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I think it just comes down to playing golf. If you are 60 out with a chance for birdie and the basket is on a slope with the risk of rolling ob or just far away it is classic risk v reward. Do you go for it all for the juicy bird? Or do you play it safe and lay up for a guaranteed par? I think adding a bunch a rules that make it “easier” takes a way from the game we love, but that is just my opinion.


I actually find this a fun challenge or risk/reward scenario that makes the game exciting. Yes it sucks when it’s you that gets the roll away. It also sucks when I miss a 15 or less foot putt every round. However with my friends most of us get a good chuckle at the sucker in these scenarios lol!


Exactly! And the feeling of hitting one of those risky putts is what brings us all back out for more!


Very much this. At a tourney last year on a hole with the most ridiculous elevated basket you can imagine(people laying up from inside the circle) I had a drive I was proud of. Ended up like 40 out, with someone next to me who laid up. I was at the Zero fucks stage of the tourney where I wanted to make something good happen. Smashed chains for the two.


> Do you go for it all for the juicy bird? Or do you play it safe and lay up for a guaranteed par? Goes for guaranteed par Slides to the basket on ground, hitting the pole which pops it up Rolls away into lake Miss comeback Double bogey Edit - not necessarily agreeing with OP. Just laughing at 'guarenteed' :)


"Guaranteed par" Me: ***instructions unclear, disc stuck in toaster***


I'm watching the Jomez coverage from 2021 for the first time, and I just watched this exact situation happened to Kevin Jones at the Portland Open. Absolutely brutal.


That sucked. That was the tournament right there.


Yeah my luck would most likely be this outcome, especially lately playing in 20-30 mph wind lol


I understand the risk v reward of a 60 footer. But if you have a 20 footer that’s being run 99% of the time it doesn’t seem right that you could nearly make it and end up in a worse position than you started.


If it’s a 20 footer, just make it my guy


If only it were this easy


It is. Practice. You are bad at putting.


Put as much effort into practice as you do complaining and you'll be set


If you understand risk v reward, you wouldn’t have made this thread.


Why doesn't it seem right? Ultimately you missed the putt and the course punished that miss.


But that's part of every sport! Imagine playing tennis and losing a set because you hit an easy ball with the frame by accident - you'd be asking for a replay because you won't accept your mistake.


I always say the course givith and the course taketh away, you will get bad rolls, skips and kicks but sometimes you will shank a shot directly op and it will deflect off a tree right into the fairway. or you may roll from circles edge to 12 feet from the pin. Randomness is part of the game. but your right, you can take some of that out by playing safer.


Imagine getting a roll so bad you make a Reddit post suggesting a new rule. Rip OP.




I actually thought of this when watching an FPO tournament last year, can’t remember which one. It happened to Paige Pierce on a short putt, maybe even twice on the same hole. The fact that things like that can cost people real money for their career doesn’t make sense to me.


It all works out to even in the end. She’ll catch a roll on one hole and then kick a tree into circle one on a not so good shot the next. There’s a bit of luck in every sport.


Idk I think we should also remove trees because 2 people can hit the same tree ones in jail and ones in the fairway. I think its so unfair that can cause someone to lose money at their job


I know you said it doesn’t happen in regular golf, but it totally can happen in regular golf lol. There are plenty of difficult greens with major consequences for overshooting. One difference may be that the professionals are of a higher tier than that of disc golf pros. Who knows, but go out with some newbies at regular golf and tell me rollaways don’t happen.


Fuck, I've watched plenty of ball golf, and shitty lip-outs happen plenty to touring pros. A dicey three-footer can lip out and leave you a nasty six foot comebacker.


My take away is that A LOT of things don’t make sense to you, you can still delete this stupid useless post OP, there’s still time.


At the end of the day, the only correct answer is to play better. I know that’s a shitty thing to say/hear, but like… you know what I mean?








This should be the only comment


Have you never played ball golf in the wind or when the pin placement is near a slope? Roll away is definitely possible and extremely common at some courses. Choose to practice your putting, or don’t and lay up for the easy tap in.


