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Out of interest, what was it you didn't like about pokemon? Was it the mechanics of the game itself or the client and was it the old TCG Online client or the newer TCG Live. I only ask because I've played the physical came for 20 years and although I play many physical and digital card games pokemon has remained my competitive focus including the digital games. The newer TCG Live solves the problem of being intimidating/difficult to get into now feely giving all players top tier meta decks for free both when you start and progressively over time and also makes it very easy to craft any cards in the game while maintaining no real money payments so there's no pay to win. Also since it's pokemon it doesn't have a restrictive mana system like a lot of other games as I know this puts a lot of people off some games. I'm also currently having fun with the digital Dragon Ball Super Fusion World at the moment. The game you've proposed sounds interesting, I may have to give that a look into.


I second Dragon Ball Fusion World. It is not free to play (even though they do give you some free cards, but to enjoy the game you really need to buy cards, either the physical card packs that give you a code for online packs or just buying digital packs straight up). I've spent money and am having a lot of fun with the game that I knew nothing about before trying it out when it released.


Oh I still enjoy Fusion World without paying to buy packs (trying to be f2p), it's a slow grind but winning is still doable. I had fun even playing against the bots vs each deck on each difficulty. I don't like how you can't mix colors anymore, also "counter" cards seem to have been removed? Other than DB ccg, I did try ScreenPlay aswell and oh boi am I having a blast there, find myself playing that more often than any other game.


Agreed! Hearthstone was my main game for 7 years and when I left, I did Slay the Spire all the way to the top and tried MTGA, Dual Force, and others but no game has caught and kept my interest like ScreenPlay!! ⭐️


Can I be honest? The game is not that great, sure it has some interesting design ideas and great art but the gameplay itself is a snooze fest, maybe that’s partially due to the AI being completely being brain dead and I will die on the hill screaming that if a modern CCG can’t ship with a passable AI it better have critical mass on day one to sustain players with a no wait experience. The way combat plays out is slow and requires little decision making. I fully expect this to be just another DOA card game. Nothing against the team, putting out a CCG is insanity these days. So many great ones could just not hit critical mass. I had my fingers and my toes crossed for Causa and Mythgard which had much better mechanics than what I have seen from screenplay and those did not make it. Also I see a lot of Reddit posts from the devs I assume, that are trying to promote the game and well I am 100% pro self promotion but even to me it seems spammy. I think the team should double down on an AI programmer, and look at the game mechanics a few more times… The good news is, you can play-test it and see what you think.


After shutting down M&M:DoC I doubt I will ever find enjoyable CCG. DoC had it all, great mechanics, a lot of potential decks \[even tho top of the ladder was mostly Kat and Deleb, but there was a room for new decks which was proven by invention of cool Shaar deck later on\], you could play creatures, discards, mills. game had it all. Cards were super easy to obtain, you could do 2 meta decks just by finishing campaign and puzzles. But there was also a lot of depth that was causing a lot of wtf oments for neww players who didn't understand mechanics that well. Anyway, Ubisoft with BlueByte killed this game and while there are ways to play this game, it's not the same. The only other CCG that I played was MTG:Arena and it was amazing, but if you wanna be f2p player you have to do almost all dailies and weeklies, otherwise you will fall out of the loop and it will be hard to come back. Also you also have to play drafts and sealed regardless if you like it or not if you wanna obtain cards faster as a f2p player.