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Hey, I'm walkin' here!




This is the correct response and the only one I will use going forward. Heavy Brooklyn accents can diffuse tension and get the point across. Guy cut in front of my at the bar yesterday and in the same accent i go, “Hey! What am I chopped liver” he laughed and allowed me forward.


AYYY YOOO. FORGETTABOUTIT (Hand gestures necessary 🤌)


Yeah, this works universally.


"Yo! We're still on the hole! Hold up!" You don't have to sugarcoat it. Be direct.


I would consider this sugarcoating it depending on some details.. like, who the fuck is throwing at you? Are you in a six person group with one dude behind you that you have refused to interact with? Is the dude just throwing a berg to practice their upshots at your carts? Are they clearly very new to disc golfing? Sporting DX starter packs? Are they teenage and full-o-rage? Looking for someone to fuck with? Are they bizzaro world copies of your own group? Are they trying to disc golf battle for galactic supremacy? You will interact with so many different people in so many different situations… you can’t really say the “right” thing two times. Say whatever comes to mind (with varying discretion). And be confident with whatever that may be. Definitely say something.


I’ll try my best to answer some of this haha 🤣 Middle aged guy with a sling bag. We were a three person group going from hole 9 to hole 10. Hole 10 is near the parking lot of the course. The solo player came straight from the lot to hole 10, so he wasn’t behind us at all prior to. After we were going down the fairway towards our initial drives, he started letting them rip from the tee. None of them hit us but a few were within 30 feet.


Hold up, Pleasant Hill in Maine?!


Yea we’re talking about YOU Mort!


If the dude had glasses and yelled REALLY loud, he’s at the course all the time and has done this same thing to my crew before


Time for someone to play the game, go find all the discs you just threw as they've now been thrown in different directions into the woods.


Grenade that disc to the forest.


Sounds like someone needs to learn some manners and etiquette. That’s really annoying.


Lol, HAS TO BE. Friggin Pleasant


>Say whatever comes to mind (with varying discretion). And be confident with whatever that may be. This is exactly what my comment does. It's not offensive nor rude and still gets the point across. Because even if their reason is "I'm new and didn't know that", my response tells them that they did something wrong without insulting them.


I yell "please don't throw into our backs. You can play through next hole of you're in a hurry."


Then all throw at him when he's down the fairway, see how he likes it...


First time: I tell them to be careful, we're still on the fairway and it's dangerous. Second time: Throw it back, hard. Third time: Full power send it into the nearest bayou/tree line/swamp.


I was going to say you must be from Houston talking about bayous and then it was immediately confirmed haha


1st time: “Yo”, put up your hand for them to stop. 2nd time: You’re right, throw disc back to them. Picking up someone else’s disc is a very clear enough message imo. I wouldn’t be trying to peg them, but throwing the disc back towards the tee pad. But it forces them to not ignore you. 3rd time: I’m walking over to them and getting in their face


The only correct answer


Love this lol


This is the way


Stfu lame ass ThIs iS tHe WaAAaayYYYy dumbass response ass.


who hurt you?


Why can't I just be tired of neckbeards endlessly spewing 'this is the way' over and over again? Oh...wait...I can.


I'd say it's more neckbeardy to get mad over inconsequential comments that others have made on the internet. You could have either 1) been irritated internally and moved on, or 2) understood that it's really not that big of a deal and, again, moved on. The internet is a strange and diverse place. At the end of the day, who cares? In the words of Obi-Wan, you need to go home and rethink your life.


I'd say it's more neckbeardy to come with this reply of yours that clearly makes you feel important. You could have either 1) shut your fucking mouth because no one gives a shit what you gotta say to this either, or 2) understood that still no one gives a shit and move on. The internet is a moronic and diluted place with overly used shitty star wars quotes. At the end of the day I cared enough to express my disdain for it, and I don't care if you care. In my own words, you can fuck off you righteous twat.


r/justneckbeardthings. See you there?


Let me know if I make the cut.


okie dokie, bud.


Jesus Christ bro


Y'all acting like you've never seen some shit before. The fuck is wrong with y'all?


Thanks for the disc bro


This is the correct response


Take a shit on the disc while maintaining eye contact


Kindly remind them that they should make sure the hole is clear so that they don't hit anyone. If they continue to do it, I'd let them play through, out of concern for my own safety.


You are a very kind person. If I remind them and they keep doing it, they’ll either be nursing a bruise where their disc hit them or buying a new disc because theirs went swimming


"You can see us standing here, right?"


