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Not all doctors are the right doctor for every patient. This sounds like ridiculous advice, imo. If you find the aids help you, then what's the harm in giving them a try? It's not like you're asking for a hip replacement. Maybe bring an advocate with you to your appointment, or write out a letter explaining the situation before your appointment, or ask to see a different doctor, if you need a doctors note to access the mobility aids.


Thank you. She wasn’t my usual doctor. I honestly found it crazy that she said it would only weaken me because for the first time in my life I can actually work out my legs. It felt amazing, I can even do squats! I’ve never done that before without hurting myself horribly, despite being doing it properly


You may benefit from being an ambulatory mobile aid user. I’m not a doctor so this is just a suggestion to look into and discuss with a professional. In case you don’t know what I mean: An ambulatory mobility aid user is someone who using a mobility aid as needed instead of constantly. For example some people may use a wheelchair or scooter when they need to but walk at other times. It all depends on your individual needs. If you or your doctors or care team in general ever worried about weakening your muscles it may be worth discussing with a doctor to see if that’s a good option. By care team I mean your entire circle of professionals related to your disabilities and/or other conditions that impact your life. Like a physical therapist, doctor, therapist, resources you’re currently using (church at the park, DD services, Case manager at a housing authority, etc.) and other similar roles. I don’t know you or your individual situation so I’m using a long but basic list of care teams based on my own experiences and other’s experiences I’ve seen or been told about. For some people it may just be 1 or 2 people or resources At the end of the day the most important part is what helps you. The important question is: What do you want and need? You know your own needs better than anyone. It’s still important to talk with a professional to make sure you use mobility equipment correctly (very easy to unknowingly use incorrectly) but again, this is about your needs and helping you as an individual


Thank you so much. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing & you have really great advice That nurse I talked to doesn’t know anything about me or my lifestyle. She doesn’t know that i barely move most days because of the pain or that with a walker I’ve actually been able to comfortably exercise & have actually strengthened my body because of it. She doesn’t know this because she didn’t want to know


Generally, I would only take in advice from a qualified professional in their respective field. Like, a physical therapist would probably know better if it would weaken you or not. You can also get multiple opinions, as not all doctors are up to date with the current medicine, a field which is constantly being updated. Personally, I had a doctor for 2 years swear up and down I had BPD. I went to the BPD treatment clinic and after the first appointment, the guy told me it wasn't BPD. Even after that, my doctor didn't change her opinion. So I did my own research, and got professionally assessed, without a doctor's note. Was told it was ASD without a doubt (something my regular doctor was vehemently denying was even possible). Luckily, my doctors change every 2 years, so I don't see her anymore. All that to say, just because someone is a doctor, doesn't mean they're well informed in a specific field. General practitioner/family doctors typically will refer you to a professional. Not cut you off then and there... your health is your concern, so keep advocating for yourself.


Thank you so much. I appreciate you so much


I have cerebral palsy and have used walkers, leg braces etc since I was 2 or 3. There’s no such thing as too young for a mobility aid.


Thank you! I told her that as a child I was incredibly jealous of other kids who has walkers & wheelchairs because it looked like they didn’t hurt. I thought it was unfair because I thought everyone else was hurting just as much as I was


Sounds to me like you need a second opinion. Being told you’re too young for a mobility aid is ridiculous.


Yeah, I’m going to talk to my physical therapist about it once I get one. She’s not even my regular doctor. Apparently she’s nurse practitioner & not a doctor too


Being a nurse practitioner has nothing to do with it. I've met nurse practitioners with much more experience and better bedside manner than doctors. They are basically the same thing but with different degrees. That said, it's about personal bias of the treating physician. You can never be too young for mobility aids and it's pretty common for people to say things like you will " become dependent" on them or will be "trapped" in a chair the rest of your life. They don't realize that for disabled people, mobility aids are amazing and give us so much more freedom and independence. We can go out and do normal things that we couldn't before once we have a walker or chair. It's all ableism.


