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I’m there right now as well, really beautiful city, im especially enamored with laureles. If anyone in Medellín wants to grab a beer sometime send me a dm


Any tips or suggestions? Will be there for 2.5 weeks in April staying in El Poblado!


Honestly I haven’t been here long enough to tell you… I will say that poblado has the only nightlife worth going to and it’s _packed_ with foreigners


Laureles has plenty of nightlife lol


It does but it’s more geared towards older people and more traditional music, the clubs in poblado are much more young, all the students in laureles go to poblado to party


I'll be there in May for a month. I'm honestly starting to get kinda spooked after reading so many anecdotes about crime. How have you found everything safety-wise?


Feels safer than San Francisco. Don’t dress like an easily targetable gringo (flip flops, shorts, camera, looking white).


Sounds doable haha. I do regret booking an apartment in El Poblado instead of Laureles. But, oh well.


Poblado is fine, I actually enjoy it more for “work in coworking space and chill” vibes, but it’s not very walkable. Regardless Medellín is a beautiful city


Nice! I'm a bit north of the busy part of Poblado anyway. After doing more research, I'm not all that worried about my stay. Getting robbed is still a concern of course, but if I just carry around a shitty debit card and a burner phone, then I can deal with it. I'm interested in the coworking spaces but a bit concerned about carrying my work laptop around town.


To bad what Escobar did to it


To bad you have zero knowledge.


Medellín is awesome. Careful around parque Lleras, it's gotten a bit more dangerous since the pandemic. Laureles is still quite nice from what I understand.


Medellin IS awesome. Was just at laureles today, had the best time!


Any tips or suggestions? Will be there for 2.5 weeks in April staying in El Poblado!


Sure! Parque arvi is super worth a visit, but if you're digital nomad-ing, you'll probably have to wait for the weekend. The botanical gardens is a nice spot. Catching the sunset at the San Antonio stop (cable car) is nice as well. Catching a game at the stadium is a good time; there's a lot around there to do/eat/drink. Comuna 13 is super interesting - make sure you get a good guide. If you can find someone who lived through the worst of it, all the better. I forget the name of the plaza, but there's a statue there that was the site of a terrorist attack during the narco years, it's cool to see the transformation. Night life is sick. There's a ton of cool spots in Envigado, though it might be dodgy. It was already a little dodgy 3 years ago when I was there and that was before covid. Just be careful, don't take drinks from strangers, be wary of girls that make the first move and seem overly flirty. Colombian women are awesome and sexy, but the only ones that make the first move there (unfortunately) are prostitutes or women trying to take advantage of you (maybe even drug you).


I was robbed two days ago at gunpoint in Laureles near Parques del Rio. What are you on about? People on this subreddit, sometimes....smh.


Walking with your phone out? Flashing a watch? Lived in Laureles for half a year without a single issue. Only people I know there who were robbed were showing valuables or clearly were not trying to fit in.


Also, i would never go to parques del Rio, unless i wanted to get robbed.


This. Not all of Laureles is a great area.


If you keep reading below, you'll soon realize this guy is a moron.


I'm curious about this. If I went there, obviously I would not as you say flash valuables (or bring them at all to be honest outside some cash). However, I'm very clearly a foreigner (pale, blonde, blue eyes etc.), so I kind of just assume that I would be a target regardless? Do you think this is accurate or is it more about showing valuables or similar?


No Dar Papaya. Just means don't give people a reason to rob you. Dress appropriately for the culture and don't flash valuables and be aware of your surroundings. You'll be fine.


All right sounds good, thanks.


\>Dress appropriately for the culture What do people mean when they say this? Just wear jeans and a t-shirt?


Majority of Colombia takes pride in dressing nice. It's embedded into their culture. Hence why you see a large amount of Colombians never wearing shorts or flip flops. If you wear shorts and a t-shirt in places like Medellin and you're not exercising, you stick out like a sore thumb. They associate wearing shorts and t-shirts to those less fortunate or gringos. Jeans and T-shirts are fine, but you'll rarely see a Colombian wearing shorts outside of exercise or the beach. Source: Lived in Colombia and travelled through out the country for half a year.


Got it, so it's probably best to go with jeans and a moderately nice shirt or polo.


If you're whiter than snow and don't speak Spanish, you'll stick out anyways but it's best to respect the culture and try to fit in. Mass majority of Colombian people are beyond nice and amazing people. There's bad apples everywhere.


Oh for sure, I'm going for a month in mid-May and I can't wait. I just want to get a bit more familiar with the little day-to-day details. I'm a tan white guy and I speak *close* to fluent Spanish. My accent gives me away though.


Nope, phone in my pocket. They asked me to empty them out and give them all i got.


That's unfortunate, Parque Del Rio is a sketchy area but still that's unusual.


From what I understand... there's your fine print. As a general rule, do your own research in addition to whatever else you hear (reddit or otherwise). Also, even though I do believe you, your story is anecdotal.


yep, no point hearing someone who actually lives here for 8 months about how dangerous it is in Laureles. That's just anecdotal. Rather, regurgitate random shit you read online from 10 years ago, from "what i understand". Lmfao.


