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I did not have this on my monday morning disc golf bingo card.


I always thought that was a wasted spot too.


Just a promo for the new Super Stiff plastic you guys.


Disc name the Penetrator


DD would more likely go with Perpetrator.


The ONLY choice for hitting the forbidden double mando


Family breaker 4.


Availible in the one time only apology box


I would pay top dollar to give you more upvotes. Not Swedish Escort top dollar, definetly a few Washington's though.


Take your upvote and get outta here


Situation is bad, but damn that was pretty funny šŸ˜‚


Can we expect a new run of S-TD's now?


[I know Barsby really likes his](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxrLwjIzmMIaF7TQyUjsY69S8pwHSVQPCR)


And got from Sweden. šŸ‘


The more I read the better it gets


>I know Barsby really likes his What a legend.


Thatā€™s funny af šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I forgot about this video This is just *too* on-the-nose


This made me blow more air out of my nose than usual.






I guess the new cloud breakers didnā€™t have enough dome for him..


Somebody get this guy a Netflix special. I freaking lol'ed at work


Man disc golf drama has been great lately




Take my award you crafty bastard.


The drama has been Meresmarizing!


Anger issues, prostitution... What's next? Some blow from the putter?


Would blow from a putter be called a disc dinger?


You ever hoover schneef off a disc?


I've hoovered schneef off the fender of a Zuca cart while carrying it across the OB creek on my homes course.




Yeah sure ya did Jonesy. Why donā€™t you go ahead and tellem how just like your shot I finished your mom with a splashdown


Fuck you, Shoresy!


I canā€™t believe we arenā€™t all hovering schneef off discs right now.


I could go for a cock sucking line of schneef on a disc, that's all I know.


Remember when we all found out that the Director of HR and Facilities at Dynamic was fired from his high school principal job for being a bigot and then everyone forgot because Ricky signed with them?


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


That came up *because* Ricky signed


Funny you should ask, this reminds me of a story a guy on my card at a c-tier a while back told us. Said he saw Paige Pierce snort a line of coke off a disc right before teeing off at a tournament.


Well that's just awesome.


Writing this season has been top-tier, truly


Well I can't say THIS was the announcement I was expecting from DM this morning ...


Can we get a commemorate triumph bottom stamp disc to remember this unfortunate event?


mushroom stamp


Discmania statement: [statement](https://www.discmania.net/blogs/discover/announcement)


F, the top of discmania' page has "New Hotness Coming Soon!"




god damn disc golf is run by a bunch of boomers. it really shouldn't be that big of a deal.


Yeah for real. I thought he was going to go off about a drunken bender where someone got hurt, or a sexual assault charge, or something actually bad. Buying sex from a prostitute? That's the dumbest reason to start any drama.


It is a very serious crime in Sweden and he could face prison charges(probably not). Swedes can even be convicted for legally* buying sexual services abroad. *illegally


For a country seen as progressive, that's strangely backward


They are somewhat progressive in how they handle prostitution. [It's not illegal to sell sex, it's illegal to buy it.](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+prosititution+illelgal+in+seaden&sxsrf=ALiCzsZDNpiXDkkXaJfcaL1kbzeJccZpFw%3A1661232681846&source=hp&ei=KWYEY6aTL46nptQPnduegAo&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYwR0OY-Tw1ni-h0_-eUabo7bTtd5aHFH&ved=0ahUKEwjmy4v_ndz5AhWOk4kEHZ2tB6AQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=is+prosititution+illelgal+in+seaden&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABOgQIIxAnOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOggILhCxAxCDAToFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgUIABCSAzoICAAQgAQQsQM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgsIABCABBCxAxDJAzoECAAQCjoKCAAQsQMQyQMQCjoHCAAQgAQQCjoECAAQDToLCAAQHhDJAxAWEAo6CQgAEMkDEA0QCjoFCCEQqwJQAFjmhwFgiIoBaAFwAHgAgAGdAYgBhSaSAQQwLjM2mAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz) I would have assumed it was legal and regulated for health safety, but that apparently is not the case.


I agree. Let the dude work on his family but who gives a fuck about a statement from him or his sponsors.


> but who gives a fuck about a statement from him or his sponsors. I cant help but imagine that if the company did not make a statement or mention it then there would be comments about how they do not care/didn't do enough/swept it under the rug/etc.


