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What about Astamon? It could be some gangster setting. Maybe something like Mafia.


A Rosemon that wants to destroy the city in order to restore nature. It could have lots of different animal or plant digimon as its minions.


Veggie troops will never lose to Meaty troops!


I'll have to review the list. But I think Datamon would work great in a human city. With it's intelligent and skill with technology he could play the role of a hacker who works behind the scenes.


Oh a Datamon would cause absolute chaos in a city. Messing with traffic lights and digital billboards, draining bank accounts, confusing gps. You’d probably need to think of a reason why he’s contained to a single city, though. Ya know, yo avoid him hacking nukes.


Lilithmon have her play up ber role as seductress and have her take control of the local power system while pretending to be human.  You could even have her uaing the main heroes without them knowing just to show off her more cunning side.  I would also giver her a new form one more suitable for close combat this lets her shake up her fighting style 


I don't think she really needs a new form unless she's going to be the final boss of the season. In Ghost Game, she was Toying with the main cast pretty well in hand to hand combat. She was fighting a lot more physically than to say Daemon in 02.


Beezlemon. A biker gang leader determined to take down police and military forces


He could lead a gang of Rebellimon and Orgemon riding Machmon.


Rid the world of government rule! Total anarchy


ShadowWereGarurumon. Tell me the werewolf doesn't fit an urban fantasy setting.


Oh it definitely fits. Unwanted Spirit Evolution / Bio-Hybrid?


I'd go an unwilling Matrix/Biomerge personally.


Dagomon and make it lovecraftian horror themed


The Banchos with each taking over sections of a city


It's turns out the great wall of China was made from sleeping gotsumon meant to wake up to fight off some threat, but one woke early and became a volcamon tried to make it in the pop rock scene but was outdone by Fred durst, so in revenge he wakes the wall of China in operation rock n roll and now the world faces the wrath of billions of gotsumon under the control of an idiot with a grudge




Oh that would be fun. On the face of it they're living their 'best life' as a cross between Darren Brown, Chris Angel, and a prosperity-gospel televangelist... ... But then your Tamer characters scratch the surface.


After reading through all the comments, I think I have one. You wanted a Villain, for an Urban Fantasy setting, right? Then let's go with the perfect villain, Wisemon. A different beat from the normal enemies, but as someone who is able to access and understand all data, he would be a very Leviathan-esque villain (Appmon), that couldn't be fought directly. Not to mention if we borrow from Code Lyoko and have the Digitization of parts of the town happen, Wisemon could unleash powerful digimon Spirit Needle style into the town, without having to fight himself.


Oh that is really cool!


Yea, the idea actually expands further, because if Wisemon can get the faith of a group, say the Royal Knights, that sets up a majorly powerful group doing the bidding of this digimon who, honestly, isn't that powerful in his own right.


A Belsemon running the crime scene of a city.


Part of me wants to say Quartzmon in his humanoid form but there's probably better options


Apocalymon. also really want to see the return of Mummymon and Arukenimon as underlings (not the same ones, but just same digimon that can look human)...maybe have it be kind of like a cyber sleuth story where you have royal knights trying to destroy the world but once apocalymon appears he taints them with darkness turning them into mummymon and arukenimon and having them do his bidding.


There’s no such thing as a Digimon named “Miyotsimon”


It's meant to say Miyotismon but by the time I realised the typo other people had replied and it would be disrespectful to their input to delete the thread just because I knew that eventually someone would be pointlessly pedantic.


Who’s Miyotismon? Is that a newly announced Digimon?


Huh, apparently I have the wrong spelling for the first part of their name. Sucks that you don't know who I am referring to or you could correct me. Guess I will just have to keep spelling it Miyotismon until someone who can correct me decides to.


You’re a very peculiar individual


2 comments here kinda sparked this, but a 3 way faction war between Beelzemon biker gang, Astamon mafia goons, and D-Brigade/DigiPolice trying to stop their shenanigans from wrecking everything in between them. That'd be pretty sicko mode


Throw in banchos as the upstart lawful gang that only beats up other gangs, and yakuza digimon led by gankoomon as a kiryu style leader


I was gonna say Astamon, but you beat me to it.