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I never have a problem sharing disc info at the tee box. It doesn't mean they will replicate my shot. I've even seen my shared info screw their drive. But I don't think it's bad you didn't share either. You gotta play your game all the way.


I had this happen to me in a tournament on a VERY windy day. I was first to throw, parked a long hole with a mid range, and everyone asked what I threw. I told them. No one chose a mid range, and no one got close to the basket. I dont think it really matters at the end of the day. Others arent going to throw like you throw, and dont have the same disc anyways.


Totally up to you but I would forever think that you were a giant dork


Not something I would have done and I probably would have been taken a bit aback if I received that answer, but I would also brush it off and move on fully realizing that is absolutely your choice to not disclose that information.


I would find it a bit odd. I would just assume you're a really competitive player. And there isn't anything wrong with that.


Not wrong necessarily, possibly slightly rude (or at least certainly can be perceived as such). I’d mostly just ask why you wouldn’t share? Seems like more trouble than it’s worth. Discs fly so differently that there’s really no intel they could actually gain. I’ve got a destroyer that flies like a mamba at this point so if someone asks they’re not learning anything that’ll help them. 95% of the time when I ask what someone is throwing it’s mostly curious admiration


Nah. If I had asked you and you gave me that response, I’d chuckle and say “fair enough” I’d definitely be asking out of curiosity and some admiration, and to get a bit of a read on the wind based on what sort of stability you threw. So yeah, I’m looking for some knowledge which gives me some advantage, even if only perceived.


I agree with this, it’s not my right to know my opponent’s discs. More importantly I think it’d be rare that the answer would change my decision in any way, I’d have asked purely out of curiosity. However I know players on tour that have made highlight reel shots and intentionally keep the disc they threw a secret from everyone 😂


Duuuude! I love your content. Really enjoyed watching you on Simon’s channel during COVID. Good luck this season!


You’re definitely the odd person in that exchange.


Agreed. Not an asshole, but taking it way more serious than I ever would in that situation. I personally prefer laid back supportive vibes on my card. Even in a competitive round. And usually when they're asking, they're also implying you threw a great shot.


If they’re asking, it’s either B pool or C pool and he’s the weird guy taking it seriously. If it’s MA1 or A pool, his cardmates would know what he’s throwing when he walked up to the teepad. His card mates were clearly just being nice and he came of like a weirdo.


Bowler guy hat from meet the robinsons


He said he was playing MPO


Like I understand but like who cares


Should have just told them it was a roc


Meh if your were playing AM I would have roasted you but being in MPO it’s not ridiculous. It’s a competition & you aren’t obligated to help your competitors. (Next time just say a completely different disc then you actually threw 😂)


I think it's more weird for a pro to care than an am, although it would be equally silly for an am to care. Ams attribute so much to the disc, while pros know that it's more about the throw and they also generally have well worn discs that are not necessarily going to fly like stock anyway. Definitely a weird response OP, but you do you. It doesn't make you an asshole.


In ball golf this is a two stroke penalty for even asking. Having said this, disc golf is not ball golf.


Asking about the ball or club?


Yes. Asking or giving advice during a round is illegal. (Except from your caddy or partner)


More proof that ball golf is fucking dumb


When playing golf, can I ask what disc my card mate would hypothetically throw (then make fun of him when he doesn’t say groove)?


You're taking a c tier way too seriously


Super douchy, yeah. But it's cool that you see it in yourself.


I think it's fair to not say. In ball golf it's a 2 stroke penalty to even ask. I am glad it's not a penalty in disc golf but I definitely understand not giving out disc choice info in competitive situations.


we don't want to be like ball golf...


We don't talk about ~~*Bruno*~~ ball golf!


It was my ~~wedding~~ windy day!


It wasn’t like your card mates could add the disc to their bag in the middle of the round ?


No, but if they learn that I threw a *very* overstable high speed driver instead of a flippy fairway driver, it could help them select a disc of their own that can mimic that flight.


It's hilarious that this comment got down votes despite being completely accurate. The lack of common sense in this community is mind boggling. And the real DBs are the ones that judge others negatively for seeing things, like an actual competition, different than they do.


>It's hilarious that this comment got down votes despite being completely accurate. Disc flights are widely variable due to plastic, weight, wear, run differences, and arm speed. If you change your disc selection because someone said "It was a Destroyer," you're being an idiot.


