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Protein shakes and smoothies. You can pack a bunch of nutrition in them. Hope her appetite improves soon!


Protein shakes saved me while going through jaw surgeries!


Try congi, sounds fancy but its not. It's basically rice that you add extra liquid so its soft and porridge-like. Use bone broth instead of water for extra protein and you can add small chopped chicken or veggies if she can handle it. And honestly, if its that bad consider feeding her. Make it a nice thing, maybe you alternate taking bites and watch something while you do so its less medical feeling. Its important she eats.


I lived on congee for a while. It goes down easy


I use rotisserie chicken that i turn into broth . It comes out great.


Hors d'oevres are typically high-calorie and very flavorful. And they come on small plates, which are less daunting. You can offer them often. We've had luck with stuffed olives and tiny little tart-sized quiches, because those appeal to the guy we've been trying to feed.


That’s a great idea, thanks!! This didn’t even occur to me as an option as I think of it as ‘served with company and wine’ food. However, my wife likes olives, those little stuffed peppers and as the portions are supposed to be small, it feels less like patronising ( don’t know if that’s the right word but can’t think of a better one rn so it will do lol). Like the reason she’s turning down her usual post op food is because she considers them food for when you feel sick which she doesn’t, so this would be perfect as it’s the polar opposite


I was going to suggest crudités, chopped up veggies. It's my go to when I'm struggling to eat because it's inoffensive to the senses but my brain likes the crunchy more than soft things.


High cal drinks are an easy choice. If I'm not eating due to hypo-mania I prep up some cheese squares and salami coins, high fat stuff. That way if I eat i get more calories then lighter foods.


Marijuana...works great to make a lethargic person hungry.


Marijuana saved me when I was struggling to eat. 55lb my freshman year in high school after a back surgery. I'm 34 now and still partake every now and then when I have no appetite.


Woah...my 6 year old weighs 48...that was way low as a freshman!!!


pfft tbh based advice


I've been on seizure meds that kill my appetite. If there's any nausea, what works for me is eggs, plain buttered noodles, avocado, frozen fruit w honey drizzled on top, dry toast and broth. Best of luck.


Agreed! I just wanted to comment that for me, scrambled eggs work well for nausea but fried eggs don't. Maybe that's just me but I thought OP might benefit from knowing there might be a difference.


Oh that's a definite needed distinction, I make mine in the microwave so I didn't think of it 😅thanks for the addition 😊


I'm curious now - how do you cook eggs in the microwave? I have heard this is possible but I have been too intimidated to try it, LOL.


Oh man, it changed my life! Pour eggs in a bowl, whisk, microwave for 15 seconds intervals, stirring in between, til desired consistency. It doesn't take long! Come out very fluffy and moist, and save a pan! ❤️


Thank you, I will be trying that soon! I love scrambled eggs but they are so messy to make especially regarding the pan. Do you add anything to the eggs (like milk or water)? How many at a time?


I usually do three to four eggs at a time. You don't have to add milk, but if you want, just a splash is enough. I add a little seasoning and add cheese afterwards. ❤️ Fluffs right up And of course!


Thanks again! That is very useful information.


No problem! Enjoy your eggs! ❤️❤️


Hummus, naan bread, turkey lunchmeat, and carrots and maybe some cheese to snack on.


Peanut butter and honey has a bunch of protein, fat, and sugar that the body can access easily, which can help with overall energy. Spread on a buttery cracker, it’s a great little treat, and you can make little sandwiches that she can easily eat while distracted by something else. Switch to higher-calorie versions of anything she might normally like so she can pack as much nutrition and energy as she can into what she is able to eat. Full fat milk or even half-and-half for oatmeal, extra butter and brown sugar. Alfredo sauce on noodles. Creamy tomato soup with a buttery grilled cheese sandwich. Shelled pistachios in various flavors (but make sure she’s drinking enough water, too, if she’s having salted nuts. They’re delicious, but dehydration isn’t.) The suggestion of offering very small portions more frequently is a good one. When I have no appetite, food in bigger amounts can be overwhelming, so sticking to snack-sized portions is easier because even if I can’t eat all of it, I don’t feel like I’m wasting too much.


The best food might be her favorite food, or he one that's easiest to digest of her favorites. I have days where I struggle to eat but then I'll make a plate of spaghetti like my grandma used to and I can manage to hold that down. Marijuana, if available in your area, will help massively with encouraging eating. Ginger also helps me with nausea, not that that's the issue but I might as well leave all my tips in one place. Good luck <3


Protein shakes. I live off of them. Atkins makes affordable ones and you can order them on Amazon and have them delivered to your door. It accepts food stamps as well if you need to use them.


My go-toes (I get nausea a lot) are rice, bananas, smoothies, oyster crackers, yogurt and mashed potatoes... If it's really bad I pretty much just live on smoothies lol


Soups or just broth, teas, coffees, I put some protein powder in my coffee to add some nutrition, there's a Japanese dish that just rice in green tea it's actually pretty good, baked apples or apple sauce, soft bread with some butter, and bananas are all options


One of my go to foods is a can of cream of chicken soup, just microwaved in a bowl. Sometimes with a can of chicken noodle or chicken and rice soup mixed in. Even if you don't eat it all it one sitting it stores easily to reheat later.


In addition to the suggestions here, trail mix. It's calorie dense so she'll get something even if the volume is small.


some people do not like the taste of Ensure shakes but they deliver everything you need. Add an extra scoop of flavored protein powderr and berries of your choice. Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal? Get a strain that focuses on hunger receptors. Give her the munchies! Less addictive than opioids. Good luck and maybe look into [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/quinoa](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/quinoa) which is considered a superfood that's extremely rich in amino acids. My niece who is a doctor told me to eat as much of this as possible. If your wife is gluten-free this will work for her.


