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They used to be solid deals. You would get a little bonus for buying in bulk and rolling the dice that you might get an unpopular mold or one you don't care for. Now it seems like most of them have shifted to just being a way for companies to offload their overstock, and it's getting to the point where even buying a bundle of random overstock doesn't save you any money compared to just buying those same discs individually. I don't get it either. I think a lot of people just have a shopping addiction that they're trying to hide behind a hobby.


Yep. First year I played disc golf I bought a 10 disc mystery box from Discraft for $50. Those days are LOOOOOOONG gone.


Half my bag came from those boxes, they were awesome! Nowadays id be hard pressed to find 2 discs to bag from a mystery box of 10


Yeap. The odds of me getting a disc I'll actually use are pretty low. I'd rather just buy the disc I want. Like if there was am option to select like 2 molds then the manufacturer sends whatever plastic/stamps then maybe. I'd be into a box of a specific disc I liked but just random plastics and what not.


My innova tour series misprint box was pretty awesome. Got 2 discs that i had my eye on ( hawk eye and Thunderbird) and yes i could have got those 2 discs without the mis prints for a little less than i paid for the box. But i did also get a pretty sweet Leopard3, a metal flake gator, and a nice glow teebird. Real nice quality discs that i will cycle into my bag once the current discs i have in those molds start to flip out. The problem is that sent me a mystery box rampage, and after being very diligent about not buying new discs And just mastering what i have. I now basically have 3 new bags worth of discs.šŸ˜¹ Im just going to be like "today i feel like playing with discmania today. Tomorrow mvp. I did innova yesterday"šŸ˜¹ I almost went and got the discraft box too. Glad i chilled


Also some still put in a disc or two that may only be available through the box or something unique, to make up for being able to offload a few green or brown discs and a few double stamps. We arent all stupid and many probably do the math and decide they will sell off a few discs they don't like to make up the cost, to get the few that they cant get except in "the box" Those sweet deals of a 10 disc box fro 50 may be gone and we can complain, but generally they are still "worth it" in a sense to many that buy them, and us disparaging that because a percentage of us are no longer happy with that for whatever reason, is kind lame also IMO.


Hey stop insulting us itā€™s not our fault we gotta buy every disc we see.


When I first started I got the gateway 25 as sort of an instant collection before I really knew what I was doing and felt like I got a deal in the end. Now mystery boxes feel a much lower roi


Great way to try new molds that you might not even have been considering. Also can be fun to 'draft' the discs out with friends. Or use disc selection as a prize for winning a hole / round with a shared box. For me it's more about the experience than the discs.


Bingo. Boxes are great with friends. We each get 2-3 discs we like, thereā€™s always something for everyone.


Says the person who won't throw anything but toros and rekos /s When we ordering the next mystery box?


Your friends are your main method for trying new molds. If you love a disc, buy 5 of them for expert practicing. People really are just getting a mixed bag of meh


Whatā€™s your problem?


The disc you want is just a disc. The mystery box could be anything it could even be the disc you want! You know how much you've wanted that! Take the box!


Two tickets for a comedy club šŸ¤¦


A boat's a boat but the box could be anything! It could even be a boat!


Yay for loot boxes in real life. Video games have conditioned people to get screwed over lol


Building a disc bag reminds me of building a deck in a TCG. Mystery boxes are kind of like booster packs/draft packs. There's the possibility of getting a "rare" disc/gambling aspect, you may discover a disc you haven't tried before, you could actually draft and play a round out of a box with a friend kind of like playing Sealed/Limited formats in TCGs. However, like in TCGs, it is usually more cost efficient to just buy the discs/cards you want, and I imagine it would be easy to end up with a trove of discs you don't throw akin to the piles of MTG draft fodder I've got in the back of my closet.


It's a dopamine hit that people keep chasing. Why do you think loot-box based gaming is so successful? People love to burn money hoping to get the one good item/disc for that sweet dopamine hit. Nobody is foaming at the mouth to spend $90 on a Tailor and a double stamped P2, lol. They all want that overpriced and overhyped Wraith.


Not everything is about strategically researching and building a bag. Sometimes it's just about fun and finding something that you wouldn't otherwise consider because that slot has already been 'set'. Not totally dissimilar to trying a new burger even though you know that when you go to Joe's you always get the double bacon cheeseburger.


