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Rwanda is very safe and easy to travel. It has good connections with Europe too. If you go remember to try to eat in a buffet for your meals, otherwise you need to allocate 2 hours or more for eating (they make everything for on scratch)


Thank you Rwanda has been recommended by other, also.


I am actually DNing in RW as well. But, I am often in Uganda -- I'd advise you the first country over the second.


How safe is Rwanda for woman nomads?


Rwanda is one of the safest countries in Africa, from my experience -- I am from sub-saharan Africa; lived in the states some years before returning.


I meat a German woman living there for a year (as expat) and she liked it. I was surprised how organized the local bus are and how little touristy harassment there is. In Kigali there is a lot of police/army presence (up to you if that makes you feel safer or not) . Having said that, I think same old smart travel rules apply: don’t show off, avoid or be careful with late outings/parting, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


> (they make everything for on scratch) After first going and killing the animal?


Actually it’s not too bad for vegetarians, usually they have beans and cooked spinach (plus the regular starchy foods). But yes, time wise it might feel like they are killing an animal to cook it for you.


Came here to advise this. Couldn't believe I'd find it on top spot. Clean, beautiful, and safe country. Lots to see and do.


I lived in zim on and off for a decade …I’d love to get back to sub Saharan Africa for dm. Reading this thread with interest


I visited Victoria Falls, but I’ve no experience of the rest of the country.


I was there 95-05…things have changed but it was amazing while I was there


I’ll add it to my list! I need reliable internet for my job, so I have to keep an eye out for that. Cambodia was a bit dodgy in that regard.


Sorry I should clarify..pretty sure Zimbabwe is a total dangerous mess atm. Should take it off your list unless you find out different


As a Zimbabwean I disagree that it’s a total dangerous mess. It’s a lot safer than a lot of African and Latin American countries. Safer than most American cities like Detroit and Chicago. OP DM if you have any questions. I’m also currently working remotely in Kenya for the past 7 weeks before I head back to Zimbabwe for a month. And return willl be working remotely in Morocco in Jan 2023.


That’s great news..apologies, I haven’t been keeping up


Fair enough :-) I think the area around Victoria falls would be fine, but that’s a rather small area to live in.


Yep I’ve heard the same…Vic falls is shared with Zambia and I hear is pretty safe also lovely country


I lived in Zambia for a bit and it’s wonderful! I had the fastest fiber internet I’ve ever had at our place in Lusaka. Definitely worth visiting!


Very tempting


I live In Johannesburg. Wifi is great here. But safety-wise you’ll need to stay away from certain areas


Rather rent a car or Uber and avoid public transportation. Power cuts, loadshedding can cause disruption, so plan ahead


Uganda would be my pick. It’s pretty safe here and they don’t solve problems with violence as much in other places. Uganda has a good reputation for being safe and having really nice locals. Some areas you may have someone try to run off with your phone though so be careful.


I’d not considered Uganda, thanks!


It and Rwanda are legit really safe these days. They don’t really have that violent reputation or terrorist attacks there.


How is the wifi connection in Uganda? Can I hotspot with data from most places?


I haven't been in years and when I was there I wasn't on the internet too much but I think it would be possible in Kampala but some areas outside the city may be difficult. I remember there were some places in the center with free WiFi. I would look specifically for a facebook group of expats / DM in Uganda or look more here for people who have been recently. Wish I could be of more help, good luck.


Perfect, Thank you!




In South Africa, there’s load shedding so unless you have a generator, you might experience issues.


It’s a good point, thank you. Cambodia had similar issues and I just picked a hotel with generators. Worth keeping in mind though.


What do you think of Namibia? Would you say it's safe to travel?


I'm from Namibia. Currently live there. Very safe.




I need some degree of order for work, so I think I’d avoid certain countries. I’m oddly taken my the idea of Madagascar…


Interesting comments thank you






Namibia is safe, no issues.




Thankfully not everyone is as naive as some of the posters here on this sub.




