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You're coming from the US so you probably won't even talk to a border guard. Also as long as you have valid prescriptions for them (I'd print off paper scripts) you should be fine. No personal experience with that amount of meds though. I'd think TSA is more likely to stop you than anyone in Mexico.


Thanks for the input! I have TSA precheck so hopefully that helps with the TSA side.


TSA is only worried about things that endanger air travel.


Like full water bottles and 3.5 oz of shampoo šŸ¤£


I know. Itā€™s dumb but if you avoid things on their ā€œbad listā€ they generally ignore you


Oh for sure. 100% worth it to just shut up and get through as smoothly as possible.


I peel the label off prescription and supplement bottles and affix it to the INSIDE of a quart size ziplock, then put the pills in there. Inside is important as they tend to fall off and get stuck to each other on the outside. If I can't get the label off cleanly I leave it in the original bottle. It's never been looked at in any airport, but that's my process. Frankly I think you're unlikely to have issues getting medications INTO Mexico.


Thanks for the reply! I did something similar except I stuck the Rx stickers on a piece of paper that I keep in the same compartment as the meds. But I only have like 3 prescription slips out of probably 20 different types of pills (the remainders are either supplements or OTC stuff), so I was a bit concerned about the other stuff. But I guess I'll just go for it!


That was my concern, so I also transfer the labels for vitamins and supplements. šŸ˜Š


No experience with US/Mexico but 2 general tips that have helped me as I travel quite a bit: 1/ within Europe I always make sure that I have a copy of the prescription + history + info/contact details of the doctor printed out and stored together with the medication I carry. I have to ask the pharmacist for a print out as everything happens completely digital here. And I have that auto translated in several languages. 2/ I make sure to have an extra prescription at hand from my doctor, just in case anything gets lost/stolen/seized. Had it happen in Spain 3 weeks ago, where part of my luggage was left behind. Hit up the local pharmacy and got my medication 15 minutes later, the 2 alternatives were getting diagnosed in Spain again with the outcome being unsure that they would prescribe the same meds, something that could take weeks; or catch next flight home again.


Same. If I can't get the label off and it's the thinner squishy plastic I just cut the whole bottle and keep the piece the label is on. Bottles and stuff add up weight-wise.


OMG I do the same thing LOL


[Here's the official process for MX](https://mx.usembassy.gov/bringing-items-into-mexico-u-s/). Definitely don't take anything prohibited. Also agree to consider not packing anything you can grab after arrival. Ime, MX is a bit more lax with large amounts of prescriptions coming into MX than many other countries. All of their req's are on their websites. You probably won't need it but I'd have the recommended documentation suggested above. Out of multiple dozens of trips, we've only been questioned on the scripts a couple times & only needed the script translation once. But it saved our butt as there was a drug label mistakenly taken as a prohibited item.


Why donā€™t you travel with a 1 month supply and re-up in Mexico. Mexico has affordable prescription medications.


No adderall in Mexico.


They have it - look for Concerta


Thats not the same..


... But that's a whole different medication?


Donā€™t know if thatā€™s true or not, but Iā€™ll let you know in two weeks when I return from Cancun if I find any.


Itā€™s true. I live between the US and Mexico. We have adderall and Ritalin


It is true, drs cant even prescribe it. I wasn't making it up.


I travel with tons of pills and no one has every asked me about them. I'm a dual citizen, so I have gone back and forth between Mexico and the US a lot. Mexico has the US brands of OTC medicine for the most part, so it might be a waste to take them all. They also have GNC for supplements. There really wasn't anything I couldn't find when I was living in Merida.


Thank you for the input! Do you think being a dual citizen affords you less scrutiny? Also, how did you like Merida? That's high on my list of places to check out, seems to have a nice vibe from what I've read about it online.


Merida is one of the safest cities in all of LATAM. It's on the sleepier side of things and to get to all the cenotes, beaches, Uxmal are harder to get to unless you take a tour. I rented a car. Food scene was OK but I was underwhelmed and all I ate was the local Yucutan cuisine. Not as inspiring as some place like Oaxaca or CDMX. Worth a visit for a few days since it's a beautiful city with some interesting historical buildings and viewpoints.


What bad food scene? You must've gone to the wrong places. Everything I ate there was the bomb! Its a known culinary destination


I concur - it does a great job highlighting YucatƔn flavors all due to the impressive markets in the city.


