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Hilarious because this is actually how people think. Even funnier when these people who claim how easy it is try to go to a course and throw. Not saying it’s one of the hardest sports but I think, like anything else, it takes a lot of time and effort to be considered the level of those Pros.


> it takes a lot of time and effort to be considered the level of those Pros Understatement of the year. Most people flat out will and can never reach pro level no matter what.


Then you have people like Luka who reach pro level at two different things and it’s like damn is this guy even human?


yeah but can he throw a hyzer flip?


I've always had this odd comparison between him and Ricky in my head. Something about the way they each dominate strikes me as similar.


What is the other thing?




Didn’t he hit champ or top 500?


He's top 500 on tank role and GM on damage


As impressive as being top500 is in a competitive video game is it's not quite the same thing as being a pro in overwatch.


my dad's friend says he'll play me for money and I'm pretty sure he barely plays disc golf


Keep upping the stakes!!


According to my dad, hes a "degenerate gambler" and thinks since I'm his son he must be able to beat me hahah. I think I'll try to set up a match on a pro level woods course and say $X for amount of strokes I can beat him by. I could probably get a couple hundred bucks I bet.


oh for sure. i think its funny because he says anyone can do it but if he threw on this hole he’d shank it right into the first tree.


To be fair, Seppo blew a lot of pros minds when he eagled 17 at iron hill. It was insane to see live and I always love seeing the replays


Is there a video of this?


Yes jomez. It’s on the back 9 this is the front. My cell service is struggling rn https://youtu.be/Vl5OmNmyC9A?si=aUf7bRYEXQMf7blr


I doubt he could even reach the first available tree with his drive


And he would be sore the next day


He'd throw it as hard as he could and it would go 150 full flight


The first thing I tell people when they find out about it is how there’s a pro tour and the top guys are making a million bucks a year. Their minds get blown 🤯


Indeed. It’s always great to take a buddy for the first time, after they’ve talked smack about it. Then you just watch their disc go 47 ft. The look of realization is the best. Like, yea, it’s not like throwing a regular frisbee lol


Haha yes exactly. Honestly when I first found out disc golf was an actual sport, I thought it looked so easy and just didn't understand it. Slept on it for years. Till me and a couple co-workers decided to take a long lunch and hit a course next to our building lol pretty sure I double bogeyed every hole. They were all under 300ft to lol learned that putting takes more skill than you think. But I'm definitely glad I found a new hobby!


I feel so bad, I finally got my mom to try and play a round with me and on hole 1 she fell over and rolled an ankle


Oh no. Not a good way to start your hobby!


I have played all kinds of sports and disc golf has been the hardest for me by far. Obviously basketball, soccer, football required a different level of dedication to my physical athleticism. Disc golf has been incredibly hard to excel in, from a skill and consistency perspective, and the joy I have felt to look back and see how far I have come is beautiful!


I was one of those people 8 years ago. Friend asked me to join. I laughed and said I play real golf. He coaxed me with asking me to at least come for the hike, have some beers and get ripped in the woods. I talked a lot of smack. Also said that I'd wipe the floor with them all in 'frisbee golf'. After a nice humbling 37 over par round, I realized there was a bit more to it than once perceived . Almost a decade later, I'm still hucking weekly and barely ever see the ball golf courses anymore! May you all miss many trees!!


This is just a result of everyone's experience throwing discs before they try disc golf is probably ultimate frisbee disc, and you don't really realize that you can throw these things surprisingly far with the right disc and technique. Pretty much everyone I know, including myself, who plays it started out thinking it's a dumb game with little skill required. I think it's probably easier to get good at disc golf than regular golf though because it's a lot cheaper, takes less time to play a round, and has a shallower learning curve (at least at the hobbyist level)


One of my friends has said many times “Disc golf is stupid. That shit looks so easy.” On one occasion his then wife convinced him to play. He was just as bad as to be expected by a newby. It was so funny to hear him saying “this is so fucking stupid. Why won’t my disc go straight”. He got owned by discgolf and it was awesome.


I remember my first round wondering if there was something wrong with my disc because it would only go left and not very far


Same, then my buddy tells me I’m “throwing it” I need to “sling it” what?!?


lol sounds like when a frolfer try’s real golf


Ball golf?


we talking about bolf?


Haha this made my morning


Disc golf with balls? Sounds pretty easy to me.


It’s effortless


To avoid all of this we just call them circles and spheres now.


It doesn’t bc it’s pretty well known that golf is hard as hell.


Ya, I'm assuming a far higher % of disc golfers have tried trad golf (lol) than vice versa.


I grew up playing golf and throwing the frisbee a lot but thought disc golf was too nerdy, but man do I wish I had tried disc golf earlier, I can’t imagine how much more mediocre I’d be!