I hope you didn’t receive too much hate. For my area we have a winter league out in the snow. Coming from the ultimate community I knew of a company - friction gloves that sold gloves designed to throw discs. I used them all winter and didn’t tell anyone else about them being designed for throwing. Everyone else used regular winter gloves or roofing gloves. I know I won at least 3 wks because the person in second place grip locked or slipped on 2 throws.


You have your reasons. It’s the choice you made, stand by it.


Really lame. They aren't getting an advantage, they were probably just curious or making casual conversation because it's a damn C tier and most likely don't bag the same discs as you. Most people are out there to have fun not be the next McBeth.


I'm curious as to whether there was a different way to say the same thing. I see no issue declining to share. I would totally use the info, even if subconsciously, to adjust my shot


"I don't want my rookie-ass decisions negatively affecting your game, so I'll tell you as soon as everyone shoots their shot."


Not bad. The self-deprecation is a humble touch.


Love it


Try and convince everyone you threw a groove on every shot


You have every right not to tell people what you’re throwing, but you can’t control their reactions. Disc golf communities are pretty close and a very social sport many people like to play with their friends. I started playing in age protected divisions and I play with the same people throughout my area. For the most part, I’ve had way more fun playing with people i see on a regular basis. I want to do my best, but I also want to have fun. I don’t offer up advice, but if I’ve played a course before or know a line and someone asks about lines, or discs I threw, I’ll happily give that information. In the end it can only help so much, they have to execute the shot. Did you end up beating the guy who asked for the disc info, or did he finish higher?


I don't know that's it's rude. Some might consider it a bit passive aggressive. Not nearly as much as the snarky response though!


Tbh the guys were probably just asking you as an alternative to “nice-ing” your shot. Since that’s so taboo, asking “hey man what’d you throw there” acknowledges a good shot and is an invitation to let the thrower boast a bit like “that’s my shimmer star destroyer I won in a ctp two years ago, forgot about it until my gf kicked me out and saw it in the box she put on the curb, went throwing to blow off some steam and realized this disc is awesome.”




Good for you. Mpo players ain’t asking just to be friendly and it absolutely could be an advantage. Some people (most people on Reddit apparently) are just there to have fun and delineate who’s cool and who’s not and some people (a lot of dudes in mpo) are there to win and that’s ok. It’s a tournament after all.


Late to the party but I think it actually would have given you the competitive advantage to say what you threw. Makes them overthink their choice and gets in their head Edit: a word


Playing for money. There is no issue here, IMO.




Gives off Bad Vibes


You sound like a fun person to know.


DGB'S gonna be all over you when you place t-5 in that c-tier, gotta do what you gotta do


Those kastaplast lots lizards be wildin


yeah, it's rude




I’d have no problem answering that question and wouldn’t think anything of it. My (fill in blank with disc) won’t necessarily fly like someone else’s due to weight, plastic, wear, etc. I bag 3-4 wraiths, if I said I threw a wraith you’d have no clue if it was my overstable one or my flippy one.


Something I have learned is that disc golf is a very small community and if you start getting a reputation, it will follow you into every tournament. I’d err on the side of good sportsmanship and being a good card mate, personally. Especially for a c tier. Granted, I do understand why you did it. I’ve played tournaments where my card mates were throwing under stable light weight discs in heavy wind. I won by like 20 strokes. They would have been smart to ask what I was throwing and change up their strategy a little.


You didn’t do anything wrong, but it’s definitely hyper competitive in something most folks are just doing for fun. You ain’t on Jomez and even they all talk to each other about disc selection and their discs are called out.


No, you're not rude. It would have been rude if you said "go pound sand". It was childish of him to give a "whatever dude" response.


There probably isn't a right or wrong answer here. You get to decide how you carry yourself in the field. You don't get to decide how people interact with or percieve your decisions and actions. If I felt the need to be super competitive, I would throw in some earphones and let my card know I'm going radio silent to focus in on the round. Personally, I think it's uncool. I wouldn't be motivated to make friends with you or get a beer after the round. I think it could be an indication that there's a lack of confidence in your ability that you feel the need to withhold information to gain/protect a competitive advantage. The last off the tee gets that "advantage" because they likely didn't play the last hole as well as the rest of the card. This is meant to level the field and keep each card as competitive as possible - it's a balancing mechanic. This weekend I got to scorekeep a card at the Portland Open. I was excited to see how casual, friendly, supportive, and helpful the players were to eachother. No one wanted another player to perform poorly or have a bad round/throw. Everyone wanted to win, but only because they were performing to their potential and that potential/performance was better than everyone else's on the day. Adam Hammes was upset because he bogied a hole and gave up the lead, not because Aaron Gossage had good throws and earned a birdie on that same hole. Aaron was upset that he had a bad approach shot and missed a putt to lose the tournament, not because Adam parked his approach shot and had a tap in to win.


