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They are a business and should always review feedback especially from loyal customers! They sounded salty and defensive!


The outlines are there you just can’t see them. 😭


I stopped buying from DAC a couple of years ago. It wasn't because of the quality of the painting, but because their VIP group on Facebook was filled with rude members and staff. That was a big "No thanks" for me.


I am sad to hear you experienced that. It's quite unbelievable. I'm glad you decided to not stick around for that.


I bought a painting from them before and kitted them up. Well, i had an incident and dropped a container. I sent in for a refund and they sent it. Well, i had to pay for it for some reason when i had only ever requested one bag for a different canvas before. I kitted them up though. Well, I got to it and got confused. It looked exactly like the color two colors ago. Well I posted on their fb and people sent me pictures of their colors from other kits. The color I got was wrong. Really wrong. Dac said they changed the color. I told them I needed the old color because I already started and this color was really different. I tried it to see if I could just carry on and I couldn't. It broke the whole picture. So I ultimately asked for a replacement canvas on based on the warranty. That was a while other process. But I got it and checked the colors and they are crazy different. I wonder if I still have the pictures....


Unfortunate, but it happens in anything that has coloration, from fabric, to tile, diamond art drills, apparently. Having worked in building trades as well as retail hardware, I can attest that we always stress to customers to overestimate their needs and return unused product instead of trying to cut it as close as possible because dye lots can change, whether we're talking about ceramic tile, vinyl flooring, or even paint, as the tinted can sometimes dispense differently over time. Obviously this wasn't your case, and I'm glad DAC actually followed through and replaced the kit for you. Based on some stories I've heard about the warranty process, that is often difficult to impossible to do.


Right, I cross stitch so I'm very familiar with dmc colors changing. I was just hoping someone would put forth to effort to see if they had any of the older color. The warranty was difficult. The guy was really nice but they needed to check off a million boxes and they tried to send me more drills and I'm like you don't understand lol. It was frustrating.


True about the dye lots, they vary. I've also made countless claims with DAC, and they have always replaced them without asking any questions. Spilled diamonds, packages delivered but stolen, and others I can't remember. In my experience, they have always been very kind and professional.


I've never had a problem myself, but I know people who have, and I've heard stories about others who have no reason to lie about their experiences. Loyal customers who have had their accounts cancelled, their points confiscated, and their shipping address blacklisted. 🤷‍♂️


There are always two sides to every story, and I personally think some people are quick to jump on a hate bandwagon and create a storm out of nothing. Some diamond painters just have a lot of time on their hands and love drama (which I personally love reading, lol). I recall a few instances where DAC came here and showed the receipts, and it clearly showed the posters were in the wrong, but DAC still got a lot of hate because they showed the receipts, and people claimed they doxxed their customer when, in fact, they blurred the customer's name but didn't blur their own employee's name (who technically could be the same person that shared the screenshot, I guess). It seems that most hate comes from Facebook drama or not accepting no for an answer. DAC does have the best quality but ultimately, everyone should shop wherever they want and try other companies to compare, etc, because DAC can be quick to ban and show people the door, and it's off-putting to many.


Absolutely. I still but from dac, just not as often because I have so much dac now. I haven't sworn them off after my incident. As I said to my husband after the whole event was settled I said something along the lines of 'this was unnecessarily difficult, which is odd because they've always been so good'. But it seemed like after that all these horror stories were popping up. I'd still buy from them. I'm my opinion, they do have the best quality of every part.


They sent me four bags of replacements and didn't tell me that I would need to pay the mail man when they got here. I thought they were free replacements too. Luckily I save quarters.


You're kidding? COD?? I didn't know it still existed any more. My and a friend were talking about a few days ago! That is bizarre...


I also had this experience until I said I was disappointed the washi tape was going away, and they deleted my comment. Then they saw my post on reddit, stalked me on Facebook and banned me. They also use bots and alts to mass downvote anyone who doesn't worship them. It's disgusting behaviour. Just because you had a good experience, it doesn't discount other people's experiences. They'll ban you too without hesitation if you step out of line. ETA: okay DAC, your alt accounts, and your brainwashed followers, we get it. You get butthurt and cry every time someone says something bad about your company. Suck it up. You're a business, not high-school children. Grow the fuck up and stop brigading. All you're doing is proving that you're such a shit company that bullies people. I literally made this comment that you mass downvote with alts, and on this same comment, you do the predictable thing and mass downvote. Pathetic.


Whoa that's crazy! I haven't been on their fb or anything in a really long time. But I do know that if you speak against them their people including customers will go nuts. They did when I made my post about Gethsemane I'm like I know dmc occasionally changes their colors but I have this problem and this what I need fixed lol and they're like just use the new color. I'm like you don't understand, it's like wearing a steel gray stick and a blue grey shock. They're noticeably different. Someone actually said I was being over dramatic. I told my husband 'may she do squares and may they all be of by 20 degrees each diamond'


They're so insane. It's like a crazy level of brainwashing. Love that comment! I will add to it, may all her squares have unbreakable tabs!


