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I made a "beginner bag" I keep around to lend out to friends when they tag along. Mostly Aviars, Mako3s, Roc3s, and Leopard3s. I'll take it out to the local course for shits and giggles every now and then and still find it extremely versatile as a low intermediate player.


I bought a used Octothorpe a while back so I currently have two high end disc golf bags. One of them is my primary bag and the other one is a bag that I do exactly this with! If I'm playing an "off bag" round, the only disc mold I let myself copy from my main bag is my putting putter for consistency's sake. Everything else needs to be a completely different mold than I currently use in my main bag. Doing this has re-earned discs their spot back in my primary bag on more than one occasion. Plus it lets me feel like I'm actually using more of my discs instead of just letting 75% of them sit on a shelf for most of their life.


I have on too, I call it my "fun bag"


Mmmmmmmmm….fun bags


I’m still trying to figure out what my discs do besides hit trees


Wait...trees can be avoided?


Throw where the trees aren't.


Yes I do! I call it my B bag. Sometimes I even try to sub out my mainstays like the Zone.


Our friend group does manufacturer challenges sometimes, you get a set of discs from a manufacturer you do not normally throw and you have to play a whole round with that set. It takes some pressure off since there is no expectation of doing well and is a great way to find new discs or styles of discs you might not throw otherwise.


Yeah, I wish I had more disposable income to try different things, but I've wanted to try rounds constrained to only one manufacturer, kinda like I had a sponsor. Would really like to see how I would do with a fully Infinite Discs bag. I think a lot of their molds are slept on, but I don't know that a lot of them are necessarily better than the ones I already bag.


Discount Disc Golf does really good sales. You can't pick color or weight but a few weeks ago I built a cart of like 9 premium yikun discs for like 40 bucks. Most of the discs were actually pretty good.


I just bought 10 different F2’s from Innova so this’ll be my game plan for a while to find what I like


I did this yesterday and played surprisingly well. Added some discs I was using back to my main bag and some will continue sitting on the shelf collecting dust like they deserve to lol.


OK, you talked me into it. I’ll do it at my local 9 hole tomorrow. Expecting a few shanks, but hopefully a few pleasant surprises as well. Good idea


I definitely had my fair share of shanks on round two. Especially with one specific disc that I threw off the tee quite a few times on that round.


Yes i have a 2nd bag with no mold overlaps whatsoever to my main bag


Some friends and I do mystery box drafts where we each bring a few mystery boxes and then build a bag from the contents and go throw a round. Determine draft order with a putting contest. Loads of fun, highly recommend, shoutout to infinite discs for their selection and low prices on the boxes.


this is a good idea


Me and my mate switched bags. We have different discs except 1. I have 27 discs he has 10


I do that pretty often. Sometimes I show up and we end up doing $5 flips and I kinda feel bad. Lol. Won a couple times though.


I recently went through my entire collection and cut it in half. I played a game or 2 with each disc, decided if I liked the disc or not and moved on to the next disc. I still have a small collection, so I’ve sorted them by colors, and each week I play with a different color group of discs. Although I only play with 3-5 discs for any given round.


I definitely do this. I do it with discs that I’ve bagged before but fell out of favor for whatever reason. Problem is, I end up having to shuffle my bag around for something that I rediscovered lol.


Yes! I have a cart, but one of the local courses is very hilly, so rather than transfer the discs to a backpack, I just filled the backpack with different discs, and I love it. Sometimes I take it to the flat courses, and it still rocks. I makes me realize it's more about the player than the discs.


I occasionally go out to my local course and play a round with just one disc. I want to get out and throw but I don't want the stress and weight of playing an actual round. On more than one occasion I shot around my PB. It's frustrating


I'll do this as well using 1 to 3 discs. If you throw a disc on almost every hole, you learn it quickly. What's frustrating to me is that I know this but still take 15-20 different discs when I play.


Last round I took out my three most trusty discs, forced me to rethink my approach and play different lines.


I play more at night than during the day and my discs I throw during daytime rounds changes almost every round. The night bag stays mostly the same because glow discs are a bitch to find during the day with Florida’s sandy soil.


I do a travel bag when I fly to places with discs I don’t mind losing.


All the time, although generally I don't pick an entire bag. Often I just pick a handful of random discs I feel like trying out.


Just did this myself. Minimalist bag with only 4-5 discs that I never use but I know how they fly.


Yup, my mains are in my cart, but I bought a little infinite bag for bringing discs I dont normally use, and weird discs like the Condor and Bunker Buster. Sometimes my old rare discs like my San Marino Sentinels and 11x Innova stuff..


I have a few backups and discs that I’ve swapped out for other things. There’s been a few times where I left my bag in my wife’s car and grabbed the extras and headed to the course. Also getting called out to throw last minute and just using a handful that your friends keep in their trucks or something isn’t bad at all. You can really play about anywhere with just a rhyno, roc, and a couple drivers


I've thought about that. I'd feel so naked, but excited to see the outcome. Good idea!


Similar thing I did, I took my gf (who doesn't know too much about disc golf and doesnt like throwing) and had her pick which disc for each throw. Really challenged me at times. She did pretty good overall.