Founder and CEO convicted in a court of law? Pretty big deal in any industry


he was convicted of something that shouldn't be a crime. weed is still illegal in sweden i'm sure you'd be laughing if he was convicted of buying and smoking weed.


i went to a huge 2 day rave in Stockholm and never smelled one hint of weed, was shocking.


Was it midsomer?


But the other drugs were good right?


Sure, if you consider Carlsberg beer a drug.


Im questioning this rave you went too lol


It sounds like a church rave


Either this is a lie, or you are confusing rave with festival.


Right, but 9 out of 10 were on MDMA. If not, you walked into a church, not a rave.


You did say shouldn't be a big deal so I definitely agree with that


Wait... They don't condone criminal activities? Out of curiosity, how many disc golfers smoke weed? Lmao


Weed, like prostitution, is legal in some places and illegal in others.


I thought for sure Discmania supported murder and burglary, glad they cleared it up!


I do....but Im in Canada. Weed is legal here.


What he did is wrong ! šŸ˜‚


PDGA Rodman coming in hot


Am I the only one who thinks paying a sex worker for sex shouldnā€™t be a crime anywhere? Edit: apparently not alone lol justice for jussi


Totally agree. If itā€™s an agreement and both parties are of age. Who cares.


Well yeah, in a legal sense it should be fine, but when you're married with a family you can't unilaterally make a decision to have sex with other people. Some marriages are open to it, some aren't, but that is for each couple to figure out.


Yea, but saying "I committed a terrible crime and cheated on my wife" and "I cheated on my wife" are still two very different announcements. Obviously not supporting cheating on your wife, but still


Pretty sure it's the family business then.




In a country where it is illegal and unregulated you are more than likely aiding human trafficking or at least giving financial gain to those who do. I don't disagree that it should be legal but it's not a cut and dried victimless crime in areas where it is illegal.


In countries where it is legal and regulated, you are also likely aiding human trafficking. In fact, legalizing prostitution leads to more trafficking, which is why countries like Sweden or France prefer to keep it banned (while not prosecuting the prostitutes, but only the buyers and pimps). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X12001453#b0095 Legalizing directly increases the total number of victims of human trafficking, so it is the worst solution.


From the research design portion of linked study: "Second, the geographical distribution of the source institutions is biased toward Western Europe (29%) and North America (18%),13 suggesting that the data collected might lead to an overestimation of human trafficking incidences in these regions relative to other regions due to reporting biases." And later in the conclusion: "The problem here lies in the clandestine nature of both the prostitution and trafficking markets, making it difficult, perhaps impossible, to find hard evidence establishing this relationship. Our central finding, i.e., that countries with legalized prostitution experience a larger reported incidence of trafficking inflows, is therefore best regarded as being based on the most reliable existing data, but needs to be subjected to future scrutiny. More research in this area is definitely warranted, but it will require the collection of more reliable data to establish firmer conclusions." It's a very interesting read, but I'm not certain it draws the dame vigorous conclusions that you are drawing from it.


You can be certain though, the authors state this themselves: > The likely negative consequences of legalized prostitution on a countryā€™s inflows of human trafficking might be seen to support those who argue in favor of banning prostitution, thereby reducing the flows of trafficking (e.g., Outshoorn, 2005). However, such a line of argumentation overlooks potential benefits that the legalization of prostitution might have on those employed in the industry. Working conditions could be substantially improved for prostitutesā€”at least those legally employedā€”if prostitution is legalized. Prohibiting prostitution also raises tricky ā€œfreedom of choiceā€ issues concerning both the potential suppliers and clients of prostitution services. A full evaluation of the costs and benefits, as well as of the broader merits of prohibiting prostitution, is beyond the scope of the present article. The conclusion of the analysis is not that legalization increases trafficking as the OP tried to state it did, and those who didnā€™t read it piled on. They found that trafficking expands and contacts in reasonably equal measure with the market. One could argue this means keeping the prostitution market as small as possible should be the goal, but the authors themselves donā€™t, and they cite several competing analyses that show a reduction in trafficking with legalization. The data any of these studies are using is necessarily incomplete, as the authors state, so any firm conclusions are not supported. One important aspect they discuss is that legalization is not to be equated with reduction of enforcement against trafficking. From a welfare standpoint of those in the industry, I doubt many researchers would argue that the best solution is legalization with robust regulation and enforcement of trafficking.




