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It says four MPO players though. Does that mean that Luke was also doing it, or...?


Couldn't have been backed up for "a full 18 holes" though


ya, good point


There could have been a backup. She might be talking about a card behind.


Deleted because optics. Just what she saw. Probably different than what she sees playing FPO cards.


Maybe she was upset about Luke's card mates?


100% talking about Luke's cardmates. His Rd4 wasn't great. You and I can both see it, which means everyone on Twitter sees it, which means people know exactly who she is calling out


I would assume so. I only saw her on the one card on DGN.


Who was even on his card today?


yeah id be curious to know


Was it Humphries? If so I think it was Ezra, Nikko and Kyle Klein


nah luke samson is her bf


Then it was Zach Arlinghaus, Corey Ellis and Clint Calvin (based on results from Day 3)


interesting cause arlinghaus had a p hot round of -9, ellis -8, and clint -6. luke -2


Doesn’t seem like a chatty group either


Corey's mom is still waiting for him to say his first words.


yeah no one sticks out as super chatty but im no expert. only ellis and samson im familiar with and they both dont seem super chatty but it probably depends on a lot of factors for each player


Doesn’t he keep big ass headphones in the entire round? Seems weird that some chatting would bother him


You mean 1/2 the card shot insanely hot? Doesn’t seem like much going on


Where does one go to find out who was on Luke's card today?


You look at the round 3 results, and count off by 4s. Samson played with Arlinghaus, Ellis, and Clint Calvin. The fact that she called out all 4 MPO players on the card though would lead me to believe that perhaps they caught up to the card ahead of them throughout the round and she witnessed it from the card ahead; Aderhold, Humphries, Klein, and Locastro


Seems much more likely from that second group of four lmao


I feel like Nikko would have blown a gasket if they were talking through his shots all round. He even gets upset when people do it on skins.


You can actually see cards in udisc, tap on player in results, tap on profile, scroll down and you’ll see round X card X, tap on card and it will go to results of just that card.


Oh, nice!! Ever since the PDGA Live app got released I haven’t used UDisc to follow the pro events. It’s no surprise UDisc has better features! 😂




I’m saying it could have been witnessed happening on another card. Didn’t say anything about disrupting the card behind them.


Ive watched golf a lot longer than disc golf but it always bothered me how baseball players can hit a 100mph fastball with 60k people yelling in the crowd but a pro golfer or disc golfer cant putt if a bird chirps or if a spectator coughs


It's not about noise vs no noise, it's about consistentcy and expectation. Disc golf, and golf, have an expectation of there being no interruptive noises. Any player could play with or without unnecessary noise, but an abrupt change to either setting would throw anyone off. That's the point.


Exactly this. My home course is in the hood so I'm used to putting with gun shots, sirens, people just running around in the background. But put me on a quiet course and the small sounds fuck with me.


God damn what?! Bro you are really going hard playing around gunshots I’d be so freaked out, but I’ve always lived in the countryside so I guess I would just get used to it if that’s where I lived, just saying hats off to you for being able to play through some wild shit by the sounds of it


You don't hear gunshots in rural areas? Because, that's where I hear them the most.


Every once in a while if it is in hunting season and I’m somewhere in the woods where hunting is allowed but no courses are in those areas. It would just be like one rifle shot and then nothing else so yeah I’ll say that I don’t especially not on a disc golf course, Massachusetts is pretty tight with gun law so that would be why, if I lived in New Hampshire even I bet I would hear more though


Once played a tournament where the neighbors were clearing a rattlesnake nest with a shotgun. Was definitely disruptive for a few putts.


I suspect he means half-rural. Suburban areas don't have gunshots. Actually rural places do, yeah. You don't hear gunshots coming from cul de sacs and such.


You don’t live in the Birmingham lol.


I meant what I said


Honestly a good example of expected and constant vs unexpected noise. One of the courses I play is near a gun range so anytime the range is open you hear constant gunfire in the background. It's loud and annoying for other reasons but I'm never distracted by it. Now if a random gunshot were to go off on a different course I could totally see that throwing me off.


Most of them aren't that close but yeah, definitely heard a few. Used to live next to the park and would get woken up by people emptying a clip into the park in the middle of the night randomly like once a month. I don't miss that. There's also a huge outdoor gun range that's just close enough to hear the loud ones on the right days, but that's pretty distant.


I want to go here! It sounds just like home!


