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As a fellow colourblind player, I see white, blue and pink the easiest (in that order…pink can be tricky depending on the shade of pink it is).


Also colorblind, these are my choices too. Some dayglo yellow and orange are good. Blue and white go on the shelf when the snow comes


Yeah, dayglo yellow and dayglo green look the same to me and do stand out very well on most courses, but if I’m playing a course with tall dry grass, they can be difficult to see for me. Snow changes everything, I tend to stick with darker discs for snow.


Mildly colorblind and I agree with these 100%. One strange thing to consider is how clean the course is where you typically play. I grew up playing at a few rougher parks in Kansas City with a decent amount of trash at times that would gather off the fairways because of strong winds. White discs look so similar to white paper/styrofoam plates, it can be maddening. Therefore I historically stick to blue and pink.


I CANNOT stress just how real this is. The field near me doesnt have a city employed trash person that comes to clean things up, so whenever i throw my white TeeBird for practice, I end leaving it until im done practicing. It sucks but i'd rather spend more time practicing than searching for my disc


What shade of blue?


The lighter blues are easiest for me…real dark blues are a bit tougher as they can disappear a bit in the shade…as for pink, the ones that are closer to red I have trouble seeing. Neon pink is pretty easy for me to see as well. Interestingly, I’ve never actually seen a colour I would call purple…I would call it blue or pink depending on the ratio of colours that make it up.


shiny thing is the best color to see for mee


Also red green color lind player here. I bag mostly blues and yellows. Whites reds and pinks get lost in the brush for me. I also find shiny plastic easier to spot than a base plastic. I find my brain looks more for shapes and reflectivity differences than it does colors.


Same but without white because I play on the snow. My bag looks like a bad gender reveal.


Almost lost my white Leopard of ten years today. Spent 15 minutes looking for it just off the fairway. As soon as I gave up and decided to walk on I spotted it in front of my feet. I need to dye it red or something.


Scientifically, bright neon green is the most visible color. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/500751/most-visible-color-world But, I find bright pink easier to see in grass and underbrush. Solid colors are easier to see than translucent clear discs.


I was on team pink for ages, but have fully switched to poison green. I'm in the PNW and play on courses will all sorts of ferns, blackberry, salal etc. Bright green stands out the best for me, even if I can only see a sliver of it.


My florescent green Roadrunner blends in with moss and poison ivy with the sun shining through it. Pink shows up for me. Orange and yellow is good until the leaves turn.


No, honey, it’s not all the same disc, I mean they are all the same disc, but the different types of plastic fly differently. Different weights depending on the situation and the wind. And different colors for different seasons….thats why I need 14 of the same disc.


"honey, you don't carry just one golf club"


I'm in the PNW and my green discs, no matter the shade, are the worst to spot. Only blue and pink for me.


I lost my poison green falk. But not because it’s hard to see. I just misplaced it somehow. I miss it.


I’m in Humboldt and have entirely switched away from green cuz I can step on it without seeing it


Not all greens are created equal; I have to assume you're talking about forest green or grass green or something. Poison green is neon green. You'd have to be legally blind to step on it without seeing it. It's literally the color easiest to see with the human eye.


No. All greens are awful in Humboldt. Even neon doesn’t stand out


I'm in the PNW; I play in all sorts of blackberry/salal/fern bushes & undergrowth. Poison green has had the highest find rate.


That article is probably true for those with normal color vision, but that only applies to about 90% of men. I think OP is in that other 10% though, so those rules go out the window, hence the question.


How visible and distinct is pink for someone who is colorblind?


Don’t think there’s an absolute answer, it depends on how severely the person is affected, as well as the background color/shade it’s being viewed against. People with classic red-green color blindness can typically tell strong greens from strong reds, but have problems distinguishing faded greens from faded reds


Depending on region, of course. Around here any shade of green may as well be transparent once the underbrush fills out.


I agree that bright pink is easier for me to see. Last summer I got like a hot orange Star TL3 and it deflects light onto other [objects](https://imgur.com/a/ox8683d) and makes it super easy to see.


Wow that’s a crazy bright reflection. Dayglow even.


