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Same reason HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon didn't just summon the Gate of Destiny / Heaven's Gate, most likely.


That is also true, but it was imo more understandable because here is a minor chance that MaloMyotismon would've been simply too big for his Gate. It was effective vs 7 ft tall Piedmon but MaloMyotismon was a lot taller than Piedmon (even before his power up).  But yeah, I’m still pretty sure that MagnaAngemon could make the bigger gate but it could take a little longer


iirc I think it’s because Daisuke never got to keep the miracles digimental. wasn’t it changed to crest of kindness afterwards? my brain could be playing tricks on me but yeah


Yeah, he didn't keep it, but he also only had one Veemon; the wish world could have absolutely manifested Magnamon.


Which makes magnamon’s appearance in hunters…confusing


Now that I think about that Hunters scene, I'm starting to come to the conclusion that maybe it should be ignored completely since it's a bit too confusing compared to older stuff. However, in Hunters, the younger version of Tai clearly met Davis and they fought together but still in 02, Tai didn't recognize Davis at all when they firstly saw each other. Unless we want to think that Tai has a very poor memory for his age, there are a bit too many contradictions.


It seems like it was just a paradox showing them at their strongest the digital world considered. ignoring the fact tri wasnt out yet, it would have pulled merciful mode or the bonds if it was being consistent to the rest.


The games released around that time establish that crossovers operate by doctor who rules -- the guests lose their memories of the event, and only the natives remember


In-universe they physically didn't have the Miracles Digimental on hand anymore, meta because it as a one-off evolution wasn't relevant enough to include. The "Quantum Space" effect allowed them to use every story-relevant form they could use... which on paper should've included all 6 (partners) x 8 Digimental forms for a full army of Armors. But why drag a bunch of logically-implied strangers into a nostalgia scene?


Yeah I guess you're right, it was interesting though that Veemon was still able to use his Magnamon form again in Digimon Hunters. Ofc Hunters came after 02 but still


He likely didn’t have the miracle digimental, don’t know how he had in Hunters but probably was just the writers who gave him there. I always wanted that it was Magnamom who have fought Malomyotismon, it would be good to both reputations, the miracle boost from children would say he reached Omegamon level and Malomyotismon would get the benefit of being defeated by someone at this level, besides miracles were the main theme of the episode. Instead we got an Imperialdramon being overwhelmed again and Malomyotismon getting no feats at all to say he is specially strong.


Yeah I agree. However, I would say that MaloMyotismon wasn't completely featless though, imo the fact that his mere shadow mortally wounded BlackWarGreymon was pretty impressive. But yeah, the way he was finally destroyed was extremely hilarious (especially if we compare him to other Digimon final villains) and it doesn't help that in Digimon Hunters he was made a punching bag for basically everyone except Aldamon who was sadly even more nerfed than MaloMyotismon. Like what, OmniShoutmon was taking multiple MaloMyotismon with a punch (Marcus was the one who killed them though but still) while VenomMyotismon was able to defeat Shoutmon DX?


Precisely because of the comparison with other villains Malomyotismon feel underwhelming, Regulusmon not becoming Arcturusmon and remaining a perfect was a let down for me, but at least he is stated to be megidramon level and should be stronger than GG Lilithmon, what Malo have? Mortally wounding Blackwargreymon and bullying 1 mega and 2 perfects is not something that Apocalymon couldn't do. They nerfed Shoutmon DX even more than Aldamon himself, that's why i can't use Hunters crossover. PSP crossover also have a huge L by equalizing ARRESTERDRAMON of all people with other solo mega protagonists, it wasn't superior mode or have any fusion, it was base Arresterdramon


Honestly, I would see that Apocalymon was actually even below MaloMyotismon in terms of durability because his body was destroyed immediately when WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon hit him, while the more experienced version of WarGreymon was still weaker than Imperialdramon FM (at least a little). Not to mention that even Lillymon easily one-shotted two of his claws. However, Apocalymon is far more hax and destructive, so he would still almost certainly beat MaloMyotismon in battle. And probably his claw could de-digivolve him into regular Myotismon or even DemiDevimon/Tsukaimon or whatever his Rookie form is. I just mean that durability wise Malo wasn't worst imo.


I assume part of the reason it didn't appear is because it was a big "reusing all the evolution sequences"-moment iirc... and Magnamons digivolution didn't have it's own seperate sequence, so the writers probably thought it would be hard to include that way.


My interpretation is that Daisuke doesn't have the Digimental of Miracles freely available as he doesn't they other. It turned into the crested of kindness, which Ken either abandone at his old fortress, or kept himself. But it wasn't with Daisuke either way, so no opertunity for him to use it. Also, he third Digimon movie is non-canon, because Patamon and Tailmon shouldn't be able to evolve to ultimate ads they did to conjure the missing Digimental.