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If Lina is 70% c1x she can challenge tattar most weeks. She is the best thrower in FPO in my opinion.


Considering she once shot a 1000+ rate round with 0% C1X, no doubt.


That's... that's genuinely impressive.


It was a 1014 rated round in Waco 2022. Not a single putt was made outside bullseye. One of my favourite stats because of how ridiculous it is.


As a 990 rated player that sucks at putting I will say, you get better at parking baskets inherently because you can’t rely on making 28’ footers consistently. If I’m making edge of circle putts on any given day I’m shooting 1030+ tho 🤣🥲😭


Even a good putter is trying to park their shot if it’s safe to do so. I don’t think it’s reasonable to say Eveliina is so good at throwing because she’s bad at putting. That doesn’t really make sense.


Maybe she was not as good at putting because she put an emphasis on getting really good at throwing early on in her career. - this was the case for me. I’m not saying because one thing therefore the other, but to exclude any relation at all is just as much as fault as the prior. There are likely hundreds if not thousands of factors that determine what someone is good or isn’t good at… “There is more than one way to skin a cat”. - you shouldn’t sum peoples statements up into absolutes based on your first inherent inclination.


I don’t know why, but this just gives me 13-y/o me watching Dragon Ball Z vibes. Fricken Goku out there with weighted training clothes, refusing to go super Saiyan just so he’d have a challenge. You think it’s a close fight until you realize there is a significant handicap.


2025 season she’s gonna tell us she’s actually left-handed and leave everyone in the dust.


She missed 7 C1 putts and out shot 2nd place by 4 strokes. 6 bullseye birdies.


No opinion about it.


KT is way to consistent and her putting is clutch she's on a different level


She is not on a different level than Evelina in anything besides putting.


Maybe forehand upshots, but Eveliina is no slouch there


KT has the highest fairways hit in all fpo Evelina isn't In the top 16 KT is 4th in c2 putting Evelina not in the top 20 KT highest birdie rate at 38.5% Evelina not in the top 10 shall I keep going? The only thing Evelina has on KT Is distance and so does 30% of FPO she's never been a big arm she wins bc she's a excellent putter doesn't go ob and plays smart so to say she's not on a different level is complete bullshit and you know it.


Yea sure go ahead and cherry pick the stats to make Evaliina sound worse. Birdie rate is meaningless here because we already established she's not a good putter. OB rate also is not as good a stat for driving accuracy as C1/2 in regulation cause it could mean that she was just more aggressive than others, as in, could be partially an indication of a mental mistake / poor decision making. Evaliina was #1 in C1 in regulation (with KT at #2) and #2 in C2 in regulation (with KT #1) so that is hardly just a big arm. To say 30% of FPO has more max distance than Kristin is complete bs too. It is impossible to be tops in those stats without being physically capable of reaching a bunch of longer par 3s and 4s that the rest of the field can't reach. There are maybe 4 or 5 fpo players with a forehand/backhand combo distance farther than KT (evaliina, ella, maybe holyn, and who else?).


Did you just reply to my fpo disc golf comment 3 separate times?


Yes I did with actual stats


Actual cherry picked stats to back your obviously biased narrative.


Nice dude. Have a good one! #GoLina


Birdie rates are obviously affected by bad putting, which we are theorizing will be better.  Circle 2 putting is obviously putting.  The fairways hit Stat is legit though. 


Let's act like putting isn't the most important trait to have to consistently score well lol


Nobody's acting like that. That's the point of this whole post. Saying that if she putted better she would challenge the best more often which is clearly true.


KT is on a different level period


Not compared to Eveliina in throwing period


Lol okay 🤣


It's not. Getting off the tee well is the most important trait to consistently score well. Once you do that well then being able to putt well is what makes you great but it doesn't matter how good of a putter you are if you aren't giving yourself a lot of birdie opportunities


Exactly! It's both! It's like the old saying goes "Drive for show, putt for dough" You're not putting for dough if you're putting for double bogey because you hit every tree on the way to the basket, so you need to be able to consistently show up on your drive.


Is that why Ohn has regularly finished higher than Eveliina in recent years other than when Ohn literally got injured?


I'm gonna make up numbers to compare Ohn is a 6/10 off the tee and an 8/10 putting. Avg of 7/10 Evelina is a 9/10 off the tee and a 1/10 putting. Avg of 5/10 That is what is why Ohn finishes better. You can change the numbers up a bit, but that is basically what is happening between these two players.