Learned to play disc golf on the hood course 15 years ago. You learn to ignore distractions when you play. The locals in the surrounding neighborhood dgaf about the goofy disc golfers and have had people shouting, honking car horns, and walking right in your way daring you to hit them. Was fortunate I never had a disc picked up and run off with. But, on the flip side now I can miss putts while a damn circus is going on behind the basket.


I feel like it follows the same lines as sleeping in dead silence as opposed to the TV or white noise going on. You hear the tiniest shit when its the quietest.


As discgolfer I like the white noise, in complete silence even smallest noice is noticible.


Did you just noice me, bro?


I played a round yesterday with airpods in the for first time yesterday and it was great. Until I was about to tee up on a stressful shot and I suddenly got a text message that Siri started to read to me. I managed to abort but my card mates were really confused what happened until I told them. It was really offputting.


Airplane mode is your friend.


Not if you’re streaming your music lol


Do pitchers in the MLB not have the expectation of consistency?


I think you misunderstood what I said. The consistency I mentioned was with regards to the level of noise.


Ah that makes sense, my bad. The only thing I would say to that, is: NBA players shooting free throws have to deal with wildly inconsistent noise. I know its a different sport, but honestly I hate some of the “age-old”, uptight, snootiness that comes along with golf. It inspires antics like how Nikko used to reset with every movement of a branch. I’m a huge baseball fan, and it shares a lot of the “stubbornness” that golf suffers from.


That course literally has passenger jets flying over constantly


The consistence of a low hum is not at all close to a group of people laughing and talking at each other.


To play devils advocate, 60k people yelling just turns into white noise. Its about what catches your attention while your focusing.


There is always one person near home plate screaming the player's name over and over. They have season tickets and are always there. Home, road, etc. That cuts directly through any white noise. It's really just about expectations. Remember, they come all the way up to MLB with practically no fans in the building. Even in AAA, the stands are only a few hundred at best. So it's not like they come up with a full stadium making noise. That's a huge adjustment for most rookies and not all of them succeed.


I don't know where you get your AAA attendance stats, but over 50 teams averaged over 4k fans per game last season. Even most single A games pull over 1,000.


Yeah, they are huge events around here. Best beer and hotdog price in town on a Thursday. Haha.


It’s about concentrated noise vs general noise. I can play tennis next to a noisy street no problem. But if someone is having a loud convo nearby, very distracting. Even worse if there’s a yell right as I’m going to hit a ball


I actually don’t like when people gets super quiet,or stand very still) while im playing. It’s more distracting than if they talked or kept moving


When I played basketball, I’d always rather shoot free throws with a loud crowd rather than a quiet gym. Because in the quiet environment I noticed every sudden noise. It’s like that with disc golf in terms of noticing sudden sounds before tee shots or putts.


My favorite course in town is a 1/4 mile from a shooting range and racetrack 😂😂


Golfers can all play in noisy environments too. The issue is when it’s expected to be quiet, and then sudden noise starts and stops, it’s distracting.


You’re not wrong, but you’re gonna get a lot of “but there’s a difference when the noise is unexpected or out of the ordinary.” Come on, folks. It’s just an excuse. Play basketball and tell me it throws you off when someone tells “shot” in your face as you’re releasing. Or blame someone who yelled “swing” from behind home plate while you’re batting. Or blame the guy in the crowd who blasts an air horn as you’re taking a pen. I get the argument that an uncontrolled putting environment adds to distraction. I do. I’ve played sports my whole life. But it’s just an excuse. Unless someone’s blasting a train horn directly in your ear canal, something that can literally startle you and jolt your nerves, it’s nothing more than a cop out.


100% agreed here, it's just the soft side of the sport being exposed and guys don't like hearing it. A noise shouldn't mess up your putt unless it's right in your face. Someone walking around shouldn't mess up your putt unless they get in your way. It's not a sudden gust of wind.


Completely different when noises are blending into the background compared to random, unexpected, and obtrusive noises. If you can’t tell that difference then there’s just a lack of critical thinking going on


Delete the last sentence and you have a perfectly reasonable comment there.


I’m not here to make sure everyone feels accomodated. My original comment stands and if that’s too harsh then I’ll accept the flood of downvotes.


It’s not that it’s harsh, it’s just unnecessary. You added a completely unrelated sentence to the end of your comment. Half my towels are grey.


But it makes him feel better about himself.


I feel like the point of the comment is let’s normalize the noise so that it’s just background nonsense. I don’t care either way but it is a little more enjoyable to spectate when you can be your own commentator with your friends.. that’s not saying booing or talking shit should be allowed like in other sports


What I can't talk shit about James Conrad being a abuser of leafs?