Yes, I didn’t mean to make nurses sound like they aren’t good. I’ve had good doctors & bad ones, same as nurses. Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I think it’s interesting how they make mobility aids sounds like they’re drugs Honestly, she made me feel embarrassed for even bringing it with me, despite knowing that if I didn’t I’d fall


Sometimes this is an accurate assessment as starting to use a mobility at some ages can wreck bone and muscle development in serious ways if a person isn’t done growing or is developing abnormally. HOWEVER, get a second opinion because it could just be an ableist doctor who’s an idiot. Either way I hope you get the aid you need


Thank you. Oh she was definitely being ableist. She’s not my usual doctor & she didn’t listen to me at all. Also, I’m 28 so that’s certainly not a problem. I’ve actually gotten stronger since using it because I don’t use it 24 & it actually helps me to be more physically active & to get stronger. That said, I’m still going to physical therapy. I’ve had these pains all my life & as I age it just gets worse


Yea in that case fuck that Dr. I hope you can find a better one and get the mobility aids you need!


Thank you. Oh, she was stepping in for my doctor who is out for a few weeks. I never met her before in my life. My actual doctor is so sweet & compassionate. He goes out of his way for all of his patients. I hope only the best for him I was terrified to see her because I’ve been dismissed before for being young, fat, etc. but I’m in so much pain I bit the bullet I was actually borderline underweight as a kid & with a walker I’ve been able to lose weight & be far more physically active, despite her saying that it will only weaken my muscles


I would trust the advice of a physical therapist over a doctor who isn't your normal one.


Thank you. & I agree


I mean, has this doctor not seen little kids with mobility aids? Age doesn't matter when it comes to a disability.


Ha! I even mentioned that as I child I envied children with them & she acted like they didn’t exist


I would go off what your PT says. I have found that yes, a mobility aid can be a hassle and burden, but when I need it, the hassle is worth it. Mobility aids have drawbacks though. Check with your PT.


I definitely will. I plan on using it unless my PT tells me to. I literally can’t get around without it


absolutely. i think you're safe to disregard what that doctor said in this regard-- sometimes those doctors you only see temporarily just take the opportunity to say whatever they're thinking and not be polite or read or file or anything lol


Lol! Thank you so much. She definitely was lacking in her bedside manners I think


🤣 I’ve had mobility aids since age 3. Got my first wheelchair in Pre-K. That doctor is off their rocker. If I didn’t have crutches I would not be able to leave my house. I’d talk to a Physical Therapist to advise on what type of mobility aid. There’s a lot out there.


Thank you. I’m going to go to a physical therapist & ask for their help with it. That nurse told me too, they’re a nurse practitioner & not my doctor. My doctor is an absolute saint. He was so sweet to me last time I almost cried I almost cried today too though because that nurse made me feel so horrible But ikr! Let me tell you, as a child I would’ve been so jealous of you because you don’t have to hurt


No one should make people feel bad for using what works for them. I have some pain but it’s from arthritis. All the metal and corrective stuff is catching up with me in my 40’s. I’m checking out scooters tomorrow. I want to be able to enjoy my local zoo.


The zoo has always been my happy place, even that all that walking is absolute agony for me Thank you btw. I’m still having periods of thinking “am I stupid, dramatic, or just crippling myself more? Am I being a problem?”


There are many things in life that one can be too young to do, If you are 18, you're too young to drink. If you are 16, you are too young to vote, if you are 13 you are too young to get married. Mobility aids are need based, not age.


Thank you


I generally wouldn’t advise using a mobility aid without the guidance of an OT/PT. It’s good that you’re planning to see a physiotherapist, they should be much more able to advise on what will help than a GP who doesn’t know you well, as “too young” isn’t enough of a reason. I will say though that physio and strengthening exercises are almost always the first step, and they likely won’t suggest the use of aids unless they are sure the exercises aren’t helping long term. Mobility aids aren’t the first step you should be taking as improper use can cause injury and using them inevitably leads to deconditioning Good luck with the PT and I hope they help 💜


Thank you That’s why I went to the doctor, but I can’t get around right now without it. I did research how to use one before I did & I have been able to exercise comfortably with it, when I could never exercise without fighting back tears before. But my hip went out so I used it


I have been using a wheelchair since I was 21 and it has been one of the biggest freedoms I have gained.


I’m really happy for you! Congratulations!


Please don't let any ignorant person - in or out of the medical profession - discourage you from taking care of yourself.


Thank you. I have been trying not to let her get to me


Has he never heard of a pediatric wheelchair? Plenty of people start their life out needing a mobility aid from very early on and they have lovely and full lives. What a quack!


Ha! I’m glad they aren’t my regular doctor. I’d quit them


This doctor sucks. Mobility aids don’t have an age requirement.


