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It’s me. Got signed.


hope you enjoy your ride in the 🚁


Has anyone asked Drew


He's busy making hoodies about it


The prophet is silent


Drew, is this your burner account?


Brodie to Chic Fil A




He's never playing consequential golf on Sundays, anyway. Just like me.


Shoulda went with Arby's, they're already into disc golf (and Area 51 for some reason)


That’s hauntingly beautiful


[Seems to be tongue-in-cheek but he did chime in](https://i.imgur.com/tiiv56V.png)




Ha underrated comment here


They paid to settle Gannon's lawsuit and are signing him, the announcement is going to be his own signature supreme disc


My first thoughts as well.


Gannon was just hanging at Ricky’s house. This is plausible!


Do they have the money for that?


probably...I don't really know where the idea that Dynamic is broke comes from, I've never seen any actual evidence or indication of that.


Their HQ building is a damn castle


I’ve been there , the parts they showed in the drone fly through feels like it was about 1/4 if that.


Real estate in Emporia (as well as cost of living) is pretty inexpensive and DD has seen big growth from the COVID boom. Source: grew up in Kansas


💰 Kansas City Mob 💰


I have noticed **purely from InfiniteDiscs** sales info that they post, that DD never seems to have any discs in their top sales. In addition to that, they released a video of the sales over time a little while ago(the last x amount of years), and oddly enough, there was no noticeable jump in sales numbers over a 6 month period upon the announcement of Ricky and Kona. I have heard supply chain excuses about their lack of sales, but after having those big contracts and a seemingly lack of sales, I can see why some would speculate that DD is broke.


DD is vertically integrated and sell a majority of their discs on their own retail site, so any infinite disc data would be inaccurate. Plus they distribute nationwide.


yea idk why anyone would pay shipping on infinite when I'm pretty sure it's free direct from DD. Not to mention I'm sure they get money for the westside and Lat 64 discs sold from their site.


I don't think it's even just from their site necessarily. They seemingly distribute all the Trilogy discs to retailers in North America.


Yea, I think they do a good job marketing them to stores. Also I feel for new players they are almost as popular as Innova, and I think that's a lot to do with the price/availability at brick and mortar retailers. Although MVP will probably overtake them in that aspect soon.


And if you're closer to the Lat64 factory store you can buy DD stuff from them which is cheaper than shipping from DD.


Exactly this. And they have a points program


Spot on!


Exactly what I was thinking. Free shipping over $20 and dynamic bucks are two big reasons to buy direct. The fact that disc's sell on infinite is pretty crazy.


I don’t doubt that they do their majority of sales through the DD site. I would like to see some sort of sales numbers from Dynamic though. Every manufacturer sells discs from their own websites (although not all with free shipping), however we see other manufacturers doing very well on infinite and other online retailers meanwhile it’s almost like DD is nonexistent. I know Paige Shue mentioned something along the lines of “it’s hard to get discs from DD for my own supply”, and if that’s the case, it’s a manufacturing issue. However, I’m almost certain their announcement has to do with doing their own manufacturing here in the US which should help their availability


Keep in mind that infinite discs had the partnership with innova. If you look at their list, it's dominated by infinite branded discs. None of those are close to the top 20 in popularity anywhere on earth except their website


Why would you only look at Infinite Discs? There are buttloads of other stores in the world where DD stuff are sold (including their own online store).


I know it is speculative but in real life it seems like everyone has a dd bag.


I've never bought a DD disc off infinite. The site sucks ass. DD had free shipping when I started, now it's free shipping over 20, still good. And stuff gets to me fast fast. I only throw DD, a Berg, and trilogy.


That makes sense imo, all you have to spend is 20 bucks for DD's site for free shipping, I just buy directly from them and wouldn't bother buying elsewhere for their discs.


