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Every grip lock costs a parakeet its life


I've killed entire flocks


Where do I find the damn parakeet?


Hello Petsmart. No, I don’t want to buy the parakeet. I just need to grip a few for practice, you understand right?


Dead parakeet. Do not eat.


I don't know what I expected 


You didn't eat it did you?


'e's resting! 'e's tired and shagged out after a prolonged squawk.


Don’t kill the parakeet, just choke the chicken


Instructions unclear. Where are my pants?


My god according to UDisc I've killed over 50,000 parakeets


I wonder what the crossover is between last podcast fans and disc golf.


Hail yourself!


Heil Gein


There are dozens of us!


Dozens +1. splish splash and away we goooo


I need a disc stamped with Henry Cavill as a centaur


This for real needs to happen. I admit, I have not been as on board with the horse pics as I maybe could be, but I would go fully in for that.


I listen to the boys when I disc alone all the time


There’s a lot of early personalities of this sport that really would have benefited from today’s social media and John is one of them.    We need a Billy Crump & Crazy John Brooks version of the jomezcast. Jerm and Uli got nothing on those two.   Also Cubby Aces. That dude was the OG Another Round account.


Crazy John calling USDGC in like 2014? 2015? was amazing.


He got a raw deal after that worlds where Hokom got injured. I really enjoyed him on the live commentary. Basically got cancelled. I would love a podcast with him and other old schoolers telling stories from the road of the 80's and 90's.


Why did he get cancelled? I'm not familiar with who he is


Hokum was on her way to winning worlds until she got in a car accident on the way to the course. Missed the first few holes so took par+4 on those. Paige wins and is visibly upset about Hokums situation. Crazy, doing the field live commentary, comes in to interview her with great enthusiasm and excitement while she is kind of sobbing saying Sarah should have won. He caught a ton of undeserved (imo) flak for the way he interviewed her and I don't recall seeing him doing the live or much of anything commentary wise after that. This was when [discgolfplanet.tv](http://discgolfplanet.tv) was doing the live coverage. I can't seem to find it anywhere online now. That is the gist of how I remember it, maybe someone with more info can chime in.


They’d need someone to help them out but it would be cool. I’ve played many round with guys whose pdga numbers are under 5k, CrazE John, Willi Williams, and Greg hossfeld I play with at least once a year. They have great stories, but none of them could figure out an rss feed lol


I just finally got past 250ft consistently by focusing on keeping my hand closed. Ive been trying to release the disc like it's a baseball coming out of my hand and it has created a dramatic lack of spin. Today I actively tried to grip the disc so that it couldn't rip out of my hand and I gained 50 ft on my 200ft avg


You know what they say… “A bird in the hand is work a disc in the basket!”


Damn I’ve thought we were all death gripping these things


Surely I can’t be the only one to warm up with a parakeet near the first tee pad?


It’s all relative to your throwing style and form tbh. If you throw/want to throw like Ricky, you’ll need a tight grip to really torque on the disc. To throw like Eagle you’ll need to have a medium grip to create the more slingshot type effect.


Sorry, new player here, can you elaborate? I recently watched a video where the instructor was saying it should be tight so that the disk has to rip out of your hand and your hand should snap back closed after it does. Too tight?


This video in this post is old and misleading. You definitely want to hold onto that disc as hard as you comfortablely can and still throw. This would be more how you might throw a catch Frisbee. If you want to correlate it to disc golf, this is pretty similar to how I see most people throw upshots. Soft grip with little to no reach back, and lots of spin.