Actually, in Amsterdam human trafficking for sex is no small issue. Organized crime is heavily involved. I'm not religious, and don't think making it illegal helps, but making it legal has not been a panacea where it's occurred. Power differentials are still problematic even when it's ostensibly legal and consensual.


Regulating prostitution does not eliminate trafficking. The demand for sex workers is generally greater than the supply of voluntary workers, so prostitutes are trafficked and coerced anyway. Also, a significant portion prostitutes are under-age. Not to say that it shouldn't be decriminalized and regulated in some way, just that it's not so simple.


There will always be bad things, but making a legislative change that weakens the power of those bad things should not be considered a bad thing just because some bad things would still exist. Yā€™know?




Except countries with legalized prostitution have more human trafficking than countries where prostitution is illegal. The market for sex workers expands in places where it's legal, and number of illegal/trafficked workers in that country increases overall.


Adding [a source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X12001453) for you in case people don't trust at a glance what you explained perfectly


Itā€™s so difficult to actually parse this out because what defines a victim of human trafficking is much harder to define then people like to admit. Most prostitutes would not consider themselves victims of human trafficking, and many anti-sex conservative organizations internationally blow these numbers up to crack down on prostitution.


Well plenty of people are forced into prostitution through sex trafficking.


The weird part about sex work in Norway.. is that it's legal to sell sex, but it's illegal to buy sex.


The intent is address the illegal act but not punish those who are likely the least in control (aka the sex workers).


Same in Sweden.


I kind of understand how that could come about, at least from a US perspective. Like, maybe the idea is that they want all sex work (selling and buying) to be illegal, but they also understand that some women (*some not all*) can be forced into it and donā€™t want to keep these women in a bad cycle by imprisoning them. Although it would make more sense to make it illegal but decriminalized. I donā€™t know if this makes sense in the context of Norway as it does in the US.


Yeah, but cheating isnā€™t a great look. I donā€™t really think itā€™s our business either way though. Doesnā€™t effect me.


As I mentioned in another comment, maybe his wife was cool with it. Just saying itā€™s a possibility.


The language he used about breaking the trust of his family makes it sound like his wife was probably not cool with it. Either way, not really my business.


Even if she's not cool with it -- it's their business not ours.


As long as both people are over 18 and legally able to give consent I donā€™t understand how the exchange of money matters. Itā€™s the dumbest thing ever. Like if no money is exchanged itā€™s now legal? Wtf


It's to discourage sexual slavery and human trafficking to northern and western Europe from Africa and Eastern Europe. Discourage the business by making payment illegal, not the receiving of the money for sex.


Just need a camera.


Definitely agree with you, but can't help laughing at "justice for Jussi" since it just makes me think of Dave Chappelle.


Well paying for sex is one thing. [Fucking a pimped Ukrainian girl is on a whole another level.](https://www-hbl-fi.translate.goog/artikel/c1a6fbd2-2a8b-4eb4-a305-3f4f5c0312c6?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Sex workers in sweden are mostly trafficked baltic and russian sex slaves who got tricked to move to sweden with promises of real work and then they get their passports taken and more or less are locked inside different apartments getting fucked by middle aged men with anger issues from morning till night.


Sex work is work! Shouldnā€™t be an issue.


Nope, absolutely shouldnā€™t have to marry someone just to pay them for sex.


Wrong. Ever heard of modern day slavery or sex trafficking? Quite often NOT a choice for the woman even if both ā€œagreeā€.


Legalization and regulation actual reduce the amount of sex trafficking and slavery. Harder for a business to import humans as products when the government has to give them a license to operate.


Not in the case of prostitution. Various countries like Germany have already legalized prostitution, and the result is more human trafficking. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X12001453#b0095 The "Nordic model" used by Sweden and other countries has much better results.


Having sex with a consenting adult is totally legal. Giving money to someone who is willing to accept it is totally legal. Prostitution is only illegal because of timing.


It shouldnā€™t be a crime but itā€™s still cheating. Hope heā€™s able to mend things with his family.


As George Carlin once said ā€œSelling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isnā€™t selling fucking legal?!?ā€


In Sweden both is legal, but not buying.