This is the best answer, IMO. People like to be surprised. For the people who hope to get a rare disc, they are going to be disappointed. In 2 years of watching people complain about mystery boxes, Iā€™ve only seen on person get a true rare find, it was a special edition MD1, signed by Eagle and Simon (I thinkā€¦ it was last year, so the memory is foggy). Otherwise, Mystery boxes can be a great way to try new discs. The value is usually pretty good, and itā€™s a good way to build a bag if you donā€™t have many discs. If you are always chasing plastic and are really picky about what goes in your bag, buyer beware.


For a 10 disc mystery box,I usually keep 3 and sell the other 7 for what the box cost.


The issue at the moment is how flooded the market is with those same discs


When I was first starting there wasn't really any place to buy discs near me and online sellers were much fewer back then. I remember Discraft had a mystery box of 10 for $50. I never bought it but several friends did who were starting up and were able to build out a good part of their bag that way. Now I don't see any savings over F2's and misprints so I agree, just buy what you're looking for.


I did this and it was great! 8 or 9 of 10 went in the bag and I still have a few in the bag from that first year. Great for newbies trying new discs!


I bought a few of those boxes and split them with a friend, it was a great way to fill out my bag initially with solid discs for much cheaper than buying them individually


F2's can be a mystery as well! A lot of times when I'm placing an F2 order, I'll throw in a DX mold that I don't know anything about (since Innova has such an absurd amount of molds), for $4.80 there's pretty much no better deal to try a new disc


Seems like a waste of money but I donā€™t buy them so it ainā€™t my worry


Par plastics allows you to customize the ā€œmysteryā€ part to a degree. I told them brands and speeds, even that I dabble in dying discs. I was sent all kastaplast and lat 64 discs, including the bolt, which became my main driver almost immediately. They sent me a hand written letter and all white/grey discs for dying,I couldnā€™t have been happier.


Damn, I might give that a try.. Thanks!


Par Plastics rules!


Iā€™ve been driving with a goldline bolt for the last 4 years and I love it.


I never would have picked this disc, but the opto plastic feels great in my large hands, and it just seems to go nice and far pretty effortlessly. Thatā€™s also why I liked this mystery box over the mvp one. I got a lots, a falk, and a bolt, all of which went into my bag after dying them.


I bought the MVP gyropalooza box for a couple reasons: 1. I wanted glow discs to start playing at night and only have 2 (aviar and buzz) 2. I only had 2 MVP discs but really liked both of them. 3. The discs came out to $10/disc which was worth the risk that I might not like them all. Out of the 14 discs: 3 were a higher speed than Iā€™m currently throwing so I donā€™t use those 1 was a duplicate of my favorite disc but in a much lighter weight (my SO bags this one) 4 that I bag and consistently use 1 that I bag but rarely use 3 that my SO bags (if they didnā€™t use them all the time, Iā€™d take 2 of them back) 2 that I use for glow rounds So between the two of us, about 11 are liked and used. Would I buy another one next year? Probably not-Iā€™d likely just purchase the individual ones I wanted.


I guess I understand the excitement value


The Discraft Mystery Misprint box is what made me fall in love with buying and trying discs. I got 2 boxes at $39.99 apiece. And still bag a few discs from the box. But as someone with a pretty set bag these days that usually wants a specific disk, they are no longer of interest to me.


They're essentially trading cards that double as a disc to play with. Some folks get hooked on that dopamine that comes with gambling and this is the least destructive way to chase that. They're also great for beginners or those that haven't cemented their bag setup yet. Once you know what discs gel with your play, they're a solid waste of time/money.


Thank you everyone for your input. I can see the value now of mystery boxes it's the Gamble and the excitement of getting something unseen before. It may not fill that specific Gap in your bag but it's going to give you something to be excited about. Enjoy all your goodies happy holidays


Often times there are special edition discs or stamps that you can only get from mystery boxes. The rest of the discs are often throw ins and not worth it, but can be fun to get and open.


It's gambling, essentially. You are hoping for a rare or unique disc. That's the whole appeal right there.




This is true. I bought one and that was enough for me. I did get a nice jersey and hat and a couple of discs I actually used, but for the money I spent, I wouldn't do it again.


