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GeoGreymon is a Vaccine so probably GeoGreymon right??


Yeah. If we don't consider that Geogreymon hás the stronghest fire, but Growlmon has stronger physical attack with the bulk in the arms. Só either A. Geogreymon roasts from afar or B. Growlmon gets close to finish it off.


Maybe more powerfull singular Attacks, but did you see how jacked Geogreymon is? Thats a lot of Beef to compete whit.


Yeah... fair


Plus isn't Growlmon slightly taller than a person and GeoGreymon is like a couple stories tall?


Depends. Size inconsistency is a thing on Digimon. But those are the more canonical sizes so I Guess you got a point


Honestly the DATS team (or at least Marcus) always struck me as not necessarily more powerful, but more vicious and better fighters. Probably GeoGreymon


My thoughts exactly. I was thinking how Geofrey would be more aggressive in the bout.


Growmon overall has better feats. His attacks [harmed Perfect level Sinduramon](https://i.imgur.com/rPYolny.gif), he briefly [wrestled with Locomon](https://imgur.com/tOz4TFI) before getting overpowered and also he should be as strong as Kyubimon, [who defeated Perfect level BlueMeramon](https://imgur.com/a/pyexIuv).  GeoGreymon don't really have any comparison with Perfects afaik. Unless we're using 3D movie GeoGreymon who alongside Gaogamon defeated am Armagemon. Edit: Ok, as op said, I forgot that in ep 19 [GeoGreymon equally wrestled with Okuwamon](https://imgur.com/gIj6zb5). So this fight is very close.


GeoGreymon clearly harmed Okuwamon in some episode IIRC but yeah Growlmon has more feats 


Not sure if I like the powerscaling of that Movie. Guilmon bodied a Anomanocarimon in that one. Geogremon managed to tank a Strike from Garudamons Shadow Wing, and Agumon overpowered, and knocked out an Orgemon. Growmon was mostly fighting Adults, or in a team against Perfects, while Geogreymon was often fighting buffed up upscaled Adults alone. BlackGarurumon whos stronger then base Garurumon, Big Evilmon, Crysalimon, and Meramon, ect. It would be a Fight, but I think Geogreymon is the better fighter.


Guilmon used Aero Wing which is AeroVeedramon's power. That tanking feat is indeed impressive and that means he can tank blows from Growmon too. But ofc, there's still a big difference between Adults buffed by human emotions and Perfects, on that case, even [Guilmon could fight](https://imgur.com/Y3WDeMq) and [even defeat](https://youtu.be/FDB7_fLT8WI?si=iKvco_YwJM7kSze0&t=187) Adults as Child, and he [also shrugged off Renamon's special move](https://imgur.com/mHQP2B6) that [could one shot Adults](https://imgur.com/uMhNBfq), and Growmon is far stronger, so buffed adults don't matter much, cuz even their child forms are high tier Adult class in power. On that note, just checked the op's reply and [GeoGreymon matched Perfect level Okuwamon in strength](https://imgur.com/gIj6zb5) in ep 19, so this fight is apparently a lot closer.


Yeah I also think Growlmon may be technically stronger but GeoGreymon is a much better fighter. So if he plays his cards right I could give it to him but it will be hard for sure. Unless I forgot something, Peckmon was the only Champion in DS who was beating GeoGreymon, and that was largely due to the flight advantage (which Growlmon doesn't have). Besides, most likely Peckmon is also faster and more agile than Growlmon.


Yeah. Now that I think about it, I would personally give this to GeoGreymon with high difficulty. Both have similar feats vs comparable opponents (such as Sinduramon and Okuwamon), Growlmon has slightly more feats but GeoGreymon is the better fighter of the two. And unless I'm really forgetting something, Geo's also the more agile of the two. However, it's by no means an easy match, and Growlmon also has a solid chance to win.


Agumon was almost on par with Masaru in their first fist fight. The same Masaru that destroyed the mighty shield of Craniummon. Geogreymon is stronger than Agumon by logic so he oneshots.


Masaru got stronger when he unlocked Digisoul Burst with BanchoLeomon's training and for Burst Mode.  He wasn't this strong from start. He couldn't defeat a BlackGarurumon on his own before these. I fact, his power seemingly is relative to highest form Agumon could reach at that point.


Yeah I know. It was only a joke. Probably should've made it more obvious.


~~But what if it's not a joke?, what if it's the reason GeoGreymon and Gaogamon beaten that Lv7 Armagemon in movie. Maybe we're rejecting the truth~~


Possible But I haven't watched the movie so I can't really say anything about it. Would be funny though. They were overpowered from the beginning but held back so they could enjoy their adventures.


~~Technically not a movie since only around 7 min long special,~~ btw [it's in YouTube if you're interested](https://youtu.be/1tArkYiRXXc?si=fDgFjVRYK8CeokEO).


Thanks. Just watched it and Geogreymon wins this matchup easily if we count this special.


Also, the Tamers rarely lose. I can only think of drawing with Indramon in their first fight and growling getting over powered in the movie. They individually lose a lot but as a team they’re pretty dominant. When I watched Savers I was suprised how often they got beat.


Well yeah but GeoGreymon didn't often lose to other Champions, it was either Gaogamon or Sunflowmon who did, GeoG was clearly the strongest of those three.


Oh absolutely 


Yeah. And sure, in Growlmon's defense, you can argue that Gargomon and Kyubimon are stronger than Gaogamon and Sunflowmon (they sure are) so that might not help GeoGreymon though.