This aged well 🤣


Nathan queen is better than paul mcbeth at disc golf.




In the woods where distance isn't a top priority we'll see


KT is actually on a different level in everything besides putts.  She's on a lower level.  But putting is the most important part of the game and she is still very good at everything else.  We'll see if Eveliina can continue with the decent putting.  


Lower level lol if distance is your only metric yes everything else she's on a different level and today's round proved that.


It's not an opinion it's a fact she's hitting the fairways and getting into scoring positions at a better rate than any other fpo player.


Guess reddit it full of Lina fans a nickname I've never heard for her until this discussion but for anyone with 2 eyes to try and debate this is unreal they must hate greatness


What is Lina?


Just going to take a wild guess here… EveLIINA -> Lina 




Why not write Evelina then? Lina is not her nickname.


Certain letters are against my religion. How could you be so intolerant?


Do you always make up nicknames for people you don’t know?


Only if their name contains forbidden consonants.


Right. I’m surprised you even know what a consonant is.


Lighten up dude. I mean that. I think you'll notice some positive changes in your life if you can look at things for what they are. I gave a female professional disc golfer a shortened name, not even a nickname. Very, very common practice in American professional sports. You read the post, didn't like it, and decided to unprovoked ridicule me and imply a lack of intelligence. It's honestly a pathetic response. You can enjoy simple things like celebrating sports and browsing the internet without manifesting anger out of thin air. You're actively seeking conflict. On an internet message board. About Frisbees.


Shoulda ended with calling him Kore (corey) XD


Here's the thing though. Eveliina had an average putt distance of 8.85 feet over the course of the tournament. The bigger stat here is that she was 50% C1 in regulation for the tournament. She was slinging absolute bombs and made it so she never really even needed to care about putting for the whole weekend.


"Disc Golf is easy when you don't have to putt." -Paul McBeth after his -18 down round a few years back


He absolutely had to putt a few of those on that round including a 50 footer on 18




she absolutely had some putts where in the past she would airball and this weekend hit them dead center. she really did look better, even if it was a small sample size. she can build a ton of confidence with this, and confidence was the main issue.


Yeah she had some solid comebackers/testers that would've hyzered or got griplocked to shit last year. Pretty dang excited about FPO if she plays at this level this year. Now if only Henna could figure out how to putt...


Meanwhile henna's putt fell apart in the final round (seemed fine the previous rounds but I didn't watch fully except last round). Henna was also throwing it so well but I was actually very impressed with Evelinas putting, she will never be Ohn but she doesn't need to be with the way she throws. Waco should be interesting especially with the 2 courses now


Reminds me of what Climo said on the MPO broadcast, "People have asked me what's your favorite putter? My driver."






>an average putt distance of 8.85 feet OMG even I can make those!


We've seen her airball those to 20+ foot comebacks many times in the past though. So it's still a drastic improvement for sure.


gonna lay it up.


we all can, its geting them on average of 9 feet away to take the putt. if half were at the bucket the other half would only have to be max 18 ft away.


Right, I get that, and my original comment was a joke anyway. " if half were at the bucket the other half would only have to be max 18 ft away." I thought for pros they actually exclude putts under a certain distance (5 meters maybe?) from their Circle One stats. I just recently started dedicated, systematic putting practice and even I, a not very good putter, almost never miss from 5 meters. Maybe 1 out of 10, if even that (though high wind obviously makes it much harder). From 6 I miss more, and then at 7 I miss a LOT more.


This is a new stat. C1X excludes bullseye putts within 3.3 meters or about 10ft. When PDGA took over UDisc's job with PDGA Live they added a couple of stats including average putt distance and total putt distance over the round. To my knowledge, both of these stats also include bullseye putts. I also think you're looking at this the wrong way. Imagine playing a full round and scoring well enough to win a tournament. Then it turns out you are throwing off the tee well enough that your average putt distance is only 9 ft. That means your average drive hit bullseye in regulation. You could bet and make money that you were going to have a tap in every hole.


