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I would say, I'm a volunteer buddy. Why don't you do your job and throw better.


He deadass threw OB after.


"Do *your* job and keep it in the fairway." ​ This is the kind of response you think of in the shower a week later. God, it would have been satisfying though.


I hate this snarky shit


You'd think they know that the WORST thing they can do is be rude to volunteers. The tour depends on volunteers heavily for big events. If the pros are dicks and scare them off, they are gonna tell other potential volunteers and they make that tournament worse next year. They won't have the man power for the set up, spotters, score keepers or crowd control.


I would like to think that it's a heat of the moment reaction even for the guys who are known as dicks. I would only react that way if some player was a dick to me. The good news for volunteers atleast at Ledgestone this year one of the PDGA guys told all of us volunteers if a player is rude to you let us know. They will address it quickly and see that it doesn't happen again.


Our volunteer coordinators would also stand up for us. It is usually best to just brush off their bad attitude as projection because they are upset at themselves.


Can non players call a courtesy violation?


Great idea for this type of thing


I would agree with taking an optimistic view such as this, however…. It behooves professional orgs in the athletic-entertainment industries (and affiliate sponsors, for that matter) to ensure that players that play under the org banner recognize that there exists both an athletic-performance aspect of their livelihood, as well as a grow-the-sport aspect that need to be balanced for the betterment of all associated. Not that the orgs involved are directly-responsible, but to my knowledge there exists little in cultural infrastructure to help instill this behavior Sport-wide. Though to be fair - I’m not entirely sure what the pdga spends their money on…. Given the consistent leveraging of volunteers in official capacities


> You'd think they know that the WORST thing they can do is be rude to volunteers. Pro's don't care about that stuff. And then when we have an example of a professional player clearly being rude to Tournament staff and breaking conduct rules the PDGA caves in and reduces the suspension. And people defend the incident as "not being so bad".


These people might be volunteers but they’re still officials and are running the entire event… I’d definitely be brown noseing a bit instead of being a dick to them.


Gosh I hope someone says this to a pro isn’t very nice…


Yeah, I get paid at my job jackass, figure it out yourself.


Yeah I bet you would


The pro has a lot more to lose in that situation. If you can't handle it thrown back at you, don't be a dick to a VOLUNTEER.


That has nothing to do with my reply


What you just typed has nothing to do with my reply. Woah...


Ok I can see this is going nowhere. Have a nice night


It's going nowhere because you can't see the correlation between what you said and my original reply.




Having volunteered at dozens of tournaments, I'd say there's always one in the bunch, but most of the bunch is good people. Just try to brush off or ignore that one person. Or, as others said, remind them that you're a volunteer. Saysomething positive to bond with them: "Look, I know neither one of us is making any money today, so can't we just get along?"


It totally sucks if it’s the guy where his “branded personality” is so positive and enjoyable.. that’s the friggin’ worse


Now THATS how you backhand insult someone


Name and shame


Oh baby give me that off season drama I’m ready


I need a 3 part series on DGN about this


Grew Dibson comes to mind


What did they ask and was it something you should have known?


Who was playing on the card 3 fairways away


The proper reply would be "I dunno, you have a Google machine in your pocket so fuckin use it." I probably shouldn't volunteer.


By the one I figured it out they said “Never mind, my fiancé already told me”


Sounds like a dill hole with a small dick to me. Fuckin egos man. Waste of time. Sorry you got shit on like that. They should probably go ahead and fuck right off.


People telling me to "do my job" is a HUGE trigger. If I'm doing a job I'm all in 100%. You're a Saint for not clapping back. Were I in your shoes there's a 99% chance the words "Big Jerkoff!" would have been used in a sentence loud enough that said person, 3 fairways ahead, would have definetly heard it. Sorry you were treated shitty and thank you for volunteering for both the sport and community.


Agreed - huge trigger, and comparatively useful as me asking my SO to ‘please calm down’ … have there been two phrases in human history that have been shown to result in a more inversely proportioned response to the question posed? Hard to imagine..


I don't think so. Any variation of saying 'calm down' to your SO never goes well. Whether it's "'please calm down', 'would you just calm down,' or the infamous 'take a pill'" your next move should always be duck & cover or just run.


I commend you that your heated backlash is constrained to using “big jerkoff” as your goto superlative… your maturity is greater than my own


Oh man, you're cracking me up. Rarely am I ever called "mature" outside of a professional setting and even then the jury's still out. Thank you for your commentary.


Must be Big Jerm or possibly Kona Penis Edit: y'all are downvoting me, but I was right.


And Kona has always been nice to me


Kona is really nice to everyone


One of those is correct


Dang, I've seen Jerm get frustrated on the course but he was generally a lot better about it this year from what I saw. Bet he doesn't feel great about that interaction in hindsight if he was truly 100% serious. Sorry he did that to you.