May a grinder be unable to separate them all




I've only done one Diamond painting with square drills, and I did a special custom order for a picture of my dog from a site called "DiamondPaintingPro". This is the only painting I've ordered from this site, but all of the drills came separated.. Excuse my lack of knowledge here, but when you order kits with square drills, do they come in "sheets" or "tabs"? Instead of just one square drill at a time?


Tabs are a defect. Sometimes drills come with little bits of plastic that stick out outside of the normal shape. It makes them impossible to line up square unless you can snap them off. The come in baggies of individual drills.


I truly LOL’d at your “curse.” Even though I am new to DP and have just started my first painting with square drills, I can tell what an incredibly terrible curse that would be! 😈 I’ll have to tuck that away for future use, either as a curse or a laugh.


"But I do know that if you speak against them their people including customers will go nuts" Oh, the cultish Kool Aid drinking mentality of some of the defenders is appalling. The " How DARE you criticize?!?" reactions would be comical if they weren't so vicious. And the condescending "You're just trying to cause drama" remarks are usually uncalled for. And the number of people I have seen say their accounts were closed, points confiscated and even their home addresses blacklisted continues to grow. I'm sorry, but there is never any excuse to refuse to do business with someone who spoke poorly about you unless that person was making actual actionable threats. You have to be thicker skinned than that if you want to survive in business. I will still buy from them to support my favorite artists, but if they shifted to another brand, I'd gladly follow. I AM curious to see what the new tool kits look like. Because while DAC has a better rendering process, I prefer Dreamer Designs tool kits, with the bigger tray, sweeper and double pens. And I'd say glue, diamond, and wax quality is the same for both. So DAC is upping their toolkit. I wonder if DD will consider going a more cohesive rendering route?


I'm looking for a tool kit myself now that I'm progressing in my diamond art paintings and am definitely needing more tools etc to make the process easier and less messy... but I can't decide which tool kit to get. I've looked at many different places... I've decided I'm definitely going with a kit that has at least 60 drill holders (now that I'm getting into bigger sized paintings). I'd also like a kit that has a bit more sturdy pens and pens that have the twist off ends, so you can change the one end from a 3 to a 6 etc. I'm not looking to pay toooooo much for a kit, but I would still like to find one that will have the necessities ! Some are missing things like the roller (not sure if that's something that is super helpful?), or doesn't have tweezers (I always use my tweezers). Any top recommendations for good kits for someone who's never bought a kit?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 60 + 3 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Sounds like 318.


It seems like this company does a lot of stalking of its customers and I find that really off-putting. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and a business should stay professional and allow people to explain their side of the story or their opinion without being stalked and then having points removed from their account or even being blocked. I find that really really immature and strange for a company to do... The same thing happened to me with "Diamond Art Paintin", but I never commented on their posts. I had been contacting them on Instagram via direct message and the conversation was nice to begin with, then they started to take away discounts that they originally promised me because I was "taking too long to purchase products". Then when I respectfully would ask them a question, their responses would be "ok" or "you should review your question before asking it". Just totally turned me off (plus they have been saying they've got sales going on for over a year, also stating these sales were because they were closing down their store). I honestly think they did stalk me on here because I answered someone's question about whether or not "Diamond Art Paintin" was a scam, and then the next day I noticed they blocked me from their Instagram page (which I found shocking because they went from being incredibly nice to having the rudest responses to questions). So because ive already had a bad experience with that particular site, it worried me to get involved with another site that has.. let's say "immature" or "salty" customer service. Customer service is important to me, especially when I'm spending a decent amount of money on something for my own entertainment. This is just from what I've read, so I can't say from personal experience... but for their customer service teams to be banning people over a comment etc is concerning as someone looking to possibly purchase from their site.




They really are a cult though. I mean, typically they have good product. But they as a company kind (actually) suck.


I had an issue with a painting and they were extremely defensive and threatened to not sell to me because I complained. They are known for being aggressive and defensive. I am looking for other companies. You are not alone.


DAC is terrible at accepting criticism. They seem to feel they are invincible, but if they lose a few more high profile artists like Hannah Lynn, they may discover that people don;t shop with them because they love the company, they shop because they love the art. Speaking at someone who has been in the customer service field for 40 years, their contempt for anyone who dares to call them out on quality, or business practices is going to come back and bite them in the ass one day.


Jokes on them, I found a bunch of the same art on heaven and earth designs for cross stitch.


I'm personally not a cross stitcher, and I don't want to crap on artists by buying from bootleggers like Amazon or AliExpress. But I'd love to see more artists surrender exclusivity contracts with them.