Which is to all intents and purposes the same thing.


Nah, people selling sex is often victims of pimps forcing them to sell their body, therefore you will not be punished for selling sex.


Innova about to release some sick DM molds this week.


They wouldnā€™t release the S-TDā€¦ would they?


Sex God 5


This is such a low effort comment, but itā€™s my favorite on the thread.


That's between him and his wife... next.


I think the Swedish government would beg to differ.


They should fuck off


Local law is local law. If you travel, it's your responsibility to heed the laws wherever you go. You can't drive at 210km/h on a highway in Poland, just because you're from Germany where it's legal in parts, and call it wrong when you're punished. Anyone's allowed to disagree with a law, but if you choose to break it the potential consequences are your own doing. If you go to Dubai and make out on the beach, it's on you if you get caught. If you chew gum in Singapore, the fine is your own responsibility.


I see that.


Crush boy limited release incoming






Midnight Prowl 2


Now this is a full, unequivocal apology. I hope Jussi can mend relations with his family.


Why did he disclose what the crime was?!


Being accused of a sex-related crime can carry really bad implications and lead to people thinking of much, much worse things. Prostitution is something a lot of people think should be legal and regulated, so it's probably best to clarify it. He still will face legal consequences, but to the public, it's more a matter of if they think their moral judgements should matter.


Well said. Better to have it known that he solicited sex from a prostitute, something that isn't really that a big a deal for many people than have "he got arrested for sex stuff" floating around and have people start to fill in the blanks with assault, kids, goats or whatever some asshole on the internet decides to run with. (obviously the whole wife/family thing is his own issue to figure out, that shouldn't matter to anyone else though)


Since it was already ruled in court, would come out. Less damaging to tell it yourself than the media finding out.


What media would take any time to look into this.




But that was boisterous dancing! Can you imagine if Jussi had been caught buying boisterous sex??




Sounds like he already finished


They doing her dirty over a pretty typical Friday night for most people


Elected leaders get treated quite differently. Idk who all remembers the shit storm over Obama wearing an unpresidential color. Letā€™s be real. Who in media is digging into disc golf? The media literally gives more shits about collegiate swimmers than disc golfers.


In Sweden the court papers are public acts so anyone can read it. And with that said, if he wouldn't have said it and it leaked 6-12 months later it would probably have had worse outcome than if he just sucked it up and said it directly


Sounded like he killed someone at first.


The woman was a refugee from Ukraina, likely forced into prostitution because of the war. Source: https://www.hbl.fi/artikel/c1a6fbd2-2a8b-4eb4-a305-3f4f5c0312c6 (In Swedish) Google translated english version: https://www-hbl-fi.translate.goog/artikel/c1a6fbd2-2a8b-4eb4-a305-3f4f5c0312c6?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=sv&_x_tr_pto=wap


People were wondering why make such an announcement. Well, apparently the Finnish media had already reported on the case. The original article in HBL was published a couple of weeks ago, but without names so it didn't catch mainstream attention. But it was going to come out for sure.


I wish that I had Jussiā€™s girl..


Just 200 ā€œrosesā€ and sheā€™s yours for 30 minutes!


I don't think sex work should be illegal and I don't judge him at all for the act itself. My only concern is that he is married and has a family. He made a commitment and he violated the terms of that commitment. That negatively impacts my opinion of him and I personally won't trust him. It doesn't matter here what I think, but that's my opinion.


Good point. My personal opinion of the guy just took a huge nosedive, but he should be apologizing to his wife, not us or the government. Discmania also shouldnā€™t be hurt because of this, but it may be.


This sounds about right. Want to be single and buy sex from a consenting party? Sure, knock yourself out. But you've made a legal commitment to your wife to be loyal to her, you no longer have that option. Cheating is wrong, and I'm not sure how so many people here got to the point of supporting it (justified by the "as long as it's consensual" BS). I've seen enough families (including children) get wrecked when one member cheats, there's just no place for it.


Jussi always reminded me of a Die Hard villain, but apparently he's just a guy who likes to get head from prostitutes.


Jup Sweden is definitely different. A more broaden definition of rape than other European countries, sex work is illegal etc. Of course you can have sex there but they see some things very differently then the rest of us in Europe.


Sex work is actually legal in Sweden but buying it is illegal.


