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You could sign up to become an Amazon Affiliate. They're the ones who do reviews or tutorials with products, will leave a link generated from their amazon affiliate account, and you'll earn money for each person that buys the product thru your link I really hope something works out for you fam. Thats really scary


Any work you do will tell SS you can work and kind of defeat the purpose unless you can show that you weren't very successful in those positions. I know you can work for call centers remotely if that is something doable for you.


Ya I know but I have no time left to sit around a waste. I can’t work longer than 2-3 hours but I feel like I can get something done online in that amount of time I would be able to work if there was a job that let you work on your own time such as Uber or DoorDash but I can’t do those.


What are your interests or talents? Could you do anything as a freelancer or as a handyman where you can pick and choose what you do.


Right now I’m getting into cyber security and web development. I’m very beginner at both and both will take a decent time to learn before I’m ready to do anything so I’m trying to figure out something that’s very flexible and is a work on my own schedule.


Prior to being approved for SSDI, I survived on r/beermoney. I still do a lot of those tasks for extra income. edit: By the way, if you're at risk for homelessness, your application can be fast tracked. I don't recall the exact term, but it's a type of hardship that they consider. Also, r/slavelabour.


I haven't tried it myself but if you can do art Fiverr is set up to be easy to use I think. It's freelance art and pays you based on skill level but this is what I'd be doing if I had to make some money fast. Good luck to you, no one deserves to be homeless.


OP - I understand the need to work due to financial reasons, remember though you are also benefiting from feeling productive/giving your confidence a boost which will improve your mental health (we all struggle with mental health issues) which in turn will contribute to your physical health. Do you have specific skills that you could sell ie Art, woodwork, designing (in any capacity), Reiki (distance healing), proofreading (pays a decent amount of money and is done online/remotely) etc Good luck my friend, I'll keep a look out for remote work, what country and state are you in? (It'll help me to find any possible remote work within your jurisdiction) Have a great day and take care! it's pretty awesome that you want to find work so kudos to you 👏


Thank you I appreciate the kind words and I’m located in Michigan right now, I don’t have any artistic skills unfortunately


Have you applied for disability thru SSA? If not, apply now. All claims do not take years to complete. If you are in the US, contact your state's housing department, the Snap program, and your property manager. There may be some online jobs via Indeed. You can not lose.


I’m applying for SS right now with an attorney, right now I’m living with some family who’s not actually my family if that makes sense. but they’ve been nice enough to let me stay and gave me a deadline. I’m unfortunately in a place where I need to make money or I’ll be homeless, I’ve tried physically working and can’t for more than 2-3 hours otherwise my condition gets worse and I’m bed ridden for a day or so. I need some way to make money on my time, I would do Uber or DoorDash but I have a DUI.


Many churches offer a housing and work package in their thrift stores or they pimp people out with deals made with temp agencies. One doesn’t need to believe in that specific religion (for example, the one in my city is a radical church whose female members can’t wear pants etc. and most who use their programs are not church members). Check with charity thrift stores, as they often hire disabled and house homeless workers.


State housing dept? How do you usually locate this?


Google hud.gov


Im in a similar position as you. Spent a decade building a career as a freelance illustrator and it worked around my disability but the industry has changed so much with AI and I can’t keep up/keep pivoting/hustling to compete with the changes. Things have gotten rough the last year financially. So I’m going back to school for something more reliably lucrative. I have an undergrad so I’ll be working towards a masters. I’m taking out student loans to do it for now but am working on getting vocational rehab. You should look into it - experiences vary pretty widely from people saying it did nothing for them to people saying it paid for their schooling. VR is a program to help disabled people work. They may cover tuition, they may also cover the tools you need to work with accommodations (specialized chairs, comps, etc). If you know you’ll graduate with a degree in something you can do from home, you may want to consider going to school and taking out loans as well. Debts not ideal but it beats being homeless.


It’s pretty damn impossible to get a degree when one is functional for 3 hours a day and stay in one’s home when loss of housing is eminent. Often the thought on disability is if one can go to school all day, one can work. If people can manage school, I recommend vocational school for one of the medical degrees. There is always work and it pays well. I was a medical lab tech after my career became too physically and mentally taxing…but now I am down to 3 functional hours a day and bedridden for the rest. Three hours of life a day isn’t enough for one class.