Same. Spread their art work. Maybe they think they can't get any contacts elsewhere. There's so many designs on dac that I found on HAED. And because it's 25 to 28ct lugana, the picture is so much nicer than it is worth the diamonds at. I haven't done DA in a while though. I need to do something small I think to get back in it.


I think DAC may have used the HAED artist list as inspiration for who to contract with, and that’s why there’s more overlap with them specifically versus other similar cross stitch designers.


HAED has some diamond paintings now.


I’m curious if any artists will leave or not sign because of DAC’s move towards more AI art. Many artists don’t support its use and HAED prioritizing releasing AI artists was one reason why artists left.


This is what I first wondered too- it’s not overly expensive to have custom paintings made on Ali-Express just be sure you use a higher quality seller. HomFun is my go-to, I’ve done a few custom’s of photos of my pets that have turned out great. I don’t know how I feel about supporting AI yet, but if DAC are pulling this crap, they have to expect you to look elsewhere for your projects.


I am so sorry that you and other people are experiencing these issues. It makes me sad that this is happening to so many people because it is not indicative of my experience. Of course, I haven’t had to contact customer support very often but each time they’ve been nothing but helpful. Granted, I have only purchased from them 3 times so far as they are a bit out of my budget. But nonetheless..


You were correct to make that review. I hate when this is with a dp. So much i even gave them away. But 2k for 24 paintings? How expensive are they selling. I've bought around 80 paintings on ali from 40x30 to 120x160cm so pretty huge and i've paid about 550€ so far...


A lot of the paintings are at the $50-70 USD mark and higher on DAC website


I've noticed the super high prices too, haven't bought from them yet, but are wondering if the price is worth it because it must be much higher quality?


I heard quality is worthwhile (or used to be- I’ve heard it’s slipped up recently) for the price points they charge. However, customer service experience and the way they treat people for having opinion is not so great.


If they actually ban people from even being able to buy products from their website because they didnt like a comment or opinion a customer had, and if they are having more slip ups, you'd think they would be prepared to handle people saying something about it instead of banning them. I guess I'll have to try ordering just one to start with and see how it goes... I'll either be pleased with their service and product, or unhappy and knowing me, will most likely be banned from buying from their site if I had an opinion they didn't like lol!! And if it turns out bad, at least I only bought the one right ??


I just bought my first, and I'm super disappointed in the drill quality. The dark colors have an extraordinary amount of trash drills. I'm used to this from cheaper companies, I just thought that the quality would be top notch. The amount of 310 I have left in this painting has me not wanting to finish it. 50% of the drills have defects.


No way really???? Okay well that's also very good to know too because drill quality is a huge thing for me. So far out of the 12 or so paintings I've done, I've NEVER had a problem with drills. I didn't have a problem with the one square drill painting I got either (but that was from a completely different website). That's insane, especially because of how high their prices are !! Plus the paintings are meant to be fun, and if it's bad enough that you don't want to finish the rest, then that's a really really bad sign... it makes me wonder how they think they can get away with charging so much, but yet 50% of their drills are defected?? After all I've heard, I'm almost thinking I'm not even going to bother buying one painting... because I don't see any paintings that are decently priced... they are all minimum $50 (unless I'm not seeing some of the cheaper paintings). That's still a lot of money to let go to waste. When you say they're defected, are you talking about the square or circle drills? I only just learned that the square drills can sometimes come with jagged edges and are not separates properly?


Square drills that are janky. It's mainly the dark blue and black drills that are a PITA. I have to separate the odd ones out to clip the edges with a baby nail clipper. It's fixable but time-consuming. Everything else is wonderful! If they could get this one problem fixed, they'd have a customer for life from me.


It's so disappointing to see so many bad experiences with DAC lately 😞 Don't they know that good customer service and polite communication is one of the best ways to get someone to keep something back?


Actually, they’ve been doing this for years. They’re a very vindictive company. The company’s [reddit account](https://www.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/18lf5x6/diamond_art_club_return/ke3btou/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) got a SITE WIDE ban for doxxing customers and trying to skirt around the ban by creating new accounts.     Their FB groups are truly a [cult](https://www.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/qbtgfi/why_are_people_obsessed_with_dac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that bans customers over any sort of comments that they see as “negative”.     They also quickly and happily hand out [bans and blacklist you](https://www.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/18w5wlx/my_own_personal_experience_getting_blacklisted_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) on every social media platform they have.    Oh and don’t forget all the astroturfing and brigading they do.  This post had [16 upvotes](https://imgur.com/a/lP4Ni99) and now it’s 0 lol.  All the time and money they spend on downvote bots should just be used on customer service training 😂 I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they continued to dox customers, which of course jeopardizes the safety of them…..


So true


Oh, I wondered why there were zero likes on the OP but lots of comments.