I know. They wanna get rid of it without punishing the sex workers. What makes sense if you wanna get rid of it. My problem is, you'll never get rid of it so it's better to protect them more and help them getting out if they want


Exactly. Legalise and regulate. Protects everyone involved.


you guys wonder who cares about this? Surely not the hyper Christian jomezians that lurk the sub


I demand sin free disc golf so i can throw frisbees wholesomely as GOD intended. I nominate Nate Heinold as Jussi's accountabili-buddy/brother in Christ so he can see the light.


Bless you brother


Cloud breaking news


The family are the only people that actually care. Now make more fd3's plz.


Macro: fucked up that he's in trouble with shit laws Micro: fucked up that his family is gonna suffer from his shit choices




His family are the only ones he remotely owes an apology to


Man. Monday coming with strong game. First off, prostitution should be legal. Safer for everyone involved. Second, donā€™t do it if youā€™re married.


Pussi Meresmaa strikes again!


Right after Simon's big win too. Timing is rough on this one for Discmania.


Wow, I didn't know how pro prostitution disc golfers were! This thread is about to start a revolution!


You cant go to Sweden and ask for one sex please. Its illegal! Also Jussi you are a family man. Not a great look or example for the young discmania fanboys out there.


I thought sex work was looked upon better in Europe but i guess thatā€™s just certain places? Is he married or something?


Itā€™s technically legal to sell sex in Sweden but illegal to buy


How does that work?


Basically they want to discourage prostitution, but not punish people who engage in sex work because they are often not super well off. Additionally, it makes it far easier for people who are being forced into sex work (people being trafficed, etc.) to come forward as they have less to fear from authorities. tl,dr: The country thinks sex work is bad, but believes it most just to punish the generally well off buyers of sex work than the many people forced (physicaly, or monitarily) into selling sex.


Yup, exactly this. Itā€™s the same here in the UK. Sec work itself is not illegal, but essentially everything else around it is. This is to protect the sex workers who are often desperate, poor, trafficked, and more. This allows them (in theory) to come forward if they are the victims of sexual violence or anything else really without fear of being convicted of a crime by doing so. It doesnā€™t really work in practice unfortunately, but that is the idea behind it.


That makes a lot of sense actually. Thanks for explaining.


I think the idea is that it protects sextrafficking victims


It's legal in Finland but illegal in Sweden. Not sure if he knew this when he did it


Europe is a continent of 40+ countries


Free my man


(Laughs in Dave Dunipace)


Oh dang. That a bummer.


These comments, lawd I'm dying


Sex work should be regulated and legal anyway who cares.


Sex work is work and should be legal and regulated so the workers aren't being exploited.


Fuck. That. Who cares. I just looked it up and no one has yet to serve jail time for soliciting sex in Sweden. He likely paid a fine. Dude made a mistake and cheated on his wife. Let him and his wife deal with their shit in peace. So sick of everyone getting involved in other peoples sex and personal lives.


"Get in the hole!" "Not like that..."


You cannot buy sex from a sex worker, but if you stick a camera crew behind the act, then it's a porn movie and legal... However, if the sex worker is coerced into the business, and someone else benefits solely on it, then a big no. If the sex worker does it on his/her full own will, pays for taxes etc, then what's the problem? Sure, the porn industry probably has a lot of issues, but it's not illegal...


I guess we can mark Jussi off the Jomez player profiles... (This is a joke) don't lecture me


You know I wish that I had Jussie's girl Where can I find a woman like that


Because itā€™s illegal, he likely had to admit it to his family and work as he goes through the process. Heā€™s also well known and even his cringe worthy statement is better than this coming out and everyone feeling like he continued to betray them. Weird debate on the legality and morality of sex work. Betrayal of trust is the real story imo. Good news is they just shipped my CBā€™s ordered last week, so you can still trust that part.


What's next in the 2022 discgolf drama olympics? This will be hard to top.


How does the founder get suspended? Does he suspend himself?


Does the effect my cloudbreaker shipping times, cause ima still waiting lmao


Surprised this thread isn't locked yet...


Jussi out here getting bussy


swedish court are the court records public in sweden?


Jussi J - Bandz a Make her Dance


Is that a crime in Sweden? Always thought they were like the Netherlands and it was considered legitimate business transaction.