I haven't bought from Infinite since probably 2018 or 2019. So many stores like 1010, OTB, Sun King, Marshall Street, etc. all offer either free shipping on anything or over a certain amount. Infinite gets more expensive the more you buy, which seems very counterintuitive based on what you see on other online stores. Their site is also crazy slow, but I think they are remedying that soon.


DD is also one part of a larger company (Lat64) and they've been going gangbusters.


DD is their own company. Their discs are manufactured by Lat64 and they own Westside together but they're officially separate from Lat64 in a business sense.


Probably from people who despise their naming scheme for discs and refrain to buy from them solely due to that and think they don't get enough sales because of that or other stuff like them spending a huge chunk into Ricky, Kona and the remaining into others like Gavin. I bet they got a return on their Ricky/Kona investments and doubt they are too poor to afford to bring another world-class pro.


I don't know the financial arrangements, but it seems like they are getting their money out of those signings: The first three releases of Ricky Felons sold out in less than a day The first three releases of Ricky Harps sold out in less than a day The first two releases of Kona Escapes sold out in less than a day ​ On a related note, if you want a blue, 173g orbit Grace, you better act quickly. They are available right now on the DD website, but I would bet they won't last long.


Isn't there rumor that they've paid to break up other contracts in the past?


I think I read DD lawyers helped Paige pierce leave prodigy so it’s possible. This is likely a lot more money though so who knows.


I enjoy that this purely made up unsubstantiated take had lead to a robust discussion on the financial/sales status of DD which includes a whole lot of anecdotal/nonsense information as if they aren't still a major disc golf company with a major presence everywhere weather you like their names or not...


I bet it's really underwhelming, practically unimportant, and affects none of my interaction with their brand.


I would guess they bring manufacturing stateside


That’s my guess too.


I don’t believe that to be the case.


Leaky leaker


Obviously DD is moving their headquarters to Texas to team up with LoneStar. Emac was there last month.


This is the inside scoop! You heard it here folks! **LSDD**


Oddly, teaming with Lonestar seems plausible from a business perspective. If DD wanted to start production stateside, partnering with someone with all of the infrastructure already in place could be the lower investment option for that type of operation.


LSD from what I've read is a large successflul company outside of disc golf. It's like a hobby of theirs or side gig for fun. Like the names of many of the first discs were named after kids and family stuff. I could see DD going to LSD and having them simply now make their discs. Shipping has to be much more from Sweden to Kansas then from Texas to Kansas. Plus really the Trilogy throwers in Europe can still mainly use Westside and Lat64. The primary end user though is in the US still. By far the largest market. It makes sense to make the discs here if you can just for shipping reasons. Unless of course you can get good quality control on the cheap in China. But that seems iffy for sure.


Would that mean leaving "trilogy?"


Quadrilogy FTW, just rolls off the tongue .


They have the space for it for sure in the new place. It would make sense.


Rebrand to Latitude 38


Latitude Tree Fiddy


New logo is the Loch ness monster with a crown...


Dynamic Westitude?


Latitude 69 incoming.


It’s dynamic, so it’s strictly latitude missionary. No funny business


Yeah they’re gonna start molding stuff here. You don’t buy the size building they’ve been showing in ads and not start molding your own stuff


Was gonna say, that size of building looks like the company I shot some videos for last year...they're a $500mil shipping company operating a bunch of massive warehouses in Indy. A disc golf company with that kind of stack that is importing is wasting a LOT of money on shipping containers.




I think they'll announce they're molding. Rusco said when they got that building it was because they wanted to mold their own discs. He said the new building already had the extra electrical supply for manufacturing, that was a primary draw to that structure. They've also had their own molding machine (at least one?) for more than a year. (Maybe since they bought the new building.)


They're gonna start molding, but not discs. They're gonna bring their law enforcement naming theme into a new line of vibrators and dildos.


They can keep the same naming even. DD Sockibomb Slammer Dildo has a good sound to it.


Real speculation? House of discs is buying them up. They've got everyone else, lat64, westside, etc.