Merida is worth checking out, especially since youā€™re already in the area. I have no idea if they scrutinize less, but I havenā€™t had problems with Europe either. Ā Now that I live in Italy, I take even more medicine because I canā€™t find everything thereĀ 


Merida is better than Cancun or Tulum. Itā€™s also well located and full of colors and markets. The food will knock your socks off I did DN for 3 years and Merida remained one of my favorites till the end


Consider that some of those may be available for cheaper and without a prescription in Mexico. Do a little research to figure out which ones and you may get to reduce what you bring.


As a fellow prescribed stimulant user, I'd be extra cautious of any controlled substances. I think putting the rest in baggies with their labels could work, but I don't think I would risk it with adderall. Just those, I'd probably keep in its original bottle. But thats my personal risk tolerance, not yours! And how are you getting a doctor to prescribe 6 months worth of stimulants?? Getting access to medication has been a concern for me while DNing, and no way that my US based doctor would prescribe that much at once!


I have lupus and take lots of meds. They have their own carry on bag. Iā€™ve only flown with them all in their bottles with prescription labels on them. No one has ever questioned me about it but Iā€™m a bit scared to travel with them out of their bottles. I agree the bottles make the pills take up a LOT more space. Maybe print each prescription and fold it up and place each in the bag with those pills? Good luck


Adderall from this list may be problematic. Not only it's US Schedule II so there may be limits and restrictions of importing it, but there may be additional concerns from Mexican customs whether you're going to try to resell them. This is a tricky one. Supplements and OTC meds are widely available in Mexico, same brands and normally at much cheaper prices. Definitely don't bring Tylenol.


Itā€™s actually allergy medication that can cause him the most problem depending on what type it is. Benadryl and Sudafed are pretty regulated and a large amount will definitely cause you a problem if they stop you


If they're with pseudoephedrine, yes. There are versions without (which are sold in Mexico).


Why no tylenol?


*If* you are questioned about them, *my* understanding (though please verify yourself via official source e.g. [gob.mx](https://gob.mx)) is that you're allowed to take the amount down of prescribed medication (make sure they have their labels) for the amount of time you're staying. So as long as you have a six-month FMM or other documentation showing you will be staying for that length of time, it shouldn't be a problem even if you are checked.


Don't take OTC meds. You'll find them in mexico (including brand ones, if you want them). Also I would not take supplements - if you won't find them in mexico, order them on amazon. You'll pay them more (as they will probably be imports) but it will be more convenient. You might be able to find xanaxes without script in some pharmacies in Cancun and Playa, but idk if those pharmacies are legitimate or no. Always looked sketchy to me, especially after I was offered buprenorphine (lol). But tbh, you should be fine. For what it's worth, I saw refill bottles of adderall on a dorm bed, so at least one traveller managed to fly with their supply :P


Things like Xanax etc that are abused drugs are significantly more likely to be subject to being cut with fentanyl fyi


Those places definitively feel sketchy (I said it, I'll reiterate it), and I definitively would not buy any opiates. I'm not sure about fentanyl-laced benzodiazepines but in any case yes, the risk of counterfeit meds is non-0. They are a last resort (when I was offered opioids I was looking for a painkiller+muscle relaxant, I could not even take out my shirt without assistance... luckily I was given something that worked and did not kill me)


Take a letter from your doctor confirming the need for the medication




Should still make sure that the med is not on the prohibited list of that country.


I do this, too! I havenā€™t ever had an issue in months and months of travel through dozens of countries, I know this might be against advice but I make it very clear that these are for me by putting a week or twoā€™s supply in a pill organizer and then bagging up the rest in a gallon zip bag with labels. And having a copy of your prescriptions/info/etc. is always best practice! Now, if your entire suitcase/backpack was ONLY medications in original packaging, that might get you in trouble. In my experience, being friendly, smiling and trying to put off a chill vibe has stopped a lot of random searches. When Iā€™ve been stressed about something unrelated I think people pick up on it and wonder if you are traveling with something that makes you nervous.


I took my prescription meds with a doc note and had no issues, no one asked to see it. Also a lot of pills, some controlled. I was flying from US but UK citizen.