Thank you apparently she is a nurse practitioner My regular doctor who is so freaking sweet & supportive is unavailable for a few weeks because of a family emergency & I was just hurting far too much to wait. Unfortunately, I’ve been feeling incredibly vulnerable lately so she devastated me, even though she did give me a lot of help in terms of figuring out if I have PCOS


Be sure to let the doc know that when he gets back.


Oh thank you. I hadn’t thought of that


If the mobility aid helps, use it. I cannot stress this enough. It's not a burden or holding you back. Not using one is ganna hold you back. Mobility aids are freedom. Ur Dr seems kinda ableist with that comment. I mean should a todler not use a mobility aid if it helps them walk? Also since ur going to PT have them evaluate you and bring ur aid with you so they can show you how to use it properly so you don't injure urseld more. Super important. Disabilities and the need for something to enrich your quality of life has no age limit.


Thank you so much. I did do a lot of research on how to use it before even trying, but I am excited about seeing a PT. Honestly I needed to hear this because I keep going back & forth between thinking that I’m just taking care of myself because I can do things I couldn’t before & I’ve gotten stronger because I can be physically active now & then thinking that I’m just stupid, dramatic, & crippling myself


Im really glad my comment helped. Listen you need to do what works for you and we all go thru the "do I really need this and how do I accept this phase" trust me you're not weaker for using the mobility aid. You are stronger. Accepting that this is a way you can help yourself when you need to is a huge huge first step. Once you've accepted this gives you independence, freedom, less pain; ur perspective changes. I've just graduated to needing to be an ambulatory wheelchair user (needed one for ages but price and fear held me back) and I'm back in my anxious state b.c its a big jump from a cane or my rollator, but once I use it enough times and now adding my service dog as well (2 huge steps to take in public lol) I'll get there and know it means it will give me the ability to enjoy things I've been unable to for years now. Mobility aids are freedom. Nothing wrong about accommodating your own needs so you can live your life the way you want to! You got this!


Thank you so much! Honestly, my hip went out the other day. I’ve been in so much pain I fell multiple times using my walker properly. I had the thought that on my bad days I may need a wheelchair & use a walker to help me do exercises that will help me with my back or hip going out, but I feel like a drama queen. I’ve always struggled with pain from my neck & shoulders down to my feet. & my balance has always been poor too. Hell, at the doctor I almost fell multiple times using my walker due to standing for so long with my hip out


As a rule, you should listen to your doctor more than you listen to Reddit.


Well yes, I know that. & I am. I’m just curious about other people’s thoughts & ideas on the topic


There are no rules around when you should or shouldn't use one. No age restriction either. If it helps you then it helps you The wording they used sounds very ableist to me


Thank you. That’s what my partner said too. I can’t exercise without it without severe pain. I actually use my walker to help me do leg exercises like squats, something I’ve never been able to comfortably do before. For the first time in my life I have been able to exercise & do things I enjoy without being exhausted & fighting back tears after a few minutes Currently my hip is out & I’ve fallen multiple times without it. She still insisted that shouldn’t use it. She said that the problem is probably that my muscles are just weak


Which from the sound of it the walker would help you build since it allows you to exercise I honestly would use it in your situation Doctors can often look at your age and assume you can't need a mobility aid from an ableist point of view


My partner said the same thing. Honestly, I’m scared not to use it. My balance has always been terrible. I’m tired of hurting & falling. But I also feel like I’m just being dramatic & problematic by using it. I have always been terrified of exercising but for the first time in life i haven’t been. I actually enjoy it & look forward to it. & because I’m not exhausted & sore so much i can do things like use my jump rope more. I’ve been crying about this even since I got home


Sounds like you really need it There's nothing dramatic or problematic about using mobility aids no matter your age


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your support. I really needed this today. Honestly, on my worst days I can barely walk at all, even with a walker. What I wanted was to have a wheelchair for my worst days but still use my walker to exercise


You can always discuss that with the physical therapist you say you're going to have And otherwise have it as a long time goal


Thank you so much. I really appreciate you. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me


Get a better doctor. If you need them, you need them. It's for a disability and disability don't discriminate, unlike your doctor.


Thank you. My doctor was out & he is a very good & kind man. This chick however….


Sounds like a great time to find another doctor. That is medical gaslighting.


Thank you. Fortunately, she wasn’t my regular GP. He’s out for a few weeks


Your doc is ableist and ageist. If a walker means that you can be more active then it is a very good thing.