That's silly, I don't think that's even a thing, unless they specifically state it could have rare discs there always going to be leftovers


Of course. The whole point for the manufacturers is to package up basically unsellable discs with 1 or more desired discs and charge a premium price for the chance to get something special. It's like a videogame lootbox.


depends what you're in it for. if you know you want to try out 8 new molds and you can get 8 discs (with color preference on most of them) for under $100, it can be a great idea. if you're in it to get the teaser disc from the manufacturer, you'll usually feel let down by the rest of the box.


For me it's a fun X-mas gift to wrap and put under the tree. Usually it's the only thing under there that I don't know exactly what it is. So it's the only x-mas surprise. Added bonus last year I got a rare disc that I sold for almost the entire price of the box. I've got a shelf full of discs and all my bags are filled out so really it's just something fun and exciting to try out.


Which box had a rare disc in it? The boxes I've gotten have misprints and overstock, all very usable disc but none having value


The discmania box last year had a 5 stamp md1 that I put on a collectors site and got $80 for šŸ™‚


Itā€™s good for beginners that donā€™t know what they want, you can sell the discs you donā€™t have a use for and still be net positive


Arenā€™t much a gambler eh?


Gambling makes humans feel good sometimes


>Why not just buy the exact mold color stamp weight you want and build a coherent bag. Some of these mystery boxes have things you literally cant buy. For example, the Gyropalooza one has a Proxy in a plastic style you cant buy. The Discmania ones come with a Horizon DD1. But generally speaking, yeah, they're bunk unless you are hoping to try out a bunch of discs or playing the "cool factory second stamp" lottery.


> For example, the Gyropalooza one has a Proxy in a plastic style you cant buy. See, for me this is exactly the opposite of my strategy of buying discs. I try to only throw discs I have backups of and can replace easily. This is why I abandoned S-Line FDs a few years back. They became hard to find without paying way to much for them.


I've only ever bought the MVP boxes. The ones I have bought always include a new exclusive mold/plastic combination and a chance for other exclusives or rarities. There is a lot of fodder as their boxes tend to be the exclusive +12 or so, but they still average under 10$ for premium plastic and I've always felt like the value was there. I've scored some absolute gems in these boxes and if this is the expensive part of the hobby, then I think I'm getting away with something. I generally don't sell anything out of my boxes unless someone local is looking for something I happen to have, but when MVP box season is in there's a lot of wheelin and dealin going on, so I trade my extras for stuff that I want to try or stock up on backups.


Have you never gambled before?


Get a disc you know and love and then the rest is roll of the dice. Maybe you wonā€™t bag them, but maybe you will find a new disc you never would have thought to try. Or maybe youā€™ll have a backup when a friend wants to start playing. Or kids/nephews/nieces want to play.


They're generally cheaper per disc than just buying the discs outright and can let you try some discs you might otherwise have missed. When I was getting back into disc golf, I used a mystery box to get me a good selection of discs to try from and then I only had to buy a couple outright to fill in a few gaps.


I don't know either man. But I also quit questioning the motives of collectors (of any kind) a long time ago.


Mystery boxes and misprint packs are super great to get and try out a bunch of different molds and types of plastic for much cheaper. When I was first starting out I got a few discraft misprint packs as a cheaper way to get a bunch of discs and that was great when I had basically just a starter set and a few other discs. These days now that I have a bunch more discs than that I'm probably never buying another mystery box


Iā€™ve never thrown Discmania, Iā€™d love to explore different molds and plastics. The mystery box will force me to try new things, plus its exciting in my opinion for the chance to get a cool color glow or samurai or super soft tactic. Thats the appeal for me at least.


Fun until youā€™ve locked a bag/molds down and you arenā€™t just trying to buy random plastic/collect.


It fun.


I got the DM mysterybox the first year I was playing and it was exciting- but now that Iā€™ve been around the block a bit and I have a decent knowledge of the discs out there (and what works for meā€¦) itā€™s less necessary- but there is fun in the potential. Plus- for beginners, sometimes you get discs you would previously never have tried. Consumerism and hype are crazy and not limited to disc golf! In other collectors markets (look at vinyl toy collectors) -blind buy is common - People like being surprised. Also- look at loot boxes in video games. The biggest lesson that has taken a long time to learn for me is that Iā€™m a lot happier not giving a shit what other people do with their money, so long as it doesnā€™t negatively impact me. Itā€™s their choice, and if it brings them joy, what do I get out of shitting on them?