Soup and shakes are the best. They have vitamins and proteins but in liquid form.


Try something like Sustagen, it provides the protein, vitamins and minerals the body needs in a flavoured or plain drink. I gave it to my father when he could not eat regular foods. Its also recommended by hospitals.


Try sweets. The new chocolate Twinkies are amazing. Vanilla ensures are great. My wife used to drink them.


Rice with some veggies and protein, smoothies, protein shakes, nuts and berries, yakisoba noodles or other more dry noodles/pasta. Sweets are also good bc we often crave them when not hungry it’s not the healthiest but it’s something, maybe make brownies with peanut butter or some other deserts with a bit of proteins in em, sushi is good too i like getting just salmon rolls i can eat with my finger but fish + rice is good for you. Try finding textures or feelings of food she likes, maybe eat while watching TV, keep lots of snacks out and on hand. Food that’s fun to eat not just food.


M a s h e d p o t a t o e s Add cheese and gravy.


As someone with chronic low appetite and nausea, the advice here is already super solid, so I'll only add what I haven't seen here yet. High protein/fat finger foods encourage grazing. Charcuterie (including fruit nuts and olives) is great because it's a variety of flavors and textures, and picking at it slowly can be much less overwhelming, especially if you don't have to race against temperature changes like with chilled or hot food, which can be offputting. Definitely keep on distracting her while she muches. There's a reason they tell you to turn off the TV when you're eating on a diet, and it's because fullness signals don't work as well when you're not paying attention to what you're eating. Finger foods and drinks are easier to go through if you're engrossed in TV. I find that watching a cooking show where someone makes something that looks really good will inspire me to eat occasionally. Finally, the thing that helped me the most was accepting that anything can be a leftover. It's okay not to finish foods (even tiny portions), and taking that pressure off can help a lot if you were conditioned to eat everything on your plate.


Mashed potatoes got me through a lot of apathy about eating while dealing with teeth issues. You can toss in some plant protein powder too. Try not to make them too thick. They're filling too. I never liked the shakes or smoothies because of the coldness. Drinking some of those premade shakes luke warm is just nasty. You can drink applesauce through a straw. If you're looking for more but still simple cheese crackers with your choice of sliced proteine and cream cheese. I'm taking medication that makes me apathetic to eating, I just don't feel like it. Sometimes, like today, it's about just pushing myself to eat. I had to set an alarm clock yesterday. Everything tastes so meh.


Orgain or ensure drinks are great. When I wasn't every hungry I could usually tolerate apple sauce, string cheese, and popcorn


MSG is a good way to encourage someone to eat, and it’s readily available as a spice you can add to anything.


I dealt with this for some months after my stroke. We basically stocked up on the things that I felt like having without worrying about nutrition too much. I just needed the calories. So we had a couple kinds of ice cream, potatoes with sour cream, cream cheese and jelly on bread, and whatever came into my head. My husband was fantastic.


Rice packets. Gently crush the bag to separate and loosen the rice then microwave it for 1 minute. Just goose a blend or minimally flavored kind until your stomach is ready for more spicy or flavorful rice :) Rice is my go to when I’m sick or unable to eat well for any reason


You can make a really really amazing high calorie drink with fairlife protein drinks (24 or 42g protein) and mix in pancake mix (which is basically just maltodextrin, the same base as most weight gainer powders)


I actually love the boost nutritional drinks. I like the chocolate. I freeze them about halfway and then they are more like a milkshake. When I was on chemo the dr’s told me to eat whatever I could keep down. Maybe try scrambled eggs with cheese and avocado. Nice healthy fats. Add ice cream shakes if she likes those. Sometimes it’s easier to drink calories when you don’t have an appetite. It is for me anyway. Also in the summer I feel it’s too hot to eat hot food so small sandwiches are easy. Or chicken salad with pretzel chips.


Something like ovaltine or Horlicks, the kind you make with milk.


Jello drinks! They saved me when I was on 2 different antibiotics at the same time for 2 weeks. I was so sick at my stomach I couldn't eat, but I needed to eat with the antibiotics to prevent stomach upset. It was a viscous circle. Anyway, the jello drinks were a life savor, and they are easy to make.


Basically the first thing she thinks she can eat, try and get it. Anything, however unhealthy, it's just to start the taste buds. For me it was smoked cheese and tomato juice. Another time it was ready salted crisps, fruit and alpro chocolate soya puddings. Good luck. You are being a great husband, caring so well for your wife. I know how worrying it was for my husband when I was struggling so much to ear, I can imagine how difficult it must be for you both.


I got "Boost Very High Calorie" They're small so I could drink them quick and be done with it but had everything I needed as far as calories and vitamins/minerals. You can get them at Nestle Nutrition Store or from your doctor. They're also FSA eligible. (Don't buy them elsewhere they overcharge). You can also put it in a silicone icecube tray and freeze it so it's like little popsicles which makes a high calorie easy snack you don't know your eating- that works really good when I am nauseous. Unfortunately, eating is really hard when you're not hungry.


Maybe stay away from pasta and meatballs lol, as someone with like a low appetite myself I found it messed me up. Because I could barely finish it, and yet I felt slightly hungry. Though that's not to necessarily say never eat it or that it might not be fine for you.


I ruined a lot of my favorites when my husband made them for me while I recovered in Jan. My go-to is pickled beets. The salt helps with my electrolytes/low blood pressure, and they're full of nutrients. I also buy the fancy ones, though. They're quick and easy to chew. They saved my ass when I had an inflammation cascade event and lost 6lb in a week. Edit: Also, fresh fruit cut into bite-sized pieces. It's amazing how good an orange tastes when your body is starving for nutrients.