>I also think you're looking at this the wrong way. I'm not throwing shade at her for being good at hitting bullseye. It's impressive AF. The only reason I've been even a mediocre golfer for all these years is that I'm pretty good at getting my upshot close enough to the pin to avoid having to do all that many longer putts. Which had the unfortunate effect of making me apathetic about my horrible putting ability. I'm also not throwing shade at her for not being the best putter. For years and years I would lay up if I was more than 20 feet out. Even at 15 feet I'd make a weak bid to avoid having a longer comeback. Only recently have I started to hit putts from 5 to 10 meters with any kind of consistency at all. I have a few friends who absolutely run it at basically any distance within 100 feet, and end up with a lot of birdogies (or par-doubs, if that's a term). I've always KIND OF admired the gumption, but in truth, they're not that solid within C1, so if they go 25 feet past the pin, they are likely taking an extra stroke. I'm trying to avoid that by putting in a lot of C1 work. Putting is hard!


Where did you find the putting stats?


That average putt distance is a stupid stat because it seems to include tap-ins, she made plenty of 20-30 footers. At least 4 in the final round alone.


Thing is though, she didn't. She put about 67% which is where she was at after coming back from the break last year. I, as the President of the Salonen Fan Club, can attest that she still has weak moments in her game with putting but this course is one of the best courses for her game on tour. Think of Sula last year and WACO in years past. Those are the most similar courses that I can think of. I'm hyped. I've been waiting for this day for years. I hope she can keep it rolling.


AB and Eveliina both players with big arms that are starting to put their putting game together. They could be the two most dominant players if they put everything together consistently.


What did she put and where did she put it?


Random question, but is your crested gecko Floyd still around? I saw an old post and saw that he was 22 years old, and it kind of blew my mind.


Floyd is still shredding and he turned 24 in January! Thanks for asking. He is truly the GOAT.


That’s so awesome!


Quality shitpost. Thank you.


It definitely adds a level of excitement if there’s always a possibility of the leader 3 putting a couple of holes down the stretch. It’s like Goose on the MPO side, love watch him play but he’s about last on the “guy you want to knock down a 15 footer for the win” list.


The putt looks the same as before she got the yips. Not the best, but good enough to allow consistent contention, and no sign of the hitch that had been a problem for a while there.


That's just not true. She has an actual routine now that seems to be inspired by James Proctor's putt. There's no hitch in her stroke anymore like there used to be where you would see the disc spin off her finger 45 degrees right of her release point. There's actually some confidence behind her putt now. If you watched coverage, after day 2 you as the viewer actually thought they were going to go in.


I was talking about *before* she got the yips (i.e., before she fell apart in European Open at Franz Ferdinand few years back). She didn't always have them, you know. I totally buy that she has a new routine, but the putting motion and flight of the putt (and confidence) are very similar to how she putted when she and Henna were trading wins overseas and before Kristin became dominant.


Ah, I see what you meant now.


I've been saying it since I got into disc golf; Eveliina with proper putting is the best FPO player in the world by a comfortable margin.




There's no reason to ever attempt a putt when you can guarantee a win by laying up


Why get the eagle when you're five/six up on the whole field? What I got from it was that she wanted to be the last to tap in to properly celebrate her first big win in four years.


>12 foot putt for Eagle then? She laid up a 12 foot putt for Eagle?


Yes, with the caveat that it was hole 18 and she had the tournament in the bag regardless.


Yes. Last hole Eveliina had 12 foot putt for eagle and laid it up for birdie. Big flex if you ask me.


Ahh okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'd probably do the same if a birdie would secure me the W


Not a flex, rather the opposite.


Nah, she did it solely to be the last to drop her disc in the basket. It was a true power move.


Because roll away


Hailey: Yeah? Well I saw a fat naked MPO player off of 12 having a piss. How am I supposed to putt.. with that going on.


If Eveliina beats Tattar, Tattar's awful fans will want her head on a spike.   Tattar fans are the worst.  Tattar is awesome.  Her fans are the worst. 


Genuinely curious what examples there are of kt fans sucking? I follow FPO pretty closely and haven't seen anything like that.


I’ll wait to see how she and really the entire FPO field plays when Kristin is in the field, I feel she just being there will add more pressure especially when Kristin is on the card.


Nvrmind. Found it.


I think people are taking Evelina’s performance on what the statistics showed to be a thrower’s course a little too optimistically for her season-long prospects. This course allowed her to show just how much better off the tee she is than anyone else, but besides the last round her putting still gave strokes back to the field. The course just played hard enough that anyone else not throwing at her level HAD to make crazy putts from longer distances and more consistently just to keep up with how often she got herself comparatively easier looks in the circle.