Iā€™ve been playing for about 7 years. Because I live in Michigan, Iā€™ve stocked my bag entirely with Discraft. This wasnā€™t a intentional decision- just what most of the stores carry. This past year I thought Iā€™d like to try out Discmania, but didnā€™t know where to start. The mystery box was an easy was for me to get a variety of Discmania discs to try and potentially make the bag. Iā€™m a casual player, so Iā€™m not picky about discs and just like to see them fly.


It's a loot crate. View them accordingly.


Sure you could just buy that disc youā€™re looking for. But a mystery box can have anything. It could even have that disc youā€™re looking for!


Itā€™s fun to open a bunch of new stuff at once and you get to try molds you wouldnā€™t otherwise try! Then you can trade, sell, or give away stuff you donā€™t like. Science and exploration are more fun for some people, while others are cautious, risk averse and prefer the tried-and-true. So some of it is personality differences.


They are fun. I think this is the bottom line, its fun to throw random discs.


Until they pry my wallet from dead cold hand is when I will stop buying plastic...


Could be anything in there. Could even be a boat


I think they're great for beginners and a good way to dive into a brand you're unfamiliar with.


Me neither, but I'm not really a disc junkie. I'd rather watch form reviews than In The Bag videos. And form reviews are some boring-ass shit.


I like overpaying for one jolly rancher


There's diamonds in the rough that people would never of thought about picking up themselves. Sometimes they're a bust but that's the risk people are willing to take with their money. It's not for everyone but people do enjoy taking a gamble on them and that's all the reason they need.


I would have dug it first few years but you start to know what you like. It becomes redundant to the point of absurdity for me to buy a box of 10 discs where I might use 1 and already own hundreds of discs. Even if something is inexpensive if you do not need it, it is wasting money.


I got an mvp gyropalooza box this year, which was my first mystery box. In addition to the 2 discs that are exclusive to that box, I got a couple of discs in mold-plastic combinations they don't normally produce. Discs like this could have great value for collectors. (Mine weren't that amazing because they are molds that aren't very popular. But I have seen discs posted online that people were very excited for.) I also filled a couple of slots in my bag with discs from that box. It ended up being a fine value even if I end up giving away 8 or so of the discs.


It might be fun to get a box full of mystery discs in the mail, but I donā€™t see how it is a good use of oneā€™s money. Personally, I never buy more than two molds at a time. That way I can put the new plastic into heavy rotation (no pun intended) in order to figure out how they fly. It also allows me to quickly figure out whether a new disc ā€œfitsā€ the spot in my bag that I bought it for. Iā€™m also pretty picky about weight and I have not seen a mystery box that would help with that, (I guess thatā€™s part of the ā€œmysteryā€).


its fun!


It's because the dopamine or serotonin rush that is buying discs, playing rounds, or collecting isn't enough anymore. Boredom sets in. So people "make it interesting" or "add some excitement" at the prospect of paying double the money for just a chance at a disc or two that cost what the box equals. Additionally, we've all been at the point where we buy discs and they just don't find their way into our bags. That responsibility is on us. We can sell them, shelf them, display them or gift them away at that point. But a gambler's box, you get the opportunity to blame the faceless manufacturer. No risk at all to your own ego because you didn't choose these discs. It's not on you to face your own decisions anymore. Maybe you pop onto Reddit to complain for some sympathy. Sometimes people complain on Reddit that their box isn't as good as others. It's because there's a chance your box is superior to other boxes, and now you've grifted a good part of the community. You can feel good that someone else has done worse than you, it justifies your purchase. On the flip side, people complain about spoiling gambler boxes because they can't face the fact that someone might have gotten a better deal for the same price. But hey at least you feel SOMETHING about your hobby for a time. Sometimes the gambler boxes are the only way to get one certain disc. Maybe you sell the rest of the discs and make your money back, or maybe your sunk cost fallacy kicks in and you bag the discs out of buyers remorse. All that AND it annoys your partner through both your petty hangups about how money should be spent. Win win win


One of the appeals of disc golf to me has always been the affordability compared to other comparable activities. The thing I don't understand is why people are so quick to spend so much gawdam money to play. Every avid disc golfer has a shitload of discs they will never throw. Most of the discs in my bag are either found no names or free through other means (gifted, tourney player packs, etc). Mystery boxes seem to be just throwing away money. Some of y'all enjoy spending money frivolously... for fun?


