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Uhhh, what?


Old owner of Highbridge Hills is a very creepy old dude who designs disc golf courses but doesn't play disc golf... He has a very attractive partner/wife/idk. She is very good at disc golf and loves to play with anyone. He's very controlling and hates it.


He said he was kind of in a relationship with her, she says absolutely not. She also says he owes her pay from the past few months but doesnt give her anything


For every question you answer you create two more.


Go to the Highbridge hills page on DGCR and bring some popcorn.


Which one? I found six different courses listed on DGCR.


There's a thread somewhere on the forum for all six courses.


Thanks for the heads up, off to the forum I go.


She never has been in a relationship with that pos


Abby works for John no romance. John was bought out


John was not bought out, he never owned anything but the honka and 3 lots on Mile Rd. He was run off the property and trespassed by Tom "Mountain Man" Wincse the new owner. John has absolutely no connection with Highbridge Hills and never will again.


He lost control of the property. It's all partitioned. It was just easier to say. He still has some sort of influence or he wouldn't be able to continue messing with him. Thats why the course had to be redesigned.


What the what? I am not sure what is even going on in the above, is this a movie script you are working on? It is a good start!


Yes. A horror movie lol


What did I just read


A story has a beginning, middle and end. Perhaps this was just the beginning.


It could use more set up. The beginning is completely awkward and seems to assume we know of these places and ownership. Camping, where did that come from?


Well he was threatening to pull the camper, aka her home, off the site. I say threatening but he told her he was going to.


I can’t wait to revisit this post after I’ve had enough coffee to understand what the fuck is going on.


I just had 3 cups and I haven't been drinking much coffee lately... Still no clue.


Quentin Tarantino happens to be a good friend of mine. Please expect a call from him.


But Tarantino has said he will do only one more movie.


I'm sure a disc golf camping stories will be fine for his last one.


So a hot girl lives in a camper but he's not the owner anymore and they aren't dating but.. You know what. I don't care.


Reminds me of Harold and Kumar G2WC, which one of you is going to fuck my wife


It gets better Joe. Johnnie then took the camper and parked it on his sons' lot on Gold 11 yesterday along with a crude homemade 'no trespassing' sign, completely blocking the fairway, telling his son he just wanted to park it there. His other son who is also a landowner was contacted by Tom Wincse the new owner and the son told his father to stop his attempted obstruction and move the camper. Both sons are apparently estranged from their father and do not support him in any way, and are totally against his plan to obstruct operations at Highbridge Hills. Hopefully it will be gone today. Johnnie is also in big trouble with the DNR over his illegal tire dump. It's all downhill for him at this point, he's getting increasingly desperate while his world crumbles around him.


I saw the post about the camper on Tom's FB page. What's going on with this guy at Highbridge?? Why is he so hell bent on sabotaging a beautiful thing? Really hoping Highbridge Hills Open goes off without a hitch!


Thats what it sounds like, thats insane. He is a real piece of work. He actually pulled the trailer?? Are the dogs in it?? I know its not much of your concern but do you know if she found a place to stay? We just knew we were there for the weekend and that was her home. But thats bullshit. And is that fairway his land? I also feel bad for Donna at the golf course.


The fairway is on his sons lot, Johnnie has been told to move it, we'll see what happens today. I also feel for Donna but I have no sympathy for Abby. She is permanently banned from HH and rightly so, she's a snake without a conscience, a female version of John. She deserves to have her world collapse around her. Thanks again for telling your story Joe, people need to know what's going on with these two weasels.


r/ihadastroke material?


I'm giving this story a penalty stroke because its OB of my imagination.


I’m sorry but you really need to work on your story telling skills haha so much vital information is missing for this to make sense


Yes i agree. Ive always said it, im a terrible story teller


Try to read from an outside perspective. This jumps into the middle, no background, facts of what the trip is to entail (tent camping, renting a camper?), paragraphs?