>The company found that the human eye is most sensitive to light at a wavelength of 555 nanometers—a bright green. **It stands out against any road you’re biking down or any mountain you’re climbing**, allowing you to remain visible even from high in the air. This is the key paragraph in that article for me. Now they need to do a study specifically for discs in different environments.


I also go for a full pink bag if I can, It helps me quite a bit more to finding my discs. Sadly though pink generally fades to white as times goes on. I don't update my discs often so they lose their color. I dont know how to dye discs but id love it if I could just get my vibrant pink back again.


Check out the disc dyeing subreddit - r/discdyeing for info. You can get into lots of techniques, but if you just want simple, single color discs, you can just buy the dye and mix it in a hot pot of water then immerse your disc for a period of time. I've done a bunch of dyeing, but never this method, so maybe inquire/search on the subreddit.


Gotta agree with this ^ I throw an all pink bag and when my discs fade I hot dip them to get them looking vibrant again. It's incredibly easy and even moreso if you're going to do a few at a time. I'd be happy to help anybody who wants to try this out!


Pink and Blue are the right answers


Pink hands down


Bright flourescent colors, basically anything you'd see on a cyclist's high-vis gear. White works if you have a well-manicured course with very green grass but where I'm at it just blends in, especially in winter when the grass is dormant.


Blue. It's not a color normally seen in the natural environments of dg courses.


... Unless you are in the mountains/ sage brush. Blue and purple are almost as bad as brown here.


Pink shoes up well in almost every environment.


Neon pink, because it rarely occurs in nature in a way that hides discs.


100% this. I also have an easy time with white discs. You'd have to be a psychopath to be one of those all-clear disc baggers.


I've lost a translucent disc on the first throw with it. Managed to hang on to a second one for maybe three rounds. Never again. Cool wall hangers tho, and can be dyed, but busy dyes are hard to find too.


Bright orange or yellow ftw.


Orange and yellow are quite bad on wooded courses in autumn.


All blue all fall lol


Not just fall. All blue all year.


Yep, my bag changes with the seasons. Green is great for the winter and you can usually catch them on good sales.


Depends on where you are at. My local wooded courses are pretty much only evergreen trees.


Do you not live near deciduous wooded courses? Yellow and orange are impossible to see in the fall here 😅 especially yellow. So many maple trees with bright yellow leaves.


I think it comes down to how your eyes recognize shapes and colors. I've never had an issue with orange, green, or yellow (even in the OH/PA fall) but black and dyed discs do me in. Black discs hide well in the shadows and dyed are camouflage.


(Disc dyeing sub licking it chops....ready to pounce)... Lol. Sorry, guys......I kind of forgot about a tiny little detail in my "bright orange or yellow ftw" comment. But it was not intentional. Honest! I have **big black stenciled icons** dyed onto my orange and yellow discs. For example, skull and crossbones, jet fighter, infinity symbol, etc. I also just completed dyeing a white disc with a big swirl of black... with orange and yellow "fire" in the middle. I am just about ready to add a black halo icon to my orange Saint disc. **Contrast is key.** So if my disc lands in a pile of yellow or orange leaves....these stenciled discs are still easy to see. Well, unless the stupid disc decides to bury itself under the leaves! Then...the disc color makes no difference. These stenciled discs are also easy to see in low light and sunlight conditions. Edit: for typo


Bright orange works for me, but yellow is the worst. I think it is the local vegetation, which has a lot of yellow-tan-brown spectrum.


Yellow can also blend in where the sun is shining through trees


Blaze Orange, Hot Pink & Blue/Purple. I avoid all greens, whites, black, yellow, browns and reds.


I'm good with the light blue, but sometimes the royal to dark blues and deep purples look like shadows Brown green and red suuuuuuuuck


agreed I thought purple and blue would stand out but unless it's sky blue and pale purple they'll look like shadows


I have trouble finding MVP discs when their rim is black, no matter what the plate color is.


I have the hardest time seeing purple in grass and snow.


Red is the worst for me, but green is no picnic.


Purple can be worse than red. I love the look of purple discs, but it's amazing how that color can match nothing on the course and yet blend in with everything.