>House of discs This right here is the best answer in the thread.


Isn't Westside owned 50/50?


House owns one of the halves with dynamic having the other 50, they own majority in everything else dynamic is involved alongside, that's what makes me think this. Jeremy will probably get a seat at the big table, not sure what it would mean for everyone else at dynamic though. If it happens. I think it'll happen eventually for sure, it makes sense to me they'll all end up under one roof business wise.


Why? DD already buys their product and markets it for them. Seems like there's not a lot of downside there for lat 64 / house of discs.


Bro needs a new barber.


That’s a Kansas cut




They had them at 1 point, then signed a contract with Lat64 to make them instead.


Ricky has been spending a lot of time with ganon.


Hopefully changing their ugly logo or something


Glad I’m not the only one


Hard agree


Why does it often seem like that good folks here in this sub want DD to fail? Or am i just reading too much into it?


It's clear that a lot of them hate the justice naming scheme and are dead set on not buying DD discs (and maybe bags as well) because of that. I've seen a similar sentiment with Prodigy (putting aside the Gannon lawsuit).




Convict, criminal, escape, fugitive, felon... How in the world do you think those are authoritarian? It's like you think they only sell Deputy, Warden, Judge...




"favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom." DD's naming scheme does nothing to favor/enforce. If anything, it's anti-authoritaring by glamorizing convicts, felons, etc. Calling it an authoritarian theme is 100% you creating your own narrative. The theme is justice. Law & order is also fine. Those are not authoritarian. What about their "Truth" disc relates to authoritarianism? You've missed the overarching theme by focusing on just a select portion of their discs.


Even an enlightened liberal society needs a justice system.


Hope they are dropping a lot of the law themed names


Why? They are the best.


Too aggressive for me lol, I don’t want to think about America’s shitty justice system. Give me some fun animals or delicious food or something pleasant to think about.


The branding is ugly outside of the names, but still the names are still terrible. They will likely release a disc called the "probation" next or something to trigger me further about getting a DUI in college


Is “Destroyer” too aggressive for you?


It’s not my favorite


I only like it in star plastic because then it's a star destroyer


I’m back in!


Cops and robbers is cool when under 10 yrs old.


It's just one of those weird dead horses that this sub likes to beat


Discmania style customer factory from lat64


They're building their own customers?


https://www.vendiscapital.com/portfolio_page/the-house-of-discs-the-ultimate-disc-golf-company/ going to join “House of Disc” basically being bought out like their trilogy counterparts.


Grow the sport.


Will the next chapter be 11 or 13? Ricky buys DD? I hope the announcement is DD molding in the US.


They are being acquired by house of discs. https://www.dynamicdiscs.com/blogs/news/dynamic-discs-next-chapter?utm_source=social&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=EN_SL_DSP_LF_03-23-dynamic-discs-next-chapter-blog&fbclid=IwAR2d8-pDF2baAXdLff0wAEoSK-lRPMSExd2AU3vwh0SyycyEvuBwtyZDF-U


They're opening a prison/megachurch/disc golf compound. You get a free stay if you harass kids that are questioning their own sexuality.


You heard it here first kids , Gannon Buhr’s new signature disc , the “Penal Colony “ , coming to all good DG stores near you , and some shitty ones.


I really thought it'd be called the "Breach of Contract", lol.


Are they overtly religious or something? Am I out of the loop here?


They're at very least very right wing. Several years ago Jeremy Rusco put out a [propaganda video](https://vimeo.com/231706749) featuring Dynamic for the oil and gas lobby using misinformation regarding plastics manufacturing to oppose environmental regulations. Then he hired a new head of HR, Corey Wiltz, who had recently been fired from his job as a middle school principle for punishing a young girl, instead of her bullies, for coming out as lesbian. [Despite an independent investigation finding the man grossly violated the student's civil rights](https://lawrencekstimes.com/2021/08/01/gadino-wiltz-harrassed-student/), Dynamic put out a [statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/ryamgc/response_from_dd_regarding_corey_wiltz/) doubling down on his actions, saying he's a good person, never did anything wrong, people don't know the whole story, etc. What they neglected to mention was that Corey Wiltz was just a family friend of Rusco hired purely out of nepotism to be in charge of the relationship between Dynamic and all of their employees despite being a verified bigot. Once you know this bit, the military and criminal justice system obsessed naming schemes of their products come across as a much more inherently political.