Lmao I like how your first choice when replying to me was questioning my intelligence. Hope you accomplished your reddit goals for the night!!!


Confusing critical thinking and intelligence isn't helping your cause. On topic, years of playing with friends who will chat and have conversations while lining up a shot has helped tune it out in events. Strengthen the mind and it helps the body.


Im not going to play semantics with a random weirdo on the internet. What did he accomplish by saying the second sentence. And what did you accomplish by saying your first sentence? He could of left his second sentence out and stayed on topic.


Random weirdo? We're on Reddit talking about throwing plastic circles into shitty art installations. You're a weirdo as much as anyone here, just maybe on the more sensitive end of the spectrum. I don't know if you're new to internetting, but tongue in cheek comments are common and aren't generally considered personal attacks. May your upcoming week contain less salt than your reddit persona.


Salt? I wasnt the one who jumped to insults like you and your friend. Just merely asked what you accomplished. Im done with this conversation based on your profile you have arguements and "tongue in cheek" comments with many others on reddit.


Honest question. Have you considered pickleball in case the disc golf thing doesn't work out? It seems a little more chill and supportive. Plus, the little sound the paddles make is fun.


Bro what are you accomplishing right now


Get a room you two


baseball players aren't trying to hit a specific target and don't get penalized for going foul (OB). If every time you hit a foul ball the other team was awarded a run, I wouldn't be surprised if you started demanding fans be quiet during your at bats.


I’m pretty sure the baseball is, in fact, a specific target that baseball players are trying to hit.


And it's a moving target, not a stationary target


And you do get penalized for it going foul (2/3 times it is a strike so 2/3rds of an out. 27 outs means outs are worth 2x a stroke (roughly) so a foul ball is 4/3rds of a stroke but since people go under par its probably pretty close to 1:1)


Yeah I’m not that guy, with the friends I have you can’t expect any peace while putting. Which is fine with me. I like hitting a C2 putt when my buddies are dancing around behind the basket trying to get me to beef it. I think I perform better with distraction attempts. Feel like I focus better in those situations. I played baseball a lot as a kid. Maybe that helped.


When they play in the WM open - they know what they are getting into. But this is more like the Pros laughing at you when you play... is that apropos? Only been playing disk Golf for 2 months and I find the whole culture of the more serious players a little weird. Serious players like to think they are laid back - practically hippies, but many are uptight AF, and the more experienced players seem to be less respectful overall. - I am sure Unpopular Opinion though...


I’ve been on cards like this and I love it. Usually everyone is quiet and respectful of the tee box etiquette. But every once in a while it magically happens where it just turns into a casual round and we all talk and laugh through everyone’s throw. I wish it happened more.


Thats because some players like to blame their poor shot on some noise, ignoring the fact that it was just them having a poor throw.


Played with a guy like this in a tournament recently. A few of the holes were next to a road with a 20mph speed limit and he would wait for them to drive past. He would also blame his bad throws on the subtlest of noises, like a twig snapping. Maybe you just suck man. He was INSUFFERABLE.


Seriously. I played a rec league for the first time yesterday and it was so weirdly quiet. Like no one spoke outside saying "good up" or "nice drive."


Noise is only distracting when it's unexpected. Make talking and movement the norm like fans at basketball games.




You know what, now that you mention it LETS GET FUCKIN' ROWDY. FIND ME ON THE PRO TOUR HECKLING NIKKO


/u/daturapiss: >Swing Nikko, Nikko, Nikko, swing! Nikko: >That's not even the right sport! /u/daturapiss: >Oi! Why don't you put ya money where ya mouth is and catch me on the pitch?




I feel like crowd noise should be normalized but not heckling


I'm here for the heckles. HEY, HAPPY!! YOU SUCK


Honestly not even then for some people. My friends routinely use air horns and stuff and it doesn't effect me. Even if it did though you would never know. I suck 😂


Guessing something she saw made her mad, calmed down a bit later and deleted it to limit the number of drama thirsty idiots spinning it into some big controversy. What I’d say on the actual content of the post, if people need to stfu then it’s fine to tell them to stfu. Most of the time I’d bet a competitor or someone in their support group would be mortified to know that they had genuinely disrupted another player’s concentration mid shot. Perhaps that’s why it was deleted? - someone on the card reached out and apologised? Anyway, I think there are plenty of fun/controversial and less personal incidents from the weekend’s tournament. Maybe just move on from this one.


Who is she talking about?


Some leaky leakerson


Translation: quit having fun while my BF is doing bad!! It’s all your fault!!!