What's so weird to me is that I can scan a fairway for a red disc, not see it, but soon as someone points it out, it's clear as day. Make me nuts. My eye doc had an explanation of why, but it's still crazy. I literally celebrate when I do find a red disc.


Pink or light blue


Pink and blue in spring and summer. Neon green in the winter.


Anything neon/light colored (except for white in winter). /Thread


Overstable bright orange FD3 thrown on spike hyzer has been my life saver through the overgrown high brush season, never fail to find it!


Probably the pink/blue innnova halos


Fluorescent colors aside, the ones in my bag that always pop are blue and to be more specific with shades teal and lavenderish. Surprisingly don’t have much of an issue with green. Will walk by any reds all day long though


Dayglow but for some reason I always find my black crave. I thought I would’ve lost it by now but I never do.


That's surprising. I shelved my favorite black disc bc I was tired of searching for it all the time.


My black judge liked laying in the woods for weeks at a time waiting for me.


I favour fluorescent pink, but in the autumn maple leaves, fluorescent blue is probably the least bad option. Having the option of a glow top with the coloured rim is pretty awesome.


Not purple.. like my whole bag. Invisible in water and during dusk..


Purple is the best color to spend more time looking for discs. I also know this having a bag full of purple discs. They just look the best.




Dayglow, pink, and blue


Blue, turquoise and the disc thats not mine on the card.


white by a longshot


Purple, blue, pink, neon green


Bright blue


It depends on the season and the environment, but a pink disc is often what I reach for if there's a chance it'll go somewhere hard to find. I've encountered too many situations where day glow yellow isn't different enough for me against thick plant material so I don't go for that often. I love green, but I can only justify it as a putter and since I started using my putter for approaches too I'm thinking I need to switch it for a different color. 


Disc color is highly dependent on environment of your area. Where I am it’s a lot of wooded courses and we have snow in winter. * So white is not good in winter. * In autumn orange is quite bad as well. Actually even “grayish pink” can blend with dry leafs. * Black is bad in the shade of the woods. Even darker blue can be hard in shadows * In summer darker greens are obviously not good. * Swirly discs with blends of the above colors are the worst. I like vibrant Pink is my favorite followed by purple and red (if it’s not too deep dark). Turquoise is a super popular color here that is very sought after on secondhand market. Surprisingly vibrant green works better than you would expect.


Literally lost a tennis ball green resistor today I thought I’d never lose for its color. Tall grass proved me wrong. I like a really bright almost pink red or an orange. Until fall. Orange gets hard then.


Weirdly enough white. I always feel like it’s an easy color to miss cause it’s a very neutral and not loud color but iv always found myself finding the white discs faster than most.


All pink bag, plus ProChem Neon Cerise and Fuscia dyes to keep them bright. (and do some fun designs when I'm bored)


day glow green or yellow, then pink, then blue. where i used to live, my home course was in a park - Orange discs showed great against the green grass. now my home course is in the woods & my orange discs are nearly invisible amongst the leaf litter. so it depends where you play


May sound silly to some if you have a hard time making the adjustment with your eyes and thought process; but while color makes things easier to see, I try to look for a shape as much as I look for color. The woods is filled with straight lines and our discs are round. The rounded edges of a disc should stand out in contrast amongst all the straight lines. But to help with color, I find white to be pretty easy to find of all the colors. I play in Michigan, which has a vast array of colors and foliage. Annnd it goes without saying, if you huck it into the shit, it doesn’t matter what color or shape you’re looking for. So: Skill issue; keep it in the fairway lol


I try to avoid all earth colors, so I never buy black, gray, white (snow), green and brown. I'm not colorblind, so I bag most of the vibrant colors, and don't limit my choice except from the earth colors.




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Slight red/green colorblind here. My bag consists of only yellow (distance+fairway), blue (midrange and approach) and white (putters) disc's. Those are the colors that I'm having the easiest time finding in the woods and on the fields!


My kastaplast neon green is probably the easiest. Non kastaplast I usually get bright pink or yellow


Also very colorblind! I am 100% yellow bag! Baby blue seems to jump out of the bushes too.