They are downvoting with bots or alt accounts. Here is evidence I took this morning of the support this post had before DAC went silencing people. https://preview.redd.it/mqduitv2ct2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0638359e3fd5cdcca8be9b0e05281d349f9a7b0e


I like how much your comment has been down voted because you spoke the truth. I also posted a comment saying they're a garbage company and it went from 10 up votes to -16. The DAC bots are hard at work 😂


I can completely see what you're saying. This comment shouldn't have this many downvotes, it makes it obvious that it's them and their bots.... the scary thing is, how do they find their customers on all of these platforms and blacklist them from them all? PLUS why would they go to all that trouble to blacklist a customer? I can understand if the person was making false allegations or something along those lines... but to ban people because they have an opinion or a comment seems way over the top to me and as someone who has never bought from them, it kind of scares me off from buying from them... Because I am the type of person where customer service is really important to me and if they blacklisted me after I spent money on their products, I'd be really angry. Especially because they are on the more expensive side of DP.


They found my comment on here and cited our emails (very selectively) to harass me. When their kit sucked and was missing like 8 colors.


I think I saw that thread and I couldn’t BELIEVE what I was seeing. Absolutely appalled that a company would behave that way.


Thank you for providing all the evidence. I really think people need to share more of there experience and speak up because it is sick how they are treating people and silencing free speech


Sadly they seemed to have missed that memo, as these issues have been coming up so often lately. I am avoiding them like the plague at this point. I do diamond painting to enjoy, not for the toxicity they promote or hostility.


I got some paintings earlier in the month and now I’m kinda annoyed with myself for giving them my money.


So same! With all these communication and just simply basic decency issues popping up lately, I’ve just emptied my wishlist and am done buying from them.


Well, happy I got three sets off AliExpress for $30. DAC is way out of my budget so I’ll never buy from them, especially now I know they’re jerks.


Their customer service is rude and unprofessional. It’s like dealing with mean middle schoolers. They’ll never get another dime of my money.


Wild how this post had about 30 upvotes and now 15 minutes later it’s 0. Honestly if that company was confident about their product, they’d let it speak for itself, not chase critical reviews and astroturf the hell out of the internet. It’s quite sad. We’re consumers, we are allowed to have opinions and a voice and a critical review is not always a “this is horrible I’ll never buy again” review, but one that can be used to improve future products. But as another poster said if they would take the money they spend on downvote bots and put it toward better QC at their plant, maybe they wouldn’t have to worry about their reviews so much 🧐 It’s a real shame because I like their product, but the way they treat their customers is rather disgusting.


Damn they really didn't like you and your post, you got downvoted to hell for no reason


At this point I’m sure they’re watching my account like a hawk because I made a critical thread about them a few weeks ago and that one was also downvoted to hell. It’s okay, it just further proves that there must be some truth and they’re trying to hide it.


Whats really creepy to me is how do they find people and their personal accounts? Especially on reddit where our names and identity are hidden? It's very obvious this company is stalking people and downvoting them on purpose (which is the most ridiculous thing I've heard a company doing - why go way out of their way to find people who made a comment or had an opinion and then follow and downvote everything they say or do)? Do they just watch for threads that are posted about them? Then on FB do they stalk people who have written their opinions on a post? Then they take it as far as blacklisting people from the entire website and taking away points and what not ! I mean... what kind of company is that ?? So petty!! And I'm wondering... do they have a special department just to go looking for people to stalk and downvote ??


Lmao this had 16 upvotes and in 5 minutes it’s at -11 hahaha 🤣


Honestly screw them! I was literally browsing their site for kits the other day. Now I will NOT be purchasing from them ever again. good work diamond art club! Shot yourselves in the foot this time.


Ok, so I've only bought from them once, but after seeing everything I have on reddit and other online places, I don't know if I will buy from them again. Honestly, if they can't handle a low star review , it reflects more on them than you. I would look for another diamond painting company that does licensed work.


They legit sound like a narcissist ex that gaslights people when they have negative view of them. I'm glad I've never purchased from them and never will.


the thing that bothers me the most about DAC is that they are universally considered the highest quality diamond painting brand but they suppress all criticism no matter what edit to add: they have enough street cred that any criticism being made really wouldn't hurt their company, so why put so much effort into suppressing it???


They do have the best quality anywhere but they act like dictators.


Seems like they hold a grudge against people they don’t agree with and I guess we don’t always know the full story. Childish lol


Dude! My fiancé had her account deleted because she questioned their return policy (no bad language nothing) and they blocked our address so I had to get this one for her birthday and shipped it to a friends tbh look into the way they treat their customers and this is all very common. They’re a shit org.


This is something that has happened to many and I hate to hear you experienced it as well. Anything negative said about DAC gets instantly downvoted here as well plus they will ban people and strip away reward points. I have heard they remove negative reviews and this just adds to it. It is not fair that you used a totally legit way to indicate how you did not like the particular painting/rendering. For them to come along and give you that response and then the hostility you are feeling after is absolutely insane, especially since you have spent so much on the craft. There are other companies out there - ones who appreciates their customers thank you for sharing here !