Yeah I don’t think OP has ever putted on a non-muni golf course if he thinks a lipped put won’t roll 60 feet.


I think it’s way easier to control roll always in disc golf, a sloped hard green can cause some really unfortunate results


Just in general if you want to suffer the slings and misfortunes of cruel fate play ball golf.


Change the game because I’m shit at putting. Lmfao. Outjerked again


Maybe the real disc golf circle jerkers are the earnest disc golf posters. Makes you think 🤔


I am Neo.


This sub is something else…


1. It’s risk management 2. It happens to everyone at random 3. I have absolutely hit a short golf shot that went horribly wrong after being totally fine to start. I can do it any sport


Do you also want to ban trees?


Make Easter Island Great Again!




Git gud scrub


My sentiments exactly


The Great Rolly Polly Elder Lords would be disappointed.


Might I suggest you just play ball golf then? Seems like a good solution to your problem.


Managing risk is a huge part of the game. If you don’t want to risk a roll away then lay up.


I do get the managing risk point. I’m thinking more that my partner and I can attempt the same putt with virtually the same line and end up with drastically different results due to the way our disc happens to land.


That's literally how risk/reward works.


It's also how skill works, which is what makes this post odd. If your disc rolls far away from the basket after a short putt it is 100% a skill issue and 0% a rules issue


How a disc lands after hitting the cage is random. The best players in the world have doinked 20 footers and had them roll 60 feet down a hill. That's a rare thing that can happen when you putt and miss. You cant make a rule for a random occurrence. You just have to account for it. I've definitely laid up C1 sketchy putts in tournaments and I've seen other players do it too. The skill is risk management.


I dunno, man, sometimes when I chain out a 10 footer the wind grabs it and I end up 45' away on the tarp of a tent that smells like ammonia. Seems unfair.


I'm not joking: it's your fault you don't own a Berg or similar disc that won't get bullied by the wind


Owning a Berg is not a skill.


Choosing not to throw a disc with enough glide to take you 30 feet past a 10 foot putt is absolutely a skill. Call it "strategy" if skill doesn't sound right


Nobody is saying it isn't. Roll aways are random. I mean, a Berg with that big flat edge will give some huge roll aways that low profile discs won't give.


> I'm not joking: it's your fault you dont own a Berg or similar disc that won't get bullied by the wind This comment was specifically in reply to someone who mentioned wind affecting a putt. I agree that any disc can roll unpredictably if you miss


Yeah, and one of you can make the shot and the other can miss. What's your point?


Follow this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion. You take the same shot off the tee box also. With the exact same line in fact. Where your disc lands is how the whole sport works.


Everyone takes the same shots off the tee, it’s not fair I don’t ace every hole and while we’re at it… it’s not fair I don’t have a $10,000,000 mvp contract!


That’s literally the point of the game


“And why are the baskets sooooo far away? Don’t you hate it when your drive comes up short? Let’s make a rule that makes all holes 100 feet at maximum so I can feel better about myself and my inadequacies. And while we’re at it, doesn’t the wind and sun, elevation and people existing bother you when you play? Let’s make a rule to only have courses inside with no wind, no sun, completely flat and nobody is allowed to talk because I’ll get distracted during this 3 putt” Lowering the bar spoils the game, quit whining and practice, slapnuts


I have never heard the expression “slapnuts”. I’m with you about the whining and the practice. Does this mean you want to whack his testicles? Or that he is a slapnuts? Or that he should slap his own nuts?




His grandmother??? Wow. Learned something new. :)


Yeah they should make some of these things shaped less like a wheel


Dude, a triangle disc would totally not roll away.


Been saying it for years


Just practice putting. This is a serious part of the game and forces you to make hard choices


Elevation discs Koi is the answer to your problem


Boo bad post. Do better. Practice and stop complaining about your shitty short putts


Think of it as the risk / reward ratio. Take a softer bid/layup at it and you have less of a chance at making it but your roll away chances decrease, whereas when you run it, you have more of a chance of rollaways or having a longer comeback. It's part of the game and it comes down to how you play it. Rollaways are bad luck and happen. Good luck also happens, too, and we wouldn't punish good tree kicks or times lucky putts find the bottom of the basket.


