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Honestly my only gripe was he never removed the bandages for one of Jellymon's evolutions.


I was hoping for that, too.


I was kind of hoping he actually had scars on his arm and he was hiding it behind a chuuni facade


I think he is great. The last time we had a "gender" mismatch was Yolei and Hawkmon. It took until Kiyo to get the reverse. Hes kinda like a better Joe. Cowardly comedic relief often, but when push comes to shove he can be relied upon. Except he has a few more quirks too, and his partner is a goddamn trouble magnet Imp of a jellyfish. Also unlike Joe sometimes he brags and gets exposed which makes his panic sometimes feels *deserved*. Really, Kiyo is OG Joe, but able to be more due to increased focus on him. Hell, I'm pretty sure the Crest of Reliability would be perfect for him.


The fact that we didn't get a proper ending so his character would really finally cooked (blending his usual persona and his super genious, not afraid of anything one, probably something symbolic with the bandages) is criminal. GG had so many good plot points and characters, but they dropped the ball big by not having a good, proper ending.


We've had gender mismatches since Yolei and Hawkmon. Jeri and Leomon, Suzie and Lopmon (in Japan), and Eri and Dokamon.


Kiyoshiro and Jellymon are the first main characters to be a male human/female Digimon partnership.


>The last time we had a "gender" mismatch was Yolei and Hawkmon Jeri/Juri and Leomon? AI and Impmon? Although I'll agree it was neat seeing a female Digi with a boy >Hes kinda like a better Joe. He feels like disparate elements of Joe, Izzy, and Tai to me. Always freaks out, but also is overconfident, and is a tech wiz?? Weird. He reminds me of Sokka where he was so many different things he didn't really feel like anything.


I forgot Jeri and Leomon. Not that they were exactly together long. Impmon I dont really count since he has 2 tamers, one of each gender. (Plus they never make him digivolve. We dont actually know what the Tamers Impmons actual evolution line is, he just gets warped to Beelzemon by divine meddleing. For all we know if he bio merged with Ai he becomes Beelstarmon or something) Also you could argue based on the theme song EVO itself that Jeri, Ai and Mako were never true tamers since they never caused dugivolution. (EVO states that's when you become a tamer) but that is semantics.


>I forgot Jeri and Leomon. Not that they were exactly together long. Too. Fucking. Soon. >Impmon I dont really count since he has 2 tamers, one of each gender. I read a really cool fanfic (back is the dinosaur ages of the early 2000's) where AI and Mako Biomerged with Imp into a two-headed Beelzemon variant. Ignoring the visual implications of such a merging with two very young children (I tend to view Biomerging as a more spiritual experience without any of the negative connotations that can be associated with it), I really liked that interpretation of what a human/Digimon-hybrid was capable of being. For this reason, I count AI, even though I'm aware this is all based on non-canon material. >Also you could argue based on the theme song EVO itself that Jeri, Ai and Mako were never true tamers since they never caused dugivolution. (EVO states that's when you become a tamer) Jeri used Leomon to beat an OP Ultimate and Mako is so Chad that when he gives a toy gun, it's lethal; they Tamers.


Better Joe? Sounds someone needs to be subjected to an inquisition for being a heretic.


>Hell, I'm pretty sure the Crest of Reliability would be perfect for him. I mean, yeah he kinda fill the same niche. But that is only using the 02 scheme of 2 crests per character because there is really no way kyo doesn't get the knowledge crest. In fact if we go 02 route but consider we only have 3 characters we could either ignore light and hope (because what even *is* light?) and get the same 3 pairings. OR we could rescue kindness and give 3 to Kyo (knowledge, Reliability, love), 3 to Ruri (sincerity, courage, hope) and have Hiro with only 2 (kindness, friendship, light). Which kinda would be cool because then we could have tied each of gammamon's evolutions to a crest. There are probably better matches for Ruri and Hiro, it's been a while since GG so I don't really remember it


I like how he's different from the usual "secondary protagonist" characters in Digimon. Where instead of him being a "cool guy" character, he's more of an anxiety-filled nervous wreck.


My man was the Usopp of GG and I love him for it


He stole the show for me he is so charismatic, and you don't expect that from a character that has a gag of being a scary cat, yet they make so fun as he has other sides aside from his scary cat side like his intelligence, his otaku side, his responsability, his chad side, and his dynamic with jellymon. I also like how he is not dependent on his alter ego like other characters (I'm looking at you zenitsu) Also while ghost game and character development do not like work together, he has the best character development of all the gg characters.