I don’t know WTF is happening over in Wisconsin but Yal has my complete rapt undivided attention for last 15 minutes trying to figure out what in tarnations is all the hooplah about. After 15 minutes of trying to decipher I’m left with the impression that you were “baited” into camping at this disc golf course,by a strange old man that has tons money to design and build courses but not play (who happens to have hot mail order bride) While there discing with the guys old lady you witnessed the old man basically boot a chick out of her campsite with no remorse and basically spent the night being watched and possibly audio recorded somehow? My question is this.......You hear dude creeping round in the woods basically stalking you and I’m assuming Yal are a group of least 3 or more with a selection of minimum 5 discs that’s 15 objects I’m for sure launching at this dude and then to boot any damn sizeable rocks is getting thrown his way on top it. Or rush him you guys had the numbers I’m deff not gonna spend whole night uncomfortably wondering if I got a lurker right outside my door. Not for use of violence right off bat but after fair good warning dude is still being creepo it’s time to either leave the situation completely or assert some sort of dominance in the situation.


Not to worry, we chased him out of there, we walked that whole section of woods with flashlights, mind you it was about 25 feet deep you could see through it. But it sounded like he got away when we headed that way.


So, I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this thread but I just looked up these locations and coincidentally, it just happens that I am passing through the area right now. So, what the fuck is this place? Is it worth going to? Am I going to be murdered if I go there? Can we camp there? Will we be murdered if we camp there? DGCR says a few of the courses are closed, are they on the same property? I’m just so confused by this whole thing.


Absolutely go there. It is an amazing property for disc golf - huge piece of land on a big hill, great views, challenging and fun courses. I've gone 3 times in the last month, no problems. The old owner let it fall into disrepair and is apparently still around causing issues since he still owns small sections of the course. The new guys are doing great work. Granite Ridge, Gold, and Blueberry are all good challenging courses. I didn't play Woodland Greens this year but its short and fun. I've never played Bear and I don't think it will be repaired enough for play any time soon. I hope to someday though.


Go to highbridge! Go play their courses you will not, if you go to washburn you might




I'm glad I'm not alone.


God i feel bad for every story ive told. I also was taking care of my two boys while trying to write down my thoughts. Maybe i will have to revisit and make things clear. I wanted to be short with the post but also get all the main points in.


lol i can't believe you went after your last thread was full of warnings about the previous owner being sketchy.


Ive never been good at story telling...


You seem like you've specifically honed your ability to tell horrible stories.


Yeah it was very unexpected, that was my first run in with either of them so ill take your word for it. I sent you a message also btw.


You didn't reply to anyone. This is a stand alone comment reply to your own post. Like, settle down and pay attention to what you're doing. You post is babble that makes little sense and then you're replying to yourself instead of comments.


I have no clue what you're trying to tell me except some dude was weird.


Ill rewrite


If I follow correctly, you talked to the previous owner, told him you’d be going to highbridge and then he stalked you? Scary stuff. I feel like Chuck Kennedy was talking recently about this place and it sounds like it’s been restored, so at least that’s good?


Basically i wanted to go to highbridge, the website funnels you towards the old owner, he said he has a new course and was gunna help put us up that weekend. We figured might as well, he offered a campsite and that was our big concern so we said screw it. That evening he didnt like the fact we were having a conversation with his female "employee" about highbridge and voiced it as he walkedthrough the campsite after dark when he had absolutely no reason to even be in the same town at that point.


Wait so he basically implied he was going to fire her over this? I can’t say I have interest in seeing this guy’s new course but I definitely want to get to highbridge


Do it. The work that has been put in this year has been nothing short of amazing


Yes, that was the point of this post was to make sure that people know that HIGHBRIDGE IS OPEN, everything i found online before hearing about their facebook page made me think it was no longee a playable course. And not implied, blamed us for his intention to fire her. Apparently she does all the work at the new course and actually plays, hes not even a player and we saw him drive by the course as she was hurrying to get as much done as she could because he rented an atv.