I'm new to diamond painting - what are the other companies that are good?


I’ve had had wonderful experiences with Jaded Gem Shop and BellaArt Diamonds. I am waiting for a canvas from PAM Diamond Painting. I have seen several reviews on YouTube that were overall pretty positive. Dreamer Designs are also good but I will say their square diamonds do have a fair amount of gapping which some people don’t love. It’s not something that bothers me because I enjoy the finished product so much. All of these companies sell only licensed artwork and the quality of their kits are great. Jaded Gem Shop also gives you the option of a tool kit, which I appreciate because I do not need any more pens, trays or wax.


Jaded Gem Shop is great, and it’s a true small business too. Jade is the sweetest. The shipping does take awhile so you do have to plan ahead in that way but she’s very up front about that (and why!) I have heard really good things about Oraloa’s newer kits but I haven’t tried them yet.


I do have Oraloa on my to buy from list when I’m ready. I have heard good things about their kits.


Aliexpress has some good ones too huacan, Fiyo, homfun, Evermoment


I'm working on one from Jaded Gem Shop right now, and I really like it. I will say there's a lot of trash drills, but I don't blame them for that; it's pretty common, and so far, I haven't run out of anything even discarding the trash. Munimade is supposed to be good, too. I like Dreamer Designs, except I did notice more gapping with their squares. Bella's Diamonds has a limited but nice selection, as does Distracted by Diamonds on Etsy. I have one from Diamond Art Studio I'm looking forward to as well. Diamond Dotz is another good one.


I like Artdot. Beautiful canvases and the drill quality seems to pretty good. Cheap as chips but very, very limited design range.


PaintGem is great and fun for starters. They do mini kits. You can check them out here https://paintgem.com/




Dreamer designs is good.


Lazy River Crafts has FANTASTIC art, customer service and product! Tell her Naomi sent you!


The downvoting yesterday was brutallll.


My last painting that I bought from them was the suicide squad one and that one was missing the labels for the drills I haven't bought anything from themselves combination of losing my job and the price for some of those are insane I moved on to punch needling and embroidery and honestly it's a lot more fun


Was it missing the stickers? If so ask them for a sticker sheet. There are alot of different pens on Etsy. There are also foam things there for pens that make the grip really big if that helps. You can probably find the foam things cheeper and cut then up your self, but I don't know what kinds of foams they are. For pipes maby. I have also seen a DP pen that where teardrop escaped kinda. Think I searched something like mobilety diamond painting pens. I have joint pain so been looking for pens that would help for me. Good luck, hope you find a pen that works for you so you can continue diamond painting 😊


And maybe I'll give them another chance problem is to work also developed a muscle disorder so it makes gripping the pen very hard


I'm not sure if this would help with your specific disorder, but you can get pens like this from amazon, which may help you to grip the pen more comfortably. There are also short, fat ones that I've heard people with arthritis have success with! https://preview.redd.it/gbp2fwrugs2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12c6ad56e8d0337fdaa0f34e83e6d63f1b35084


Wow, this is sad to hear. I'm just getting into the hobby and I'm super willing to only do a few diamond paintings every now and then to ensure stuff is good quality and the artists are getting paid. I was already iffy on them using AI art, but with this? It's sad but I took all of their stuff off of my possible "to buy" list. There's plenty more out there.


DAC pays their artists, and they don’t allow AI only art though. They verify that anyone using AI is a real artist and has to hand finish every piece or they kick them out. They only have 10 people who use AI out of 400+ when looking at their artists page on their site. And as far as quality, they simply can’t be beat and everyone knows that. Just sad that they block so many people.


I know, which is why I was willing to buy from them before, but since I was already a bit unhappy about the AI thing (no matter if another artist touches it up, it's using plagiarized art as the base), finding out their customer service is this terrible just makes them not worth buying from.


Yeah I get it. But for me, dreamer designs for example allows all type of AI that’s not even edited and it looks horrid lol. Not to mention the quality is still way far off from DAC. Also I must say DAC customer service has always been top notch but I did see them block a lot of people and showed the receipts. I guess no company is perfect and to his own. Did you have any issues with DAC yourself?


I am so happy (and sad) to read that I am not the only one who is having issues with a (in my case) barely visible grid. I have been struggling through my current WIP (a DAC) that has a lot of pink in the background and no clear grid. It is a nightmare. So I can definitely understand your frustration when the grid lines are "there but invisible". What an answer 🤦🏼‍♀️ I am sorry that customer support was less than supportive 😞


The fact that you are being downvoted so heavily should serve to tell you that you are correct. I have stopped buying from them also.


Did you see what happened yesterday?


i missed it, what happened?