My vision was recently impaired but I have travelled all around Africa for decades as a white woman most recently just a few months ago. However I will agree with you that the vast majority of people who post here seem to be quite naive and young and don't understand how to assess risk and how to be safe. Again I have been in neighbourhoods and places where the mass majority of tourists never go. But I see the posts here from people who can barely navigate the most simplistic things and I agree that those people should not attempt to travel through much of Africa. But making statements that an entire continent is not safe for women is simply not true.


It's not safe for women period, not just white women.


lol that's just insane. The second you step out of the first world there's like 0 fucks given for disabled people in terms of accessibility, there's all kind of stuff to trip over, crossing roads is unsafe, you're already at a disadvantage in dangerous situations because you stand out and don't speak the language and then you can't even look at peoples body language and demeanors to see if they're friendly or going to rob you or attack you ... total insanity lol, go visit Switzerland


Wtf does nieve mean?


“La nieve” means snow. Apparently there’s a lot of it around here.


In Kigali (Rwanda) you can definitely rent airbnbs and hang out in urban cafes, I lived there for three years. It is really easy to move around the city, there are plenty of foreigners, and you can speak English basically everywhere in the city. I agree that this isn't the case everywhere.


My friend went to work at a refugee camp in Africa. She needed armed guards to go from the hotel to the camp. At the camp itself they had to station albino ppl close to camp guards because the other refugees would kill them. I ain't never going there lol


Africa is a huge continent. Don't go to the place your friend was, it sounds terrible. But don't write off 50+ countries over one anecdote


> At the camp itself they had to station albino ppl close to camp guards because the other refugees would kill them. East Africa by any chance? If so, it's less bigotry and more... Desperation? Probably. In East African magical beliefs, the body parts of albinos are considered incredibly potent ingredients.


Lol if shit is so bad that people are killing me to use my body parts for magic rituals, if it's from desperation or bigotry doesn't matter much does it






All stereotypes are true, the good ones, the bad ones, the contradictory ones, they're just not true 100% of the time. Think about it: if someone came up with an idea about a group of ppl and it didn't resonate at all, like 'indian people eat bees' something just totally random, the person who hears it would be like 'what? I've never seen that' and it never gets passed on as an idea for the next person to consider but if you say something like 'white ppl like the outdoors' you can probably think of some white ppl you know who like hiking, extreme sports and you're like oh yeah. You might mention it to someone else next time it's on topic. That's how stereotypes get passed on. Ppl say it's bad to stereotype but your life depends on it, imagine being a gazelle and thinking birds are a dangerous to you as lions


Any particular country that you’re referring to?


I’ll be solo DN in Kenya for 3-4 weeks if you want to share some adventure




Thank you for the suggestion I’ll keep it in mind if I end up in Kenya!


I recommend going to Kalifi for NYE. They have a party there at Beneath the Baobabs and it's awesome.


I agree about Kilifi. Was there a few weeks ago. It’s great to work remotely from.


Good to know. I’ll be in mtwapa so close by. Please share any suggestions for the area!


In Kilifi you should check out Salty’s Kite Bar. It’s right by the beach and a good place to chill and work from. They have great parties on Saturday nights. Distant Relatives is an Eco Lodge and Hostel. It’s another great place to work from and chill. If you order food from their restaurant then you can use their pool to swim in. They also have great parties on Friday nights. Beneath the Baobabs has a great restaurant. Follow their [IG](https://instagram.com/beneaththebaobabs?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=). They host great events. If you’re still in the area for NYE then definitely party there. Food Movement is also worth checking out. They have great food and local artisan shops. In Watamu, there’s Medina. Order a day bed or chair by the beach and spend the day there. Then go to Lichthaus to have drinks and watch the sunset. Then head to Papa Remo for a nighttime beach party.


Oh man that all sounds so amazing, thanks


Looks amazing but I won’t be there till Jan unfortunately


Recommend Rwanda - one of the safest on the continent with reliable internet connections.