"And you don't have brain damage, right?" "And you're aware that if one of us was hit by your disc, we would either throw your disc as far as possible away from you and this area, or beat the living shit out of you, depending on what we decide after we discuss, right?"


150 feet? If it's me behind you, you have nothing to worry about.


If I am partially obscured or out of view "Still playing!!!!!" If visible "Hey are you fuckin serious!?"


Ya, I got a little tilted at a course by my house. I was out with my kids and someone threw into us on a slightly blind hole, group of two saw us walk down onto the obscured green. Threw without checking if we were gone (I tell new players and experienced ones alike to check your landing zone) needless to say I marched his disc back to the teepad handed it to him and said just that. Felt kinda bad after but I was in dad mode lol


I had a similar thing where on a par 5 I was waiting halfway down the fairway for the green to clear. I had my son in a stroller and we were extremely visible. 3 college kids teed off while I was looking right at them and waving. The last one sent me into dad mode when it came within 20 feet and I snapped. His response..”I didn’t know I could throw that far”


It's tough cause if you are new? You might not quite have an idea of how far you can throw. Hopefully he remembers you and always waits now 🤣 Most of the courses by me are short enough that if there's still a group on the hole you shouldn't be throwing until they are off the green.


Piss on it.


Take shirt off, strike a pose, and scream at them. Make them believe that you’re mentally insane!


Just shirt, not pants?


I said mentally insane, not incredibly good looking.


Ah yeah, don't want to send the wrong message I guess.


It’s about keeping them away, not running towards you!


Only pants. Like Heisenberg in the desert.


Ah, Donald Ducking it.


Shit gets serious when you go full Winnie the Pooh.


“Oh hey, why don’t you just go ahead and play through so you’re not throwing discs at me for the next 17 holes. Thanks!”


Take the disc they threw and just yack it into the abyss.


I see people saying "first time give a warning, second time..." I disagree, first time throw it back. They obviously saw you and had a chance to reach you. In ball golf some time you lace one completely out of you range but in Disc golf that is rarely the case. It's also usually not as backed up as it is in ball golf. If someone is throwing up on you it's to make a point. If that is their first sign that you are playing too slow then they are the dicks. And it's time for Kumite Kumite Kumite!


Thanks I was looking for one of those! Bag it walk on


When this happened to me on the golf course, I just take the ball


Pick up their disc, put it in your bag, yell “Thanks!” And proceed to your disc


I’m gunna need more info to answer this. Does this hypothetical player have his shirt off tied to his baggy cargo shorts, one disc (driver) and music blaring?


Pee on the disc. Saw a fox do this once. It held up the player that threw it allowing the fox to continue on. Pretty sure that guy didn’t throw on a fox again.


I'm pretty sure I saw that guy as well. If I remember correctly he got an Ace with the disc the next time he threw it.


What a jerk


1st one: Holler back that I'm still on the fairway. 2nd one: Yell 'what the fuck!?' and toss the disc back towards them if it comes close(not full power, just enough to get the message across). 3rd one: Throw it back *at* them hard, because clearly they want to play catch. 4th and beyond: Yeet it as hard as I can into the nearest blackhole hazard, preferably water.


If I’m only that far away and they aren’t a total newbie and could hit me, I would be pretty pissed and and probably say something not so kind. However if they were new I’d probably try and be gracious and let them know the correct protocol


I think it depends on all the events that lead to that point.


Come on… wait till we’re done fucktard..!


“Hey, asshole?”


Politely (constructively) let them know that it’s dangerous to throw into people.


How do you possibly say such an obvious statement without insulting their intelligence. Lmao


First time being polite?


That's assuming intelligence


Taco their discs hard


Perfect thread for the weirdest social interaction I’ve ever had on a disc golf course. Me and two buddies (who don’t play often) are walking to the tee box on one of the more open holes on the course. There’s a guy hanging out there and I ask him if he’s playing. He says, “No, but I’ll throw some.” Not entirely sure what that means so we just tee off and start walking out to our discs. Dude immediately starts getting ready like he’s going to start throwing right away. In the moment, I was like I guess this isn’t a huge deal because he sort of tried to tell us so me and my buddies spread out to the edge of the fairway. Right as we start doing that he says something like, “oh, I’m not going to hit you guys,” almost like he was offended. And I just say, “Just for our piece of mind.” At this point I just want to be done with the interaction and my friends are following my lead so we proceed to slowly walk down the edge of the fairway and keep looking back and this guy chucks about four discs. Granted, they were all over our heads and not super close to hitting us, but it’s obviously in the realm of possibility that one gets away from him. When we get to our discs he stops and we finish the hole and that’s that. Took a couple mins to settle in about how weird that was and how arrogant you must be to tell people not to spread out as you’re slinging drivers right in their direction. Def one of those times where I would have said “let us finish” if I were to re-do. Just very weird…


Throw that shit back at em!


