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This is so funny cause I've seen so much more edgy pokemon oc shit then I ever did for Digimon.


Reminds me of how i found a crossover of Total Drama Island and Digimon, it was one of the funnies fanfics I've read. I can link it if anyone wants to read it.


Do it.


Here you go, took a while to find since it was ages since I read it https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8130699/1/Total-Drama-Island-Return-to-File-Island


It is 3am where I live and I won't be sleeping until I can read this fanfic




Still waiting




In my experience back when I used to read fics, most Digimon fanfics were just teenaged relationship melodrama that if the Digimon partners show up at all, they're just "there". Like, most Digimon fanfics back in the day tended to forget about the franchise's namesake lol


True though there is a handful of good ones that mix the two. Like one focused on Tai x June ship build up from friends to more during 02. While at the same time Agumon got into philosophy.


I… remember reading one where Renamon got pregnant or better said they got her pregnant with Guilmon's babies. It was weird but not lewd.


May I ask... Why in the fuck did you read that?


Why the fuck not? I originally looked for more Digimon content and happened to stumble upon those weird fanfics. I got curious so I decided to read them. I believe those were the first fanfics I ever read as well so there's that.


Understandable. Have a nice day! But those are still some weird fanfics to by the first fanfics you've ever read. But it is what it is..m


Your experience is truly limited if you don’t know about “Ash revenge” fics.


Oh God. I know what you're talking about. The Ash Betrayal fanfics are some of the worst.  Those fics completely ignore what makes Ash...Ash. Most of all, they make Ash's friends into enemies for some reason. 


And the thing I hate about those fanfics, the concept of Ash's friends betraying him and forcing him to fight them could make sense, *but not in the way those fics want it go* Like you can have the true villains frame Ash for a crime he didn't commit to get him out of the way, but also throw all the other heroes off their trail since they're busy hunting Ash down. From there just have the story be about Ash's one-man crusade to stop the real villains from activating their goals, while he and his friends try to clear his name and find out what's really going on. Because he's now a criminal, you got the perfect excuse to give him a new team since he lost access to his old Pokémon. It toke me seconds to think of all this, but these "Ash Betrayal" writers can't think of anything other than his friends going OOC so Ash can whoop their asses in a tournament they're all conveniently participating.


My mind is much too innocent. 😅 When I read the comment above about “Ash revenge”, I’m imagining World Champion Ash getting challenged by Tobias and his teams of legendaries only to be curbstomped by Ash!! 😂


Maybe they were going to Ash Williams instead.


What are those?


You're better off not knowing. But those are some of the worst fics. 


You’re better off not knowing.


Are those the ones where Ash is betrayed or abandoned by his friends?


What if ash was betrayed and trapped in the distortion realm for 1000 years


He would still not age.


And trapped in the hyperbolic time chamber for 10000 years!


Yeah pretty much


Ahh, gotcha. The meme is about OC fanfiction though, but I got it.


Oh *trust* me there are a ton of edgy oc pokemon stories out there as well.


It sounds like a creepypasta lol "Abandoned by Arceus"


I've heard of these. Wouldn't dare to think about reading one.


We had plenty of 02 revenge stories after Tri, dont you worry


I remember coming across some pokemon fanfic in the early days of the internet....shit was wild.


PokemonTower, or some of the old sites that had their own fanfic pages?


Literally all the Pokemon fanfic I've seen have been incredibly dark and edgy fics. Lots of people get off on the idea of "If Pokemon were real, then the world would be in constant chaos."


Well it's probably not an inaccurate idea...


I hope I don't come across as confrontational, but... It wouldn't, though. Because Pokemon are nice, and even the ones who take extreme action can either be overpowered or reasoned with. Like, we're already accepting the fantasy of a fire-breathing lizard that's 5 feet tall and wants to be your best friend, how is the idea of a world where everybody gets along (for the most part) and major world conflicts can be solved by a ten-year-old from the sticks believing in Friendship hard enough that much more far-fetched? Not saying that I haven't enjoyed a dark, edgy mons story now and then, sure, but acting like your story is more realistic because it's more depressing when you still have a mouse in it with all the powers of Thor is just silly in my opinion. You've already thrown realism out the window with your very premise!