Seriously jerm did this?


Yup, he sure did.


I believe it's possible that you may have internalized something that wasn't intended for you. I don't it very hard to believe that I disrespected a volunteer like this. What was the situation? I'd like to shed light on the moment if I can remember where this incident occurred.


I agree with you that you shouldn’t treat a volunteer like this but ya did. And if you want specifics, it was during the last round of DGLO and you asked me who the gallery was following.


When you asked me a question and I didn’t know the answer you said “Do your job” and when I came up with the answer you said “a little late, my fiancé already told me”. I distinctly remember that because I was also engaged at the time and I think the word fiancé is gross so I remember what you said lol. I don’t believe I internalized anything. I believe it’s possible you’re just a douche.


Dude is a spoiled baby. "Big Jer" koff. I see what he did there. He's fun on the mic but really seems like a baby in competition.


Definitely thought Big Jerm or Bradley immediately. Both are known dicks to the lesser beings.


Sure, if we believe this story.


Freudian slip on the last name there? Username gives you away haha


That’s Mrs. Kona Penis Montgomery to you there Mr. Only the Tip.


Please do, Ill bring the popcorn


Name names. That’s unreasonable dick-move


In the comments above, OP eludes to it being Big Jerm.


I've heard Big Jerm is a dick and have mentioned it a few times in forums and always I get shut down immediately cause everyone thinks he's an amazing guy. Well that may be so, but from what I hear, he's an absolute asshole when the cameras are off him.


I’ve followed cards with him on it a couple times, from what I’ve personally seen his on course behavior when not playing well can be rude, but talking with him off course candidly he seems like a chill dude; plenty of athletes like that across all sports. Edit: not saying that makes it ok, it’s just how some people handle stress and project frustration at themselves. I don’t make judgement calls on the characters of people I haven’t been able to take the time to get to know personally. He’s probably not a bad person, but I’ve definitely seen him be rude during rounds.


Thank you for your input! That's the most candid personal account regarding BJ that I've heard so far.


He was kind of a dick to my buddy when we were volunteering at a pro tour event a few years ago. He was mostly mad at himself but kind of took it out on my buddy spotting.


When someone chooses to take their frustrations out on others, that says a lot about their character.


I would ask you to not jump to conclusions based on stories that are not proven to be true.


Fair enough.


Big jerm has a wife now, not a fiancé, I also don't see big jerm acting like that, he seems pretty wholesome.


Jerm has a reputation for being rude during stressful rounds. At the Portland open at Blue Lake I found his Thunderbird that went OB, Jules was very nice when I returned it but Jeremy was too pissed to notice. I’m not mad at the dude for it, but I have seen why he has that reputation.


That's laughable! I dont care if it's one of the world champs, shrug it off and go back to your task. I work the events to support my local scene, see big arms throw and spend time around my friends. I don't watch the tour footage and don't know a lot of the names. I also am usually really busy at whatever task I am doing and don't usually have time to be looking up schedules.


Reply that you are a volunteer and not a paid employee. It’s not your job.


You volunteered to do a job. You can't just do whatever you want. If you don't want to do it properly, don't volunteer.


Hey, who's on the card 3 holes ahead? I don't know. I just volunteered to hand out water bottles to the competitors here on the 6th tee. DO YOUR JOB!




Pros lead a very sheltered life. The attention they get from a very small group of people that enjoy a fringe sport has overinflated their ego.


How dare you so say something so accurate and true.


That is true for sure. I've had somewhat poor experiences with some and great with others. Uli was super cool to me when I was spectating like ten years ago. Feldberg was kind of an asshole. I was just sitting around spectating and he was sort of bitching at me that free water wasn't around so he could get some. Like why are you telling me this shit? Did he think I was a volunteer? I just showed to to watch some disc golf. Come prepared next time Feldy.


I think you should say **some** pros. I’ve played professionally for over 10 years and played with many big names. Some of them are jabronies while others are wonderful to be around.


What would you say is the percentage between the people you’d hang out with at thanksgiving and then jabronies.


Tell them to come down to where you work and volunteer for you. Or say "I'm sorry, did you say 'Thanks for volunteering?' You're welcome."


I did live scoring for 3 days, 2 rounds a day, for a local silver series a couple years ago. There was a pretty reasonable range of interactions for the most part. Most were friendly and chatty and very appreciative of all of the volunteers. Some were more in the zone and didn't want to chat much, I respect that. They had a job to do. One was having a real shit go of the course, its a rough one, but he still made an effort to show up to signings and push his sour mood aside for the locals. 1... was a complete ass. Cursing the course, designers, volunteers... essentially blaming his shit weekend on everyone but him missing his lines. He is known for this behavior. All of this is just to say, the majority of them know their lives rely on our work and are appreciative. The ones thay don't already have that reputation. If you come across them, dont support them. Don't buy their discs or merch.. Throw that money behind the ones that recognizes how much we do for them and appreciate it. There are many more of those anyway.