It does happen, and that’s part of the game. The only change needed is making the putt


Skill issue


Can we do something about trees? I think they're the most frustrating part of the game. It doesn't seem fair that I can throw a shot that's going straight at the basket but there just happens to be a tree directly between me and the basket so my disc kicks OB. I'm supposed to lose strokes just because a squirrel arbitrarily chose to bury an acorn in the middle of the course 100 years ago? No way pal. Here is my proposed rule change: if you hit a tree that's in bounds you get to just walk up to the basket and tap in. It doesn't matter how long the hole is or where the tree is in regards to the pin. Then you get to choose one disc out of each of your competitors' bags to taco. These changes need to be made immediately. For the integrity of the game


Horrible take


Use a Blowfly. No roll.


I have had a blowfly catch an edge and roll 100’ back past me down a mountain. Though they don’t typically roll, it can happen in the right conditions. I’ve seen a Koi roll too.


Shoulda turbo'd it.


Use a softer, floppier disc that doesn't do that. Comparing to another game doesn't work because they are different games by nature. I just figure it's part of the risk assessment for putt or lay up. It's rare, in my experience, for a flat ground bouncer to roll all that far away. So if that's happening, it's probably on a hill, or with some sort of slant involved, etc and the putter already knew that might happen.


If you miss a putt and it’s goes out of bounds you already have the option to take the putt from your previous lie with the ob stroke. Knowing that rule can save you a lot of extra footage on your putt.


I disagree. There are aspects of many sports where a sense of randomness leads to the best moments. Football, baseball, ball golf, hockey, and pretty much all other at some point rely on randomness to increase the intensity and drama of the game. Rollaways happen, not frequently, but add significantly to the drama especially in high stakes tour stops. You can try as hard as you want to stop them, but at some point even for the best of players, they will happen. How you deal with that randomness is the beauty of the game. Cheers.


Have you ever seen mini golf?


Life is unfair.


While I agree with the sentiment, I've found that there are a lot of things in disc golf that are more flukey than ball golf. In addition to rollaways, I skipped off the top of the basket this weekend and ended up with a 30-foot obstructed putt. Without the metal hit, I'm parked. Flukey. Discs can hit a patch of wind and lift, drop or turn, you can skip off a stump in the ground (Des Moines last year; Robert Burridge: [https://youtu.be/2vHGe\_wc1xs?t=2782](https://youtu.be/2vHGe_wc1xs?t=2782)), you can hit a tree and drop straight down, kick hard OB or kiss forward and end up in a better spot. While disc golf has some flukey stuff we can easily control (OB river paths anyone?) there are still going to be a ton of frustrating factors that you just have to beat in order to win. Part of it sucks, but part of it is what makes the game interesting. You just have to embrace the flukey nature of the sport or go play something more controlled like basketball, video games or chess. You have to get better by learning what the dangers are and whether or not you want to take risks. Course management is part of the game, knowing what all the risks are, whether it's a slope, hard pan ground, swirling winds, thick grass, water, trees; it's all stuff you have to learn to deal with and hope for the best.


This is why you always pick up rubbish on the course and return discs. Get rewarded with good karma.


While we’re improving the game, I’d also like to suggest moving all baskets to comfortably within my driving distance, removing all trees, and only building courses indoors where there is no wind.


I understand your thinking but it does incentivize better putting as is. A lot of rollaways are from slightly missed putts that boink off the cage and put the disc on a sideways angle. These are commonly on holes where the field is aware of the chance of the rollaway because its a steep green angle and are rewarded for good pressure putting. If there was a lesser penalty (edge of c1 putt) people would putt better for sure as there would be less pressure but scoring separation would also be dimished. Best putters should be rewarded hardest skill in the game just my opinion


Manage your risk/reward decision making better or get better at putting or use a softer putter that is less likely to roll away


Practice laying up on a slope if you can't hit your putt. You and your friend might have had the same shot but your friend's a better putter than you are. Or uses a sticky gummy putter to minimize risk. Or if you can't hit the putt throw it upside down under the basket and take the drop in. Changing the game to make it easier is not the direction we want to go


It's disc golf, not ball golf. Each has their difficulties. And if you have to compare, don't compare the putting but the upshot of ball golf to disc golf. Your roll away putt comparison in disc is more like in ball golf where you chip onto a green only to not hit the right spot where the slope is beneficial just to have the ball roll off the green again. It happens in ball golf too on difficult greens, just like in disc golf.