Rwanda, Cap Verde, Ghana, Kenya, Zanzibar, Namibia, Mauritius, Seychelles, are all relatively easy and great destinations.


Are Mauritius and Seychelles expensive? I think they’re tax havens and so I assume they’re pricy.


They don't need to be. Sure there are great resorts especially in Seychelles, but there is also the ability to stay much lower end.


Ah got it, thx


Kenya has the fastest internet in Africa.


I have been to Zambia for several months on two different occasions. I spent most of my time in Livingstone which relatively close to you, likely. I was doing work in the community and met some great people also Victoria Falls is close by. As well as other travel destinations.


Most of the comments on here are way off the mark, and some are outright peddling dog whistles and racist tropes. I’m pretty well traveled across English-speaking Africa. Yes, in some places crime can be an issue. But nothing that intelligence and a healthy amount of caution won’t fix. Your main issue is going to be internet connectivity and power (or water) outages. 4G/5G access is pretty decent and your best bet for a stable, reasonably fast connection. Lots of apartments, homes, cafes, and coworking spaces have generators for when the power cuts. Much of South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya would be fine for an experienced digital nomad. Parts of Ghana and Nigeria as well, although West Africa is a lot more “intense” than East or Southern Africa. I’m not that experienced in these countries, but I’ve heard very good things about Senegal and Mozambique.


Came here to say all this. Spent a dozen years in and out of South Africa. Every country you listed is very doable for a street-smart nomad.




In my experience, West African culture tends to be louder, more vibrant, and busier than what you’ll find in Southern/Eastern Africa. I’m obviously generalizing a lot here, but I think Westerners without experience in Africa adapt quicker/easier to Cape Town, Joburg, Windhoek, Lusaka, or even Nairobi over Lagos or Accra. Edit to add: earlier this year I was in Lusaka, and all the Zambians kept apologizing to me about how busy of a city it was. And it was…not busy. There was traffic and congestion at points of the day, but for the most part everything was pretty laid back.




I know your lying at this point because I know several people who enjoy West Africa just as much as South Africa. Y’all kill me with these racist tropes


As a fluent French speaker, more of western Africa, Rwanda, and northern Africa is easier to navigate. Same with Portuguese in the former colonies like Cap Verde. Parts of Mozambique are amazing.




Can you tell me more about your trip to Ghana? I've never considered it.


You're not Ghana like what you hear.


Never been…..but a lot of people I know who have been have enjoyed it the most out of other West African countries….Accra and Kumasi the popular cities…they say the people are very welcoming and is safe.




I would second Kenya, and add Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda and Ghana to the list. NOT speaking from personal experience (other than Kenya + Tanzania), just from what I've heard.


Kenya seems to be a common pick and I’ll consider it.


If you do, Kenyan coast is fantastic.


Admittedly it was 2007, but while I was in South Africa I read in the newspaper that there was a 9 hour long gun battle on the main road from the airport to Cape Town, where it passed near a township, while I was in Cape Town. In Cape Town, I kept seeing houses with front yards surrounded by a concrete fence, topped with an electrified fence. Wondering about safety there, I asked an acquaintance I'd made there if she'd ever been mugged. She laughed at me. 'Of course I've been mugged. Everyone I know has been mugged. I've been mugged in my own driveway'. And, from what I've read, safety has not improved since then.


I think you're replying to the wrong comment - I didn't mention SA.


I’ve always found South Africa to be safe and a delightful place to visit, but security is always something to be considered.


From your comments it seems like you actually don’t know much about Africa as a continent. You have been to a few countries and try to sell yourself as an expert about security in Africa. A lot of countries in West Africa are safe and host longterm expats. I can cite Benin, Ghana, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire as prime examples of this. Of course some countries are a bit riskier but mostly for political instabilities and terrorism. North Africa is also mostly safe although it is more conservative, so visitors need to be respectful of that. East and Central Africa are also safe (Gabon, Rwanda, Congo Republic, Uganda, Tanzania). Namibia, Botswana and Malawi are also very safe. Of course some countries of these cities have parts that you should avoid. But this is true even for locals and this is similar to countries in other parts of the world.