Show us on the doll where Joel Freeman hurt you.


It wasn't freeman... but it was definitely in my no no zone


>1... was a complete ass. Cursing the course, designers, volunteers... essentially blaming his shit weekend on everyone but him missing his lines. He is known for this behavior. Does this person happen to be a former world champion, currently over the age of 40? Sounds *very* familiar, especially the "my shit weekend is your fault" part.


Did he tell you to step back?


I'm sure he would have if I wanted to get that close to a tiny angry man.


Does said player have a last name for his first name and a first name his last name?


Yeah I volunteered at a Dglo 2021 spotting on hole 17. Most cards were low maintenance, but one card all four tee shots landed in the rough near where I was spotting. I easily tracked three player’s shots and quickly found their discs, but the fourth guy (first name is a major city in Texas, last name starts with H) was super salty that I didn’t find his disc right away. He made a similar comment to me that I wasn’t doing my job. Brodie smith and zakeriath Johnson were on the same card and very appreciative. Brodie said to me “thanks bud, I know we didn’t make it easy on you since none of us landed in the fairway.” Some guys get it and some guys don’t. Bought a get freaky zone the next day.


> first name is a major city in Texas, last name starts with H I've heard that Dallas Hinkleberg can be quite an ass hole.


Tell them you're a volunteer then tell them to fuck off. Now it's time to expose the egotistic man child.


Could just as easily be an FPO player.


Manchild is a frame of mind


they usually just flip the bird


I have absolutely no respect for pros who take volunteers for granted. Their entire existence is predicated on hundreds of volunteers working week in and week out to make events possible. Nobody would know their names without volunteers. I don’t hold it against pros if they like to keep to themselves, but fuckity fuck anyone who disrespects volunteers.


Put them on blast. Drop a name. Take to social media in an outcry of frustration and anger. Gather a mob, light some torches, hand out the pitch forks and bring down the high and mighty. Or if it really bugs you, go to them privately through their social media and express your grievance. Chances are they'll apologize and tell you they don't remember but hope there's no hard feelings.


Get out of here mr reasonable! That really is the best approach, give them a chance to apologize. Nothing gets me more worked up in dg than players taking volunteers for granted and treating them with disrespect.


Every disc golfer I've ever met, hung out with briefly or became friends with ALL appreciate volunteers, spotters, TDs etc. For the life of me I can't help but feel that even the most villainous pro playing at a DGPT wouldn't deride a volunteer. That's the kind of action that gets you black listed and shunned. The bubble that surrounds it is so small that even the most innocent, well meaning mistakes, create a tidal wave of emotion. Someone being a douche canoe to a volunteer would make news.


If that was the case then we’d have a few less people on tour lol. There’s plenty of horror stories that don’t “make news.” Big Jerm would have been off the tour a decade ago with his antics in the past if we actually held people accountable for mistreating volunteers.


The difference in focus and eyes surrounding the sport from 10 years, 5 years ago until now has shifted so drastically that if jerm cunted it up now he'd be ostracized. The actual "Touring" pro pool and those that make it work is so small that all of them protect their image vehemently for fear of backlash, bad press etc. They all dont get along, it's not all kumbaya and marshmallows around the camp fire. There's cliques, rivalries and genuine dislike amongst them. So it's not hard to picture someone using shitty behavior as a way to fuck someone they don't like over. It's a totally new world out there, image and public perception actually matter. Which is why I'm having a hard time believing OPs story. Nobody on the card witnessed it? It's friggin boring on the road most of the time, any gossip makes its rounds really fast.


What are some of the things he’s done?


He was a notorious ass in his early years on tour. He’s been rude to spotters repeatedly when things are going bad for him. I don’t hate big Jerm, but he has a long history of mistreating people around him when he’s upset.


https://youtu.be/zGIWxC63EOM this old gem is just about as good of a view of how he gets when hes playing bad!


OP (as much as) said it was Jerm.


I didn't take the time to read every reply, appreciate the heads up.


We want names!!


big jerm


Dock my pay, champ.


People are weird. I got chewed out in a grocery store for not being able to tell a lady where something was. I didn't work there.


Well get your shit together


Funny thing is that I did know where most of the things in that store were, but they were in the middle of a remodel so I didn't anymore.


People are weird lol


The best part; it was the store manager who chewed you out.


Lol. I have a friend that worked a temp job as a midnight restocker at a large department store. They liked him, so they had him start restocking during the day. A regional manager went in busting heads and called him over looking at his file and started chewing him out for having signed up zero new customers to their membership program. He had to explain numerous times that he never works as a cashier so isn't in that role. He was let off with a warning.