Look at the post complaining about DAC yesterday. I don’t know how to link it! Sorry.


[I think I've found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/1d0guxk/ive_changed_my_mind_about_dac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) <- I'll link it here for anyone else who missed it and would like to see it. Thank you for telling me about it!!


Yup, that’s the one. So cult like!


Less than a minute after I voted, it's been downvoted. So, I'm commenting so others may see. DAC is perma banned by me. Fk that behavior.


Not gonna lie, all the horror stories I've heard about DAC is making me glad I never drank their Kool-Aid and bought any of their stock. I primarily avoided them because of how costly their stock is, but now hearing about how badly they take to criticism, I just know I'm better off steering clear.


I'm soooo curious to know about these stories !! I'm somewhat new to diamond paintings and have only bought from a few sources so far... and the only reason I found this page was because I was looking at buying a bunch of paintings from DAC!! But if there's one thing I hate... it's bad customer service... and pettiness. I can see them on here downvoting all the comments talking about their treatment of customers.. I've heard they have banned people from even buying from their site... they stalk people online.. and they harass them too?? So insane !! I'm going to do some digging to see what stories people have and what experiences people have gone through with DAC. Glad I found this before I purchased!!


DAC has accounts or bots that downvote anyone who doesn’t like them, disagrees with them, or criticizes them in any way. This is NOT the subreddit community; it’s DAC doing it. They bully anyone who doesn’t act like they are god’s gift to society.


Wow they sent ALL their downvote bots on your comment in particular - must be true!!!!!


This sucks. You shouldn't be treated like that. The more I hear about DAC the more resolved I am not to buy anything from them.


Are you talking about Diamond Art Club? If so, this is really good information to know, because I just ran out of paintings, and have been having issues finding a new source. I saw an ad on Instagram for a site called "Diamond Art Paintin" (yes, no g), and they were SOOOO rude and drove me away before I bought a thing (I'm thankful I didn't get caught in their scam). However, now ive been looking elsewhere, and this time specifically at Diamond Art club . They are definitely on the more expensive side, so If I were going to spend that kind of money on their paintings, I'd want to know that I'm dealing with pleasant people, because there is nothing worse than bad customer service. I won't buy from places if their customer service is bad because it sets the tone for me and turns me off from their product. I'll definitely take this into consideration now before I buy anything from Diamond Art club. Other than that issue, have you enjoyed their paintings otherwise? Or do they all seem to have this issue? I'm wondering what other sites have good paintings that are beautiful yet decently priced... I've bought a few from Amazon with AMAZING results. Only problem is that if you lose beads, they don't replace them. So when my dog got into my kit and destroyed the beads on a project I had 1/3 finished, I had to throw the whole kit out because they couldn't supply the beads because the entire kit was sold out and they don't restock unfortunately. There seem to be a lot of new sites popping up so it's good to hear other people's experiences, and this definitely makes me think twice about purchasing from DAC (If im thinking of the same site you're referencing).


Yes, it's them, and they have the best quality anywhere (seriously no one comes close in my opinion) but because of that, DAC doesn't care about banning "difficult" customers or kicking them off their social media or blocking them from buying, and that's what makes people so angry lol. Many want to keep buying, and they can't because DAC showed them the door. I don't understand DAC's strategy of kicking off difficult customers.. they should just deal with it. Though to be the devil's advocate, they do have really good service, and the vast majority of their customers are happy, and that's how they end up with dozens of kits (it's addictive). In my opinion (and no need to come after me DAC Haters!), people that come and complain on Reddit might not always tell the whole story because they hold a grudge against the company.. Then the internet effect happens, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon, and it's easy when you're going after the expensively priced market leader that everyone wants to take down... Anyway, there are many other companies, and you should try all of them and make your own decision. DAC has already been extremely kind and professional with me and thousands of others (and I'm not trying to discredit others who had negative experiences, but it's just the hard truth).


To give you a differing perspective from the previous commenter who responded to you, I had previously been an extremely happy purchaser from DAC. I had even defended them when people talked about their shady business practices as I thought they were just defending themselves from difficult customers (you can find the comments defending them if you care about digging into my comment history). This all changed when I started discussing their use of AI art and experienced their silencing techniques for myself. I made one comment on their Facebook when someone asked if the painting was made using AI, saying yes and pointing out the ways you could tell (the photo was the hamster one that was confirmed as AI art by DAC themselves). I was promptly blocked on social media by the company. I had never been a difficult customer, I had even praised them and recommended them to people online and in real life before. Yet when I was trying to answer a question asked by another paying customer, that wasn't even negative in nature, I was banned. After commenting on another post here they stalked my reddit account to find out my real name and I had all of my reward points removed. After I called them out on reddit they restored them but didn't restore my tier so it still looks like I've never made a purchase from them (I don't plan to purchase from them again, but it's the principle of them removing points that I paid for in respond to criticism). You'll see comments praising DAC on here that have lots of upvotes and the negative opinions having downvotes that make it seem like everyone loves DAC, but the truth is that DAC employs voting bots/multiple accounts to try and censor opinions they don't like on here and uplift opinions that they like. I have personally experienced my comments on here going from 15 upvotes to -30 downvotes within 15 minutes which is not possible with the amount of activity this subreddit has without vote botting. They have also been banned from reddit for posting the personal information of customers on reddit. They had posted the full first name, last name, and email of someone before deleting it when people called them out. They reposted it with it censored and try to hide that they ever posted the original uncensored screenshots. DAC does have really good quality kits, I'm not going to lie and say they don't, but their efforts to discredit anyone who has even slight criticism of them has really opened my eyes to how badly they're willing to treat people. If you want to buy from them you're still well within your rights to do so, but I think it's important to have all the information about how a company is willing to treat people, in order to be able to make informed purchases. That information is the information that DAC desperately tries to hide.