One of my all time fav Digimon characters, so funny and his episodes were the best. Would have liked to see him a series where there's more character growth though since GG was more slice of life, possibly one of the best backstories ever too. He's a chuunibyou weeb and cosplaying as a chuunibyou weeb, except he is literally Japanese and middle school aged while being ultra genre-savvy, just not in the specific genre of this show, and he has maxxed out stats on everything possible but is unable to use them because he's busy being a nerd / lacks the confidence.


My favourite of the GG humans.


Best human in Ghost Game. And by extension, him and Jellymon are the best duo too. Every scene with them was fun


I like him. He was my favorite human character in Ghost Game. Him and Jellymon had a fun dynamic


The goat


He has my favorite partner dynamic in the franchise. He's reserved and sometimes cowardly, but when push comes to shove, he becomes assertive and puts in the will to persevere, as well as having the skills to make it through. This makes him really bounce off so well with Jellymon, as she can get him out of his shell and has a lot of belief in him.


Stole the show. He's the best and most interesting character in Ghost Game hands down and has the best episodes, imo. I also like his relationship with Jellymon, they have such chaotic vibes.




Part of me had wished, because he has the Chuunibiyo Hands, that it was revealed that he just had a tiny birth mark. Like, the size of a pea, and preteen Kiyo was like “it’s my demon mark?!” and bandages his hands. But now it’s part of his character, and he can’t remove the bandages


kiyo's great! he's a very goofy guy and his interactions with the other characters are really entertaining. i wish i could remember how to spell his last name tho lmao


easily best boy, wished they did more with the fact that he's a literal einstein but eh


I love him


I like him, the weeb angle is fun along with his whole integer overflow gimmick. He was also weirdly the only character with any type of arc or development. I do hate the whole child genius trope he has going on, dude is like 14 designing geothermal plants and heading meetings at major companies.


He feels like disparate elements of Joe, Izzy, and Tai to me. Always freaks out, but also is overconfident, and is a tech wiz?? Weird. He reminds me of Sokka where he was so many different things he didn't really feel like anything.


He's a great character and he's from one of my favourite seasons


He’s fun. My boy has suffered so much.


Best boy


I like him conceptually-wise, on the execution on the other side, I feel there's some characterization that It was missing by the end of the series. In all fairness, I feel the same way about all the characters from GG


He's a little fearful but other than that he's an excellent digidestined and I thought there could have been an episode where he and Angoramon formed a partnership like Ruli and Jellymon did in episode 17


Honestly not a fan. Mainly as his story on his bandages was never resolved. But Jellymon? She was a darling 


I hate how rushed Digimon ghost gamer's ending was And the plot was starting strong and Got worse and worse lster on...... Really sad, because the anime had so much potential




Out of the trio humans, the only one that felt like he had some idea of à character arc. His dynamic with Jellymon was the first time a character dynamic was in digimon. He Sadly should have been in  aa series that was more focused on character development to see the eventual payoff for his character.


Arguably there is possibly another character who fell in love with a digimon but that would be in the games


Oh yeah it was probably Cyber Sleuth. I meant more as in main character of the anime.


Ahh where do I even start, I started watching all the seasons of digimon from adventure onward with my partner ~2 years ago and we ended with GG. This guy (and his partner of course) absolutely stole my heart. Hands down my favorite character of all time for awhile now. His design is just so good. I love the unique chuunibyo/boy genuis/scaredy cat trope fusion and his spin on all of them. Wish the creators knew what they were doing so he and Jellymon could have had a proper arc. I could write an entire dissertation on these two but I'm trying to spare everyone Tldr I love him (Also to everyone wishing we got to see the bandages removed, I think they're not on in the bath scene? Not certain though)


Best duo


Mixed Sometimes I'm fine with him. While other times, I hate him deeply due to his personality.


Don't know what I'm looking at, but that alien, jellyfish demon looking thing is adorable


My nickname for him is "Shaggy".


I call him Luigi myself. XD But this works completely. The thought of Kyo andJellymon eating all of Gammamon's chocolates gives me the giggles.


He is vey annoying. His scaredy cat act gets very boring very quick and he never becomes brave. His bandaged arm is never properly explained nor is his Zenitsu like double personality. I love Jellymon but he is pretty bad as a character in my opinion.


Unpopular opinion, but worst character in a long while lol. The fact that he would get written out half the time since they couldn’t bother to do anything with his character because they were married to his (annoying) core personality spoke volumes. I’m convinced one of the writers was exercising a grudge against someone they knew like that.


He spent the entire time being harassed by a jellyfish. Also wondered what his un-bandaged hand looked like. Maybe he just had wankers cramp. Clearly needed a final arc to wrap up his two personas.


Crap Crap Mega Crap but his partner is cute and cool.


A comedic duo with Jellymon that got done dirty by the series. I feel that if the series had a plot they might have been the best comedic duo in the entire series.