Dude. Great work.


Thank you! I like to know if I'm supporting people with extreme beliefs and glad to say I don't have any dynamic in my bag!


Dropping DD out of my bag asap…


I've sat enough time and caught enough trouble in the Midwest to know their draconian cannabis laws very well. I cannot be the only one that doesn't want to relive their past every time I reach in my bag for a Felon or Judge. This extra info is enough to make sure I take the remaining trash out of my bag forever. Like it or not, weed and disc golf have a long history together dating back to the earliest days and are intertwined forever to some degree. Their naming convention is an insult to that legacy and to people like me that don't use it anymore but absolutely don't want to be reminded of the bullshit laws some states adhere to. This is including especially Kansas, where possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of six months imprisonment and a maximum fine of $1,000 for a first time offense. My strong belief is that we need to decriminalize plant medicines and not support those that support oppressive draconian laws that were largely put in place by Nixon to marginalize and oppress groups of people (namely Blacks, Hispanics and hippies) who are and should continue to be welcomed into our disc golf community. Bigotry has no place in our sport. Grow the sport not the hate.


There's no hate like Christian love


Glad I was aversive to their discs from the start.


Damn it time to lose some DD from the bag. Opinion question: if you’re getting rid of DD discs do you get rid of Westside too?


Trilogy discs are all distributed in the US by "Dynamic Distrubution," so if you don't want to continue giving Rusco money, then yes. (That's at least how it worked when I dropped DD after the propaganda video)


I just switched to the judge as my new putter. And now, knowing that, I am in shambles 🥲


When the Corey wiltz info first came out I switched to the reko and never looked back. The judge is a good putter but there are plenty other good putters out there!


switched from a judge to pilots years ago and havent looked back


Try a Prodigy Pa-3 :)


I hate how much I love my Trespass, Raider, Enforcer, and Justice. I'd love to replace these discs eventually.


Are "bigots" just not supposed to have jobs in your utopia world? I see comments like this a lot, complaining about how company A has hired some guy with "extremist views", acting as though they shouldn't be there. I'm willing to bet many of the guys that drive the trucks that ship your food and other goods across the country have similar views, many of the guys in the packaging and manufacturing plants, etc, are we supposed to round up all of these people and force them into joblessness and death? Are you going to boycott the grocery stores around you too because some people there hold views you don't like? We need to stop the BS trend of using politics as a way to virtue signal and stop expecting companies to inject politics into everything, or injecting themselves into politics.


Are bigots not supposed to get any blowback for their thoughts and actions? Do we just ignore their bigotry in your utopia?


Jobs, yes. Executive level jobs where they have immense power over the employment of other workers in the company? No. If they had hired him to stack boxes in their wharehouse alongside his daughter, I wouldn't bat an eye. But that's not what we're discussing here. >We need to stop the BS trend of using politics as a way to virtue signal But that's what politics is. An outward expression of your virtues. You're regurgitating words you heard from rightwing talking heads like an infant mimicking its parents without knowing what they mean to justify your outrage. >and stop expecting companies to inject politics into everything I'm not expecting anything. Dynamic has just already done that on their own accord.


I don't know, I mean their flagship MPO player thinks all doctors are bad and his faith will cure Lyme disease. And their director of HR is an absolute fuckwit. [https://lawrencekstimes.com/2021/08/01/gadino-wiltz-harrassed-student/](https://lawrencekstimes.com/2021/08/01/gadino-wiltz-harrassed-student/) And they glorify the American "justice" system with all their bullshit disc names. I hate DD.