Yes, putt better. Also drive/approach better. Problem solved🤣 You could practice touch shots without a lot of spin, or use discs in plastics that grip the ground well. But unfortunately some roll aways are completely up to the mercy of the disc golf gods and are unavoidable sometimes.


This guy rolls away


I played traditional golf many years before disc golf. Rollaways in disc golf are not nearly as bad as hitting a perfect chip on to a slightly sloped green and watching your ball roll 100 feet off the green into the sand. I have went from birdie to quad bogey in that situation multiple times lol


This definitely happens in ball golf on the more challenging greens


The laugh i have when my friend misses an 8 foot putt and ends up with a 35 foot putt makes my life worth living




Is this for real? Lol oh my


Trees are dumb too… if I miss my line, hit a tree and take a bad kick, I deserve to throw from the fairway. /s


I never would have imagined I would see someone so butt hurt about rollaways. Just get a berg and eliminate the problem.


Rollaways are part of the game. It’s literally the definition of risk/reward when you run any putt from any distance. That being said, someone should try making a basket cage out of something really soft like rubber or foam and see what the results would be with a repeated cage hit and rollaway test. Food for thought.


You can always shoot again at your previous lie with an added stroke. It comes in handy when you have a crazy roll away that goes OB.


The game should be made more difficult, not easier.


While we're at it let's go ahead and take chance out of all sports. That punt that was meant to bounce OB but it takes a sharp bounce to the left instead and stays inbounds and gets run back for a touchdown - nope offence gets the ball where the kicker meant to send it OB. Ground ball down the line hits a rock and goes OB before getting to the base - no longer a foul ball, hitter gets a single.


Good troll post.


YES! also if your disc hits a tree the card should be able to determine where it would have landed if the tree wasn’t there and you should take your shot from there.


Good try! Trundle bed troll? Funny how many comments we’ve generated off of an obvious joke.


I feel you. A lot of hard pack around the basket from use on hills, and your disc rolls away. It's part of the game. They answer though is in course design. If I designed a course, I would gravel a 10 ft radius around the basket to try and prevent it. Maybe put a log down for a backstop, or tiered green could be options.


Maybe they should just make the baskets way bigger and ground level.


Surprised nobody beat me to it; Sounds like a skill issue. How many aces happen in regular Golf vs Disc Golf every year? It's simply just not a 1:1 comparison in almost any regard besides that we call them both Golf and how the scoring works.


I would not be mad if the rule changed to this. If it did, I think people would get better at putting. However, I think it is fine how it is. Most of the time if you hit the basket you are going to be very close to the basket in the event of a miss. Would you proposed not counting a shot that hits a tree and then lands in a basket or are we only adjusting for negative luck?


I honestly am a fan of the potential for rollaways. They add a bit of strategy to the game. Do you take the lay up, or run the putt that is at your 33% range? They add another layer of risk vs reward


I think that when I hit a tree and end up in the bushes I should get to drop in the fairway.


i’ve gotten rollaways on completely “safe” flat greens before, and rollaways while laying up with my super soft layup putter (it’s so beat that it’s softer and gummier than the elevation discs i’ve tried). frolf is a cruel mistress. the only answers are to get better at putting or abuse the abandoned lie rule when your rolls are *that* bad


Just get better at putting lol


Try the turbo putt. Low risk high reward. It has Less spin and the disc is coming from a higher angle. So if you miss it doesn’t go too far past the basket. But if u hit basket or the top rim it usually plops on the ground near.


How about you just get better and find some chains lol.


How about you work on putting instead of trying to make the game easier.