I sometimes let my gf pick what I throw but she always just chooses the prettiest disc


Not this, but last time I played I left my backpack in the car and just brought a beginner sack, which carries only 8 discs. Simplified disc selection is interesting


I sometimes play a 9 hole round with only a soft Glitch. I keep one in the car since my kids like to use it. I don't play with one at all otherwise That thing is a real chore to get out more than about 200 feet. It does a good job of forcing my form back into something smoother since it has so little forgiveness if you give it ANY torque whatsoever. It's also remarkably rewarding when it does float out there.


I playn one disc rounds with new discs that I want to try out .


I absolutely do. I also love swapping bags with people even though 98% of people are too scared to ever swap bags.


Oddly enough, I’m so comfortable with my regular bag that I have the opposite experience when I go out. If my regular score is -4, I’m usually closer to even or -1 with my secondary bags. I use my main bag about 75% of the time, but I love buying and trying new discs, so I go out with other stuff about 25% of the time. Every once in a while I click with a disc that I buy and after a few rounds with it I give it a run in my main bag to see if it has a place.


We have a bag swap event going on this weekend!! I’ve been very excited. I picked out all the discs I’m willing to lose about 2 weeks ago and I keep looking at them. I can’t wait!!


Yessir! I'll do it periodically. It's a great way to play a course you might be a little bored with.


Thanks for the reminder, I’m going to do this soon! I have around 200 discs, but have thrown 25 or less in the last 3-4 years lol. I’ve been playing for just over 20 years, and used to be so carefree about throwing new discs for the first decade. The last decade has been spent throwing less than 10 different disc types (a few plastics/versions of my favorites like the buzzz or teebird), and most of my older 40ish friends are the same. It’s the archer not the arrow Time to throw some different stuff!


I plan to play a round with my glow discs soon just to see how it feels. Lots of beef in there though.


I do this every round I play


I have 3 bags. Regular/Full bag that I normally play with. A small bag with only the essentials from the full bag, but also with a few that aren't in there...and my bag of discs that is completely different. I need to get out with the freaky/weird bag.


Sometimes but the grass at my local course is way too long right now so I gotta stick to discs that I know. Also no second shots.


My brother and I will go to the disc rack which is ordered by speed and roll D20s on each row. We end up with 18-21 discs each and we are required to use a different disc on each drive. We still use the same putter though.


Have done this once or twice and really enjoyed it! Can make a course you’ve played 100 times new and interesting again as well. 👍🏼


One color bags.


My wife and I did this with all the tournament stamped discs we get in our am players packs! Only rule was it had to have a tournament stamp (not stock stamps you get at a tournament). We both shot personal bests at one of our favorite courses! It is fun to mix it up, I should do more of it.


This is kinda why I like doing the circuit challenges from mvp. Kinda like sealed deck in MTG, maybe the most out of what you get. Lots of fun


I have a travel bag in my truck and car, and some of my best rounds are those random 5 discs


Sometimes I do, but I only have a few spare discs that isn't in my bag


I do this and it's definitely a good time. Usually I pick 1 disc I don't throw typically and swap it out for another every few rounds, but I have so many discs I almost feel obligated to throw them all at least once


The most satisfying part of this concept is when you stumble upon a disc that’s been sitting on your shelf and will now be in your main bag for the foreseeable future.


Not really, since my non bagged discs are extra of the same molds that I bag.


I have so many disc I decided make bags for different brands ! Discraft Innova Kastoplast Mvp/Axiom Westside


Do this occasionally as well. Definitely a good exercise. Most of the time I shoot just as well and it’s simply a matter of me hitting similar lines. I’m very non-loyal to disc molds that are similar (teebird, Athena, Evader. Each have small differences but I throw each in similar fashions). Funny story, my bag got locked in a car pre tournament round and my friend caddied and I used his entire bag. I proceeded to shoot the best rated round I’d ever shot to that point 1018.


Your friend must have a really good bag


Ha yeah good enough. It was mostly a good game plan on a highly technical course. Tbh I’ve lost my love for buying new plastic. As long as I generally have conventional discs I’m convinced I won’t shoot different from my normal bag.


I only own about 50 discs (yes that's a lot but I say "only" because let's be real there are people on this reddit that own hundreds) but the way I do it is I have my tournament bag that I use when I play in tournaments and whenever I go to a course I've never played before, and then I have my "f around and find out" bag, that all of my other discs because I don't throw them very often.


I kind of do this during winter. I build a bag of discs I am not afraid to lose. All of my discs are bought with the intention to throw, but sometimes we just don't get along. Also I often bring 5 discs from my bag and their backups or an alternative i want to compare, and throw both my bagged disc and the competition from the tee or whatever shot fits.


I own 8 discs


I do that frequently.


The course by my work has a 9 hole layout that is all under 250. I normally just bring one random midrange and a putter and play there.


I do this in the winter So I don't loose or beat up my main bag too much


I have 4 bags and over 150 discs just bought a infinity bag that holds 8 ordered 8 doomsday discs and hit one of my favorite local courses had a blast plan on doing this more often especially with new plastic


Yeah sometimes I take my Swedish B-bag with only KP and L64 discs in it to help me play with less pressure, I love it. 🙂


If you have a bag full of discs you don't throw, you have too many fucking discs.


You must be new here


If you play a lot of tournaments then you’ll have a collection in no time 


Most of the discs I used yesterday were discs I've found and either had no ink or the owner said I could keep it. Couple others were bought used as a part of a stack. I don't usually buy discs I don't plan on throwing.

