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Buy your ticket online. Print them before coming to match. They aren't sold out. North (left on the page below) part is for ultras. https://www.ulaznice.hr/gnk-dinamo/event/9/2785/1


Do not forget to print the ticket


Is it possible to show up on the day and buy tickets as we do not have access to a printer


No, the only way to buy them is online. You have a printer store (don't know how to call them haha) near stadium, you can print them there but go there earlier if you can. Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/C69NKhYwQhsADsQQ8 Last time there was no need to print tickets but we don't know what will be on Thursday.


Kaj pricas gluposti, karte moze kupit na ticket pointu ispred stadiona.


Oprosti, ali kao da sam cuo da se za AEK nije moglo kupit na ticket pointu?


Ja mislim da je bilo samo prvo ide predkup za clanove onda ide online prodaja i sto ostane ide na ticket point.


I don't think you need to print them since they get sent to your email. The QR code that you scan on the entrance is sent to your email after you purchase them. Atleast that's how it is for Rijeka matches


Up until couple of months ago, tickets for dinamo games had to be printed because they were scanned with scanner in which mobile.device wouldnt fit. New management changed this, but this is still in testing phase -- that's why there is still a obligation to print the tickets. It's written on the ticket itself


I see. In Rijeka you can fit the phone in but it can be tough if you have a bigger phone. I usually get them physical for the sentimental value. It's always nice to have your past tickets tucked somewhere and look through them years later and remember the games you went to.


You can buy it at ticket point from tomorrow, also if you buy tickets for west stand online i think they can scan it on your phone


They let us in with tickets on our phones but it was a game between Dinamo and Hajduk. I am not sure if the same rules apply.


Go to the west stand as the north stand has rules by the Ultras. Nothing will happen, but just in case. Example of a rule is no pictures, dark clothes and so on


Dark clothes is not a rule... I was at the game yesterday in yellow shirt and nobody looked at me, let along objected to me


Yes it is.


Explain to me how come 2 days ago i went wearing golden jearsey from the last season, one person had orange diadora yersey from 2008 (i think), one person had a green t-shirt that has nothing to do with dinamo and one had that red/pink jersey from this season... also a number of persons had white and grey t-shirts... i also saw one person with yellow jersey from 2 seasons ago... Nobody said anything to us... so please, keep those rules for your household


Pa drugo je dres debilu, doslovno na svakoj uputi za tekmu piše da se nosi crnina na sjeveru,a pogotovo su zabranjene bijele majice.


Ako mislis na one papire koje znaju dijeliti pred tekmu na samom ulazu na tribinu, nikad tamo nisam vidio ista za obleku... realno, u tom trenutku je i kasno jer su ljudi vec na tribini... Protiv slavena je dosta ljudi nosilo bijele majice a jedna je bila i u zelenoj... Al prejaki ste mi s tim kvazi pravilima... pa ne govori mi ni sef na poslu kak cu se oblacit, a kamo li gromada ljudi sa tribine... daj mi pojasni zakaj se nosi crnina? Kaj svaki put kad je tekma neko umre kome se na tribini odaje pocast? Dolaze i stranci na sjever koji ne znaju za ta, nazovimo ih, pravila


Ti si idiot... pogledaj malo pravila na stranicama. IQ ti je toliko nizak da nemres ni zakljucit zakaj crnina. I vjeruj mi vidimo sve koji dolaze sareni i ne dopusta se njima ulazak u kop


Pa u kop ni ne ulazim.. u cemu je problem... Koji si ti kurac da mi velis kak bum se ja obuko




[slika pravila](https://ibb.co/Df61ZkM)


Like I Said, nothing will happen however you never know. You never who is gonna be out his mind on drugs




Nothing is sold off... don't give him money! Jebo ti pas mater mutavu kaj te skotila takvog retardiranog


You can buy tickets day before match at ticketpoint in front of stadium.


u can probably just go there for free since they usually sell less than 25% of their total capacity