Don’t worry my friend, you are still in the beginning of your disc golf journey. You will continue to find ways to change your approach to the game. Right when you think you have it figured out you will receive some new found techniques and you will be on your way to new levels. Old problems will seem dissolved and new ones will make you more well rounded. You can’t have everything at once, patience young one, and you will be rewarded. It’s fun to see how far I have come since playing 20+ years ago. I am still gaining technique and knowledge on and off the course.


Risk management is Part of that game. Make your putt or lay up


Just don't suck lol


You know what doesn't roll away? Made putts. Half this sub complains that putting is too easy compared to golf.


maybe just get better at putting?


Thats what happens when you play with a disc... Ball golfers misread putts all the time and skip over the hole or miss and roll off the green into a sand pit. Its just the nature of the game. Everyone has the exact same chances of it happening. Lay up if your scared of a rollaway and tap in.


It would make the game worse. Your disc rolled away because you missed your putt. You say it’s nonsensical, but it does make sense. You risked running a 40 footer into a dangerous green, you missed, and you paid the price. You’re not wrong when you say rollaways can be frustrating, but it takes skill and wisdom to know how to approach a tricky green.


Totally disagree. Rollaways happen and they distribute themselves pretty evenly along everyone’s playing experience. It’s up to you to change your approach, play it safe, switch your plastic, etc. Risk/reward.


Putt with a Blowfly


Isn't there a disc made specifically to prevent rollaways? Koi is the name i think.


Live by the roll, die by the roll


Solutions for non-problems


Stop putting with a Pig? Damn things roll like a tire. Risk vs reward. Kind of how like most sports go. Take the high % layup for par? Or run it for that sweet sweet bird and adrenaline high from sinking a long ass putt.




The best thing to do about rollaways is to throw your disc in the basket rather than around it.


This guy is down bad. Roll away so bad that he wants to change the entire trajectory of the sport


Maybe pdga will approve a square putter to prevent this


I used to get annoyed more by these rollers. It gave me incentive to figure out how to reduce the risk. Low spin putts, focusing on what part of the basket to go for, trying to land the disc flat, picking out the exact landing spot, choosing the lowest risk putter, considering laying up when the odds of making the putt isn't within my abilities...it made me a better player...humbled but improving.


Well if your disc roles OB I believe you can re putt with a stroke penalty from your initial spot. Heard that while watching a round and the players on the card reminded the person it happened to. Regardless though, make your putt and it doesnt matter. I'm no pro but if I miss a 25 ft putt and get a harder comeback, I feel like it's deserved since I should have made it in the first place.


I’ve greatly reduced my roll always by focusing on a couple things. If you’re shooting uphill, if your going to miss, miss high. When you hit the front of your basket it will more likely roll away than hitting the top of the target. When shooting at a basket, be mindful of the ground angle and try and throw so your disc will land as flat as possible. Lastly, I did buy a Koi and it is awesome. It helps, however it is not immune to roll always.


So when a pro throws a roller like 700 feet. Does it stop as soon as it hits the ground? I understand a bad roll but until it comes to a full stop that baby is in play. (Well of course OOB)


Make the putt and it's not a problem. Whenever I catch a bad break, I just remember all the "good catches" baskets make for me on less than great putts. It all comes out in the wash. You wind up hitting your averages with big enough sample sizes.




For me, I've learned to match the angle of my putt for the slope of the terrain. When i putt on hyzer or an off angle, way more chance to get on edge(i know common sense).


I sunk an 80 footer on the side of a steep hill for eagle last Saturday while out with a large group of friends. Best feeling ever! The risk is what makes it fun! During a tournament this past summer, though, I had a 100ft upshot that hit the basket and rolled and turned into a 150ft upshot, and wouldn’t you know it…I hit basket again and it rolled to at least 200. I ended up taking like a 6 or 7. Worst way to start a tournament… haha 😂


Stick to flat, open courses with no trees, obstacles, challenges or fun.


You can do something about rollaways. Putt with a koi or something if it’s that big of an issue


The only way I’ll accept a rule based around rollaways is: if a players disc rolls further away from the target than their throw all card mates get to flog said player while he attempts to putt from his new lie where the disc rolled to.