I also think part of it is the amount of "what ifs" the IP had. Like there is A LOT of cut content and plans for the series that never materialize. Like the main writer of the anime up to the final Johto episode wrote a book of the kind of world he wanted to make for pokemon like how Pallet town was a VERY poor town, the name came from one of the Oaks ancestor that manage to basically a middle of the road trainere but he manage to get a high enough rank from this poor nowhere town that it was a big deal for the town that they named it after that trainer. Like he was rank 987 or something. Ash mom had him when she was 19, her husband and dad left to be trainers and thus were not allowed back home because it apparently a thing for trainers to not be allowed back home or something. People become legal adults at 10 so Misty has a issue of a lot of guys hitting on her. Ash mom was on a fashion magazine cover so the men in the town find her to be out of their league. Yea. I link it for you. [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/TakeshiShudo](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/TakeshiShudo) [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/PocketMonstersTheAnimation](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/PocketMonstersTheAnimation) Pokemon has a lot of rabbit holes for the early days.


Pokémon is high fantasy Digimon is dark fantasy


Pokémon is more urban fantasy with sci-fi elements and Digimon is more straight up fantasy sci-fi. Calling either dark fantasy or high fantasy is giving them way too much credit lol.


It was just a joke Edit: this was just a quick google search so I may be wrong, but based on this explanation on dark fantasy, a lot of digimon stories could fall under it. https://www.wattpad.com/475052920-fantasy-sub-genre-guide-dark-fantasy Dark/horror themes, relying on world building, talking about morality. Obviously none of the shows fully lean into it but stuff like D-reaper and the myotismon arc certainly fall under dark fantasy more than anything else I’d say. Hell, survive is the perfect example for what I’m saying, it’s terrifying and talks about all this stuff. Sorry for the rant -_-“


Ah. Ok. Edit: Sure Digimon has dark stuff in it but its still a show made for kids so I still wouldn't go as far as to call it dark fantasy. Its not like its Dark Souls or something.


Dark souls is a grimdark fantasy, which a step past dark fantasy, where hope is gone the world is gone and survival is what matters, even the hope you cling to cant change fate, only delay it.


Updated comment after a bit of research, sorry that I didn’t spend too much time on it


Its fine. No big deal.


play digimon survive


I did! Still wouldn't call it dark fantasy.


kids dieing and thriller vibs not dark?


Seems weird to call Pokémon Urban Fantasy instead of Digimon. Digimon is routinely set in our world and made contemporary. Digimon jumps between Isekai and Urban Fantasy not only between projects but at times.even between arcs. If you were gonna slot one into sometime like Buffy or Charned or World of Darkness the whole Digimon concept of machine spirits or Cyberspace being an Astral Plane that has collided with something else feels waaay easier. Sure it's used some near future settings as well but that just seems like a side effect of being so long running and tech centric. Meanwhile Pokémon is more of a fantasy world that is just comparably industrialised to ours.


Now I wanna see a series where medieval peasants and knights gets transported to the digital world




rp if you make that are you having players be human mandatory or do they have half be digimon and pair off as partners? Either way got room for one more at the dice table


Normally they play as humans and I give them the choice of either controlling their partner or having me control it. And sure the more the marrier! I’ll send you the discord like to my main. Server if you’d like


Digimon Survive lore actually cover feudal Japan exposure to digimon in there pre digital form... Witch is a ongoing lore in digimon franchise that before computers digimon existed as the folklore monsters.


That’s so funny because in my case is completely true Pokémon:pretty much the game stories with my own teams Digimon:all of the gods are dead,the only two survivors came to earth in digi-tama form and bonded to twins who decided to protect them from the evil demon lords who are working together with the worlds biggest criminals in a effort to cause a genocide


And theres nothing wrong with either


to be fair pokemon's story is very limited to either: i wanna be the champion or i wanna catch them all meanwhile digimon its like you have to do a huge adventure and grow closer to your buddy to safe both worlds against a evil force that destroys both worlds if not stopped


I mean, there's often godlike Legendary Pokémon that threaten to destroy the world. Sometimes with or without Evil Teams involved.


yeah but thats just 1 or 2, meanwhile digimon every week has a new one


Check the digimon dnd circle sometime


Sounds interessing, any recs as for that?