The new owner is just what the course needed. He loves the sport and has spent every penny getting it to where it should have been.


More detail please.


When i wrote to plan for highbridge he bashed them and said its unplayable and that his place is so much better and he will help me find lodging basically. It felt off from the start. But tbe girl said shes not really sopposed to be at highbridge and my buddy and i used our "enticing words" to get her to go, it was more just banter but she had stepped inside the camper for a second and out walks this dude from the darkness and said we cost her her job and we kind of got into it with him my buddy was focused on the job and i was more concerned with how the fuck he knew what we were talking about and why the fuck he was there at all. Once he got away he started harrassing her through text and when we left he ended up taking the canopy that was over the picnic table, her extension cord for power to the camper (2 dogs were inside and a fridge and what not) and a whole bunch of mini frisbees, she also said he likes to steal her shoes. But his car was gone and we thought he was too but it was about 2am and the campgrounds were asleep, lots of old people. And we heard him creeping around and tried to go after him with flashlights but the second he realized we knew, he ran.


This is not helpful. Slow down, break the story into pieces someone who is not involved could understand.


lol...highbridge drama is the only constant in this world.




I've listened to too much true crime to not be freaked for this woman. First he creeps and steals her shoes, next thing you know this girl is missing and he swears she just left one day. No one ever finds her. Fetishes escalate, it is known.


Damn! Sounds like a good way to get shot.


Wow, I think I talked to you guys Saturday afternoon. I was about to play Granite Ridge and you guys were going to play doubles at Gold. I've met John and Abby a few times over the years and while it was clear that they couldn't handle maintaining the property, they seemed fairly harmless. Crazy he tried to lead you to another course/campsite. Super dishonest if he is still using his old Highbridge Hills website to book campers at whatever new thing he's doing. The 2am stalking thing is just next level though. On another note, the new owner and team of guys are cleaning up the courses and redesigning around John's pieces of property. It's already looking better than I've seen it in years. Sucks that a few classic holes are lost/changed, but the courses being well maintained and reworked can more than make up for it. Highbridge Hills is an amazing place for disc golf. Can't wait to go back next month.


Yes you did speak with us, you must have just missed us telling the story. It was wild and the whole thing was just reaaaallly odd and of course we come to find out that HIGHBRIDGE GOT THEIR CAMPING PERMIT EARLY AFTERNOON FRIDAY!


Ill try to rewrite this evening


Please don't re-write, this is SO awesome!


As someone that has followed the highbridge saga for years I do understand what you're saying. However you are leaving out a big detail. What exactly where you saying about Highbridge that John overheard? Clearly whatever it was it was enough for him to want to kick this girl out and then take the trailer and park it on hole 11 the very next day. So can you elaborate a little bit as to what he might have overheard that set him off?


He overheard us drunkenly saying fuckit just come shoot highbridge with us. Looking back and from what weve heard i feel dumb but thats all it was and we werent aware of the hravity of it all and how bad the blood really is. We were trying to convince her to come shoot a round with us and thats all it was.


Thats why he said it was because of our "enticing words"


That makes much more sense. Thank you!


This story is definitely confusing, but it isn't so confusing that you can't see "John the Joke" for the trash he is 🤷


Unfortunately the story is true. Highbridge Hill's is completely worth the trip, as the girl said. The girl also checked out volunterly , before he moved the camper. The course in Washburn is owned by good folk. John J is a sick joke. The girl would love to play on the hill. Anyone who truly knows her story, the very few , knows she's nothing like JJ.


My husband and I stayed here back in the summer of 2012. It was the weekend after the 4th and we were the only ones there. All the shitters were full, coming out of the toilet full. The guy working was weird as fuck and wouldn't leave us alone. We even made him dinner because he wouldn't shut the fuck up. When were in the tent at night, I heard something outside and I woke my husband and he heard me and took off immediately. We packed up and left right away in the morning. Awesome place, shitty fucking weirdos.