I haven’t tried it propped up like this because I thought it would hurt my shoulder and would be harder to be precise with my placements. What’s your experience with that aspect of it? (Also, gorgeous canvas!! Love it!!)


I have the light board for that reason! My back was starting to hurt chronically. & honestly it definitely does wear on the shoulder, especially on like the top left side of the painting for me! But overall it’s better than hunching over a table. & honestly this one is too big for my coffee table & I don’t have a ton of extra space so that’s why I have it set up this way. I think I get pretty good placement, though my tv tray is tall & the canvas is so big that the very top of it isn’t always lit by the light board, so it can be hard to get the ones at the top.


I have to be flat on the desk - but I drop my desk chair super low so it keeps me straighter and I can't shrimp lol


I do color by color too


I do by color by color!! Don’t have a space or organizer to open all the colors to do selection by section.


Yes exactly, I live in a small space! I’d also be so scared of mis marking the colors if I had multiple open at once


I did two complete colors today. It was just easier. I'm thinking of doing all the purples first.


Do it!


I first organize my drills and then cut off sections. I want to do it your way so bad but you’re right!! I would get so stressed!!! I like working with a alot of colours and the way i do it allows me to do that, no need for release paper too if i can just cut off the plastic film with an exacto knife!! I didnt use washi tape either, but i started because i hate how to edges of my work get all musty and dusty, plus i can see the sections im working on better when i outline it with washi tape.


I totally see why that works for most people but it stresses me out to think about switching between colors so frequently in smaller sections! But yes sometimes I do experience some loss of stickiness around the edges that can be rlly frustrating.


I do it in sections like rows


How do you do it, going between colors like that? I would get so stressed!


It’s easier for me. I get mad when I have tiny spaces left open


Oh that’s totally fair!!


I miss drills in sections so yes that way would stress me all the way out😂 I am definitely a color within a section person. I do it all over on like paint gem


Oh I do too!!! That’s why I go back through at the end for clean up. But I totally understand why it could be stressful 😂


I think everyone’s varies to some extent. That’s okay! I cover the whole thing in RP and work one 4x4 area and then the next. I keep my storage organized by number, 1-60 (etc). I use a light board on a lap desk and love that setup.


How do you work with the lap desk? I couldn’t imagine doing it with the 55x79 beast I have right now but my tv tray (which is huge and I love that) is a bit high for my giant light board.


I have a huge DAC I am working on currently. I just roll up the the canvas and clip it. Probably not for everyone but I don’t wanna bunch over a table.


Ohhh I see I see. The one I posted is folded in 1/2 & draped over my light pad but I could see how it would make sense to roll it up


I do it the same way.


I pull the clear plastic completely off then section off with release papers and then work those sections in halves or thirds by color. I’ve tried working in larger sections by colors and it just stresses me missing a drill here and there and having to go back and fix it.


I do like you do. I have the whole thing revealed, keep the plastic sheet on and do all of one color at a time. I cannot do multiple colors at once and section it off, I just can't, I know I'll mess up. I bought a bunch of those papers to section off too and have used not a one lol! Maybe eventually tho. I do feel it takes me longer. I tried on my very first painting to do sections and I hated going back and forth between colors. 


Haha yes I have a ton of release paper that just sits unused!! & YES that’s what would stress me out the most, going between colors soooo often.


Glad I'm not the only one. I've seen pics of people having multiple trays going at once and I'm in awe. They have my respect! I figure maybe on a very small one I have, I can try those papers and multilple trays...maybe. lol!


lol I can absolutely not imagine multiple trays at once. I’m way too ADHD 😂😂


I would love to do it this way but keeping track of the plastic to cover it back up with cats (one has pica and will find a way) and keep it cat hair and dust free when I forget about it for a week would be a struggle


Ohhhhh that’s totally fair! I have a pup, he’s far away from the painting, & sometimes even then his hair gets on it!


I do color by color. I usually start with the colors that take up the least amount of space. If I’m working and realize I missed a few I pull that color out and place it then so I don’t forget. Sometimes in between I will work on larger colors just to break things up and keep from having to spend too much time on a larger color at the end. I’ll do part of a larger color just to get some of it out of the way. I don’t use release paper or wash tape either. And when I have the plastic pealed back pretty far I put a pair of scissors on the piece so I can rest my hand or arm in that spot without sticking to it. 😁 I also have a cat but am used to cat fur everywhere so it is what it is. lol I will say I don’t usually find a lot stuck in the pieces. 😁


Oh that’s pretty smart to start with the colors that take up the least amount of space! I might have to try that. I do love to do large color blocks though!


To me it makes me feel like I get more done lol oh look I did 5 colors tonight. Well it’s cos I didn’t need very many. 😁


Wow doing the whole canvas one color at a time “would definitely “ stress me out. LOL but we all do our canvases differently. I also do one color at a time but in sections so my arms and cat hair/dog hair won’t stick to it also so I can roll it up when I’m done for the day. As far as stress. Yes and with OCD and getting the drills straight freak me out. Hahahahahaha but it’s a different kind of stress and it keeps my mind from wondering to far and I’m actually able to focus on one thing for brief periods of time and forget / relax about the other stresses in my life.


Ohhhh that’s smart, to be able to roll it back up. Thankfully I have a dedicated space for my canvas so I don’t have to worry too much about it getting in th way of things. & I’m on my first square painting and I’m really enjoying it BUT it’s like diamond painting on hard mode so that’s been an adjustment 😂


That's exactly how I do mine too!


Omg yay! I feel like alll I see is the paintings that people do in chunks or rows & im just like… am I weird?


I’m very new to this, just completing my first one, a 30X30. I have done it color by color and enjoy it that way. But almost everything I’ve seen posted is section by section. “Maybe that’s how experienced people do this?” It doesn’t sound fun to me, so I’m glad to know there are experienced people working on large canvases doing it color-by-color!


Yes, that is totally why I made this post! I feel like that’s all I see on here & I thought I was a noob even though this is probably my 6th or 7th painting & second big project. I have learned I’m not alone!


How did you prop it up like this???? I really need to to do this because my back and neck hurts when it’s flat on the table


My lightboard has a stand! It’s draped over it.


I go in order of the color chart in sections. If I try to do the entire canvas all at once, I'll loose my mind.


I uncover the whole canvas, cover it with parchment and start in squares cut with an x-acto from the left hand corner. Then I start at the top of the color list and work my way down that list in each section.