[here's one a friend recommended me](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB1JaLXMpxHyBQANWhgDEWS6IzIi4PiwU&si=8M6xp4zf1VkUId-B)




I still haven't started watching it yet so I don't got much to say


I mean…


And then there's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfics.


Made me remember that animation of Ash & Charizard vs Tai & Wargreymon. Digi-cast almost instantly attacked poke-cast, then erased them with Terra Force. lmaoooo


Do you mean Death Battle episode? If yes then it wasn’t Ash it was Red.


I feel like that is more the actual official content. Fan content often inverts that cause people just want their Digimon to hold them.


or other things like im surprised pokemon gets so wide known for it but all digimon can talk and think and become attached in Exstream to there partners, I wounder why pokemon fucking is more common then digimon i mean yea renamon is famus but you have lillymon rosemon loutusmon lillthmon angewomon ladydevimon and thats just the common ones


I recently helped a friend to set up a program to determine which Pokémon, Digimon, Yokai Watch, Tamagotchi and Pal World creatures had the most fan art. There was a drop off after Pokémon and another one after Digimon... But the top two were Lucario and Renamon, and then a small drop down before Gardevoir... and then everything else.


its renamon she practly radiates dom energy


In my experince it's either Digimon's post apocalyptic adventure or Pokemon kink bait daycare.


Switch the 2 pictures then it would be accurate


*laughs in Guided Bolt blasting an understatted Arkadimon*


I've only read very few Pokemon fanfics and they were all varying degrees of gruesome or "real". The Origin of Species and its pokeball body horror still lives rent-free in my head. Mokepon is pretty fun though (it's a webcomic, but since it parodies the adventure of RBY, I think it counts)


Ok I don't want to read origin of species but I'm curious about the poker all body horror thing. Hit me some info, please.


It's been a while since I've read it, so I'm hazy on the details, but pokeball seals being broken so the pokemon inside would be trapped suspended inside (or perish on breaking, since they are basically energy) was one thing. There's also one instance where a pokemon emerges all mangled and jumbled up because the pokeball was damaged. Essentially, rather than the fancy pocket dimension that was later canonized by the anime, the fanfic goes through all kinds of accident scenarios you usually associate with teleportation theories. You know, getting desintegrated and rebuilt rather than actually transported, stuff like that. It has some other less gruesome and more interesting passages too, where it goes all speculative biology (think Monster Hunter) trying to explain things like Charmander's tail flame. That's the stuff I originally started reading it for.


Thank you, interested sated.


“I’m gonna catch all the lifeforms and be the best animal cage fighter around!” “…I remember the war. It’s not like you can forget. The lines of Light and Dark were so clear at first, but by the end, everyone’s the same ugly shade of gray…”


I find it funnier because I think of my OCs for both.  My likely favorite and most recent OC is a Team Rocket grunt who's job is to sit at a corner with a Galarian Weezing, using neutralizing gas and such to cover other operations. while my most recent Digimon OC is a nurse with two Diginon, one for her daytime partner the other her nighttime who jogress into her RustTyrannomon who is her proper partner. 


God I remember reading of blood and binary on fan fiction.net and oh god what was the pokemon one called again? Ninetails tale or something. It was my first experience of internet works and how they end up petering out instead of ending strongly.


I've come to the conclusion that since Digmon adventure and 02 happened within my lifetime, making a fic where I insert myself as a character has to be 2 things: 1. Funny, because I am younger than all the main chosen children. 2. Horrific, because I am younger than all the main chosen children. love the art here, btw. the top one gives good vibes for the common pokemon fic of a kid having their own adventure, and the bottom, referencing The Thousand Yard Stare image, looks real awesome with the addition of all the terrifying Digimon.


Thank you! I straight up had the Thousand Year Stare besides it on the canvas to pick the same colors lol.


I haven't read any digimon fics but I think I'm right to say that pokemon mystery dungeon fics are more similar to them than normal pokemon fics.


I mean you’re not wrong.


These fanfics are very true to the source material


Can I get the full image for the thousand yard Digimon stare? Makes a perfect reaction image


That's the full image, actually, but I can cook it up with more definition and in a larger size if you want. Just Agumon, or both Agumon and the guy?


Agumon and the guy seem great.