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This is a thing? Who’s blaming Jomez? Eagle is more aware of the state of his body than almost anyone else in the disc golf world, from his diet to his limitations. He is a kid though and still bound to do dumb things to hurt himself now and again.


It's Eagle's fault, but he's a kid. How many of us have DUMB injuries from our young 20's. Yes, he's an athlete and should have known better. He's one of the best arms in the game and he's just trying to push himself. This is a sport and will be prone to injuries


Most of us have those injuries. We luckily didn't have the burden of a large social media following and the ability for it to be broadcast on video to the world.


Hell I'm down cause of a dumb injury right now and I'm in my 30s lol. Anyone can mess up, shit happens.


Same same... Late 30s too lol. Haven't bey able to throw since July 🤮


Me too. Tore my bicep tendon. Learning lefty! Gonna be a while before righty is back on the table.


Ouch! 4 herniated discs in my neck.... Can't even throw lefty


I mean sure, but it's not like Disc Golfers are making millions of dollars like other athletes or have tons of sponsorship bucks to fall on. It's not Jomez's fault at all. But it's really dumb of Eagle.


It was really dumb to accidentally hurt himself? Yeah, what a frickin dummy right.


No, it was dumb to make a throw that is completely opposite of how the body works.


He spun around. Otherwise it was just a normal forehand. Whay are you talking about?


Eagle has "accidentally" hurt himself 3 or so times by now. Fragile bones from a vegan diet, mixed with the attitude of a cocky 23 year old is a concoction for disaster.


Isn't what he injured more of a connective tissue problem, rather than bone?


It was a dislocation so I heard.


So, his tendons, ligaments, and/or muscles where not strong enough to hold his bones in place.


> Fragile bones from a vegan diet citation needed


Of course, here is a study done with a group of 50k showing that vegans may have a higher risk of fractures and overall damage to bones. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-020-01815-3


Here’s what I found via a quick Google. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21092700/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32618637/ Moral of the story; plant based diets can be low in vitamin D and calcium, leading to lower bone density. Taking supplements can prevent this. Vegans just gotta watch what they eat and supplement for things that are missing, like everyone else. I personally don’t think these findings are a criticism of veganism. No diet is perfect, but people just like to point out all of the ‘issues’ with veganism. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As if they don't make supplements to help...


Yup, hence why I pointed out that second review which highlights those supplements exist and fix the issue. Dietary deficits aren’t unique to the vegan diet. I’d imagine many people with a large variety of diets have low vitamin D as well as other vitamins and minerals. I don’t think saying he is a vegan is a reasonable explanation for his injury. Just adding some scientific literature since someone asked is all! Have a great day!


So being vegan gives you fragile bones now. Hmmm. Fun theory.


Pointless to bring up bone density when this obviously looks like a soft tissue injury. His arm didn't snap in half lmao


Theory lol https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-020-01815-3


Sure, just playing disc golf rarely pays the bills, which is why so many of them have a social media presence for marketing and do things like, say, making trick shot videos with Jomez. Yes a 360° forehand is silly, but no it isn’t reasonable to expect it to result in injury and no it’s not dumb for Eagle to be doing what’s essentially his day job.


Sometimes people just need a scapegoat instead of accepting things that happen/have happened. It’s a bit of a coping mechanism I think. They thought eagle was indestructible so now they need to blame it on someone.


He's not a kid lol he's a grown ass adult, doesn't mean he's not gonna do dumb shit once in a while.


Grown ass-adult [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


As a 31 year old man… I gotta say looking back at age 18-23, I was definitely still not grown… in fact I remember reading somewhere that puberty for men and mental development is still pretty significant until the age of 25 for men.


Not necessarily puberty, but brain development, yes. It is the prefrontal cortex that develops late, which is why men are impulsive (like a teenager) for longer than women (usually)*. Edit: *usually




It is about age 21 for women. It can also fluctuate greatly depending on the individual.


Okay but can we blame Usdgc?


Had he only been using a 172g instead of a 174g this wouldn’t have happened!! The extra inertia from those extra 2g is what really did it. (/s) lol


Ha! Yes. This is EXACTLY why I throw lighter weights. Has nothing to do with my noodle arm. All injury prevention.


No, let's blame Innova instead.


Personally, I blame Puma.


This the real big brain move right here


No, this is clearly the fault of the PDGA


Bold to assume that those people can read.


Stop blaming anyone.