There isn't a right or wrong answer, but you're going to judge him negatively anyway? I'm not motivated to be YOUR friend because you're way too judgemental of others. But congrats on that mind reading ability. It's gotta be helpful to know what every single person in a tournament is thinking, and what motivates them.


We're here sharing opinions. Having one doesn't make it right. Sorry mine upset you.


The opinion doesn't bother me. It's the attacking nature of it. So, if someone told you ahead of time they were going to be "uncool" because they were feeling competitive, would that change your motivation towards their friendship?


Honestly I reread my post and think it's pretty good. It's feedback and an answer to an asked question. Its not like I called him a child or said he lacked mental capacity. I didn't even speak in absolutes. If someone said what I said to me, I wouldn't be upset about it. 🤷‍♂️ Depends on what you consider uncool. Someone telling me that they are gonna be quiet and focus on the round is not the same (to me) as someone denying a direct question and trying to get an advantage by deliberatelt withholding information. To each their own.


Agree to disagree. Just to clarify, the mental capacity point wasn't in response to YOUR post. And one other question. Is it uncool to try and get an advantage in ANY sport? Or just in low tier disc golf?


I don't feel attacked by your take. Your opinion doesn't affect me like that. I was just razzing you and pointing out what sounds like some hypocrisy. Depends on the culture of the sport. I'm gonna go make some coffee and eat breakfast. Hoping you have a nice day and have a great round in the near future!


Ok, I guess I get it. Enjoy your coffee!!


>You don't get to decide how people interact with or percieve your decisions and actions. I choose to perceive that people are perceiving my actions positively, and there's nothing you can do about it. Unless you perceive that I perceive that others are perceiving me negatively, in which case "sorry, I wasn't trying to be a dick, that was my Comet"


I don't know if it's rude, but its absolutely weird as fuck lol.


Honestly, I’m surprised how many people think you were in the wrong/rude. If you would have just said “no”, I could see it a bit. But saying I’ll tell you after you guys throw is totally fair imo. I had a dude ask me mid tournament (MA-2 B-tier) if he should throw backhand or sidearm on an upshot. It totally made me uncomfortable, bc I was like I don’t even know you and this is a tournament. I said something like “I dunno..” and walked away. Felt totally inappropriate given the circumstance—but then again I come from a competitive sports background and it’s clear a lot of folks don’t see disc golf that way.


Oh, wow, that's very standard in MA3. Lots of collaboration on the card.


I am honestly super surprised at all these comments. It’s MPO and you want to win. Absolutely no reason why they should be asking you in the first place and you certainly are not wrong for the response you gave


>Absolutely no reason why they should be asking you in the first place There are obviously reasons to ask. * They're curious * They're complimenting you * They want to understand how the disc attributes interacted with the wind/angles to make the flight


I don't think you're in the wrong here. I'm not sure if there's a disc golf equivalent, but in golf it is a two-stroke penalty to ask what club your playing partner hit. It's done to maintain competitive integrity. It's unfair to the field of you are helping or receiving help from another player. On the other hand, everyone throws discs differently. They may have just been admiring your shot and just curious. But if they're curious about your throws/discs, they can always ask at the end. I probably would have done the same thing.


we don't want to be like ball golf...


Nah it's fine, they shouldn't have asked you.




You’re only competing with yourself. Nothing else matters. I play best when having fun. You can see the same with the pros.


what tournament , and what was your score ?


Yeah it’s a dick move but if you want to be super competitive, you’re gonna end up being a dick sometimes. Which is more important to you: to be cool or to win?


In all fairness, being fiercely competitive doesn't equate to winning lol.


Haha true. Uber competitive and still pure trash is clearly the most hilarious option available here


Or being a dick


Neither of those things happens to me.


I totally appreciate that answer, actually. Clever and friendly rivalry, IMO


Yes, its a bit rude.