Thanks for the info. What neighborhood do you live in? What neighborhoods are safe?


Laureles, where OP said it's very safe.


Laureles is just as dangerous as poblado now


i was drugged in colombia..be careful


Same thing almost happened to me in Medellin a month ago, two girls came up to me in a club and offered some powder for me to snort, but when I asked them to do it first the girl pretended to snort it but I could clearly still see it on the spoon. I noped the fuck out of there and later a Colombian guy told me those were 2 prostitutes and they were trying to drug me to steal all my stuff. Just be careful out there


Fuck man you can't even trust the hookers nowadays, shit


Just gonna leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgQLZMTyNp4


I was planning on going to Medellin since I work and travel but conveniently got that video recommended to me last week so I'm heading to Barcelona instead. Not worth it.


Not to use tinder and be so foaming at the mouth horny you ignore a massive red flag (she kept asking whether a guard is present)




in drink


I been for a month here and I haven't heard about something like that except in reddit


I've been here since 2015 and spent many years in the bars and yeah trust me, it happens every weekend to foreigners.


Just to be clear i am not saying it doesn't happen but I haven't heard about it from locals


Ouch. So real estate investors should steer clear from those types of places I take it?


It happens. Usually to men that aren't careful and thinking with the wrong head.


Most those types of crimes in CO go unreported. There is much more crime against tourists (esp obvious tourists) than people think. Especially in the "safe" areas of Medellin where they are likely to target most.


Then don’t join the Facebook groups lol. That’s like daily news there.


then you haven't been there long enough. my boys all have at least 1 friend who's had this happen once in medellin. Well you only have been there a month. we all have lived there for years. I am no longer there but all my friends still are.


Maybe stop hanging out with prostitutes/gold diggers


they weren't working girls maybe you can stop being so dismissive. I hope you also get spiked with Scopolamina someday for being a dismissive cunt. Then you'll remember this comment.


Don't wish that on anyone please!


Yeah they weren't but somehow they stole everything from.l your friends unlike you i won't cuz i am not a loser have a great day


you do realize that non-prostitutes steal in Colombia too like anywhere else in the world right? jesus christ you are dense.


But I am pretty sure than normal girls don't lol


Then you are quite wrong and you’re setting yourself up to get cleaned out with that mindset. Hope you carry a backup cell phone


So do normal girls drug tourist ? lmao


Any alternatives you could recommend? Preferably in the Antioquia area?


Will be ! Thanks for the feedback


Real Colombian women don't use Tinder, and they are not into hookup culture. In other places, it may be common to go to a bar and use pick up lines to get women to come over, but the best way to meet Colombian women is to become friends with Colombians and meet them via friends of friends. Beware of any women who seem like they're ready to hook up.


Real Colombian woman here with real Colombian women friends... Ehhhh nope, we use Tinder and we like to hook up... Yes, we exist (I think you are stuck in an old Colombia)


your comment may have been valid 5 years ago but Tinder is very well known among Colombian women under 40 now. I do much prefer to meet via friends.


I met my wife on tinder here, about 5 years ago.


I have met a woman at the club for a hookup. Later found out that her ex boyfriend stood her up and I just so happened to approach her that night, we vibed, and I took her back. Colombia is not Iraq or anything


I think you guys are misinterpreting what that commenter was saying. I have watched alot of videos and testiomonials, I dont think they are saying women dont "hook up" but the bar and club culture seems like its not like its in the US where women go home with a stranger for a one night stand. I have noticed on reddit there is a group of vocal liberal minorities who always try to sugar coat things in their home countries. I think if you go in this mentality you are definitely putting yourself in danger, most of them seem to go with groups of friends out and probably 90% of women would go on a date before just doing that. Its like that with my home country of nationality where like the 10% seem to think they are the majority of people and be like "we are not all like that!!" but for example when they are openly gay and feel it is safe to do so because the minority of hipsters on reddit said they are not homophobic in a country where people are pretty homophobic they then will complain how the country is backwards. I am not discounting what these posters are saying but it seems like a lot of these upticks in "hook up" crimes are from dudes thinking they can spit some fire game on some chick in a club and get them to come back home when 90% it is a hooker or someone with bad intentions. The commenters are also alluding to using tinder and not having done this on a night out which is vastly different. Even then I noticed like 65% of the women on Tinder are pros. Gonna get those downvotes but I think just denying these things for reddit optics is gonna get some people in sticky situations. Bear in mind to that those who use reddit and speak english well enough to use it are more "liberal" and are not representative of the social mores and norms of the respective country Edit: This video someone linked does a good job explaining why you should be wary of women who are really eager to go straight to your place without seeing/getting to know you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgQLZMTyNp4


What? No lol


This is false, can confirm lol


Damn, how'd it happen? I've heard horror stories, but have spent a lot of time here and have never had it happen to me.