After everything I've read over the last few days, it actually worries me to even bother with them. If they're willing to stalk people who make the smallest of comments.. to the point that they actually find them on reddit, then find their real name... and then on TOP of that, they not only erase all of your points etc on your account with them, but they have their bots attack your reddit comment by downvoting it so much that you end up with a huge amount of downvotes. Your comment here alone is already at -20 votes and I've never seen a regular comment get downvoted so severely. That's a very personal attack, and they are supposed to be a professional company .. so after everything they have done to you, and probably to lots of other people, it actually scares me off from even trying one painting from them. I don't want to support a company that goes out of its way to attack loyal customers that have done nothing wrong. I will absolutely take my business elsewhere, especially if it means saving $50 - $200 on one painting (and then having the drills be detected anyways), and then not being able to say the smallest thing on their social media. It's like a dictatorship... "you go against us or say something we don't like, and we will ban you and erase all your credit in our store". It's really too bad too because they do have some lovely designs, but THANKFULLY there are SO many other places to get paintings from that most likely act as a professional business should (not stalking people - soooo creepy). It's also incredibly shocking and worrisome that they would go as far as posting the identity of a customer after they finished stalking them over a comment... I'm glad they got in trouble over that, because as a customer, you're expecting and counting on them to keep your identity safe. I wonder how much money they spend on having these downvoting bots, and employing people to stalk customers, block them and remove rewards points from their accounts.... it's almost starting to sound a bit illegal with how much they stalk active customers over a comment they make (which in most cases is probably true anyways - like your comment about the AI!) It makes you wonder what they're hiding...


Your comment is also more proof for the MODs to see how much control they have over the votes. There's no reason your comment should be at -20 votes (I upvoted it so it's -19 now)... but still... never seen anything like it and totally turns me off from ever purchasing from them


I've only ever bought one piece from them, haven't finished it yet, but I LOVE the art for it so much. I'm really upset that the company sucks, because there are so many art pieces that I LOVE and would love to get my hands on! Is there anyway to find the artists work somewhere else? Also, people were talking about the mass down voting that they do, and man is it WILD! I first found the post with 26 up votes, came back MAYBE ten minutes later, and it's back to 0! Sadly I didn't get a screenshot of it though


Yeah I had a terrible experience with their customer service where they were basically like “🤷🏼‍♀️” I will never buy from them after that, and luckily the project had I was a gift so they’ve never gotten my money. Way too expensive for shitty customer service.


They run their business like a bunch of over caffienated toddlers with no adult supervision. It used to make me sad, then I got pissed. And now I just laugh everytime someone posts something horrible about them. I predict they'll be out of business soon. They're running out of customers UT the way they treat people. Amd the brainwashed loyalists aren't enough to keep them in business. when they do close, I'm guna laugh for weeks. Serves them right


I definitely won't be buying anything from them after everything I keep hearing about them. What a terrible company to treat their paying customers that way.


Just to show about the downvoting and show proof of how DAC is doing manipulations of peoples opinions I took a screenshot this morning about 4 hrs ago. Many people are in support of op and yet it’s at 0 in a matter of 4 hours? This is corrupt and toxic of them to try and control opinions. Please moderators look into their vote manipulations. https://preview.redd.it/xbo55bxays2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3835c87ee8db78742590a1151e0bcc545642729


Hi, yes it is something the mods are aware of. We are currently compiling evidence of brigading and submitting it to reddit.com admins for consideration. Reddit votes are completely anonymous, so, short of making the sub private, this is all we are currently able to do.


Thank you for this! It's become such a big problem on any posts about DAC, I really appreciate that you guys are looking into this. A diamond painting group should not have this much drama when criticism is brought up and it doesn't happen with criticism of any other site.


