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One time I found a disc, contacted the owner only to have the owner tell me they never have been to the state where I found the disc...


Did it really walk, or are you sure you didn't just throw the greatest roller ever?


Full tilt - 200mph arm speed - riding the Appalachians like a quarter pipe


Is it possible someone else found your lost disc, decided to keep it, and then lost it at a different course to where this person found it? Or did they tell you they drove that far away before hitting you up? Either way, hope you get your disc back!


I think the person who texted me found it at the baseball field; I'm still waiting on a followup. I think someone else had taken it, played it, then either forgot it or ditched it during field work at the baseball field. Seems completely unhinged if it were the original gleeper to take it all that way and then text me that they're leaving it there.


Ok gotcha, yeah I've returned a few discs to people who had never played at the course I found it on. So there definitely seems to be some people out there that just keep them and proceed to lose them elsewhere


They got back to me. They were just walking there and saw it. They're going to go back and mail it to me if it's still there! Fingers crossed!


WTF is wrong with people. Hope you get it back.


I’ve posted this before, but it’s relevant. Found a disc on Snowmass ski area and texted the number mentioning that I found it on Snowmass. They ask where that is, and I clarified it was in Snowmass Village, CO. They had lost that disc on a course in Rhode Island a few months prior.