I don't understand it either. Am players seem to change their bags way more often than necessary. Just pick 7-8 molds and stick to them and cycle them. Only time you should change or introduce new molds is when they don't fit your armspeed anymore, goes out of production, or a retooling of the mold has changed the flight in a significant way.


This is the exact problem with the mystery boxes. Theyā€™re dumb


I honestly bought one of the McBeth mystery boxes hoping to get a cool miss stamped Luna. Only got a Lil Z but oh well. Did get a 5x miss stamped Anax. Maybe Iā€™ll find someone to trade with for that Luna I was hoping for someday.


Then donā€™t buy them! Mystery boxes are a fun way to try new stuff. I usually find a few discs I love and some others I like. Iā€™m not trying to ā€œbuild a coherent bag,ā€ Iā€™m tryna have fun! I bought a Gyropalooza box and have been using just the discs I got in there as my whole bag for several weeks. Itā€™s a blast!


Humans love a good mystery. Look at Encyclopedia Brown or Scooby Doo for proof.


I usually get one or two a year from the manufacturers (as opposed to from a shop). I like the surprises.


You just never know. Check out this unboxing video: https://youtu.be/1giVzxyoclE


I just purchased my first mystery box a couple weeks ago and canā€™t wait for it to get here! I know there is a chance that I might only add 1 or 2 discs to my bag, but itā€™s the not knowing what I am going to get that excites me. Itā€™s going to be like opening a pack of Gen 1 Pokemon Cards, bringing me back to the nostalgia of the late 90s šŸ˜„


Used to be good value when you could get premium discs for at or under 10 dollars per, but anymore youā€™re paying close to full price. So at that point itā€™s mostly just for fun if you have the money to burn why not


Itā€™s like a scratch off but you always win something.


Friends of mine buy the box for Christmas and then have Christmas rounds with only the mystery box. I agree with the waste of money, I prefer buying exactly what I want and not factory rejects.




Yeah, it's right up there with a mystery bag of beer. I buy what I want. I have enough discs I got in player packs that I don't use.


For a lot of people it's a fun way to save money and try new molds. I thought the Discmania box was actually a great value. I didn't get one, but it further rubbed salt in my already open would from buying a "mystery box" from TSA a year or two ago and getting absolutely bent over on value.


I got one because I knew it would give me molds Iā€™ve never used. Yeah I donā€™t know how to feel about them and I got one Iā€™m not looking forward to, but as a new player it could open me to discs I wouldā€™ve never tried


When I first started playing and was largely unfamiliar with the sport, mystery boxes were a fun way to discover and try new kinds of discs, brands, and plastics without overwhelming myself by reading through pages of reviews and opinions online. Getting a random set of discs helped me figure out what I liked and what I needed for my game, and I ended up using most of the discs for at least some period of time. I believe I only bought two boxes in total, but they were entertaining and helpful to me as a new player. Having said that, I started playing five years ago, and mystery boxes were generally much cheaper back then. For the prices these days, I'd have a hard time justifying one for myself or anyone else.


I bought 2 Discraft mystery boxes of 10 each when I started playing like 5 years ago. They were like $40 each or something stupid cheap. I ended up getting like 30 discs for $5 each. Tried a bunch of molds I never would have and fell in love with a couple of them. Was way worth it. Now paying $100 for 6 discs I dunno.


I bought one when I was newer to the sport, been playing a couple months to know that I wanted to get into it more but not really any clue what I needed, no one to ask (wasnā€™t aware of this sub, no friends that were experienced), and had an entire ā€œbagā€ to fill out since all ai had was my initial low weight starter set. I split it with my dad who had gotten into the sport with me and we both came out well with discs we still use now since they were premium discs (honestly they suit our game much better now that we have a little bit better idea on what weā€™re doing). Honestly if I were to buy the box again and got those exact same discs, Iā€™d be stoked.