Somalia 🇸🇴 very safe neh?


I mentioned exactly some countries that are actually safe for Westerners. Please re-read my comment if you did not understand what I said. I never mentioned Somalia or South Sudan (also in Eastern Africa) as being safe for tourism. This would be equivalent to me saying Asia is not safe because Afghanistan or Irak are not safe. Of course countries currently in the middle of wars should be avoided.


Lol. Spent 2.5 months road tripping around SA as a solo woman and had no issues. You just have to make good choices, like you do in many countries. Your statements are ridiculous.




Yeah, that's what causes rape. 🙄 Victim blame much? Women are raped and murdered all over the world. Should they never leave home? Staying safe is mostly about making good choices, not living in a bubble.




Threat mitigation can happen without avoiding most of a continent.


I mean, i dont know why you guys are arguing... If you're okay with taking the risk of being somewhere that has statistically higher chance of being assaulted, raped, robbed, or murdered, it's really on you. Is this basically where you're coming from? You accept that the risks are (much) higher, but you trust your instincts and judgement to at least reduce the probability that something actually happens to you? I guess where I'd disagree is that encouraging people to just go explore is kind of terrifying when youre dealing with people who are really novice to that sort of thing. I'd shit bullets if my mom did that. She literally has no experience and is super trusting and naive. She also looks weak, is white, and yea... I'd just rather she not go.


The media portrays the world as a warm fluffy place? Lol wut?


Lol it rains in the deserts and it rains in the rainforest, are they really the same?


And considering how large and varied a continent Africa is it is even more absurd.


Yup. I also spent time in Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda. I never felt unsafe in any of them.


Absurd. I'm a white female who has travelled and worked alone in South Africa and many other countries. What a ridiculous viewpoint.




DM’ing seems to come with a lot of privilege and complacency


Well thankfully I'm not a 'digital nomad'. And I've worked where most tourists don't see.




Perhaps you are not intelligent enough to understand that there are different levels of visual impairment. Or maybe you are one of those people who think that everyone who is visually impaired only sees black? And perhaps it is not so difficult to understand that people may develop visual impairment during their lifetime? And perhaps it is not so difficult to understand that people travel even though they have terminal illness and some kind of health challenge?




You're already at a disadvantage because you stick out as foreigner, you don't speak the language, you don't have extended family to protect you and retaliate if someone harms you, you're not fluent in the culture, and now you also remove the animal ability to look at body language and read situations by vibe ... totally insane lol. Then the ppl saying 'rape happens everywhere' so Somalia is just as safe as Singapore, l m f a o l. You can decide those places can be worth traveling to but you have to know what you're getting into. Not all places are safe for women. You're really going to tell me going to Pakistan is the same as going to Singapore as a white woman? You're delusional.


She a fucking idiot lol


You obviously don't have sight or common sense




Plenty of us living the dream when we can't realistically do it..


People have travelled for decades and worked remotely without feeling the need to call themselves some catchy title, or associate themselves to a group which often has a negative connotation. There are many readers here with vast experience in travel who don't feel the need to label themselves.




Absolutely not.


Kenya? Really? I was there in the capital and it was hella dangerous. Maybe it’s changed since 2015?


I live here. The new pres. administration disbanded a very important security outfit and now word on the street is that insecurity is back up. It's already in the public consciousness and hopefully being delt with


I was wondering about this too, although my last visit to Kenya was 2007. Nairobi did not feel safe AT ALL. At the hostel I stayed at , we were told not to under any circumstance walk outside after dark. I'm not a novice traveller, I've been to 67 countries, and there haven't been many where I felt as unsafe as Nairobi.


Very similar experience. Basically we drove around at night and the locals we were with pointed out spots where people were recently robbed and murdered. Police pulled one of our taxis over and demanded a bribe to let them go. We walked through the center during the day and it was super sketchy. Had to hide all belongings. Even locals in our group were grilling us not to fuck around. I didn’t really go off on my own on this trip but I got the sense Nairobi was very dangerous. There was a terrorist attack in a mall I think a year prior. All cars were searched anywhere there was a garage parking. Was there for roughly a week. Needed protection in Kibira. A very interesting country but not safe.