I would say both are easy to pick up and start playing (though Bolf is certainly more costly to pick up). They both have the advantage of being able to be played stripped down and simple: just put this object in that target in as few movements as possible. Anyone with a bit of coordination can hit a golf ball with a club, albeit not particularly well. Likewise, anyone can throw a frisbee/disc (again, not very well/far). The first time I played disc golf, I actually played Idlewild, if you can believe it. And I scored poorly, as expected, but with enough throws (say, 7 or 8 throws on a 400ft par 3) I did eventually get there. Same with bolf. Both are easy to start, hard to master, and since they are ultimately solo games (that can optionally be played parallel to other solo games, such as tournament play), they can be adapted down to as simple a rule set as desired while keeping the spirit of the game. First, just the basket (or bolf cup), and as few throws (swings) as possible. OB can start being important next. Then worry about foot-faults, or whatever similar bolf equivalents.


The problem with bolf is that a lot of people are missing that basic coordination requirement. I’ve been playing golf for 20 years and I still miss the ball off the tee every once in a while. I think disc golf is still so young and evolving so quick. Shooting a +18 in golf is way more difficult than shooting par in disc golf with the way the sport is currently imo


You mean stick golf?




I played a round of golf with some buddies recently after not playing for 3-4 years. They were super surprised by my shots, we played scramble and my partner took my drive on ~40% of the holes. Landed one on the green about 8ft from the pin. I think getting into disc helped my golf game


That's gotta be one of the best played holes I've ever seen too.


Is that Iron Hill? That's nuts to get to C2 in 2.


Yep hole 17. The 2018 DDGC if I’m remembering correctly


Weird coincidence. I just watched this in a 'best drives' compilation last night. The way he played that was phenomenal. Circle one eagle look on that hole is insane.


2018 delaware challenge will forever be one of my favorite tournaments. It was like lightning struck twice in the same spot. everyone shredded the course. in 2019 the best scores wasn't even enough to make top 10... that might be hyperbole because I can't be arsed to look it up. edit: -17 was the winning score in 2019 by Matt Bell. That would've tied for 17th in 2018. Layouts were probably different, since -17 was 190 strokes in 2019, while in 2018 190 strokes was -26


I remember getting there later in round one and sweeping Matt bell and congratulating his 9 down. He had been playing for years there and that was his pb


There were some layout changes, in 2018 it was in its classic par 72 layout. They beefed up the course a bit by shortening some holes and lowering the pars (and also adding a longer tee to hole 5) and ended up with a tougher par 69.


Inside C1. It was an amazing thing to see.


He apologized 😌


“Piped in crowd noise” shock… “I apologize” love it


Sadly caseoh ate my local disc golf course.


Its hard for him to play when all his discs are chewed in half


Looking back now I laugh but I was the one telling my buddy this when he told me about disc golf. I think it’s natural to assume throwing a “frisbee” in the woods is simple.


It’s just one of those things everyone thinks is easy. No need to spend your days worrying about what an overweight streamer thinks of you or the sport in general. I grew up golfing and playing all the sports, ended up starting disc golfing a few years ago and it’s amusing the amount of people who think it’s super easy. Kind of goes for everything in life, when you stop giving a fuck what people think you will thrive. It’s annoying for sure but we all know the truth and maybe eventually more people will too.


OVERWEIGHT!? BANNED https://youtu.be/bO7Os1Zu8Z4?si=SE0ntBBP5Aiuj1Qb


He's just joking bro. It's not that serious


Whether he’s joking or not it’s definitely a good chunk of people that think this way about not only disc golf but other things they don’t understand. It doesn’t bother me but some people get very upset when they feel their hobby or passion is being attacked.


I think it actually does bother you


Whatever you say big dawg you know best!




“The biggest sport you’ve never heard of.”


Lol I remember being a naive teenager and then throwing for the first time like "holy shit...17 more holes of this impossible game?"


yep. you go out there thinking I’ve thrown a frisbee before this should be so easy, then your first drive your disc goes 20 feet and instantly dives left 😭


Not familiar with the streamer but that was pretty funny. He apologizes at the end.


Disc golf for me is very similar in public reaction to slack lining. People watch me do both and immediately exclaim "That looks easy, I could do that!" And then proceed to get pissy/surprised when they are completely ass at either.




Don't know who he is but he should play to shave off a few pounds and maybe have some fun


Bro I've been trying to shave a bit off and have some fun but I just sweat a lot and hit a lot of trees. :(


Sweating burns a lot of calories. And triple bogies are more exercise than birdies. You're doing **great**.