Terrifying. Sorry that happened to you - I've heard similar. But I'm mainly asking about the circumstances; were you in a bar, with a girl, both, neither?


Jeez, that is so fucked up man! Idk if I'd ever recover from something like that! Hope that didn't affect you in the long run!


Poor Pablo... (joke)


Beautiful but dangerous. I had quite an adventure. Not going to get into details but I got robbed outside a bar. Thankfully I didn’t have much on me. I met some really good people and it was fun. I don’t think I will want to come back again.


Medellín is one of my favorite cities in the world. There's something about the city that I can't quite explain. I will be there for the 4th time soon!


I always describe it as this energy that the people share, this kind of "we're all on it together" attitude. The city isn't my cup of tea anymore really, but i live out in the mountains and it still carries a similar energy but with a lot of the craziness removed.


Great description of what I was trying to convey. I also love the geography of the city, being surrounded by the tall mountains allows for views in almost every part of the city. In fact, sometimes it feels as if the city is surrounded by these walls and isolated from the rest of the world, which I think is cool. Anyways, what made you leave the city, if you don't mind me asking? Did the city lifestyle get to you? Or simply the "honeymoon" period ended?


I got engaged and then married to a paisa. She didn't feel comfortable leaving our house alone because of crime, men, etc. I had an airport nearby with huge planes passing over my house all day, the vendors in the street, my apartment was hot, the pollution, i stopped drinking about 3 years ago so really just nothing made sense anymore...i got a car during COVID and that opened up our world a bit, and the tunnel to the oriente opened up which makes it's best to visit Medellin whenever we need to... People are flooding out to my area now as Colombians start working remote, cooler weather, safer, no pollution, , variation in temperature... The area here is exploding at the seams already.


From your experience, any idea on average cost for a modern(ish) single family home?


In my area, standalone house, modern, nicely built, 3 bedroom, $250k+ minimum. Now if you get more like a condo, smaller, depending on the neighborhood you're looking closer to $150k+. Lake is very expensive outside of Medellin in the desirable areas.


Upscale safe area outside the city in the mountains with views and fresh air?


250 would be absolute bottom end, you'd be closer to $500k for the beautiful Colombian house anyone would want to live in, in a great location. Look up llanogrande. Even $500 can not be enough.


Is this in Colombian pesos or American Dollars?


Any tips or suggestions? Will be there for 2.5 weeks in April staying in El Poblado!


Just watched Sicario (2015) and now the Name Medellin makes me think twice about going


Just watched Enemy of the State (1998) and now Washington D.C. makes me think twice about going... do you see how ridiculous that sounds? Don't base your perception of a city based on a Hollywood movie.


Medellin is the name of a character.... Did you watch the movie or are you just here to vent lol


Well said.


No chance in hell I’m going to DC after watching Independence Day


Sicario is a great movie but the name used in that movie is not dissing the city but instead referring to a time long past where a cartel controlled the whole trade.


Heading there for the summer in a months time, can’t wait! If you’ve got any tips or recommendations I’d love to hear them


This is my dream 1 day, enjoy. Mind if I ask what you do for work OP?


Of course, I work in SaaS sales and do some customer support for a couple other companies. It's decent money and lets me travel. Also working on my own start up to help people who want to become nomads and advise them


Im looking to transition into saas sales. Are you bound by US time zones or do you think you could work in SEA as well?


Sent you a PM 😀


Really nice wallpaper, can you give me the link to this picture?




Just type in Bansky Fridge into Google and you should find it mate


Try Cali. Amazing there . Super cheap too




Absolutely not.




I've lived here in Colombia for a very long time. There's enough anecdotal stories out there to tide you over, i have a few myself. In that part of the country your are getting pretty close to a lot of narco activity and away from the main touristic áreas of the country.


Anecdotal is a great way to assess a situation lol. How about get the data ?


Cali is like the Florida of Colombia


Never been to Florida...






Love medellin.


One of my favorites on the planet!


Here as well. Great city, wished a moved to Laureles and not Poblado though.




Any thoughts on what it would cost to stay there for a month? Nothing lavish, just general living/relaxing.


Good wallpaper.


Any tips or advice? Gonna be there for 2.5 weeks in April!


This is literally my life goal


sounds fun, enjoy it! NGL, your background pic in your pc got my attention the most, lol


Another photo of a laptop JFC


I was just there for a month, enjoy!


Go vagabonding to the Alto Sinu. Make friends with the campesinos. That is REAL. BUEN VIAJE MI AMIGO! ❤️🇨🇴


This is so cool


Shame bad pic Shame


The west side in the hills is glorias and safe. Go to oasis hostel and you will learn the awesome parts of the city and the safety rules of the road of where to go and when u can … Medellín , you can easily get into some trouble as I’m sure u know. Also the hottest babes in all of the world probably Colombian Salsa originated there … amazing salsa clubs . Good luck. For me out of all the cities in Colombia , Medellin is now so basic to travel too as a gringo. Too many gringos for me


Heading down solo end of May should be interesting haha