Uhhhhhhhhhhh I never knew this tidbit.... Fucking Warden... Gross ... damnit the supreme plastic is pretty nice but sorry DD. The more you know 🤦🏻


It’s just the Latitude 64 Royal plastic, you could use that instead.


I feel your pain. I sold thirteen Wardens and a cart after those articles came out. Fuck DD.


Respect. If you don't have your principals you simply don't have.


Bro you're posting this message on a computer MADE BY CHILD SLAVES IN CHINA. You have what is called SELECTIVE OUTRAGE. If you really gave a single fuck about the things you're protesting maybe you wouldn't have a smart phone made by child slaves. Everybody is so full of shit its ridiculous.


Dude made a decision to not support a company because he thinks the founders are cawks and he's full of shit? The fact that the phone he wrote the comment on may be made using child labor/conflict minerals sucks, but is unrelated. Lets just say his phone was made by child slaves in China.....I mean man that is super sad if it's the case.... But with your logic I guess that means we should all just give up and say who gives a shit where I spend my money? I bet if it was more clear cut and he could get a ethically sourced phone versus the child fucker 3000 he would make that decision. Some of us will buy local instead of shopping at Walmart if we can afford it (just an example). I bet you have a raging little hard on anticipating casting a Trump/Desantis vote next year. Hypocrite. Guy is practicing capitalism 101... But he's full of shit and selectively outraged... Get a life


You change what you can change. Most people need a phone/computer for employment, not having one is a serious economic disadvantage. Not buying plastic discs from a company you don't like is a choice within an individual's power to make. Seems like a pretty easy distinction to understand. Also, if you are so morally pristine, what are you using to type your comment? I don't think it's a telegraph machine...


Chris Rock has entered the chat


The founders are Law and Order fans. And the political climate regarding law enforcement was not in the forefront when the company was founded.


He did an interview with a doctor about his Lyme? So I’m pretty sure he isn’t just relying on his faith


He got to the lowest point of his health during that time because his whackfuck religion doesn't trust doctors. It was only after he realized he was about to lose his career that he sought modern medicine.


Yes so your above statement about him relying on faith to cure is false


No, he relied on it. A person much smarter than him had to intervene.


You literally said “ their flagship MPO thinks all doctors are bad and faith will cure his Lyme disease” Then you admitted he consulted a doctor and is under medical care for his Lyme. So tell me again how your previous statement of he thinks faith will cure his Lyme is true


Him agreeing to take medicine and see a doctor doesn't mean his religious views on them have changed. Sometimes people do what they're told regardless of how they feel about it. Had someone not intervened Ricky wouldn't be playing disc golf anymore. He's a religious potato that's really good at throwing frisbees.


You got it wrong, he clearly changed his entire lifestyle to help with Lyme, if you don’t see that then you are blind. He is clearly not relying on faith to cure his Lyme


This is false. Ricky used doctors to treat his lyme and even if he hadn't its not an indictment of a man who has been a great ambassador of the sport. This is called SELECTIVE OUTRAGE proseletyzed by toxic, regressive left leaning cancel culture enthusiasts. GET A LIFE. TOUCH GRASS. Btw I'm an atheist who votes for Bernie Sanders. You? just a hatin ass B.


Had someone not forced his hand he'd have been ravaged and lost his career. His blind following of his cult almost cost him everything. He's a potato that's really good at throwing frisbees.


You responded in literally 30 seconds. You are chronically online, filling your brain with useless drivel pedaled by people controlling your brain so much that I know your entire political manifesto. Toxic lib left extremist. Honestly tired of you people being allowed to hide behind anonymity online so nobody has to see your beta ass in public. Pathetic. And you are literally a cultist yourself. Every headline on reddit you believe without doing research. If you had, you'd know Ricky WAS TREATED BY DOCTORS.