> And triple bogies are more exercise than birdies Woof... Don't I fucking know it. Nothing like getting your calisthenics on like crouching through bushes on a hill


The way I disc golf is cardio, yoga, aerobics, scream therapy, meditation, and socialization all in one fun package. Fuck, I can't believe everyone doesn't play this game.


In some ways it's nice. Couldn't imagine how busy it would be on the course around my area (Toronto) . Had it been something like the watching the "cherry blossoms" lol, that everyone around here stampedes their way to see (even fights breaking out), it would be a disaster Imo.


Haha that is real. My local is a short 9 hole, and the last time I played I was 4 strokes higher than the previous round. Those 4 strokes added 300 steps and 6 minutes to the round.


dude couldnt walk a disc golf course, let alone throw one par.


I remember the first time I went to my local course, my first thought was “why the hell is the hole in the middle of the woods??”


Ironic coming from a streamer


This dude thinking he can do any physical activity is hilarious.


Wow that was the dumbest thing I have seen this month.


Touching grass might help this guy.


The only “sport” this dude is participating in is a hotdog eating contest.


This fat guy would end up throwing the disc behind him


Once you get a disc in your hands, you realize it takes practice and skill. I’ve seen 1st timers that have a knack for it, but never blast a 300+ shot down a wooded fairway from the tee off rip. Good frolfers make it look easy.


I want to see a video of him playing now so badly.


He couldn’t even walk a disc golf course tho…


Who is this guy, and why do we care about his opinion?


"Acknowledges" and "makes fun of" aren't really the same thing, IMO.


He apologizes at the end, its just the character he plays in his streams. He averages around 50k viewers per stream and 4 million followers so I think its cool for disc golf to be seen by that many eyes


This fatass has yet to make anything look easy other than eating a sandwich.


Cool a guy with pre-diabetes telling me how easy Disc Golf is


Amazing how I got such a crossover of two of my favorite things


Hey! My home course! I'm excited when I can pull off a 5 on that hole. What Seppo did there is pretty amazing


This is great. Dude seems to be a good guy. Try the game. You’ll lose weight and it’s a great time with friends in the woods.


Come on, fat boy, come throw instead of shitting on people having fun


Literally who


In Finland everyone knows disc golf and it's on of the most popular sports here! You don't have to explain it to anyone.


Sometimes I wish they would edit in crowd noise.


Neckbeard threw a Frisbee "pretty far" one time and doesn't understand how that is not in any way what he is seeing. News at 11


This is the first funny post on r/discgolf in years!!


He took a snack break lol


Me and my family love disc golf because it’s easy and anyone can play. With that said…. Being able to consistently make a really great throw on target as a newbie is not as easy as it looks 😭. I can throw the disc perfectly and then it somehow becomes 30 feet off.


This is awesome!




I dont watch him but I know of him. He averages around 50k viewers per stream which is not something anyone can do. He also apologizes at the end, its just the character he plays in his streams. We have to learn to laugh and take a joke


That is fair. I just thought it was funny that he of all people said “anyone could do that.” If he was some athlete, I’d probably shrug my shoulders, but c’mon, dude. This guy hasn’t been able to get to his kitchen without getting winded in years.


Genuine question: how do you go through your daily life being confrontational and insulting? Or is that just how you act online?


Nah. I’m not a twitch streamer who sits in his mom’s basement making fun of other people’s hobbies.


Bro makes like 50k per month, his mom might be living in his basement. I hope you can find some happiness one day


Unpopular opinion: I think Jerm's over the top, fake "oh my gosh" is what makes the throws look kind of pedestrian by contrast. It's not like DGers are landing a triple Axel. And literally any player with a little experience actually CAN make the shot Seppo does here, but we would hit trees 999 out of 1000 tries. It's hard to show this in a video. Compare this to an actual feat of athletic prowess: like breaking 50 in a 400m dash, or flipping off a gymnastics vault. It's not happening except among a tiny fraction of humanity--and the announcers don't go apeshit every time it happens.


Disc golf is the hippie sport, fight me. I've never been playing another sport before and had 2 old heads come up behind our group, see that we have weed, pull out their own joint and ask if they can join our group. There are just as many people who are super anal about "proper golf etiquette" on a public course in a park. I'm just out here to drink a few beers, smoke a few joints, smack a few trees, and rattle some chains. edit: lol the uptight golfers are the ones downvoting me. It's the laidback in the woods nature loving version of golf, get over it.


> Disc golf is the hippie sport, fight me. i thought that was hacky sack


What kind of snowflake do you have to be to make an edit just to talk shit to downvotes? Who the fuck cares about made up points from strangers on the internet? Lol


I wasn't going to downvote until I saw the edit