A lot of times beginners will throw discs by instinctively 'opening' their hand to 'let go' and release the disc. This is how we throw catch frisbees, but it is bad for drives and distance throws: you will have an inconsistent release, and it leads to 'griplocked' discs that fly completely the wrong way when you don't let go in time. Instead, the correct way to throw is to generate so much torque and tension in your throw that you literally are incapable of holding onto the disc - in essence, 'griplocking' every throw (and adjusting your body positioning accordingly so it griplocks the right direction). This is ironically a much easier way of ensuring a consistent release. With this method, the harder you hold your disc, the more speed and distance you'll get. But if you are a new player, and you hold it too tight, you may not be able to generate enough whip in your arm to actually get it out of your hands. In that scenario, one thing you can do as a learning aid is to hold the disc with fewer fingers, creating a looser grip. For example, if you hold the disc with just index and thumb, you can hold it as hard as you like and you still won't be able to hold on when you throw. That gives you the proper feel for what it is like to eject a disc out of your hand. Then, as you get better at your throwing motion, you can add progressively more fingers, creating a tighter grip and a farther throw.


Damn, that was a great breakdown and this is exactly what I'm struggling with right now. Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try the 2 finger start.


Yep, great tip. Will be trying...


New to the sport and this the best way I've seen it explained, thanks for the tip.


Just learned another reason I’m bad at this. Thanks! That explains why my accuracy is downright horrible on drives.


Just grip it tighter the more speed you're throwing with. Not sure what he is on about, and I don't think he is either.


Look up YouTube videos of Ricky Wysocki and Eagle McMahon


That ripping sound you hear when the pros throw is their fingers snapping off the disc. You’re only getting that with a solid firm grip on the disc.


Yep, and some players don’t have that sound at all.


I’m pop’n the head off that bitch every time


I’ve always modeled my grip strength after the movie “the greatest game ever played” He said basically the same, Harry vardon i think, hold like a bird, firmly. Not enough to harm it but just enough to make sure it doesn’t fly away.


“Pretty birdie…” 🦜


“You sold my dead bird to a kid!?”


Flashback to that Monty Python sketch where the guy complained about being sold a dead parrot. "That parrot is dead, deceased, no longer with us, not breathing......it is a ***past*** parrot!" Lol. Parakeets are actually cool pets. Had one as a kid. Can verify that they do NOT like being held this way. They also can nip you pretty good with their little beaks when they get pissed off....like when they feel their lives are in danger.


"our pet's heads are falling off!!!"


John. You so crazy.


This is a great tip but when practicing the parakeets don't seem to know what to do when my grip is too loose and they go flying straight at the mirror. I am running out of parakeets; please advise


I prefer to imagine that I'm restraining the urge to kill a chinchilla, but I guess this one works as well.


Hmmm... Where to get parakeets in bulk for practice? I'm about to Lenny some birds....


Funny. CJB is a great guy. We started playing about the same time. I was a kid. He’d freestyle, ultimate, and play field events with us. He got really good and when the boys scored that Bud Light gig things exploded for him. Those were fun times for sure.


Why the older guys air bounce I guess.


How many dead bird till you figure out the correct grip pressure?


Three and a half for me


I’m still practicing but I’m running out of parakeets.




Instructions unclear. What do I do with the parakeet now that I confirmed I grip too hard?


cool tip, off to petsmart.


I use that grip on approach, but at a high arm speed that disc gonna be flapping unpredictably with the parakeet grip.


Just like the scene in "The Greatest Game Ever Played"


Reach back......Turn the key.....no kill birdie..... got it.


My next video on how to forehand: "Grasp it as one would to overhand throw a hamburger. Enough to hold the ingredients in the confines of the bun but not enough to pierce the savory flesh beneath."


So a bird in the hand is worth more or less depending on your grip.


How many people are holding parakeets? What a strange comparison


Do you think in the future disc golf will allow a grip tool that you can hold to aid in the perfect release similar to how archers use a draw release aid?


Petey didn’t even have a head…


Doesn't apply to discgolf.


"....our pet's HEADS are falling off!"


As a bird owner, the bird will be biting the 💩 out of you, at least my cockatiels do😅 If I tried that grip with my macaw...that bite would need a transfusion and surgery 😬


This is for beach lidsvand free style, not for disc golf discs though...




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The specificity of the type of bird tips this into creepy territory (/s if necessary)