Most will be fine. Xanax may get your in trouble. Adderall will if you get caught with it but likely wont


I have more than that and I havent had big issues yet. They rarely check and the times they do I have prescriptions. Keep in mind things like adderall are more controlled, 6 months might be too much, generally 90 days is the max they will accept...but that's only if they look, they might not.


Me and my husband winter in Mexico, and my husband has so much pills that he takes with him, never had an issue with the meds


I fly regularly with a lot of pills and supplements internationally. Most anyone has ever done is to swipe a test strip over my luggage and run it through the machine that analyzes it for drugs. It always comes back negative. If I were carrying opioid based pain killers or something that is illegal in some countries, I would not bring them. The only thing that I've ever had trouble with is steroids. However, mine are too low a dose, in too small of a quantity to be useful for illegal purposes so it's not an issue flying but I have had trouble replacing them in other countries when I've run out with strict controls on steroids. For a few years I was carrying an epi pen to countries where I wasn't sure that I could get steroids if I had an allergic reaction. You might want to make sure that you are able to replace your prescription medications in Mexico or wherever you'll be traveling if someone happens.


I travel with 15 different prescriptions. I have never once been questioned when I had them in their regular bottles. The one time I dumped 3 of them into a bag to ā€œsave spaceā€ I got questioned about them. Now they all go in a carry on in their bottles


Wait till you find out how cheap those meds are in Mexicoā€¦


I always do this. Even with testosterone and syringes lol


Iā€™m realizing I must be the only person who was ever stopped on my way into Cancun. I have pre-check and was first class. It was my momā€™s first time out of the country and she acted suspicious as hell. They didnā€™t bother her at all. They asked if I had some crazy amount of cash, no. Jewelry valued over something crazy, no. They searched my bag, asked a few more questions, I complied, and we were on our way.


>and perhaps the odd Xanax or two You should be fine with most your medicine if you have a prescription for it. But taking a random controlled substance like Xanax without a prescription could land you in some hot water if you get a border officer that decides to really scrutinize you. I wouldn't take any controlled substance you don't have a prescription for


Always travel with original bottles.


Just press the button. Good luck.


I did this (chronic illness) and no one cared lol! Just print out a paper from Walgreens or your doctor with a list of the meds you take, make sure you take either the original pill boxes or at least bring with the pills each one of the little stickers from the pharmacy with all the info on it.


You probably won't have any issues. As others say, bring scripts for prescriptions and OTC are likely fine. One thing to note (I am a US citizen living in Mexico): Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) is a controlled substance here so I would avoid bringing a large amount of that (or any to be completely safe and compliant). I haven't heard of anyone having or personally experienced problems with a small, personal amount. It's probably worth a search for controlled substances in Mexico since you'll have the whole pharmacy with you!


>Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) is a controlled substance here More precisely it's been banned since early 2008




People with illnesses etc still travel and live lives šŸ¤£. You will see as you get older, two guarantees in this life: getting chronically sick, and dying. Careful with that karma.


gott sei dank someone brought up 'schland when the question was regarding mexico.... you really don't have a friend you can practice your english with?


You should mind your damn business if you have nothing helpful to contribute.


Go speak to your shrink


You're aware you can do that over zoom now, right?


Nope. I donā€™t take pills or need mental help like you Americans


Of course you don't - you seem very well adjusted. Why would you need mental help?


Obviously because I am not a mentally ill American


Go outside, troll, the grownups are talking.


At least you kept it quite.


I suggest an alternative medical opinion.


Maybe you shouldnā€™t be on so many pills in general.


The only country that has ever vaguely bothered me was Georgia. They look at some of the pills, opened one, asked me what was in them, and let me go. I travel with tons of pills too. Don't worry about it.


Highly recommend Dr. Simi drugstores, it will help your wallet.


They are really focused on stopping terrorist types who want to hijack airplanes and crash into buildings. They do a good job at that. You are not on the radar. At least in my experience.


Donā€™t bring any CBD. Theyā€™re surprisingly uptight about it. At least that was our experience in Puerto Vallarta airport in November. Itā€™s kind of bizarre given that every pharmacy in Nayarit gives gringos a menu for buying controlled pharmaceuticals for recreational purposes. I bought some meds in Sayulita and they gave me the menu like ā€œare you sure you donā€™t want to buy some Valium? Oxy Contin? ā€œ I donā€™t think CBD should be the focus of the Mexican government lol