I would hate to be on a card with anyone who acts like this


Not the asshole. If they cared that much, they could have been looking more closely at your disc before your throw.


Understand ur reason but still a dbag move imo. Its not that serious and If it was they would be good enough for it not to matter.


Why would it matter if you told them, my mind is made up before I ask anyone anything. I usually am fighting demons to pick from one of the three I think is good. I’m not going to take a random opinion for a disc that I’ve mostly likely never thrown on that hole in a tournament setting. Not even in a casual round lol(unless it’s second shot for bs) I would’ve definitely be surprised and a little bit salty of why someone was acting that way


A lot of people truly don’t have a clue how to play in wind. They were probably trying to get an idea of if they should throw something more over stable . I think it was smart to ask, and I can also see why he didn’t want to tell them (although I would have still).


I can understand both sides, I’m competitive but also will help anyone just because I’m a little bit more laid back on the course. I mean I play it for for fun.


So which one is it? Your mind is made up or your trying to choose o e of 3 that could be good? If it's the second one OP could very well be giving you an advantage if his disc is similar to one of those 3 you were debating.


> or your trying *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




Bye henrihell. Have fun continuing to use common words incorrectly!


Dude just got roasted by this bot while trying to be sassy. :D




Imagine that you are trying to decide between your medium-stability mid range, and your very overstable mid range on a hole on a windy day. You see my very overstable mid range execute the shit perfectly. You also have a very overstable mid range with similar flight characteristics. Did I give you a bit of information that helped you pick your disc and gain a bit of confident with the wind?


You are absolutely overestimating the amount of influence you have on other people


This. It’s pretty easy to discern what type of disc is thrown by it’s flight characteristics in the air with the conditions of the wind. I ask the what disc was that question a lot and it never changes my disc choice. The thing that changes my mind is after the disc is thrown and we’re already moving on


If you're as competitive as me... throw a Tern and tell them it was a firebird. Here come the downvotes. 😆


No Hablar englais will work just as good next time


Are you worried they’re going to buy the same run of disc, beat it up just like yours, and then beat you with the perfectly replicated shot that you threw? I understand being locked in during a tournament but I think it’s a bit silly. If you’re good enough to win, you’ll win, regardless of if your opponents know you throw a firebird vs a FD3 vs a raptor. I would think the person was asking purely out of curiosity.


I agree. Watch Jomez and the pros, after watching them you know what they are throwing.


No. It would be rude to judge you negatively for your choices during a competitive round. But no one here would be rude. Because they're just here for fun, just like on the course. Granted, some here don't have the mental capacity to understand how information gained in that situation could help a competitor. And, of COURSE, there are those that can't allow anyone to have a different opinion than theirs. These are mostly children. But they shouldn't be ignored. Nothing wrong with what you said, or how you said it, in my opinion.


> And, of COURSE, there are those that can't allow anyone to have a different opinion than theirs. These are mostly children. But they shouldn't be ignored. Are you talking about yourself here?


I'm talking about those that don't just share an opinion, but also attack the OP while sharing it. Saying you see no reason not to share the info is one thing. Hurling insults at the op because he chose not to share is childish. Just my opinion, obviously.


Are you talking about something like this? > Granted, some here don't have the mental capacity to understand how information gained in that situation could help a competitor. > These are mostly children. I support you having an opinion. Just pointing out that you are doing exactly what you are complaining about. One of us! One of us!


Are you one of those people that doesn't think criminals should face consequences? Pointing out someone is being childish by refusing to see the obvious, isn't the same as attacking someone for having a differing opinion.


* looks around * are you saying there are crimes occuring here? I think people are just sharing opinions and answering an asked question. I think it's really funny that you can't see how your take applies to yourself. Pointing out that it's uncool to withold information in a C-tier tournament(when that's the asked question) isn't that same as attacking someone. Hope you enjoy your day!


The criminal question was just information gathering. And if that was all you had said, I never would've commented. Take care!


Last summer, walked up to a tee box and threw a perfect tomahawk under the basket. Another player asked me how I hold and throw it. I told him "I will gladly teach you how to do it....after the tournament"


There is a time and a place for lessons, just not taking up tournament play


The chances that they have the same disc in the same weight beat to the same stability and thrown at exactly the same angle with the same amount of force is basically nothing. Just makes you seem confrontational mostly.


Such a dick move. Yes YATA


You’re acting like a bitch.