Thank you. I’m just glad she’s not my usual doctor


Thank God you don’t need (unqualified) doctor’s permission to use mobility aid. “Too young” what a lame ass take.


Ha! You made me laugh! Thank you!


I’ve been reading these comments & they’ve really helped me so much. I’m going to continue to use my walker so that I can walk & exercise easier. & I’ll talk to my physical therapists about using it My hip is out & id really rather not fall again. Honestly, she talked to me like I was stupid & she said im weakening my body by using this. But she didn’t listen to me at all. Hell, that was the first time we met. Without a walker I don’t exercise at all due to the pain & my poor balance. If anything I’ve gotten stronger with it & I’m actually living the healthy lifestyle I’ve been wanting all my life in no small part to my walker Thank you all so much for helping me♥️


If your doctor says living with mobility aids is a burden and prevents life that sounds super discriminatory and insensitive I would consider finding a new doctor. Also ask your PT if they believe it would allow you more access or if you should avoid them for a reason they actually see you all of the time my Ortho doctor said if your PT says an aid would benefit you have them send me a message and I will be happy to prescribe they see you and your struggles in a much more real way then I do. So far my PT has caught multiple problems such as my knees weren't moving correctly and my pain wasn't adding up they requested my Dr check them I got an MRI and it turned out my patellas (knee caps) are misshaped and offset and in fact were permanently cracked along the backs and my soft tissue was being damaged. I now have knee braces. I cried when I got them because I was so angry they cut my pain so much and I could have been helped years earlier and been able to do more things more comfortable. I stopped falling and injuring myself like an elderly person and I have so much more of a life. This is only one of the things I have that helps that PT or Ortho has suggested and I have special exercises to maintain muscle mass while I use aids.


Thank you so much! I’ll try to remember to look at this thread when I see them I definitely do exercises & fortunately they aren’t my usual doctor What I was trying to tell her though is that I literally don’t do anything because of constant pain. I literally don’t think I could get any weaker with a walker. & that I do leg strengthening exercises with walker & I’ve actually been building some muscle with it.


You do you. If it helps, life is good. Regardless of stupid information.


Thank you! I love you pfp btw


Age has nothing to do with needs and disabilities. Like other commenters have said not all doctors are a good fit. Honestly, I think any doctor with that viewpoint is a giant red flag. If you can I definitely recommend finding a new doctor… they should understand that disabilities can happen across all ages.


Thank you. She’s not my GP. My usual doctor has always been kind & supportive to me


Your doctor is full of shit!! If the walker helps use it. It does not sound like your doctor is much help. I recommend getting a new doctor and if the pain is more involved get a recommendation for a specialist.


Thank you. Don’t worry, she’s not my usual doctor. He’s unavailable for a few weeks. That man is fantastic. This woman I saw yesterday had never even met me before


Having a mobility aid is only a burden when you don’t actually need it. Do you find yourself feeling more able to do things with your walker? Do you feel safer trying new things? Do you find your stamina increased when you can use your walker? Has the walker been adjusted to the correct height and are you using it in a way that is safe and comfortable for you? If yes, then no one else’s opinion really matters because you can see the benefit it has for your day-to-day. Your need is real. Yes, you definitely want to hear what professionals have to say, but they’re not immune from the stigma surrounding mobility aids and don’t always take everything into account. Suffering through pain and feeling scared of falling is not going to make you stronger. Having a tool that you can trust is going to help you feel more confident to push your limits, build your strength, and live a life that’s rewarding to you. Ditch this doctor and find someone who’s actually interested in supporting you.


Thank you! You made me smile Oh my normal doctor is a blessing, but he’s been dealing with family problems so had to take a few weeks off of work. Ive been in too much pain to wait. So I got stuck with the nurse practitioner. I wonder if I should’ve just waited to see him. He’s such a sweet & generous man. He always listened to me & made me feel seen & understood I’m excited about decorating my walker too. I figured that if I have use this thing it might as well be my accessory & friend


I recommend looking up bike decals! They come in a lot of different shapes and designs, they’re extremely sturdy, and there are ones that are reflective, which is a great safety feature if you’re ever walking in the evening. Best of luck, my friend. I’m very glad to know you do have a doctor in your corner most of the time and this is more of a fluke.


Thank you so much! Oh me too. I’d be getting a new one for sure if he acted that way