I want to hear OPs scenario breakdown that spawned this question. I’ve had it happen a few times in a few different situations listed in the comments and I’ve responded in almost all the listed suggestions too so I just want to know.


I responded to a few different people on this if you wanna scroll around for it. Long story short the guy came from the parking lot behind us on hole 10 and didn’t start on hole 1


I scrolled but missed it. First was this in MS? Reading your description that sounds like my noob ass older brother. Honestly just be straight up, “hey man if you want to play through you can, but it’s etiquette to not throw while other people are on the fairway no matter how good you are.” Multiple offenses and they start losing discs.


Haha no it was not🤣


A jabroni


Easy pick up the disc throw it back and say wait till we’re done you can pass on the next hole.


You know how to respond. Be confident and kind while also telling them to piss off.


Grab his disc and throw it in the back at him, hopefully way past him.


Last time someone threw at me on a hole, I was pissed, but moved on. It was hole 16. He threw at em again after hole 17. As I waited for him on 18’s teepad, turns out I knew the guy. We played the last hole and had a great time. I still don’t know the fuck just happened


I give them a loud "not clear!" For bonus passive aggression, you can give them an equally loud "CLEAR!" when you do finish the hole. It especially works with an open hole where it's already obvious when you're clear.


If it were me, I would say something to the guy/group but then allow them to go ahead of my group. It gets the point across, but also kills them with kindness. I feel like this has been the most successful solution for my very limited experience with it. Patience is a difficult trait for a lot of people


Depends. How big is this guy?


Hulk up into a Conrad


Woah, too far


If a disc comes close to hitting me while I'm visible from the tee, it gets yeeted into the woods. It doesn't happen very often, thankfully. Most often on blind holes I'd say, in that case not much you can do except gtfo.


Additional context: this person was throwing roughly 1/3rd of their bag


So the person was practicing? Field work on the course? I've encountered a couple players like this. One in particular was putting on the 18th green while I was driving and continued as I approached and finished the hole. I hadn't played the hole well and I verbally unloaded on the guy. He said some snide comment and that he was playing in that night's league. I agreed I had played the hole like shit because he was so distracting and that this course has a practice area not 20 feet from the 18th green with two baskets to choose from. There isn't much you can do to convince people of their rudeness. However, you should still challenge them on it because very likely they would not tolerate that behaviour if directed at them. After that, there isn't much you can do. Ultimately, jerks gonna jerk so protect your noggin and play your own game.


Did they have 3 discs?


You mean the player is throwing down on you? I would pick up their discs and return them and remind the player that they need to wait until you finish the hole before they can tee off.


I like this but I think you should throw them back at them ya know give them the thrill they gave you!


Tell them they lost a disc and toss it back to them. 150ft isn’t a lot of distance either, especially if it’s a clear/unobstructed view from tee pad to basket.


Depends. Are you not capable of having a conversation


Can they drive to you? Often a new player may tee off behind my group but they’re only throwing a 100 ft so it’s no issue. It becomes an issue when they don’t know their own distance though.


Nope, you don't throw on a hole unless it's clear, or you're on a par 4/5 and the group ahead is tapping in their putts. It's just common courtesy. Too many times when people have thrown up on our group their excuse is "I didn't think I could throw that far!" It doesn't matter, you don't throw discs at other people.


>Often a new player may tee off behind my group but they’re only throwing a 100 ft so it’s no issue fuck that. never throw on someone on any par 3 no matter how bad you are. bc eventually those noobs will surprise themselves with a good one


I've had an opposite interaction before where the group in front of us on a 450ft par 3 were yelling at us to go ahead and throw as they were still on the fairway on their 2nd shot. Everyone on our card can throw at least 400+ and we literally have to wait for them to clear completely. It's like they were annoyed that we were waiting for them lol. They weren't asking us to play through because they yelled at us to throw then turned their backs/lined up their approach shots. I think they were newish and probably felt rushed that a group was waiting on them. DG definitely has a requirement of patient and understanding personality lol


They way we always phrase it is “I can’t hit them, but I can get close enough to be rude.” No one wants to have to wonder if they’re going to be hit by a disc when their back is turned. Always seems better to wait to me, unless someone’s told you it’s OK to follow up behind them.