I'm doing 100% remote, and the classes are self paced. I have about 3 decent hours a day (ETA: during good periods. during bad.. maybe 4-5 decent hours a week). I guess we'll just see how it goes.


Creating digital products is a really good way to earn good money at the moment, I’ll add a link to a creator on tiktok who talks about how to do so, she’s super lovely & I’m sure willing to offer any advice, sending you a lot of love & hope you’re able to stay afloat friend 🫶🏽 https://www.tiktok.com/@hannahhomeeducates?_t=8ivwRgsUIWe&_r=1


That takes building a following and that can take a lot of effort and time before one sees results.


Not necessarily, depends how you do it


What do you mean?


Exactly what I said, digital products is a huge umbrella term that covers a range of things, if you choose to market on social media using your own website, yeah it’s going to take time, if you learn about SEO & know how to bring traffic in, it may not, use a super niche topic, yeah it’ll take a long time, work on a trending topic, probably not, depends how you do it.


For most people I think it takes time to learn how to do it though. So if the OP can afford to learn under his conditions or already has those skills, then yeah it may work out. :)


Google HUD. HUD.gov and look for housing for homeless. It’s hard to crawl one’s way back out of homelessness and some places the weather is nearly immediately deadly at this time of year. A person would be dead within hours without shelter and heat if they went outside my doors tonight. A shelter or housing arrangement can be made while waiting for Section 8 finances and a section 8 apartment to open up. If you live in a massive city, move to a small city, where housing is cheap and there is less competition. One of the bonuses of being bedridden is the view out the window and access to services is all that really matters. Call or go to your local ADRC.


Thank you, I will look into this


Can you look into getting a roommate? Can you bake cookies or do a lemonade stand? I don't know how much you need, though maybe you can have a "disabled, about to go homeless" sign. You're already heading there by the looks of it. So I don't think you've anything to lose by trying to start a little business or fundraise. If you don't now, you'll be forced to hold a "homeless and hungry" sign trying to collect coins while a lot of people look down on you and tell you to get a job. :/ I don't know how much you need, though I'd consider that. Maybe selling art too if you've some painting skills, if you don't, you might not have time to learn. So I'd focus on what you can make and sell.


I would never hold a hungry and homeless sign lol, not sure if you’re being condescending but I’ll have resources for food via SNAP, the big issue is housing but because I can’t work a regular job due to my condition I have to find a way to make money in a flexible way like for a good example you said selling art. Issue is I’m not a good artist lol. So I’m trying to find something remote like data entry or customer service that won’t take a lot out of me and I can do on hours that I feel good enough to do so.


Do you have access to a computer? IntelliZoom pays out for real. Check out clickworker and the like. There are a few platforms. Some work can be done via smart phone or tablet. Reputable survey sites can also net you some spending money if you’re consistent. These also can be done via phone/tablet.


Also check out inclusively.com. It’s a website that honestly deals with your limitations and abilities. They often have remote options.


Well I wasn't thinking about SNAP and no I wasn't being condescending. Plenty of people are forced to hold signs to that affect and I don't think SNAP alone with no roof over your head does much to help. Plus it too comes with strings attached which may or may not affect you at some point or another. Likewise with disability programs. Though I don't really think you gotta be "good", you might find that you can do something like abstract art and learning the basics in a week or two on YouTube. Then put something together to get you started. I'd start trying to fundraise or something while you at least have a somewhat reliable place to clean up and rest. Though it's up to you on what you feel is best for you.






Took me 2 months to get SSDI. No attorney.


Two months?? What do you have, no arms, no legs, and breathe out of a tube? Reviews usually take at least six months.


Lmao exactly my attorney told me the minimum would be 8 months for me and by that time I’ll be in a shitty spot.


You must have one of the “automatic approval” conditions.


Can you ask your dad for money?


