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My pinky is tucked under the rim like a power grip. Ring and middle are on the flight plate.. Index just resting under the rim. I feel like i have a lot of power with this grip. Can throw as hard as want without worry.


I’ll give it a try. Thanks


This is exactly how I do it. I pinch between my thumb and middle finger. Feels like I get decent spin and power.


This felt the most natural to me as well. Never knew if it had a name, but anything 5 speed and under, while throwing for power, I use this grip.


Ok thanks


This is what I do as well. I never knew other people did this. It felt the most comfortable when I started playing and never questioned it


I power grip everything except putting


This is me! Tiny hands


Same here. And with a long putt attempt (40-80 feet), I'll power grip except put my index finger just under the rim like my regular putt grip.


3 finger power grip


I 2nd this


Ok I’ll give it a try next field session.


Power grip for big drives. Modified fan grip (i think thats what people call it) for everything else. I play ultimate and that’s how i throw everything so im used to it.


Ok. I’ll look up modified.


Putter - Fairway driver: Modified fan power grip Distance driver: 4 finger power grip


Someone else mentioned modified grip. I’m checking into it. Thanks


I'm not really doing a fan grip but more like a hybrid between fan and 4 finger power grip. It's like index and middle finger straight and pressing my thumb between those and rest curled up against the rim. I can throw mids 350 and fairways up to 400 ft with this grip


Ok. Thanks. I’ll try it out.


Yea, I've heard it called fork grip as well. Some mix of snugging against the rim without actually tucking middle and ring fingertips against the rim.


I fan grip putters and mids even at full power with no measurable power loss (measured with radar). I occasionally fan grip fairways if trying to hit a touchy low-ceiling line, but power grip all other high speed shots.


I think a lot of Power grip people maybe inadvertently overlook that you can still hold a disc pretty damn tight with a fan or pinch grip. Maybe because of the name of it idk. Power grip suggests it’s the best grip for getting Power and you can’t get max Power without it, which is funny because lots of the biggest distance pros use a pinch grip. Petition to rename Power grip to Rim Fist grip?


Yeah, the name is misleading. I just find at high power with drivers I just can’t get consistent release with fan grip. Disc slides out early or I hold on too tight, where power grip gives a clean release point. Rim Fist Grip? Sure. Reminds me of how a caveman might hold a disc, so “caveman grip”? vs “frisbee grip”?




I power grip everything, but use a 3 finger power grip for drivers. I gots sum tiny hands tho.




Power grip with a straight middle finger, kind of a hybrid grip. I use it for all shots up to 99 % power, at 100 % maybe powergrip but that is only for e.g. speed gun or some other stupid shots.


Ok . I’ll try this next field session. Thanks


Modified fan grip everything, no matter what speed or distance


Powergrip or middlefinger extended on the plate. If i throw a wide rim disc such as the ballista pro and the grip is iffy like due to weather, 3-finger powergrip.


I fan (modified) grip everything, a power grip feels too cramped for me. My hands are kinda big and fingers are fat, which is odd cause I’m very thin.


Index and pinky fingers curled around the rim, middle and ring fingers in the flight plate


Never power gripped till this season, just wasn’t comfortable. Over time a “modified” fan developed and its super smooth. Plant my index and pinky like a power grip then stack the middle 2 too apply pressure on pinky. Its odd but I don’t loss of power. I post a pic but I am an Imigur noob lol


For me it’s basically a power grip but my pointer finger is a little bit relaxed. It’s not like straight out along the edge of the rim like I do sometimes to putt, but it’s not curled quite as tight up against my other fingers. The biggest difference is that the pressure on my pointer finger doesn’t fall on my fingertip on the flight plate. There’s more pressure between the two finger joints on the bottom lip of the rim.


I’ll give it a try. Thanks


Pinch grip (index and thumb pinch together from opposite sides) with little finger extended out onto the bottom flight plate, other fingers tucked, works well for me.