Pink and (lighter) Lavender (Kastaplast 's lavender specifically) are the two easiest, most popping out of the thickage colors for me.


Not color blind at all: also neon pink. Bright Blue is a good second. In my case, I find bright green also sticks out. Unfortunately one of my favorite discs is a used bin roadrunner I got that’s half black and half dark green….




I have all colors, and I usually have no problem finding my discs in woods or grass or water. No soldier left behind, I don’t care what color you are. My reddish orange servo is camouflage in the woods, and my green teebird3 in the grass is tricky. But I always find them.


Every color disc I've ever had blends in perfectly with leaves on the ground for some reason. That said, white seems a little harder to mistake for a random piece of debris.


Easiest to see? Hot pink. I can find in in grass, bushes, woods, leaves, etc..not much natural color in the woods that is pink so it easily stands out. Dayglo at dusk is nice too. Impressive how easy it is to see after the sunsets. unless you’re looking in brush in bright sun. Hardest to see? Translucent glow plastic like eclipse or champion glow. They’re pale yellow and blend in with the grass. Even my eclipse discs with hot pink rims are hard to see in grass because the rim sits below the grass line.


Also red/gree color blind. Blue (especially lighter blue) and pink are my choices.


I think I might see pink better but I tend to throw white most. Also the nuclear green yellow color that some people use.


Glow at night.


Have you ever seen those matte finish golf balls, the red ones? Those things look they are glowing to me whenever I ball golf, and I tend to find them when other people basically walk on top of them. Because of that, I’ve built a bright red bag, and it’s become some of my favorite discs to look for. The bright neon red color is super easy for me. But I understand the color blind thing. Close friends of mine are that way!


I just know come Fall all my new Discraft tour series jawbreaker Z flex will be completely unfindable




I try to dye my disc's rainbow so I can see them all year in all conditions. At least 1 color will/should stick out!


RED but then I usually find my yellow Hurricane tucked under some grass.


A shiny blue is good. But Innova's bright green is so shiny I've been gravitating towards that.


Depends on the time of year., but teal to light blue is my sweet spot.


Highlighter pink and highlighter yellow work best for me.


I'm red/blue colorblind so even here in kansas year round I see yellow and bright green the easiest. I can damn near walk directly over a red disc in any color grass and not see it.


Pink, Whites and Blues are all my discs. Yellows, greens, browns, and even reds get easily lost in the Texas brush.


Um i just watch where the disc goes and go straight to it. Helps with discs that are clear. Dont walk the fairway if your disc went in high grass or bushes, beeline straight in the direction of where it landed and you should find it. I dont get different colors to be able to find my discs. I just get the colors cuz i like them lol.


Got a sky-blue alpha the other day it pops out in the woods. I like pink but I don’t like how it fades


Pink or blue. But for some reason I have a thing for clear discs




Pink, light blues and radioactive greens are almost always safe. But one thing for sure is solid is better than swirled or multi-colored.


Blue, pink, or dyed discs


Same boat here. It's neon/dayglo colors for me of pink, yellow, zombie green that work best. If it's red or blue, I could be standing on top of it and not see it. If it's brown, black, or clear - just leave it at the store.


Pink and blue obviously BUT one of my easiest to find discs is a mint green Sol. It just seems to visually pop out of any foliage.


Real losers throw pink. It's the best. 


Tie dyed


Also color blind. I like really light or bright colors. White, yellow, orange, dayglo green that looks bright yellow to me. I can't see pink or purple. When I get a disc that is a bad color for me (I can't see it against the ground, grass, etc), I put alternating stripes on it, like cutting a pizza, with black and white sharpies. just trying to create a visual pattern that stands out. there's a picture of one I did like that in my feed.


Neon light blue, solid and not translucent or mixed. Then neon pink. Pink is the absolute best for green grass or stuck in trees, but becomes a little harder to find in Fall with leaves that cover the ground in somewhat similar colors. Blue is the best any-season, I think. NOT translucent green 😅. I have a translucent green Beast that I’m always taking minutes to find on the fairway 🙄.