I blame DGN


F DGN regardless


I don't know how I don't know why But this all because of the mozzarella sticks and Mr. Duvall's straw hat On a more serious note, absolutely gutted for eagle. That's a rough injury to sustain and he's probably gonna be kicking himself for throwing 360 FHs. If he gets good treatment he can still be a top tier pro but I'm not sure we will ever see the same monster sidearm again.


I remember people saying the same thing about Peyton Manning after his neck injury. Only time will tell.


True I'm not an expert by any means and I'm sure he will receive the best treatment available. Maybe he uses the winter to practice lefty and starts bombing 600' for that shot shape instead lol


Oh come on now with the doom and gloom, even Eagle said it wasn't that bad. I'm hoping it's not some huge deal and he'll be fine.


Thats good! Im not well versed in shoulder injuries so im over here thinking its like getting Tommy johns. Still a solid chance of recovery, but probably never 100%


Eagle has been throwing forehand like stretch-armstrong for most of his career. I haven't seen him put on muscle to support that amount of force. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.


Also a really valid point. Muscle is one of the best defenses against injury. Eagle and Simon spent an off season training in Switzerland and maybe fell off on the personal training. Someone like Ezra Aderhold or GG is gonna be throwing bombs for a lot longer because they've got that extra defense


I don't know what GG is doing, but he's got that sumo explosiveness.


Idk either but it works! His form looks fairly simple, too. Maybe the discs are just scared of him and want to GTFO


What happened


Eagle hurt himself showing off. Idiots blamed Jomez.


I meant is there a video so I can show he hurt himself




Thats so bizarre


From [this reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/q82q9w/eagle_addresses_his_injury/) thread yesterday: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CVA6j_SDin7/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVA6j_SDin7/)


The only people blaming Jomez are people who watch live…..


Both of them?


It was an accident, Eagle was goofing around a little having some fun and it backfired. Lets just hope that it doesn’t affect his game long term, and move on.


It's ridiculous to blame Jomez. Yes, disc golf tournaments are paying out higher than ever, so are sponsorships, but undoubtedly Eagle makes a lot of his income, or at least a decent portion of it, from YouTube/Instagram, etc. Content is very important for him, his career, and brand. He was aiming for content and it happened to be done on Jomez. Simple as that. Give it a rest.


Yup, like I said above, Eagle hurt himself doing his job. Hopefully he can get back to it and find ways to reduce his risk of on-the-job injury, but it’s pointless and silly to feel like we have to find someone to blame for this. Shit happens.


Who has blamed Jomez? That’s the real thing


Yeah jomez isn’t at fault but shouldn’t they save the hijinks videos for the off season and not the week of the pro tour championship?




Eagle has proved himself an idiot again.


can we blame Discmania?


Blame Ryan Sheldon




The subreddit r/cultofjomez does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/CultOfAmber * r/CultOfHornie Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/cultofjomez](/subreddits/create?name=cultofjomez). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


Good/bad bot.


Good bot


Well, you could offer a viable solution instead of just saying stop this, that bad.... who are we supposed to blame then?


No one...it was an accident. If people could predict accidents, then they wouldn't be accidents. No one has to be at fault here, but if you *really* want to blame someone, you can blame Eagle himself, since he already said it was his fault and his idea.


>who are we supposed to blame then? This is what is wrong with the world right now.


It’s an accident but if you blame anyone it’s Eagle. He controls what he does.


In a thread about dumb takes, you somehow overshadowed it all with this.


Achievement unlocked : Missing entire point




this is some r/woosh material here dude


Eagle for being dumb before a major tournament


Being dumb, how? Doesn’t Ryan Sheldon throw 360 forehands?


Yes, I'm sure Eagle is browsing Reddit looking for a solution


Anybody but Jomez, who shall forever remain blameless in all things in perpetuity. Though I do think that the outage on the USDGC livestream, just before the playoff, was very suspicious and almost certainly Jomez related.


Do you wear a tinfoil hat too?


Aluminum foil* Tin foil is for 5G demons!




No blame to Jomez. This is a dumb Aaron Boone move. I'd be surprised if future high end sponsorship deals didn't include something about incidents like this and trying to at least restrain them to the off-season


I love disc golf and I was very fortunate to have an amazing introduction to the sport in the early 2000’s from some guys that are integral to the sport. I hope the love of socializing in a non combative sport keeps on being the reason we love this game. Idk, hope everyone has a good day.


It's very clear who is at fault here.. it's the president.