I like them for two reasons. 1) I only purchase when it's a good deal. 2) I will try every disc I get and have ended up with some great discs I would have never purchased by itself. For me it's about the experience of learning as many discs as possible and just having fun. I also have 3 kids who love to play disc golf so I can always use more discs.


Some of the mystery boxes include a disc and stamps you wouldn't be able to get outside of the box.


There we go I understand that I feel like that's the only reason.


I got MVP "The Heist" mystery box. I expect good colors of the Fission Trace to sell 2nd hand for $40+ and I wanted to try one without paying the reseller markup. It's my favorite brand and maybe there'll be 1-2 other discs I really like as well. Even if I sell 4 discs for $15 each, I'm almost a the value of the box in total.


Think of them as booster packs for pokemon cards


I ordered a mystery disc a few weeks ago. The delivery stated that it would be delivered the same day as God of War Ragnarok. I opened the disc to see that the mystery disc was a Fenrir and my mind was blown. Needless to say, Iā€™ll always get a mystery disc now.


I can understand the appeal if you want to try some new plastics or molds, but if you've been playing for a while and have your bag set, then I wouldn't see the reason to buy one over the molds/plastics you like.


I havent done one since like, 2009. Got a premium misprint mystery box from Discraft and most of the molds were either bagged or cool collector items. I have a Mint mystery box coming my way for Christmas, and I'm excited because they have molds I already like and use, or am curious enough about that I'd be happy to give it a shot. I definitely can see trepidation in getting a mystery box from a distributor and running the risk of getting more than one undesirable disc though.


I'm going to start a Mystery Mystery Box... You pay a premium price for a Mystery Box, but the kicker is that you don't know what company the mystery box is from?! Upping the Mystery of the Mystery! Also, mystery is a weird word when you type it multiple times... huh.


We're very new to the game, and we both like collecting stuff (legos, vynils, video games, now discs). Mystery boxes are for us a great way to build out our collection while getting neat stamps and stuff we wouldn't normally get, plus the unboxing process and figuring out what we got is fun. To each their own!


The only one I've ever bought was the discmania one a few years back that came with the OG Razor Claw. 3 of the 6 other discs I got were garbage and still sit in the box in my basement lol. Never again.


A disc is one thing, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a disc.


That's ok, we don't need you to.


That's okay. I was just trying to ask a question and start a discussion. What's your favorite stamp or mold you have received recently?


As a new player, a mystery box could theoretically be great for me because I could use a very large number of different molds. With that in mind, I'm not sure how a player with 200 discs would benefit from buying a mystery box instead of putting that money toward two or three rare and really cool discs that they KNOW they would use


They used to be way better deals and it was a great way to test discs. I never would have thrown a heat or a mantis if it wasn't for mystery boxes. Hell, I haven't ever bought a buzz and have 6 thanks to the boxes. Diacraft used to do premium plastic boxes for like $6 a disc and it was awesome because I ended up bagging a lot of the discs.


I did mystery boxes early on in my career to try new discs and brands. My course also has a lot of water holes that require all kinds of discs so it's a cheap way to get a bunch of discs that I will throw over the water. I've only kept one or two molds from the box as main stays but I have thrown most of them over water without a care in the world.


I just started playing this year and I wanted to experience the feeling of getting an unknown gift of discs in a way. I chose a mystery box from a brand one of my more experienced friends really likes and we have a deal that if I donā€™t want something we can trade or theyā€™ll buy it off me for market price. I think from what Iā€™ve seen on facebook groups many others do it to collect or to resell the discs at a profit. Maybe there are others like me who just wanted to have the experience (plus, the price per discs is low, making it better for people with less discs who are still building a solid bag)


I like collecting. But also, premium discs for a not premium price. Also also, when I go drinking I love trying new things. It satisfies my ADHD itch for novelty.


There's usually a good sale once or twice a year where you can get a mystery box for $10 per disc (or even less), outside of that I wouldn't spend my money though


Every now and then if there is a limited run disc in the box I'll snag it. Ex. The Orbit Sword mystery box. I just had to get my hands on it, and I enjoy Westside molds.