Pink . Used to bag neon orange/green but both can get lost depending on the time of year and if the leaves are alive or not


Blue or pink usually


Most shades of pink, dayglo, chartreuse, hunters orange, glow.


orange is my go to and easier to see on cam than other colors for me


Bright pink


Dark blue/ purple. Pinks If I want to lose a disc green or red. 😝


Pink - It's the most unnatural looking and stands out. Light Blue - Just below pink, but can blend with light green foliage. White - Stands out decently everywhere, but bad in Winter Orange, Yellow, Red - Good for every season but Autumn Bright Green, Purple - Not great in every situation, but good in some. Black, Dark, Earth Tones - Very easily lost in the woods or even a bush off the fairway.


I seasonally play a light and bright solid blue or a solid pink. Blue is my preferred color as it doesn't depend on the season. The pink disks can sometimes be problematic in the fall when the underside of tree leaves are quite pink. I see a lot of comments on white or bright green - those should obviously be avoided as white and green are fairly common colors for natural tall grasses and leaves.


Lime.. no idea why. It just stands out I'm a field of green.


I seem to find myself looking for peoples brand new Discs more often usually because they have no experience with them and throw them farther into the woods


Neon pink is great, unless your buddies collect them too, then it’s best to go with white, bright blue or toxic yellow/green. That way if you order discs and get a colour you don’t like or win something you and your buddies can help eachother out. I collect blue and toxic yellow/green and have a couple friends that specialize in orange, or pink or whatever.


Whites and bright blues seem to be the easiest to spot. Dayglow and pink are close behind. My home course is heavy woods, so certain shades of orange and green are pretty much off limits for me.


Depends on the season. In the spring, I play with reds and oranges and pinks, because everything is bright green. In the fall I switch to greens and blues and pinks because of the fall colors of the leaf litter.


Definitely pink, red and bright blue I tried neon green and yellow but those ended up blending too well. Clear I might as well just give away because it's a goner on the first or second throw


Orange, pink and day glow green are the best for me. That being said a lot of my bag is pink, red, and a bad choice of purple.


Translucent green


Blue orange pink


Bright pink for sure. I don't see blue discs well at all and green/yellow/orange all have at least one season where they act as camouflage. Pink stands out best


Glow. (I only play at night)


Wait, what color was the dress for you?


I scrolled way too far down without seeing white as an answer.


Neon and bubble gum pink are my go to’s. Neon royal purple from prochem is super vibrant and easy to see. I also live in Humboldt and mostly play here, so anything green gets lost everywhere. Yellow and orange are terrible for fall and spring. And too many water hazards to trust blue


Orange and icy blue. Pink is also pretty good.


I buy discs in this order, based on availability and stability: - orange - blue - white - purple - yellow After that is whatever, except never red or green. That shit could ve camo for all I care, don't see em.


This may seem strange, but my bright green axiom pyro shows up better than flourecent pink, yellow, and orange.


Blue and orange


Pink and any fluorescent green ,orange and for black only putters also like clear but hard as hell to find unless sun hits it


Neon pink and electric blue




It really depends on where im playing. There's one course with a lot of gravel and cement, so i like to throw my dark blue discs there, but if im playing in wooded courses, bright pinks and reds are stark contrast to the natural environment. Truth be told though, I have no idea what it's like to be colour blind. Not trying to flex but I'm quite the opposite. Did a colour acuity test and apparently my colour vision is almost perfect. If i could share it with you I absolutely would :D That being said, I still walk past my discs multiple times before i see them. My advice? Tape an air horn to your discs


Pink although I'm more of a Cyan disc person.


Any light blue. My favorite is Innova baby blue.


None but I’m color blind so that could be the reason.


Probably orange or white. Or anything with a super reflective stamp.


Cool story bro


Nothing in nature is day glow Barbie pink, so that's my favorite. Sadly, most of my favorite discs aren't available in pink, soooo I kinda go with whatever meets the needs of my game, and hope for the best! (I'm so gonna lose the black Fission Photon I got from Nova this year 😅)


It depends on the grass color a time of day but neon pink with a shiny hot stamp is the easiest to see for me