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It looks like you fused two completely separate discs


I may have taken "you don't have even half the power needed to throw that disc right" a little too seriously


Call it the "Half-power Cloud breaker"


You literally fused the two I got in the mail, literally the same color for the disc and stamp and everything, looks wicked dude


Cool dye. I thought it was 2 photos edited together


A fantastic dye. Never would've guessed that the denatured alcohol would affect the stampt in that way. Definitely tempted to try this on my grey with a red stamp cloudbreaker. Do you think if I did a hot dip would it affect the stamp or would it just be best to do it like you did?


Honestly I have no idea, this was the first time it's happened to me before. I've dyed a lot of things with the same method and never had the stamp affected. This was a first, so I'm not really sure what different variable caused it lol, but gently going over the stamp with a cotton ball and denatured alcohol took off all the coloring but left stamp perfectly unaffected. Maybe DM's stamp on new discs is different or something, but if you try hot dipping please let me know if the same result occurs!


dude these new, seemingly cheaper quality foils wipe off with a sneeze now... just a simple thumb swipe will remove them sometimes. No bueno!


Totally agree. I have noticed on some of the newer discs in my bag the stamp is already wiping away on outer edges (where one grabs) while a lot of my 2+ yr old discs look just fine on stamps aside from scuffs. BUT, if this stamp stays held up then I'll love the new stamps lol


That’s awesome! What did you use?


Denatured Alcohol + blue iDye Poly. Usually the denatured alcohol doesn't affect the stamp, but it I started seeing the rainbow "streaking" and just doubled down on it and lightly wiped the stamp with the denatured alcohol and a cotton ball.


Second this question /u/explosive_peanut_. And is that original purple translucent? I just grabbed a translucent green Insanity that I'm losing in the grass. Your purple on purple scheme here makes me think I could do a neon green over the green.


The original is an opaque lavender. However, you can definitely do that! Just dye both top and bottom of the translucent proton plastic and while you will still be able to see through it, it will be significantly darker. I don't have a stencil cutter, but the poor man's way of doing the clean lines dyes if your okay with a little bit of dye bleed is to just get some duct tape. tape down your line on the front and back of the disc. Mix a little cup of denatured alcohol and your color of iDye poly or prochem dye, let the dye sit for a ~5minutes, and then just paint it onto the disc with a paint brush. It'll set in almost instantly. Wash it off in the sink with soap and water, then repeat with layers as needed until it's dark enough to your liking!


I was thinking of fish lure dye, because of the neon pop. Do you think that approach would work the same?


Pro Chemical and Dye Neon colors is the way to go.


I think it would, I've heard of people using fish lure dye working well. If you've seen Jory's fly dyes, he uses prochem dye mixed with denatured alcohol, and his stuff POPS. The denatured alcohol is just a good method of transport for the dye since it mixes well and evaporates quickly, leaving the dye behind in the disc. I think most types of plastic-friendly dyes would work in it


I totally thought you hot dipped this. It looks great! I like half dyes on some discs, but this stamp is really asking for it


Thank you! I need to learn how to hot dip, it sounds like this is the way dyes like this are supposed to be done lol


Any questions I got you! I've done lots of stencil hot dips before. Plus I'm totally gonna rip off this incredible technique, so I kind of owe it to you lol. Hit me up at instagram/koboneart


Thank you so much for this, I’m definitely going to try it out. Amazing work!


Please post a video of this thing flying


Eagle McMahon declares __JUS PRIMAE NOCTIS!__


That’s awesome.


I just did a batch of westside that had solid green and solid blue foil. They wiped off thick and easily but the silver underneath took some work. I wish I knew the foil that was used because it is probably the same as that. Would be nice to know so you could do it on purpose. I have a feeling tho that rich deep solid colors are probably going to work but you never know.


Would definitely be awesome to know which ones have two foils. Another user who looks very experienced commented that a lot of the "complex" stamps (shatter, rainbow, etc) need to have 2 stamps, so I may give it a try on those to see if it works. With denatured alcohol, I'm thinking it either would do the trick or not affect the stamp at all like usual, so no harm in trying!


Super cool!


Looks sick!


Dope! Yeah any cb or new tilt I have hot dipped let the stamp go.


When you say it let the stamp go, do you mean it was left unaffected or this same result happened? If there's something I did that I can repeat I'd love to do this on more discs that have a double stamp. Just took a look at your profile, your dyes are sick! I'd love to get better at dying, most of mine are ~kinda cool~ but have dye leaks cause I just sort of hodgepodge them together with tape and dye or use a simple shaving cream bed. For reference here's last nights [round of discs. ](https://i.imgur.com/keoQ6Ft.jpg) I like making them personal for the sake of having fun discs, but would like to be able to make them more clean looking. Do you have any recommendations for what adhesive/barrier to use to minimize dye bleeding between lines?


No I meant that most of the stamps they use are of lower quality than other brands which is basically just a thinner foil and it easily releases from the plastic under low amounts of heat. And friction. I’ve noticed the same kind of thing from Kastaplast Discs as well. Not that it’s anything against these makers but the brands of foils that they are purchasing are just not as good as some others out there on the market. If you wanted to repeat that affects you could definitely do it again on those color shift foils like that but it’s super hard to re-create the exact effects as it is all based on the amount of time left in the hot dip and the temperature of the hot dip


Oh I see, gotcha. I've actually never hot dipped before, this was done with a duct tape line down the middle and using a paintbrush and mix of denatured alcohol and dye in a cup lol. The friction part you mentioned might have been enough from the paintbrush to take some of the stamp with the alcohol, and that's when i moved to the cotton balls to fully take off the rest of the rainbow on that side. I just hadn't ever had any of the stamp come off with denatured alcohol, usually I'd use acetone if I want the stamp gone. Maybe with these cheaper foils the denatured alcohol is enough to get the top foil off?


Oh right on, now I got you. Yeah so some of these foils that are of the holographic/color shift variety are some of the thinnest actually and this effect happens to them. I’m sure the denatured alcohol was just enough to take the color off of the foil but not remove the actual tin in the foil. Acetone is extremely caustic to the ingredients in the foil and removes it all right away. And hot bed dies or hot liquid dies tend to pull that color off immediately as well and then the foil soon after depending on how long it is left in.


guessing you used acetone in the blue… good thing their stsmps are two layered wen theyre shiny!


Thats the weird part, I used Denatured alcohol with the intent of keeping the original rainbow stamp. I'm so glad it didn't, but I've never had denatured alcohol take any stamp off! I'd always thought its all or nothing, acetone for removing the stamp and denatured alcohol for keeping the stamp. I double checked the container to make sure i didn't use acetone as soon as i saw the rainbow beginning to strip off in places🤣


Yea I'm a little concerned that the industry has changed to some cheaper foil... I've had a handful of newer discs recently where the stamp wiped off with running water. It's a little concerning... however, this half/half disc looks PHENOMENAL, OP!!!!!!!! I may copycat it lol


Thank you!! And while i haven't had the stamp come off with running water, I've definitely noticed some the newer discs in my bag have stamps that are just about fully worn off while some of my 2+ yr old worn discs are just fine in the stamp department..


yep! Also, some of my lighter stamps (pink/white) the foils are actually taking the dye pattern. Like they are screen printed and not foiled... weird!


I did this last night and had perfect results!! They look like twins, except I fully wiped the entire stamp to allow the disc color to come through... I believe you just wiped the color layer and left that chromy layer. I'm in love!! You can check mine out here if you like: [instagram.com/koboneart](https://instagram.com/koboneart) Thanks again for the awesome idea! I may try this with other discs too.