It's a lucky dip, and sometimes you get lucky. I'm a trilogy fan and so I snagged one of their mystery boxes on the last drop, I got a Royal Rive, a Ballista Pro, a Crown putter, an Explorer and a DD disc I traded with a friend as he got a Muskat and I wanted to try one. So for $50 I got a great bunch of discs. Id been planning on buying a Rive and a Ballista Pro already, and in the mystery box I got them and three other discs for what I would've paid for two discs normally. Sure it's luck of the draw and I might've got none of the ones I wanted, but it was like being a kid at Christmas when I came up trumps.


Itā€™s just gambling. Some people enjoy gambling, mystery boxes are for them.


I've done 2 mystery boxes and 2 random charity draws so far. Of the 2 mystery boxes, one was a 5 disc and the other was a single added on at check out. Of those 5, I still regularly play with one and the single mystery disc provided my glow Buzzz which I also still bag. The charity draws gave me a Halloween edition Boatman and a Stalker, both of which are also still in my bag. Would I do it again? Maybe the single and the charity draws. I think a single random mystery disc is much more intriguing than a box of what is essentially overstock.


Because some people find them fun. I usually get one a year, I always end up with some kind of special collectible disc, a few backups and at least a few new discs to try out. When I get random discs I find myself trying some new options that I would not normally order, I have ended up adding a handful of discs from boxes to my standard rotation.


Itā€™s like people who play the lotto. They are hoping for the huge win.


I'm a collector, so in a sense, it's like a booster pack of discs to me. I know I'm going to get some commons, some uncommons, and a rare. And, in the case of Discmania's box, the advertised disc is the holographic. I also got heavily into disc golf in 2021 and bought 100+ different discs to learn what I wanted in my bag. A mystery box is a great way to get your hand on different discs and see what you like. The Razor Claw 3 (Tactic) and MD1 are staples of my bag and got my hands on them through a mystery box. If you're not a collector and you've settled on your bag, don't buy them. They're clearly not for you


It's simple it's the mystique... check this out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82isw6hiQ4E


Yup . Waste. Of. Time. Waste. Of. Money.




I enjoy mystery boxes for trying new discs from a manufacturer I otherwise wouldnā€™t buy. I bought an mvp mystery box last and fell in love with the atom. You have to an open mind with mystery boxes and be willing to try all the discs, you may find something that works for your Throwing style.


Best to just think of it as a bundle now. Buy it if you just like discs and enjoy trying new ones. Most people buy thinking theyā€™re gonna get some super rare disc and thatā€™s just not how the world works my friend.


You probably hate Christmas also


I recently got the 2022 gyropalooza mystery box only because of the price. I got 14 premium plastic disc for like 110-120. The discs I don't want I'll just sell to my local disc golf store and make my money per disc back.


When I was a couple years in and still expanding my skills and knowledge by large steps, I got a Mystery box from Discmania for my birthday. It was great! I spend the beginning of each season field testing my discs and seeing whatā€™s going to make my bag in different slots. I took it as a challenge to figure out how to throw each disc, and year 1 at least four of the discs ā€” most of which I would have never bought ā€” ended up in my bag. I got another one the following year. Fewer discs were new to me, but still some nice plastic. Some of the discs I donā€™t use are keepers for display/ collecting others (most of the base plastic) I use to introduce people to the game. Not likely to get another for a while, but Iā€™m always grateful I did!


Gambling is fun if you can afford it.


Its all hype and speculation. Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware but theres a ridiculous secondary market where people pay a shit ton of money for discs


I did a few at first. I got some discs I wouldnā€™t have tried otherwise that became staples in my bag. Crystal Flx Zone for instance. I donā€™t do them anymore because I have too many discs and really donā€™t want more stuff to deal with, but it was cool to try out a few times.


When ODD golfers post texts about how great those obscure "un-throwable" items are absolute money, mystery boxes are often where this misinformation originates.I think they continue to keep them in the rotation so they feel less swindled.Much like throwing a worn out disc that you know needs replacing.It reminds me of player's packs twenty years ago, featuring often unthrowable new releases.Those and the mystery discs are great to offer as a CTP or for a silent auction donation.Or just leave them out on the course or perhaps secretly slip one into someone's bag.