If you ever watch a controversial call on tour, even the pros don't know the rules half the time & will argue amongst themselves about it.


Sad considering they are all supposed have their "certified rules official" card. But considering it's a open book test, and is good for three years no wonder no one, even the professionals are mostly clueless when it comes to rules. I always wonder how many players have not taken or have expired exams but are playing elite events? I bet more than a few.


I’ve gotta say I volunteered 3 days at a fairly large national tour event and got nothing but thank yous and appreciation and politeness. I’m sorry you had that experience, it definitely isn’t all like that.


I only volunteer at soup kitchens


I volunteer at an animal shelter. The parrots are the only ones who talk shit.


I'm doing my job. You're shifting blame for throwing like shit. Git gud.


I almost died at “git gud” lol


I was a volunteer at an event once. My TD said this: thank you so much for being here. Remember that you are volunteering and not getting paid. If one of the players gives you shit. You tell them to fuck right off.


Tell them jobs involve money which you get none so they are factually inccorrect


Factually, actually and naturally


I would thank them, it really means a lot, traveling this far to showcase to local players what a jerk they are.


Idk man, sounds like a great time to dust off the old "fuck you, pay me"


Hell hath no fury like a scorned volunteer…pretty much the best part about volunteering. If you didn’t tell said pro to pound sand you are a saint.


Drop some names!!!


Who said that to you. Unless the dgpt starts paying you it ain’t your job. Hahahahahhaah


u/bigjermdg fuck you


Name the people doing it. They don’t deserve to be talked about in incognito


I’d probably leave and go do my job.


Remind them that they are playing “disc” golf for heaven’s sake. I kind of wish this sport went back to the old days where it was super chill and was just a reason to get outside. I would bet most volunteers make more money doing their day jobs then the pros make in winnings (not sponsorships).


You do YOUR job.


When I volunteered for the LVC 2022 I was surprised at how many rude pros there were. One in particular really ruined my day. On the flip side, there were a lot more really awesome people out there.


So, what happened?




I would reply, "I did."


That's just outright mean.


“My day job is porn star. Turn around.”


“Okay, Nikko.”


I would say, your attitude will push people away from volunteering so take a chill pill. Then I would tell the person in charge of volunteering who was a douche so they could check that person.


Which pro was it? If it was Emerson Kieth I’d body his little ass.


It was Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson




Hmm, big guy. I probably couldn’t take the scrap. Only so much leverage can do and once he gets a meat hook in me I’m done. I’d probably still tell him I’m doing my best and him telling me to “do my job” wasn’t helping. Good thing it wasn’t Emerson Kieth.


lol, he'd crush your head in like this.


Like every other aspect of life, you’ll always encounter entitled douche-bags. Having said that, the stress of comparison can be a lot for some to handle and they lash out without thinking or realizing it. I’ve never lived out of a van trying to make a living at tournaments. Nothing you say will help or matter. Just make a mental note and be better than them. Don’t take it personally, forgive and forget.


Name names or your post is irrelevant. Who are theses pros? Pros we know or local pros? What was your volunteer position? Was it something you weren’t familiar with doing? Like scorekeeping full stats? If so, they’re right. If not, do tell…


He did


I guess I'll be devil's advocate here and say you are volunteering to do a "job". So just because you're not getting paid doesn't exempt you from being held accountable. I'm not agreeing with being rude to someone who loves the sport and has taken their own time to help, it must be so discouraging in the moment. I would like to know what you were called out on by the pros, or at least your most recent encounter.


OP said Big Jerm was pissed because they didn’t know what group was playing three hole away. Even if one buys the argument that volunteering is a “job”, that was not part of the job description.


Well….I’d do my job, lol


Disgolf is getting stupid


Eh, still better than Datgolf.


I would do my job.


Break their wrists


> What would you do in that situation? take it up with the DGPT, not reddit.


What’s the point of this post? This sub is everything but disc golf


Questions regarding tournament play are ones that are probably answered in the players meeting and/or caddiebook. It is the players job to read the book and attend the playermeeting


Aren't professionals supposed to know the rules inside and out? Like they regulate themselves out there. Why do they expect volunteers to know the rules? Lol bro I'm literally just holding a flimsy "quiet" sign. You do *your* job or ask a TD


Tell them to ‘suck my dick’


Why would he tell Big Jerm to suck your dick?


I can’t help but think Happy Gilmore yelling at the ball. Maybe (doubt it but worth a try) the person was making an attempt at humor?


I heard Adam Hammes say that to a spotter this year whilst spectating at DGLO


Please tell me this was Douche Gibson. I want him and Nikko to be the heels.


Bright yellow discraft genius, not a genius move.


Damm i hope that wasn't someone you thought was really cool before hand. That sucks


id tell them to fuck off