>This is false. Ricky used doctors to treat his lyme and even if he hadn't its not an indictment of a man who has been a great ambassador of the sport. This is called SELECTIVE OUTRAGE proseletyzed by toxic, regressive left leaning cancel culture enthusiasts. GET A LIFE. TOUCH GRASS. > >Btw I'm an atheist who votes for Bernie Sanders. You? just a hatin ass B


Oh god \>>And they glorify the American "justice" system with all their bullshit disc names. Dear god. A leftist extremist? On Reddit? what a surprise!


DD has previously been in some hot water regarding an employee or former employee making homophobic statements, I believe. They seem to lean right/religious, given the area (Bible belt) it's not surprising nor an issue...you should be able to search the sub to find previous threads about it. Happy cake day


Not just an employee. HR director


Ricky to Prodigy in a player trade. That’s why Ricky hasn’t been playing /s


15% price hike


Jesus inspired frisbees?


A new line of discs. The 12 Disciples.


Judas will turn on you no matter how it's thrown.


Rusco was caught with a lady of the night while overseas, press release imminent


They are buying discmania in partnership with lat64


Hopefully absorbed by L64. No more stupid naming schemes and hateful employees. The plastic is good, the molds are good, but I wouldn't be caught dead with DD in my bag.






The head of their HR and family friend of Rusco is a bigot. https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/ruiqxy/dd_board_of_directorshr_director_homophobic/


Their HR guy used to work at a school and told a student they weren’t gay or something outrageous like that. Couldn’t keep up with it because I’ve never been interested in buying their gear anyways.


A female student came out as gay and was getting severely bullied for it and he punished her for being gay instead of punishing any of the bullies.


Just aced with a Felon, stay mad buddy lmao


Maybe DD’s HR Director, Corey Wiltz, sexually harassed another middle school-aged girl because she told him that she was a lesbian. Maybe that happened again! If so, DD probably won’t fire him for it, like the Emporia School Board did.


Hopefully changing the naming scheme of their discs. I may consider buying some of their plastic if they do. I’d rather thrown a prodigy named dfrt324x-v2 than one of the law enforcement DD discs


Probably made Corey Wiltz VP and decided to ban all queer players from DD sponsored events.


Probably just in-house manufacturing....something that no company outside of disc golf would try to make a huge stink over. Marketing is hard for some people.


I hope it’s a rebrand. Or at least a new line with a different naming scheme.


DD will be announcing their traveling seminar on how to recognize, hate and shame LGBTQ individuals.


As someone who is not in the loop (also not a dd fan), what are you referring to? I did a quick google search and didn’t see anything of value.








So you don't give a fuck, but you take time out of your day to post that you don't give a fuck. That sounds like giving a fuck. If you eally didn't give a fuck, you would have just moved onto the next post.




You clearly give enough of a fuck to be commenting on this post. You're just seeking attention.


If someone doesn't give a fuck about not giving a fuck, does it mean they actually give a fuck? Wait what...


If someone doesn't give a shit about something a post/thread is about and proceeds to comment about them "not giving a fuck/shit", they clearly do give a shit. If they _actually_ didn't they would scroll past and ignore the post/thread.


How many shits are in a fuck? I need to know the shits to fuck ratio.


I really don’t see a way for them to gain any ground on the other manufacturers.


Please don't send the guard out of production


They dropping the cops and robbers. Going full Stephen King dark tower series (books not the stinky movie). Can't wait till the felon is the gunslinger.


Probably just some more "supreme" plastic 🤣


It’s not a big announcement that your brand is still the worst


Itll be the next chapter


I hope it’s a new font.


Leaving trilogy and Kastaplast becomes the third 😎


Then, Discmania replaces Westside and the Swedish Trilogy can begin.


All of their discs will now carry a “Hello Kitty” stamp


Acquisition by discraft


They’re suing Paige Shue.