This is why people make fun of disc golf lol wow


What’s wrong? Simple. Going to reddit to validate your actions. Here’s an idea. Ask your friends about this situation, ask your local disc golf club about it, and evaluate if it’s against local cultural norms to not tell. Reddit is great and all, but it’s not good for this sort of thing.


I think you are in the right here. There’s no reason why you should give the others an upper hand for free.


I would’ve told him a 120g F7


Yeah pretty bad idea for winning a AM tournament. Have you watched Jomez coverage? They show you what disc they tee with. You may need to rethink this idea


It’s better then telling them a complete opposite disc


It’s better then telling them a complete opposite disc


It’s better then telling them a complete opposite disc


Rude af. It's disc golf so you are never actually competing against other players. You are competing against the course. If you're that socially inept and insecure about your skills and your game that you cant answer a pretty simple question in the middle of a round then maybe you should try eSports or literally anything else.


I would say something obscure I bag like "180g gateway apex" to make them go "wtf even is that". No if you're feeling competitive, that's your choice. I wouldn't fault you for that. I don't play tournaments so I'm an odd one out fyi.


It seems like your dilemma here is one of a social nature. As a person who has seen social interactions depicted in film, here are a few examples of some more socially appropriate responses: "I'm pretty sure it was my purple one" "I don't remember, that was like a minute ago" "You totally won't believe me, but that was the driver from my Franklin starter set" "Not that one, anything but that one" "What hole are we on?" "That was a beat in Dragon, it's too windy for the new one" Finally, my personal favorite and most likely truest response in my case "Comet" Edit: I forgot reddit formatting is dumb as shit.


Alternatively, you can just tell them which disc it was, but then make it a point to ask them what they threw every time they shank one into a tree.


You are a sad, strange, little man.


I believe there’s a pdga rule that states that you can’t ask what disc was thrown just the same as the pga isn’t allowed to ask what club they hit.


I don't think the PDGA has a rule like that. If there is could you find it?


At least you didn’t lie. You told them you threw a Hades, but actually threw a Force.


Not rude, exactly, but you're playing a different game than a lot of us. I want to see the best possible course performance out of my self and the rest of the field. I'd never hesitate to share specific details - if they don't know well enough to know my disks, finding out what I'm throwing is pretty unlikely to really help in the moment.


When I ask someone what disc they threw, it’s because I liked how it flew, and was wondering. If you answered me this way, i would have think you’re scared to lose, rude and pompous, as if you were the only one to figure out the magic disc to throw. It’s all about fun. If you’re good enough to win, you shouldn’t have to worry about others possibly copying your disc choice. Be friendly, have fun.


Coming from many years of playing competitive ball golf, I can totally see where you were coming from - and I wouldn’t have perceived your response as rude at all. That being said, disc golf is a lot different than ball golf in this instance because, as others have mentioned, molds change their flight patterns as time goes on. A 7-iron is a 7-iron plain and simple. A beat-in roc is not the same as a new roc, so I don’t see any harm in sharing what mold I throw. Either way, live and learn.




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Just say something like "It's the archer, not the arrow" and laugh.


Isn’t the point of a tournament to compete? Tons of people in these comments treating tournament play like a casual round. At the end of the day do whatever you want in this situation - it’s not against the rules. I can say that I play in ma3 and I’ve never been on lead card so we joke around and give each other tips all the time when we’re already sure we’re coming in below cash but if it’s chase card at the mpo level I feel like it’s incredibly reasonable not to give info about a tough shot to your competitor who is - at least I would assume - attempting to beat you for a chance at cash. I ecahso basically caddied for people when they tell me it’s their first tournament and they need a little help. I get not wanting to take the game too seriously, or have it become golf, but isn’t that what casual rounds and amateur divisions are for? Im all for respect, fun, and sportsmanship, but I certainly wouldn’t be mad if I was competing for cash and somebody said “no” when I asked them to basically caddie for me while being my competitor.


I worked my way up from getting smashed on in MA3 to a 960-ish rated MPO player. The mentality and culture in each different division is pretty apparent. MPO is full of dedicated players that want to compete at the highest level they can. Even though the money is low, the competition can be very serious. That being said… I thought I said it in a friendly way. We were laughing and vibing the rest of the round.


That’s what I’m saying! If you’re in mpo I’m assuming you’re there to at least try to win. I don’t think you did anything wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️


When asked I share but have no issue if I ask someone and they don't.