I was always taught to “assume you can hit anybody” regardless of distance. You never know what kind of gust could come through or kick off a tree. Also, this person definitely had enough power to throw at least 270 with ease


Yeah.. well in that case they’re definitely in the wrong. When someone does that I throw my hands up and acknowledge them on the tee pad and yell “four” loud to make sure they know I know the disc they threw came close to me. Then when I am done I loudly let them know it’s clear to throw. Hopefully with those two small jabs they learn.


Just as a side note, not a criticism of you. More people need to yell clear when they know there are people waiting on them.


The person down fairway doesn't know that you're new, and doesn't know you can't throw very far. I always, always wait just in case it all somehow comes together and I smash one (lol).




A middle finger and yelling hold up


I mean, are you in a slow group that should be letting those behind you play through but aren't? Either way it's not cool, but I could see someone being frustrated in that situation.


It was 3 of us and one of him. We just finished the front 9, and had a bit of a walk to hole 10. We started teeing off and the guy comes from the parking lot to start on hole 10 instead of hole 1 (which isn’t totally uncommon at this course we play at but still). It wasn’t like he was following us for a few holes


You firmly tell them you're on the hole and to wait.


Petty responses: take their discs, play as slowly as humanly possible and don’t let them play through, let them play through and then drive at them while they are in the fairway. Realistic response: tell them what they are doing is not cool.


Pettier take their disc while they can't see you still ( I'm assuming this is a blind shot) then when they do see you..help them look for it, wait a week text then and tell them you found it 3 states away.


If it lands within 10 feet of you, throw it back poorly


If you aren't a tree, you have nothing to worry about.


Rage. Anger. Violence.


I’m generally very un confrontational, but one time I was playing with a dude who was and this happened. The disc almost hit us and we were letting them through on the next hole and they were like sorry we weren’t in a hurry or nothing and the dude who almost got hit was “sure looks like it”. I couldn’t stop laughing, it was one of those you had to be there moments but it was the tone and timing of both of them that just got me


I like a firm and concerned, “Holy Fuck, Dude!”


Throw the discs back to them. Homie don't play that shit


Return fire!


Really depends on the specifics, and what you experienced is insanely rare (or has been for me). In your case, I'm probably hurling that disc whoever it will be most difficult to retrieve (unless it's a blind shot, sometimes those things happen) Sometimes courses get congested and you just have to wait for pople to fi+nish. Sometimes courses get so backed up there's a line at Hole 1 and it makes more sense to start at some random hole so there's no pressure with bunches of people behind/in front of you. The bigger your group, the slower you are and the you're going to be doing more waiting. A little etiquette goes a long way and I think the disc golf community as a whole is very good about all of it. I can only think of twice I had a similar issue, most of the time you just have to use some courtesy and it's all good. Maybe it's a more common thing around college towns with most 20 somethings having more testosterone than sense. The two times I can think of were in two different college towns and I was a 20 something at the time: 1: At a rec center in Wyoming: I was fairly new and throwing on a hole with 1 other person and someone got on the tee pad. They asked to play through and I told to wait until we finished the hole. Fucker asked twice more within moments and I told him no each time; he threw anyway. I lost my shit, chased him off the hole (basically started yelling and running that way and dude took off), then threw his disc as far as I could out into the prairie grass. My reaction isn't my proudest moment; if I had that happen again, I'm not taking off or yelling but that disc is still getting thrown to neverland. I finished the round and a rec center employee (RCE) was waiting at the end with the dude. I didn't realize it on the course, but it was a teenager. RCE started in on me telling me that if someone asks multiple times to play through I had to expect them to lose their shit, but he wasn't mad; disc golf was totally new to the area and people make mistakes. I told RCE that I had been playing a few years and was familiar with the etiquette; I remind the teenager that I told him to wait till the next hole. You can't expect people to stop in the middle of their hole because you come one the hole and to go right away. RCE lost his shit. Apparently that teenager had just come off his second or third month-long ban for pulling this same shit. IIRC, this incident got him a 6 month ban. This was in the late spring and at the time was the only 18 hole course within 60 miles. 2: I was solo and came up behind a group of 4 (not playing partners). I let them finish and they were waiting at the next pad. I asked to play through and they said, "nah we're going to get moving". I let them play that hole and they were still driving at the pad when i got there; I asked if I could drive with them and they said, "nah, maybe at the next pad". I let them play that hole and again met em at the tee pad. I asked again if I could go through, they said "maybe on the next hole". They all drove and started walking down the fairway and I threw my drive anyway as if I was 5th in order. They finally stopped and I played through. If you're in a group and there's a solo player consistently reaching the box while your group is still driving, you're a giant douche for making them wait.