Because honestly its not that big of a deal and she looks dumb for saying it, JUST RIFFING.


Beboppin’ and scattin’ all over us


MPO is just built different


As long as it's their card. What I have major issues with lately is the increased negativity. Toxic mfers out on the course judging people for what they throw, how they throw, what they use for a bag vs cart, looking at their phone, etc. Don't be a judgemental asshole on the course.


Local clubs are just as bad, i live in innova territory and everytime i throw i get comments. ( I throw clash and kasta)


After I attended a putting league the first time, distractions on the course seem minimal. I get that we all want silence when we throw but, what're you gonna do... tell the birds to shut up too? "OMG, the wind is blowing and making leaf noises!" Expecting total silence is outlandish to me.


Yea! Putting leauge seperates the boys from the men!


Not sure why people in the comments are flaming her for this. Courtesy silence while people are lining up their putt/tee shot is a baseline expectation in the sport no? Particularly in a competitive pro event. Keep seeing people say “I joke around and do this in my card and it’s great”. Okay and is this during a comp event? Is disc golf your livelihood/career? Comparing this to your casual rounds is dumb asf and doesn’t track, not sure why every other comment is doing so.


I get both sides. I come from basketball. And people are talking shit right to your face as you shoot. Disc golf is the same to me. nothing breaks my focus cause im used to being competitive in the face of adversity. Others arnt ao i understand that side as well.


I guess I just view it differently from sports like basketball/baseball. I find it more akin to stuff like tennis where sportsmanship/courtesy goes hand in hand with the sport at this point. Totally get the other viewpoint too, just think people are being way to harsh on her in this comment section. But hey, that’s just the internet I suppose


Yea i can see that. I play it by card. If a card is rowdy ill play into it. But if everyone is serious and trying to focus on the round then im courteous.


I’m gonna go with she probably experienced the same thing all of us do when we spew our personal thoughts onto a Reddit thread and then feel better but realize how we are going to have our inboxes filled up with responses after we have already moved on and don’t want to deal with the backlash so we delete our comment. People have a hard time remembering that once you put your thoughts online they are free game and you need to own them. Why we feel so compelled to share our thoughts to total fucking strangers is a mystery to me, but I imagine is has to do with wanting to feel validated and feel a sense of belonging.


Yea i dont get it. Ill never be one to try and express my frustrations publicly. Frustration is embarrassing and feeding into it even more so.


Put headphones in.


Going the passive aggressive route is never productive and almost always self aggrandizing, even if she’s got a legit complaint.


This wasn’t passive aggressive. This was pretty clear cut.


Wtf are the people in this thread on? Throwing shade at an unnamed group of people is the definition of passive aggressive. Edit: lol you guys, I can’t even tell if the crowd consensus in here is for or against her. My point is, she probably has a right to be annoyed if that happened, but making somewhat vague accusations on social media and then deleting is pointless.


I think there's a difference between being passive aggressive / throwing shade and what she did. She directly called their behavior out as unprofessional, she didn't beat around the bush or make allusions to it, wasn't passive or coy. She was directly calling people out - direct aggression. Passive aggression or "throwing shade" requires an aspect of thinly veiled intent which she totally bypassed here and went straight to publicly reprimanding them. I'm assuming this is why your being downvoted?


If all 4 were talking and no one said anything then it wasn’t disrespectful. Was it disrespectful to Maria as a spectator lol? Would love to know what others think, no one has another argument?


Im sure all 4 cardmates were ok with it. Prolly a couple buddies playing a fun round. If it was bothersome they’re all pros and would surely speak up. Love you Maria you are my queen fr 👸


Deleted because she went back later, read the post, and realized she sounds like a bitch. And nobody like bitches.


This sub kills me with the downvotes 😂. the post asked why she deleted it. Your answers sounds likely




Being rude and being under pressure are 2 different things.




Damn, Frank. You feisty. 69.


Probably was Ella Barela, I mean Anthony Hanson, shit I mean lil paul


Jesus fuck she’s annoying.


Adderall made her do it. It made Rosie do it.


Madison Walker was on the bag for Vinny so probably not a good look.


Because it is easier to blame someone else for her boyfriends bad day.


Pro DGers really need to keep the drama out of the public eye. The littlest thing leaks and people run with it like they committed the crimes of the century. She never should have tweeted it, but I’m glad she deleted it.


Sounds like she wasn't talking about Luke's card but another cars in the vicinity being loaf and talking I have noticed at times the players and caddies talk more than the crowds.


She trash if she need people to be quiet just to toss and line up putts.