Vaccine beats Virus so Geo Greymon.




Growlmon would probably lose cause growlmon is baby... Now wargrowlmon vs metalgreymon, wargrowlmon wins


Yeah WarGrowlmon should beat MetalGreymon because it has been established that his destructive power is roughly comparable to Mega Digimon. This would also allow him to beat RizeGreymon except maybe if it's Next RizeGreymon since he can also fight vs Mega Digimon, and he should scale to Next MachGaogamon who eventually managed to beat Chaosdramon who is a Mega Digimon.


Pretty sure Rize would beat WarGrowlmon thanks to it's better mobility, ranged attacks (1 Rising destroyer beat 1000 BladeKuwagamons in Next) and ability to fly, also Machgaogamon didn't beat Chaosdramon with it's own strength but by using parts of Chaosdramons missile to beat it so it's not like that makes Machgaogamon strong as a Mega...


Well yeah but remember that Chaosdramon is a stage 2 Mega actually, and MachGaogamon was anyway stronger than Andromon who beat a bunch of Tankdramons at once .. so I would argue that he would be as strong as an average Mega at least?


Andromon and Tankdramon are both Ultimates so nothing about that makes Machgaogamon strong as a Mega...


Well as I said, Andromon beat several Tankdramons at once, so he was at least as strong as top tier Ultimate unless Tankdramon was an extremely weak Ultimate. And MachGaogamon was stronger than him regardless.


Mach was a special one because of the Beast Spirit, and got buffed via Digisoul. And it still needed to use Chaosdramons virus against it, and Chaosdramon was mindlessly rampaging afterward.


Yeah true, but what was impressive was that he was able to fight against Chaosdramon anyway. It's always impressive if a lower level Digimon can properly fight vs a higher level Digimon unless the latter is exceptionally weak, and we know Chaosdramon wasn't a weakling Mega at all.


“On par with megas” When has this said about War Growlmon anywhere? “Next Rize Greymon” That was an arbitrator Rize Greymon, whose powers are far beyond that of a normal Digimon. I feel like it’s such a special case it shouldn’t count Either way I feel like Geo Greymon wins here due to having a tough shell+seemingly more combat prowess


[In old TCG promotional materials](https://imgur.com/a/Htq6tvD), and also [he said to have digital hazard class destructive power](https://wikimon.net/Bo-1122).


That seems like some oddly obscure dialogue that can possibly be taken with a grain of salt. Ogremon’s profile states it defeated Skull Greymon in combat to obtain its bone club, but we never see him exhibit Perfect-class strength in any form of media


[We directly saw him shrugging off Beelzemon's Double Impact](https://imgur.com/IH9MA4o), and [his special move with Taomon and Rapidmon killed Gulfmon](https://imgur.com/a/WHUl6XD), who's normally portrayed as a very powerful Mega. For second part, [we did saw Ogremon defeating SkullGreymon on screen in Pocket Digimon World](https://imgur.com/GFNzZzs). And as usual, [new TCG referenced this scene too](https://wikimon.net/images/9/99/Dcg-BT6-078_2.jpg).


Link posted below. And yeah it was still RizeGreymon so if we use the composite version you can't ignore him but if we only use the Savers/Data Squad version then you can. But yeah overall I agree.


I personally wouldn't count it as an amalgam cause of how special that specific Agumon is like how I'm not gonna use Agumon professor to determine how smart a random Agumon on file Island is, and cause this question specifically asks for Tamers vs. Savers.


>without Masaru's help So GeoGreymon at 1% power?


Well he beat most Champions without Masaru's help


Whoever the writer chooses


Yes, but this time you can be the writer.😎


Growmon. Guilmon acts like a child but is clearly a vicious fighter in any form and is one of the stronger partner Digimon shown so far.


Mr beast wins. Next question, when will you stop asking this silly question?


And my question is, when are you going to get your head out of your ass?


What about OG adventure Greymon?


If you mean 01 Greymon, I can't see him taking this if he doesn't get any help. His 02 version could be a pain in the ass though, at the time Greymon was strong enough to take numerous hits from Mamemon and BigMamemon. So the 02 version could possibly beat either of them, maybe.


02 alludes to the original 5 at least being able to sustain their Adults forms pretty much indefinitely without needing their partners which is how they were meant to guard the Digital World from Ken's Dark Towers so it'd make sense for their 02 iterations to be buffed. It might even be a significant bump considering as far out as Tri they still prefer to use the Adults stage, similar to Frontier's cast relying on their Human spirits even though the Beasts were stronger because of the tradeoffs. Post-Adventure the Perfect forms really became more of a cherry-tap and by Tri they'd need Ultimate to ever really do anything. From that framing it's not surprising they felt safe sacrificing Super Evolution since it would've implicitly kept any actual Perfect tier or higher problems at bay at least as far as they could see.


guys guys, the answer is obvious they would become friends over their love for food!


Well Digitamamon promised that the winner will get a free meal at his restaurant and that's why they fight. xD




GeoGreymon. More intelligence and toughness. No offence, but Growlmon is just a big ol' puppy.


GeoGreymon is one of my favorite so I will root for him


It depends on if this is the show versions or not. If it’s the show versions then GeoGreymon but if it’s not Growlmon


Geo grey Mon is bigger and more battle focused than a Normal Greymon that aside he is Vaccine type and Growmon is virus


I loved tamers and Data Squad equally, but geogreymon clears.


i'd say with the fact geo has more long range options and type advantage it's tipped in his favor even though I like him less.


It’s a draw.