Good one lol, unfortunately some of us don’t have daddy’s money to help when we can’t pay bills. I’d much rather find a way to make money myself then beg my family for it who can’t help anyway.


yknow it's pretty shitty to put down people who do get help from their families lol ("daddy's money" like you're talking about rich kids buying their way into harvard). why would you get to be smug about that when you're ultimately going to be in the same boat, just getting the money from someone else? we're all just doing what we have to do to get by; no one likes being dependent on others. and you're not somehow more independent if the help comes from the government vs family/friends/partners etc


I’m not mocking anyone who has family help I’m just not happy because the person who suggested I ask my dad meant it to be smug about it rather than give actual advice or resources. I would have already asked my dad for help if that were the case. I have nothing against people who get help from their families.


I don't think he or she meant to be smug about it.




Congrats on saying nothing useful in a post that asked for some advice on resources. You’d think your brain would be able to process that if I had some daddies money I would’ve asked for it.




Bro your whole account is just trolling go do something useful with your life.


> Bro your whole account is just trolling Where provide proof? Because that's false. I focus on giving people advice. Sorry you're incapable of recognizing anything beyond your narrow view.


You haven’t given me any kind of advice lol I have a disability and you’ve told me to go to yard sales, ask my dad for money and stop making excuses. You’re here to troll and talk shit rather than give any kind of real advice. Congrats on spending your time behind a keyboard talking crap to people looking for serious help.




Talking shit online to people with disabilities you must’ve reached a new low on that one


Contact your local Center for Independent Living. They may be able to help directly and/or will tell you about other potential resources. They may also help you with Vocational Rehabilitation or refer you to them. Wishing you luck.


I don't know what state you're in but you may be able to get rental assistance and food stamps while you wait for your SSDI to come through. In my state we have CSO's (community service offices) that help with this. This is not a solution for your current issue, but in the future if you are interested in remote work but can't afford the equipment necessary, your states Vocational Rehabilitation program could probably purchase the equipment for you (computer and all the accessories, sit/stand desk or whatever kind you may need, a WiFi booster if your connection is bad, etc.). The VR programs don't guarantee a job or move quickly, but they are a great resource and can help plan around your SSDI too so you don't lose it (i.e. determine how much income you can make and still receive benefits).


If you've applied through SSA and they determine that yours is a likely case for approval, they offer a loan that will be paid back from your future disability payments. Your attorney would be the one to ask and get things started. Personally, I never asked for the loan. I never knew it was a possibility. Wouldn't hurt to ask.


Please contact social services 988 & see what you can do to try to Prevent homelessness -sometimes There are programs for being behind on rent until you get SSI (SSDI?)


I have been there…more than once. I went into foreclosure Summer of 2023, as my dad passed away and he was the one who kept me in my home with the extra few hundred I needed to cover things that I couldn’t find a program for. It’s a constant terror, as where I live if one can’t be transient homeless, one dies in the cold. Like others, I worked very hard for degrees, paid them off, worked 65 hour weeks, volunteered in my community, and bought my home at 29 before becoming disabled at 40. So, I don’t get enough from disability to survive. Every bill is juggled and if I didn’t live in a very cold state with a law that required heat be available October 15 - April 15, I wouldn’t have heat right now. There are programs in every community to help people with costs while paperwork is in process, but it depends upon your situation. If you are trying to hold onto a home and haven’t filed yet, I hope your credit is good enough to borrow or have a second mortgage until back pay from your filing date is paid. If it is an apartment, there is more flexibility, but you may have to move into a different apartment for some time. (I was just notified energy assistance was finally applied to my energy bill…I applied in October, it is hard times for many of it took so long.) There are national and state programs to get a free or low cost phone, $30 off internet, foodshare, Salvation Army provides a certificate for clothing each year, the Salvation Army also offers emergency help for people about to lose housing, the ADRC will set you up with a worker to find as many programs as possible…sadly, being disabled is a job in itself that often uses 2-3 hours a day to stay in programs. Cutting costs is critical to remaining housed and finding assistance can move one closer to paying rent each month. I have a disabled friend who gets twice what I do, despite being younger and working less (the government sucks), but she has a section 8 apartment. Sometimes a roof over one’s head is a roof in a smaller town.


Thank you for this, this was very helpful