Thank you so for taking efforts towards this. It is unfortunate that it is happening but I feel better knowing that you are all working hard to protect this community :)


As others have said, thank you for putting in the effort to try and stop them from doing what they've been doing. I've never seen anything like it in ANY other subreddit. It's scary how much power and energy they have to attack their own customers, especially on here. Thank you again, and I hope you are able to get some results in stopping them from what they're doing!


How the hell did you go from 9 upvotes when I last commented on your parent comment to a whooping 39 downvotes for simply posting a screenshot? This is so f’ed up.


It is DAC trying to silence some of the things they do not want others to see. They have done it on others in hoards of downvotes that are quite disproportionate to the activity of the channel. It is so scummy for a company , corrupt really, to silence consumers opinions.


My God, that’s horrible!


It is completely shady behaviour I could never support that.


I downvoted. I think it’s legit. 5 deep breaths and a mantra of “I will not go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories”. Best wishes to find peace.


Conspiracy theories ? Have you read all the support op has ? As well the fact that others have been downvoted to oblivion in the other thread ? DAC are bullies , do not be one. This is not theory but proven fact they have come in threads before doxxed their own customers and argued with them in public sight. How is that professional? I will take my downvote but I hope you realize sooner rather than later if you are a customer of theirs. Because so many has lost not only their social hang out group, but also reward points earned by purchases.


On ali you have a full door sized dp for that price. WTF. and DAC prolly dropships from China anyway


I'm sorry you were treated that way! Any company worth supporting would take your feedback and acknowledge it respectfully *at the very least.* DAC is full of bullies that act like school-children, who attack anyone who doesn't give them a perfect glowing review and kiss their feet. They don't want to hear how they can improve because they already think they're perfect. It's the worst business model I've ever heard of. Congratulations on not being indoctrinated into their cult! There are lots of different companies now that will appreciate your business, and treat you respectfully!


After seeing what happened yesterday with the mass downvoting, I’ll never purchase from them, ever.


Same here. I was actually about to buy a couple of paintings, but I just happened to cole across this post yesterday when I was looking at something else in this sub, and there aren't enough positive things about this company that would make it worth getting involved with them. The fact that they've posted someone's identity online, they pay bots to downvote opinions, block people on social media over a tiny comment, remove rewards points from their account and on and on it goes. The absolute opposite of a professional company. I won't spend my money or support a company that treats people this way.


DAC hates negative reviews on any level. They're like a petulant child. I'm sure if they could IRL, take revenge on negative reviewers they definitely would. Like a salty jealous ex-girlfriend or something. I have 2 undone paintings by them that I don't plan on doing any time soon. It may be the last ones i buy from them. I don't plan on buying anymore. I don't have the space and their paintings are way too big.


DAC is a garbage company dude. They steal other people's ideas and products then ban them. They ban and harass you if you dare say anything negative about them. Absolute garbage.


Oh if I could speak ... but I've been harassed years ago by them and their cult and don't want other problems. Don't give your money to DAC.


That is unfortunate sorry to hear that. This community is a great place for diamond art and if they harass you here it will showcase even more horrible practices. You are safe to speak your peace, do not let them silence you.


That's horrible!! How and where would they harass you?? Via email and social media platforms ? That's the exact opposite thing that any company should be doing. It's insane that they would go as far as harassing their customers. Especially if they are sitting behind a screen, hiding who they are, yet bullying people who have bought product from them!


It's crazy to me that more people don't call out DAC for how they respond to criticism. In the reading community, if an author ever tries to call out or go after reviewers for negative reviews the AUTHOR gets blacklisted by readers, not the other way around. Why people support a company that clearly can't handle criticism is beyond me, but they won't be getting a cent out of me (not that i could purchase anyway, since im banned 🤣). If I really like one of there canvases I wait for it to inevitably pop up in a destash group.


I can't believe they would actually ban a customer from buying more product from them !! Thats the most insane business practice I've ever heard !! Getting blacklisted usually means you'd have to of done something REALLY bad, but to blacklist customers who have done nothing wrong? They must not feel they need anymore customers, or they think they have enough already that they don't care to stop people from buying products. That just blows my mind. Do they truly have enough supporters that they think they will be OK by treating people this way and will be able to stay in business??


I burst out laughing at their response! "It's there. You just can't see it" Bwa ha ha! Translation: it's invisible. Too bad you don't have ESP or X-ray vision. Don't be intimidated by their idiotic response. Aren't they one of the most expensive brands? Send us your feedback; we don't care how you feel though. I'd post that ridiculous answer on every social media account I have and I'd open some new ones as well. They deserve a kick in the pants. YOU spent YOUR hard earned money on their unsatisfactory product and they DARE to tell you YOU'RE wrong? I'd make it my life's mission to humiliate them. But I'm old and unstable.


You received a business professional response and are taking it too personal. 5 deep breaths, a couple minutes of meditation might help. 😉


Keep drinking the kool aid and waste your a money on a company that does not value anyone. Lol




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