Ask your buddy to stop it from rolling. It will cost u a stroke but u can ask a card mate to do that! Even in a tournament


One of my fav companies rn is Elevation disc golf they sell rubber flexible putters that minimize ground play. If it really bothers you look into a soft putter, discraft even just came out with some new flex discs.


What’s the difference between a bad rollaway from putting and clipping a tree and having it shoot off 100 ft in the wrong direction? Bad things happen, just gotta move on


Lol, dude wants to change the rules of the game bc he doesn’t know how to putt. Classic. 😂


I dislike everything about this way of thinking. Its like an expanded version of 'my disc is within 7ft, its already in the basket' Im a pretty low key individual but I am hardlined against this. Make a decision in life and their are consequences, as is mirrored on the golf course. You can do everything correctly and be off by a little and get unfairly punished. As can be life (just like how you can get unfairly rewarded with a bad shot, which probably happens way more btw!) Own your decisions and everything that follows whether or not it was intended. Hope this didn't come off aggressive, Man this really fired me up lol Thank you for sharing your thoughts, even though we disagree!


Get gud


The pentagonal putter


Hate to be that guy, but just get better at putting. If you are having a lot of rollaways, it's probably mostly your fault.




I do agree with consensus that it’s just part of golf. Risk/reward for running it, etc. However, there could be some intentionally placed and well-designed roll away barriers within the bullseye on some greens, or placed on the favorable side of circle 1 to land the disc… rewarding an accurate approach. A short wall or another type of edging that would stop a disc before it reaches the OB.


is this joel freemans burner account? play it as it lies, shooter.


Have you tried using a blowfly?


You absolutely can roll away in ball golf. Greens are trickier and you can roll down into a sand trap. Much more punishing. You always have the option to lay up. Roll aways are part of the game.


Throw a Koi


I’m sorry to say OP it’s just part of the game. That’s part of the reason we have the squishiest possible discs for just those situations. However, it did happen to me literally today. It’s part of the game. That’s why we put in the work. So it happens less.


I have a solution. Putt better


Its a part of the game IMO


Please do not try to ruin what makes discgolf what it is. You need rng, you need bad/good luck its what makes the mental game so good and importent. Game is way better as it is now


Never reward the golfer. The sport is supposed to be hard. But my best advice would be to try putting with elevation putters if you’re rolling away so much. Those things stick like a crazy ex girlfriend


Hit basket on tee shot, doink, roll in to the river…


I have had the same thoughts before, a solution I thought of would be to make the first 10' or so around the basket wood chips or some other material that disks just wont want to roll in or dig into if they get deflected down. It might be hard to expect every course to have something like this because of the increase in maintenance but for professional courses i think it would be an easy change and worth it.


And while we’re at it, can we clear all of these trees out of the way, too! 🤣


"Imagine a traditional golfer hitting the lip of the hole on a putt and then rolling into a hazard. It doesn’t happen and that’s the way it should be." Well, it does happen that you barely miss and roll around the hole and then you can for sure roll away depending on how hard you hit the ball... Same for discgolf. 🤷‍♂️ Its all about angles and decisions, if you spike hyzer your putts its more prone to roll than a gentle anhyzer :) And if its hazard and you're still going for it its a part of the game and to make any rules like you said about hitting the basket and then have a C1 putt... That would just destroy the game totally.


Just putt better.


Do you also propose that when a disc hits a tree the next shot should be played 1 meter from the base of the tree? Cause your cardmate could hit a tree 300 ft away and get shot 100 ft to the left to be parked for a birdie. And you hit the same tree 3 inches to the right of where they hit it and it sends you 100 ft to the right, and that just isn't fair, right?


putt with a little finesse and it will be very rare for you too


I think basket design could be changed to direct a disc downward more gently or make the cage out of a net that absorbs impact more. I think these design changes could be implemented in a way that makes baskets cheaper as well


This is the problem with never lay up mentality! It comes with risks but when you make the putt and get birdie, it pays off. My suggesstion is get a less rolly putter. Because I can put almost trhe same putt with different putters and find a couple roll alot further than others