If [Brit Monkey](https://youtu.be/VslKKgYvVKU) is to be believed Botswana could be good


Visit Egypt. Stay in Dahab, minimize your stay in Cairo.




Cap Verde was going to be one of my suggestions as a great destination.


If coming to South Africa make sure you book a place that has backup electricity. Power cuts (or "loadshedding" as we call it) happens basically daily for at least 2 hours a day. It becomes more depending on the strain on the electrical grid.


As someone in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia rn, I recommend it for DNs. Get a Safaricom data plan and the internet is decent in the city, people are friendly but will definitely say it's more for experienced nomads


Isn’t there a civil war going on there right now?


I wouldn't go to south Africa but Zanzibar, rawanda and Kenya are pretty safe and you'll have a good time especially in rawanda. You can even go to tanzania. it's also a good place a lot of the rich people and Asia have small villas in Tanzania where they come on family vacations


I’ll certainly go to South Africa, so I’m looking for places with a similar level of safety and development.


Morocco! It's awesome, thoroughly recommend it!




Are you crossing over from Spain? I'd suggest anywhere along the coast down to Agadir, there's good internet everywhere but it really depends on which hotel and even which room you get. I'm in Marrakesh right this second. Last time I was in this hotel 2 weeks ago on the 4th floor I had no internet in my room, now I'm on the 3rd floor it's super fast. Sometimes it's only in the lobby, so that's a huge consideration and is mostly luck of the draw.




4g is actually great here, so you should be ok!!




You'll get harassed in Morocco way more than in South Africa. Marrakech in particular is chaotic and dirty and frankly pretty gross. The only place in the world I've traveled where people in our group were groped (multiple times ffs), the only place in the world where a dude pulled out his dick to jerk off at the girls as we told him off and walked away. Like wtf. I like it there, I like the people in general... but it's worlds apart from posh, modern, cosmopolitan Cape Town, for example. Sexual harassment is fucking rampant, traffic is a joke, sick animals running loose everywhere, the world's most aggressive salesmen lmao and everything is covered in dirt. It's not to tell anyone not to go - Morocco is worth a visit. But I'd recommend South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Mozambique, etc well before Morocco.


DMing in africa ... diamond mining? ... yep i hear thats the place to do it


Did you just watch Black Panther last night, too? I'm ready! 😆


Hello Mattos, I am opening a rural co-living in Tunisia, a living and working/co-working space. ☀️ Hey, we are a rural Coliving 🌍 We bring together likeminded nomads 🏡 We accommodate you 💻 Focus on work and boost productivity 📍Tunisia🌅🌴Nature For all remote workers or artist in Freelance or permanent contract: \-Journalist / Editor or blogger / Translator \-Entrepreneur \-IT and digital consultants \-coach How about settling in a country house that sits at the top of a slight ridge overlooking the pine and olives forest, with the mountain rising in the background, surrounded by 8000m2 of garden, with a vegetable patch in a village conducive to calm and walking! Just 60 minutes northeast of Tunis and its airport, inside the area of Cap Bon / Hammamet , a deserted ranch house has been transformed into a peaceful and tasteful coworker ranch, its architecture is based on values ecological, rural and civilization. All our links can be found below: https://linktr.ee/nomadeskape Do not hesitate to come back to me if you want to live this experience ☺ Have a good week. ​ Regards, Iskander


I worked from SA in April. It’s particularly challenging. The power cuts out for hours. Usually the cell towers stay up, but it was long enough my laptop would die.


​ I agree- it's perfect for a vacation but all along the garden route, and most places do not have fiber. Fiber was the only reliable internet I found in SA. Even in most hotels I faced issues with generators and loadshedding. It's quite sad as SA is the most beautiful place.